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Treat the following texts as a stock of arrows in your quiver.

When fired off, each text elicits a different response from a guy. Some are
flirty, some show certainty and independence, others make you seem fun and
intriguing, others create sexual desire.

They aren’t all designed for the same situation. Some work better with guys
you just met whilst others work best with guys you’ve been dating for a little

Whatever emotion each individual text is designed to trigger, all of them

communicate that you are High Value. Here are your weapons. Enjoy!

1. “It’s a good thing we’re colleagues, because

we would be so much trouble for each other”
Guys are excited by the idea of trouble. The emotions associated with the
word ‘trouble’ when it comes to attraction and desire are overwhelmingly
positive, despite the literal meaning of the word.

It implies fun, excitement, danger, and unpredictability, edginess – plus it

makes him the one who wants to take a step forward to see what might

2. When he asks you what you’re up to:

“Just taking a bath…going to head out later”
Most people’s response to the “what are you up to” question (a particularly
uninspired text question, I might add) is to answer it with some similarly
listless text.

So when you send this to him – you’re implanting an exciting image in his
head without being overtly sexual, which is ideal for sparking his interest. It’s
said with a casual air but makes him think about you in a way that creates

3. “Just bought this, thoughts?” (picture message)

You take a picture in the mirror of you in the outfit (nothing sexual, just you
looking cute) and send it to him with the above message. It’s a fun flirty
message, and men are visual creatures.

The advantage of this message is that you’ve also given him a chance to
respond with something flirtatious, which makes it a great message if your
relationship with him is a little on the platonic side right now. It gives him the
opportunity to compliment the way you look in a way that doesn’t seem out of
the blue for him.

4. “You should be here right now!”

Statements are powerful. This text is great because you aren’t even asking
the guy to join you. You’ve left the ball in his court.

I love the ambiguity mixed with this message along with the inbuilt
compliment. You haven’t actually said anything about where you are or what
you are doing, which instantly builds intrigue and curiosity, but you’ve told him
you want him to be there. This shows certainty whilst also making him feel
desired, which is the ideal combination.

5. “I just had the most life changing burger. Almost sexual.”

Men like food. If you’ve ever met one you probably know that already. So
referencing something you are eating or have eaten is always a fun way to go.

There’s also something primal about food, dare I say it even erotic at times.
This text shows a guy that you don’t take yourself too seriously and makes
you seem like someone he can hang out and relax with. Who is also sexy.
Which makes you a dream woman.

6. “This jacket would look hot on you” (picture message)

Take a picture of a jacket or a piece of clothing that you think would look
attractive on him. Send it to him with the above message. It’s a cute way to
show you are thinking about him, and using the word ‘hot’ instead of ‘nice’
shows him that you are sexually attracted to him, something that is important
if you want to make sure you don’t get ‘friend-zoned’.

Once again, you’re not actually asking anything. He’ll want to respond
regardless. Trust me. Also, you are telling him the jacket is hot, rather than
him specifically, so it doesn’t seem too forward.

7. “As hot as you are, I don’t move that fast ; ). But I’d be
happy to see your pretty face if you want to take me on a date
sometime this week”
Some guys try to get overly sexual too quickly. This is an excellent way to put
the brakes on sexually, but also shows desire for him at the same time, thus
not destroying his ego. You’re not rejecting him, you’re telling him “not yet”.

8. “I’m not sure we can be friends anymore…”

You can send this text as is, with no explanation, which of course makes him
want to text back to find out why you can’t be friends anymore.

Of course it is also a subtle, playful way of telling him that at the moment he is
just a friend, with the embedded challenge for him to try to become more than
that. This text is best sent in early stages, before you’ve hooked up.

9. “You, Me, pizza, lord of the rings, tonight. Be there.”

This one is NOT for a first date scenario. It’s for somebody you are in the
early stages of dating with, perhaps with whom you have already been

Obviously the details of this message can change. It doesn’t have to be pizza,
and you can geek out on something other than Lord of the Rings (I may have
over-shared about myself here…). The point of this message is its
playfulness, its spontaneity, its directness, and its certainty.

The worst that can happen? He doesn’t text back and you make other plans.
If he likes you, he’ll definitely be texting to re-schedule, so it’s a great way to
test how keen he is.

Now, smart women like you realize that texting is only a tiny part of attracting
your Mr. Right.

If you’re like most women, you’ve struggled with questions like…

• “What do men REALLY want?”

• “Why do men disappear suddenly, even when things seem to be going
• “How can I show men I’m more than a “hook up”; I’m the kind of
woman you commit to?”

Well, you’re in luck because I’ve put together a special guide that takes you
deep inside a man’s mind to answer these questions and to explain exactly
What Men Want so you can get any man you choose...

Download: “What Men Want: 7 Secrets to Pull Him

Closer Instead of Pushing Him Away"


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