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Date & Time Activity Commentary Pictures with Captions

Monday, Since today was my I had decided to have
August 28, first meeting with Logan play the song I
2017 Logan (the boy I’m had selected as soon as I
tutoring) I needed got to his house for
5:17pm-6:20pm to assess how much tutoring. I felt like I was
he knew about being harsh when I
1 hour, 3 minutes music. I asked him instructed him to play
to play through the the song but I needed a
song I plan to teach starting point for my
him. After he project. I want to show
played it without his improvement and
any help, I went hopefully I can help him
back and explained reach his goals of
the rhythm and how become a better
to count the beats. I musician and help him
also explained how with his ambitions.
to “attack” notes so
the note comes out I am nervous about
immediately and teaching someone how
not after a burst of to play an instrument
air. I also went since I have never done
through and wrote it before. I have only
down the fingerings played trumpet for two
of the not in my years so I understand
book (since we are the struggles of just
using my book for starting an instrument
now) and explained and know how difficult
what each note was. it is. I hope I am a good
Before I left I also tutor. This is me (left) Logan (center) and Tyler
helped him (right) after we met and discussed the basics of
understand was playing an instrument. Logan seems really
playing posture enthusiastic about becoming a better player.
was, this is so he
can get the best
sound out of the
We also met with
Tyler so Logan
could meet him and
we talked about the
basic of music.
Monday, The Last meeting Logan is a shy boy and
September 4, was a week ago and since this is only the
2017 was mainly for me second time we’ve met,
to see what I he’s still shy. I’m trying
3:55pm-5:15pm needed to do to to make what I tell him
teach Logan the fun so he will remember
1 hour, 20 minutes song, so today I what I say and show
went more in depth him that I am not an
Total: 2 hours, 23 about what I was intimidating person.
minutes talking about last Today was longer
Monday. I also because I went more in
taught him a warm depth into topics I
up from the introduced to Logan last
marching band that week, and he needs to
I plan on having have a strong
him play every day understanding of the
we meet. I noticed fundamentals of music
Logan would to build off of so he can
breathe through his become the great
nose as his “breath” trumpet player he wants
before he played so to be.
I addressed that
issue and instructed I hope Logan will
him to breathe remember to stand in
through his mouth the position I taught him
so he can get more last week, I do not want
air-which will in to sound like a broken
turn provide a record. He’s new at
better sound. The playing trumpet so it’s
way Logan stands natural to not know the
while he plays cuts correct position to stand
off air flow because in, it also does not help
his chin is almost to standing up straight for
his chest, I need to an hour holding a
remind him not to trumpet is not Logan keeps reverting to his poor posture so I
stand like that until comfortable. Today was have to keep reminding him to stand correctly,
it becomes natural full of basics but I can this is simply a matter of muscle memory and
to stand in a proper tell that Logan has a lot experience.
playing position of potential because he
where the air can is picking up the things I
move through his say quite well after I
throat freely. Again give an example of what
I went over notes, I mean. Logan must be
this time I played an auditory learner
them and he when it comes to music.
matched the pitch
so he could grasp
what the note
should sound like.
I also played
through the song to
give Logan an idea
of what it should
sound like. Since
Logan has an airy
sound when he
plays, I explained
buzzing and we
buzzed on out
mouth pieces to
make sure he had
the proper
technique. I
concluded today’s
lesson with a cool
down (which is the
same exercise as
the warm up).

Thursday, To begin today’s I am proud of Logan for

September 7, session Logan and I trying so hard, he can
2017 both played the play the first few
warm up I had measures of the song at
4:10 pm-5:10 pm taught him a slow tempo-which is
Monday. Then, great for only being
1 hour Logan played a few three hours into a song
measures of the as a beginner. However,
Total:3 hours, 23 song while I I’m concerned about the
minutes clapped at a slow airy sound in his
tempo so he could playing. I have
learn the music and explained embouchure
how to count while and the proper buzzing
playing. His airy technique and I believe
sound was coming Logan is trying
back so I went back everything I say to. I
over way to not need to talk to my
have an airy sound, facilitator and see if he
and when Logan had any more ideas on
played the same what to do.
few measures he
played before the Since I see my
airiness had facilitator Tuesday I can
decreased. After ask him to come to band
that we cooled practice early so he can
down to conclude help me and Logan.
the session.
