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There is a star in every child

It is a common belief that a child is the best among Allah’s blessings which He bestowed upon
mankind. This certainly is a fact for the reasons that every new child is the flagship of mankind,
perpetuation of human race, reason of love and care, prospective master of the universe etc. Since the
onset of human race on the earth, man has been epitome of love with regard to his children. Nurturing
the kids well, giving them utmost love and care, providing them better education and longing for their
charismatic outlook are all manifestations of parental love. However, there are certain guiding
principles that ought to be tagged along while gifting love to children.

When a child is born from his mother’s womb he actually gets released from a dark cell guarded
by mother’s heart beats and her unlimited aspirations and he knows nothing about this complex world.
The only thing he knows well on the onset of his journey to the world is how to cry. He cries but none
can claim that the child does not know what he cries for. Actually the infant, through his cries, with great
deal of consciousness tries to make the world understand that he has come out of the darkness with
some specific purpose. He tries to make his parents realize that they have an uphill task ahead with
regard to his upbringing. The parents have to ensure his sound physique besides a well-stretched mental
horizon. The child through his naive cries conveys the message to the whole world that he is equipped
with countless aptitudes and traits, that nature has granted him with a vibrant brain that is full of reason
and rationale, that he is not cold-hearted because he feels the warmth when mother feeds him and
father cuddles and kisses him, that there is a star hidden in him that will illuminate the whole world if
discovered by means of love, care and high-quality education. In fact it is because of these sound
reasons that a child, when born, cries so hard just to make the world acknowledge his role and status.
His shrieks actually proclaim that he has come with new hopes though the world seems to be bleak and

Child psychologists have put forth numerous time tested observations which very boldly assert
that there is a star in every child. None of the infants is unworthy or unmerited. It is basically parent’s
irrational attitude and lack of knowledge of their kid’s innate capabilities which creates panic. They
mostly ignore the researches made by various psychologists from time to time clearly stating that e very
child is born with a package of intrinsic worth through which he is supposed to serve the mankind.
Obviously it becomes the obligation of the parents to make an ultimate plan of edification for their child
so that the child finds it easy to discover the treasure of worth hidden in him. As such it is of paramount
importance that every child must be groomed according to his inherent talents not according to the
customary or conventional pursuits.

Each child we come across is different; different in aptitude, different in attitude and different in
altitude because children come from different backgrounds, different family structures, and different
socio-economic classes. They are differently brought up, differently educated and differently idealised.
However, just as they are poles apart, they are alike. All children develop in mostly the same way and
share certain developmental traits with each other. Keeping in view the inherent qualities of children
the parents are indebted to chart out best course of interaction with them which will ensure proper
development of their behaviour and make miracles happen.
Society consists of individuals and individuals consist of of various traits and talents. Society
needs both ordinary and extra ordinary stuff. As such every child regardless of what he accomplishes in
this worldly life is an asset for a social set up. Any society can hardly survive without the stratum of the
citizens living below the poverty line and of course the upper class is also a must to maintain societal
balance. God creates every child with special gifts for humankind and parents are obliged to discover
and develop those innate gifts. Doing so is of course a tough goal to reach as in the present
circumstances parents have to turn away from the unsound customs of the society and manoeuvre their
kids in harmony with their innate tendencies. They have to sweat hard and specify their course of action
with great deal of commitment and conviction. Most importantly in no case shall they exploit the raw
talent for their selfish ends which obviously are not based on ideals but are conventional.

An ideal personality of a child should be the main goal to build up an ideal society. Such a
milestone can only be reached when a child faces no pulls and pressures while sketching out edifice of
his persona. Whatever a child turns out to be after reaching maturity, he proves to be a fundamental
ingredient of a social set up. Usually we only search for a doctor or an engineer in our kids because these
and other such professions earn a lot with less exertion. We can never see a carpenter or a mason in
those tiny technocrats. Are not there children who by birth are skilled labourers, artisans and craftsmen?
Yes there are children who have innate taste of research, who have poetic bent of mind, who feel
pleasure in some social work and who have a good taste of business. It becomes hard to understand as
to why we prefer to see our young ones as money-spinners. Money of course is the super need of day to
day life but it is not the only thing that shall overshadow every ideal tint of human life. Such a practice
of ours is unsound as it always bears dismal outcome. A child born with adventurous instincts often
plays with the toy planes in his childhood but when he reaches the age of flying a plane, we find him
struggling in making the design of a shopping complex. How tragic, we are setting an ugly example of
our greed and lust. We do have in our society ordinary doctors who are extra ordinary writers. We have
many engineers who run tuition centres with great deal of zest. Similarly, scores of doctors are famous
columnists. We will never attain social stability unless we regret and turn away from what we are
heading towards. Let’s bear this thing in mind that there is a star in every child and let that star shine
with its all glow and glitter.

Sabir Hussain Isaar

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