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Lesson Title: 3D Boats Unit: Buoyancy & Subject: Science


Teacher: C.Ngai Date: Jan.20-27 Grade Level: 2

Learning Outcomes:
General Learner Expectations
2–7 Construct objects that will float on and move through water, and evaluate various designs for
Specific Learner Expectations
SLE 3: Assemble materials so they will float, carry a load and be stable in water.
SLE 4: Modify a watercraft to increase the load it will carry.
SLE 5: Modify a watercraft to increase its stability in water

Overview: Students design & create a watercraft using Strands:

ICT (a 3D printing software) N/A

Learning Objectives: Materials/Resources:

Students will be able to… Laptops
- discover that boats with wider bottoms are
more stable than narrower ones. 3d Printer
3d boats
Load: beads, erasers, paperclips

Introduction: Explain the idea of 3D printing - show Youtube video

Activity (Procedure)
1. Review elements of a watercraft that make it stable & able to carry more load (wide base, high
sides etc)
2. Demonstrate how to use the website - shapeshifter
3. highlight the parts they can change so that it would be useful (height, base size, thickness etc)
4. Have the students try out the program in pairs and design a watercraft that can carry a load.
5. save the design as a STL file and send it for printing.
Next Block:
students will test the boats that they designed.
Choose a type of load for your boat to carry.
- predict: How much of a load it can carry
- test the boat
- Conclusion: What did you discover? Could it carry as much as you thought it could? Did it
carry more/ less than you predicted? Why?

Wrap-up/Closure: debrief on what the students discovered: what kind of boat did you
design? How will it be a suitable watercraft?
Evidence of Learning (Assessment): Adaptations/Differentiated
Participation & suggestions provided during activity Instruction:
- Completion of activity & write up in science journal Simplification of instructions &
questions, verbal/pictorial, gestural


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