Thursday, After ET Booth I’m very pleased that
September 14, was released Logan Logan can play the first
2017 walked over to half of the song. He
Etowah so I could understands the basics
4:15 pm-5:17 pm tutor him. Like of it and can play it
every session we slowly. Now I have to
1 hour, 2 minutes warmed-up with the help him always get the
same warm up. best tone quality out of
Total: 4 hours, 25 Then we moved his instrument at all
minutes onto working the times. My facilitator
first half (the easier (Tyler) came in like I
part) of the song. asked him to and helped
Then Tyler (my explain how not to have
facilitator) came in an airy sound while
and worked with playing. Tyler pointed
me and Logan. He out something I did not
talked about how to notice, Logan did not
get a better tone play confidently enough
quality by taking and this was impacting
proper breaths and his tone quality.
imagining what the
note sounds like I am grateful Tyler
before playing it, came in to help me
He also said to play because he gave me
confidently and this more insight into
greatly helped teaching Logan and
Logan almost pointed out things I may
immediately-I’ll have not noticed. I now
need to reaffirm have more things to
this next week. work on with Logan to
help him improve his
Monday, Before I went out I am pleasantly
September 18, of town for break I surprised Logan can
2017 went over to play the first half of the
Logan’s house to song easily. There’s still
3:55 pm-5:07 pm tutor him once over an occasional issue with
break so that he the song but I am
1 hour, 7 minutes wouldn’t have to pleased Logan has been
wait two weeks working hard every time
Total: 5 hours, 32 before we met we have met and was
minutes again. I reiterated able to progress this far
what Tyler had quickly. Logan has
talked about become quite
Thursday and comfortable around me,
worked on that for which is both good and
a while. Then, I bad because he now gets
asked Logan to off task from time to
start working on the time but he always gets
second half of the back on task when I ask
song since he can him to.
play the first half of
the song fairly I’m disappointed that I
easily. I explained will not be able to tutor
how to count the Logan Thursday
new rhythm as because he could forget
clapped the tempo about what we talked This is me clapping the tempo of the song
for him, accenting about and worked on. I for Logan so the tuner on my phone is not
the counts when he will just have to be affected by the metronome app. I accented
should change prepared to rework what the counts Logan is supposed to change
notes. Logan found we accomplished today notes on so he can learn the new rhythm.
the song on the and keep pushing on.
online workbook
version of the book
we were using so
we listened to that
and used the tempo
of the online
version of the song
to mark the ‘goal’
tempo for the song
to be played at.
Monday, I felt sick today but I feel bad because I feel
September 25, I still went to tutor like I did not do a very
2017 Logan because I good job of instructing
have a commitment Logan today due being
5:20 pm-6:06 pm to tutor him and ill. Since playing hurt
help him progress my stomach I used
46 minutes as a musician. techniques that did not
Logan warmed up involve playing to help
Total: 6 hours, 18 and then played the Logan grasp the ‘harder’
minutes song to the point he section of the song,
struggled at, then I because he was still
went over how to messing up on the
count the newer fingerings. So I had him
section again. My do what I did, and write
book already had down the valve
the fingerings combinations for each
written down for note so he always had
the notes and the correct fingerings
Logan’s book did under the note.
not, so I felt like
having Logan write I am proud of Logan for
the fingerings into working diligently while
his own book from I was sick, his hard
memory would help work is paying off. He
him understand the can even evaluate what
song better, so I he is doing correct and
had him do that. the things he needs to
After he finished improve upon by This is me making sure Logan was writing
writing in his book himself, which is down the correct fingerings when he was
I checked his work something he took the writing the valve combinations down under the
and he tried to play initiative in doing. notes in his book to make sure he knows what
the song again. to press for each note.
Again, he tried to
play the newer part
but got too
confused by it and
stopped. He
evaluated himself
on his performance
and he
demonstrated he
was beginning to
grasp what he’s
supposed to be
doing. Then we
cooled down.
