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Macedonian chemical holding company, one of the largest in the Balkans, consisting of 5 large

chemical factories and 8 more holdings, manufacturer of basic chemical products, pesticides and
insecticides, famous Biljana detergent, dye and varnish, e-glass, PVC granulates and cosmetics.

OHIS-Naum Naumovski Borce AD operates in the chemical industry. Its products include polyacrylic
fiber; nonalkaline glass fiber; basic chemicals; surfactants; plant protection, public hygiene, veterinary,
and mineral fertilizer products; cosmetic products; pharmaceuticals; plastics; plastic, textile products,
printed materials and cardboard packaging material; self-adhesive tapes made of PVC, PP, PE, crepe
paper and self-copying paper; polyvinyl acetate, and polyacrylate dispersions and processing;
equipment for industry; and process electronic equipment and control products. The company serves
textile, wood and metal processing, graphic, tobacco, agriculture, and civil engineering industries.
OHIS-Naum Naumovski Borce AD was founded in 1964 and is based in Skopje, Macedonia.

25 years ago, the chemical giant tried to align with the current economics, yet struggled till the point of
becoming small manufacturer.

Recently, the public became aware of potential dangers of pollution with cancerogen insecticide
Linden stored in the backyard of the factory which pollute the soil, water and air.

Linden is neuro toxin used as insecticide in the agriculture as well as additive to the anti-lice
shampoos and anti-scabby products.

On the subject of pollution of environment and human health several researches and studies have
been made.

One of the conclusions says: The problem with the Linden dumping container is emphasized in this
preliminary report. It is determined that the walls of the container are weak or non-existent. On the
other hand the decaying period of these substances is quite long. The container is opened and
subject of atmospheric influences thus leakage occur. These leakages may pollute river Vardar, as
well as the soil.

Another study shows contamination with HCH (hexachlorocyclohexan). According to this study.
Highest concentration of HCH are found bellow and nearby two HCH containers The concentration is
100 times above the Dutch limits of intervention1. The results for level of contamination of the
underground water in the perimeter of the factory and in the vicinity show 29-50 times higher than
Dutch limits of intervention.2 The subject of the study were the specimens of water from the wells in
the perimeter of the factory, as well as wells in the nearby habitats.

Also, during the research, the mercury, trichlorebensen and other polluters are found, in
concentrations 17 to 35 above the average.

In the part of the study which treats human health the findings reveal that workers have been exposed
when in the direct contact with contaminated soil, inhalation of contaminated particles, direct contact
with contaminated soil while occasional works on the containers, contact with construction materials.
The nearby population has been exposed through contaminated underground water and soil, as well
as agricultural products by irrigation.



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