Thursday, Logan and I It is difficult to explain
September 28, warmed up and the differences in
2017 began to work on tonguing and slurring a
the song. I noticed note, I did my best to
4:16 pm-5:00 pm he was putting a explain it but then I
large amount of remembered Logan’s
44 minutes space between the mom said he learned
notes on the newer through hearing and
Total: 7 hours, 2 section of the seeing things so instead
minutes music. I don’t want I demonstrated the skill.
him to learn the After I did this, Logan
music this way had a grasp of what he
because he could had to do at different
keep playing it this parts in the music and
way, and this is not this impressed me. He is
the correct way to picking up on music
play the song. I skills fast and it is
went over how to impressive.
slur and tongue
notes and had him I hope he continues to
practice by playing push forward in his
a ‘C’ below the effort in mastering the
staff. After he song. I believe he can
practiced and was conquer the newer part
able to do the skill of the music in time and
decently he wanted play this song
to try a full run. completely with
The second half of minimal mistakes.
the song messed
him up again, but
he got farther this
time. After he
replayed the first
half of the song to
restore his
confidence he
cooled down.
Monday, Logan and I I decided to dedicate
October 2, warmed up like we most of this session to
2017 do at the start of going over the newer
every tutoring section of music slowly
4:58 pm-5:58pm session. Since so he can grasp each
Logan is still measure at his own pace
1 hour struggling with the and only have to focus
second half of the on a few notes at a time.
Total: 8 hours, 2 song, but This is better than him
minutes understands the becoming overwhelmed
concept, I decided by having to continue
it would be best to play new notes and
go over the last half rhythms at the same
of the song measure time. Then we worked
by measure. Then I on the transitions
worked with him because going measure
on changing notes to measure, we skipped
from measure to the transitions into the
measure so he new measure so I
could have smooth needed to cover that so
transitions. Then I he does not pause. To
went over the finish off the session I
different tonguing had Logan go back over
styles (ta, da, la) the first part of the song
and had Logan so he could practice the
practice these on a easy part.
‘C’ below the staff
because he forgets I hope today’s lesson
to tongue the notes will enable Logan to get
when he’s playing through the whole song
the song. Then as a within the next few
recap Logan played tutoring sessions, since
the first part of the we spent 50 minutes on
song so that wasn’t the new section of the
neglected. song.

Thursday, Before band I decided to play the

October 5, practice Logan song with Logan
2017 came over to because I thought
Etowah for his hearing another trumpet
4:15 pm-5:15pm tutoring session. while he was playing
We warmed up in would help him match
1 hour our usual manner pitches and he could
and then we both also hear if he was
Total:9 hours, 2 played the second starting and ending
minutes half of the song. notes at the correct
This helped him so times. As I thought, this
we repeated it a few was extremely
more times until he beneficial for Logan
felt more because he became
comfortable. After more comfortable with
he was comfortable the song and was able to
he played the play the song alone
second half of the before Tyler came.
song alone and Tyler came in and
managed to finish helped explain
it. We then played subdivision since I
the entire song could not think of a
together a few simple way to explain it.
times. Then Logan
played the song I am thankful Tyler is
alone, without a helpful because without
metronome or me his help I might not
clapping, he was have been able to
keeping his own explain subdivision in a
time by tapping his way Logan could
foot. Tyler came in understand. I will need
and explained to re-enforce this next This is Tyler and I before my tutoring session
subdivision to week so neither of us with Logan. We had just finished discussing
Logan (because I forget how Tyler Logan’s progression. Tyler and I also talked
didn’t know how to explained subdivision. about how to explain things simply so Logan
explain it in a way could understand what to do.
Logan would
understand) after
Logan played the
song for him. Then
all three of us
listened to a faster
version of the song
and as a fun
challenge we all
played it at that
tempo, which
Logan was able to
do as well.
Monday, Today Logan and I Like the last session, I
October 9, began the tutoring played the song with
2017 session in the same Logan so he could have
manner that we someone to listen to so
4:55pm-5:55pm always do, with a he could tell if he was
low, whole note playing the song
1 hour warm up I learned correctly. Then having
from marching him play alone would
Total: 10 hours, 2 band. Then we help me asses what still
minutes played the song needed to be worked so
together a few the song would be the
times so Logan best it possibly could.
could play the song Since some of his
and also match my attacks on notes were
pitch so he could airy and others were
play the song with correct and some where
greater accuracy. even just air moving
After this I wanted through the trumpet
to see how much which eventually
Logan had picked became the note, I
up on during our deemed it necessary that
repetitions of we go over tonguing
playing the song again because Logan
together so I had has forgotten to do that.
him play the song
alone. I noticed the I need to work on
front edge of his reminding Logan to
notes weren’t tongue notes because
consistent that seems to be his
throughout the song problem area. I am glad
so we worked on he has progressed to This is me listening to Logan playing the song
articulation of notes playing the song in its after we went over articulations. I was really
through the entirety like I wanted focusing on how he sounded because I wanted
different types of him to a few sessions to ensure he understood how to ‘attack’ a note
tonguing notes. ago, and I hope he correctly.
After we worked on continues to improve
the articulation I and this quick rate.
had Logan play the
song again and he
was focusing on
making the front
edge of the notes
clear and accurate.
To conclude
today’s lesson we
cooled down with
the same exercise
we play for a
Today Logan and I Today It felt as if I
warmed up before could not play for the
Monday, we began to life of me. So I only
October 16, practice the music. played the song with
2017 Logan played Logan twice because I
through the song felt that my poor
5:00 pm- 5:55pm once by himself playing would hinder
before I joined in. I Logan in the practice
55 minutes realized Logan was session.
not holding out half
Total:10 hours, 57 notes for the correct I am very impressed that
minutes. amount of time so I Logan has the song
had him play a half memorized already.
note while I Having the song
clapped two beats memorized means he
so he could knows that the music is;
internalize what a all we have to do is
half note felt like in perfect it. Perfecting it
4/4 time. After includes fixing Logan’s
working on half premature cut offs of
notes, Logan half notes and his
played the song frequent need for
again and played breaths, but both of
the half notes for those issues will go
the correct amount away with time an
of time. Then, to experience.
my surprise, Logan
played the song I hope the next time
from memory. This Logan and I meet I will
was impressive but be able to play better
it was unnecessary, than I did today. Logan
but it did show that is a fast learner and he
Logan knew the retains knowledge well,
song. After Logan’s so I hope I will not need
impressive play to spend another session
through, we on counting not lengths,
warmed down and but if we need too, I will
ended the session not mind because that is
of a good note. imperative to playing.
Monday, Today we started Unlike the last tutoring
October 23, the session like we session, I could actually
2017 always do; with a play today. We played
whole note warm together more today
5:01pm- 5:55pm up. However, I also since I was no longer
added the Bb scale having playing issues.
54 minutes to our warm up
routine. After I also made Logan
Total: 11 hours, warming up Logan practice performing the
54 minutes and I played the song in front of his
song together a few family because that
times before Logan experience will help him
played by himself; feel more comfortable
aided by a playing when I record
metronome that him on the last day of
counted for him. tutoring. Playing alone
He played with the in front of someone
counting you’re comfortable with This is me and Logan working on the Bb scale,
metronome so he and playing in front of a the newest addition to our warm up routine. I
could learn how to crowd or in a stressful decided the scale was needed in the warm up
multi-task better situation are very because Logan can work on his range.
and also hear the different things.
counting and the
correct places in the I noticed Logan kept
music. While picking his fingers up
Logan was playing off the valves when he
the song multiple switched notes. This is a
times I noticed he bad habit because when
lifted his fingers up he gets into high school
off the valves when and has to play faster,
he played; and this more technical music,
habit will hurt his picking his fingers up
playing speed when off the valves will make
he gets older. I put it harder for him to play
dimes on the top of fast.
his valves and told
him to play and I hope Logan will be
keep the dimes in comfortable when he is
place, which would recorded playing
help him visualize because it was
keeping his fingers noticeable he was
on the valves. nervous when he played
After we worked on in front of his family,
finger placement but he still did great. I
for a while I had also hope Logan will
Logan play in front continue to be mindful
of his family so he of his fingers when he is
could get used to playing so he does not
performing. After pick them up off the
the “performance” valve.
Logan and I
warmed down.
Thursday, Today Logan and I Logan still needs to
October 26, warmed up with the work on his finger
2017 whole note warm positioning when he
up plus the Bb plays. He still picks
4:16pm-5:10pm scale. Logan played them up too high. I
the song a few gently reminded him of
54 Minutes times with me it and he tried to fix it. I
clapping the tempo understand the struggle
Total:12 hours, 48 for him. Then I because I sometimes
minutes slowed the tempo light my fingers off the
so Logan had more valves as well, so I
time to think about know how hard it is to
the next note he had focus on playing and
play, which would focus on your fingers at
allow him to be the same time.
better at playing the
song at the faster I am happy Logan can
tempo. Then, we evaluate himself and tell
played through the what he still needs to
song together a few work on; this lets me
times so we could incorporate things he
match styles. After wants to do into the
we played together practices so he feels like
I asked Logan to he has a say in his
play the song learning.
without a
metronome, which
put all the
responsibility of
keeping a steady
tempo on Logan.
Then Logan did a
verbal “self-
reflection” so I
could gauge how he
feels about his
progress and see
what he thinks he
still needs to work
on. To conclude the
session Logan and I
warmed down.
Monday, Logan and I began I understand Logan’s
October 30, the session by struggle with the
2017 warming up with different types of
the whole note and tonguing notes, it is not
5:02pm- 6:05pm Bb scale warm up. I easy making the styles
also taught Logan a of each style distinct.
1 hours, 3 minutes new warm up that However, he is trying
was a higher very hard and I
Total: 13 hours, version of the appreciate the effort. I
51 minutes whole note warm am trying to remember
up we have been what Tyler said about
doing for the past tonguing notes to us the
13 hours. Before last time we met with
we played the song him.
we worked on
tonguing styles so I am glad kylie came
Logan could hear down to listen to
the difference Logan’s progress
between each style. because without her
I asked him to play observation of Logan’s
the song with a cut off being wrong, I
Legato (la) tongue may not have noticed it.
when the half notes I was too caught up in
did not change; in making sure Logan was
order to make the playing the song right
song sound gentler. that I did not notice he
Logan tried to do did not breath in to end
what I asked but he a note, he just closed his This is me and Logan working on proper note
was still struggling mouth. So, I am cut offs. I would do an example and then logan
with what I asked thankful for her catching would try and we would go back and forth until
him to do because a problem which may Logan got it.
he kept putting have gone unresolved if
large amounts of she did not say
space between something.
notes that did not
require that much
space. So we
played the song
together a few
times so Logan
could match me on
the half notes.
Logan’s sister,
Kylie, was
watching us and
she pointed out
something I did not
notice. Logan’s cut
offs were messy
because he was not
doing it correctly.
So because Kylie
pointed out this
error, I was able to
demonstrate and
explain how to do a
proper cut off. Then
I had Logan
practice cutting off
notes correctly
before proceeding
to warm down.
Monday, Logan and I started I am glad Logan
November 6, by warming up retained most of what
2017 with the low and we worked on a week
middle whole note ago. I expected his first
4:56 pm-6:00 pm warm ups and the play through of the song
Bb scale. It had to be a little rough
1 hour, 4 minutes been a week since because it has been a
the last session, so I while since he played
Total: 14 hours, had Logan play the the song. Logan did
55 minutes song to see how much better the second
much he retained time through the song
from the last lesson. because he remembered
There were a few what to do.
mess ups in the
song and Logan’s I decided to make a
notes cracked game out of an exercise
occasionally. I had from marching band to
Logan play the help give Logan a way
song again; which to increase his lung
he did much better capacity. Logan and I
on. I noticed Logan would ask each other
had to take a lot of question and if the
breaths while person answering was
playing the song, so wrong, they had to play
I invented a game a note for 30 seconds. I
to help with lung got a question wrong
capacity. Logan and I had to hold a note
had to hold a note for a minute, which is
for 30 seconds much harder than it
whenever he seems. I think Logan
answered questions really liked this game
incorrectly. After because it mixed work
playing the game and play in an enjoyable
we warmed down. way.
Thursday, This is the last day Today is the last day I
November 16, of tutoring Logan, work with Logan. It is
2017 but we still warmed time to see if our hard
up as if it was any work has paid off.
5:00 pm-5:48 pm other session. In
order to make sure I thought I would be
48 minutes Logan was ready to happy I finished my
play the song for senior project, but I was
Total: 15 hours, the last time; we sad when I had to say
43 minutes played through the my goodbye to Logan.
song together once He was also sad and he
with a metronome. said he would miss me.
Then, Logan played
the song one time I am so proud of Logan
with Tyler. After and how much he has
that, I had Logan improved as a musician
play alone a few over the curse of this
times so he could project and I hope he
hear what he continues to grow as a
sounded like alone. player.
I reminded him off
all the things Tyler
had worked with
him on, because I
wanted Logan to
have the best run he This is Logan and Tyler playing the song
could of the song. together before Logan had to play the song by
Then, I recorded himself for the last time.
him playing the
song for the “after”
section of the
product video.
Lastly, we warmed
down together for
the last time.

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