SPE-98812-New Opportunity Identification in Oguta North Prospect - OML20

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Society of Petroleum Engineers

SPE 98812

New Opportunity Identification in a Mature Basin: The Oguta North Prospect in

OML 20, Niger Delta
Ralf Esedo, SPE; Berti Ozumba, SPE; Shell Petroleum Development Company of Nigeria, Port Harcourt, Nigeria.

Copyright 2005, Society of Petroleum Engineers Inc.

to the south the objective interval is about 2000-3000ft
This paper was prepared for presentation at the 29th Annual SPE International with deposition in deltaic shoreface to shelf
Technical Conference and Exhibition in Abuja, Nigeria, August 1-3, 2005.
environments. These sediments vary northwards to
This paper was selected for presentation by an SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in an abstract submitted by the author(s). Contents more proximal environments at the Oguta North
of the paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the Society of Petroleum
Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s). The material, as
prospect. Reservoir thicknesses from the correlating
presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the Society of Petroleum intervals range from 30 –250 ft. The main risks
Engineers, its officers, or members. Papers presented at SPE meetings are subject
to publication review by Editorial Committees of the Society of Petroleum Engineers. associated with this prospect include lack of amplitude
Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper for
commercial purposes without the written consent of the Society of Petroleum
support in the main reservoirs, possible fault seal
Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print is restricted to an abstract failure and the lateral extent of some of the reservoirs.
of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The abstract must
contain conspicuous acknowledgement of where and by whom the paper was
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836,
U.S.A., fax 01-972-952-9435. Introduction
The Oguta North cluster of consists of three prospects.
Together these prospects form a material opportunity.
Abstract The Oguta North prospect is a large fault bounded
Prospectivity review of the northern part of OML closure, within a NW-SE trending fault block, north of
20 located in the oldest depobelt of the Niger Delta the Akri-Oguta field (Fig. 1). The prospect is located in
(Northern Delta depobelt) was carried out following SPDC East’s OML 20; it straddles ADDAX’s OPL118
the acquisition of 3D seismic data in this and has an areal closure ranging from about 14 sq. km
predominantly 2D covered area. The only giant field in at the shallowest objective level (D1.0) to about 15 sq.
the Northern Delta Depobelt is the Oguta field and was km at depth
drilled based on 2D seismic data in 1965. Acquisition
of 3D seismic data and its interpretation has changed 1


the structural understanding in this part of the delta 40

and has resulted in the identification of the Oguta West

30 20 Oguta North cluster

North prospect, which is a large fault bounded hanging 26
wall closure against a northwest to southeast trending East NO
21 RT
45 44 35 HE
16 RN
27 DE
fault block north of the Akri-Oguta field. The 81 17

culmination of this prospect is against an oblique fault

28 22
79 11 UG
46 HEL
that could not be defined on the previously sub- 32 23 CENTRAL
36 29 SWAMP
optimally acquired old 2D. 24
13 14

25 19

74 72
The prospect is a material opportunity of about 15 77
km2, with a vertical closure of about 2000 ft. The Study Area
objective interval ranges in age from Late Eocene to 2.0 Regional Geological Setting
Early Oligocene when the delta was essentially lobate
Figure 1: Map showing location of study area in
and presumably river dominated. At Oguta-Akri field the Niger delta
2 R. Esedo, B. Ozumba SPE 98812

The Oguta North Cluster of prospects are located in the

Northern delta Depobelt (Fig. 2). Sedimentation within
the northern depobelt was mainly fluvial dominated and OKWUIBOME
the delta shape was arcute at that time (Short and OGUTANORTH
Stauble 1967). Deposition of the paralic facies (Agbada OKPAI
Forrmation, Evamy et al., 1978) took place from the IKPELE.S
upper Eocene times onwards. Delta development at this ODUGRI
stage differs from succeeding periods in that the O ML60 OGUTA
Abakaliki High separated the Niger Delta system from AKRI. W
the cross-River delta system to the east. This 5KM
configuration controlled to a great extent the OML20
sedimentation in this deltaic system.
The Eocene paleoclimatologically started as an Figure 2: Location Map showing the prospect
extension of the warming trend of the Late Paleocene and surrounding fields (inserted in blue is the line of
with climatic zones expanding polewards. This correlation)
warming trend led to a great radiation inorganic level,
which later contributed to the very high organic content 4.0 Data availability
of most shales of Eocene age (Berggren, 1978). The
In the Northern Depobelt there is a carpet type 2D (Fig.
presumed sourcing of the hydrocarbons of the Niger
5) seismic data set of various vintages. The 3D data set
delta mainly from Eocene or older sediments therefore
consists of a 15 fold, 462 km sq. Oguta 3D seismic
do not come as a surprise (Petters and Ekweozor,
survey acquired by GECO/Prakla between 1993 and
1994. Standard acquisition parameters were used. The
The objective sequence within the prospect is of P480 data quality is fair-to-good, except below 1800ms
age as defined from well penetrations in the Oguta where it shows some variation in quality within some
block. Stratigraphic correlation between the Oguta field areas close to the Oguta North oblique fault being quite
and the Oguta North Cluster of prospects is based on a poor. The 3D data even though re-processed to PSI
jump correlation of seismic reflection packages across some years later shows little difference from the
the Oguta boundary fault. Based on this, the objective original time migrated section. Well data was available
interval in the prospect is considered to be ~3,000 ft for about 12 competitor wells from the Akri and Odugri
thick from 4,600 to about 7,600 ftss (Figs. 3&4). fields. A total of thirty-one wells have been drilled by
SPDC in the Oguta field. High-resolution
biostratigraphic data are available for a number of
3.0 Adjacent Fields these other neighbouring wells, as well as good quality
logs. Checkshot data exists for about nine of the wells
The main SPDC producing fields in OML 20 include used in the study.
MMBBLS) and Egbema West (345 MMBBLS) fields. LOG PROSPECT LOG

Both the Egbema and Egbema West fields lie in the

Greater Ughelli depobelt with Oguta field, standing out
as the giant field in the Northern Delta Depobelt The
nearest fields to this prospect include Oguta field,
discovered via Oguta –1 in 1965 and presently has over
30 wells with a STOIIP of close to a billion barrels. To BJ SE
the West of the Oguta field is Agip’s Akri field, which TI UE
currently has .12 wells. To the west of Akri and about 5 TS

km southwest of the prospect is Agip’s Odugri field, T

with more than 13 wells drilled within the HS


accumulation. Other fields include Agip’s Akri-West TS

field, the Okpai-Okwuibome unitised field, and the
Ossu and Izombe fields, both owned by ADDAX,
which lie about 5 km to the southeast of the prospect.
North of Oguta North prospect in OML 39 is the
Anieze UAD. Figure 3: North-South correlation panel form
Anieze UAD to the Oguta field
3 New Opportunity Identification in a Mature Basin SPE 98812

2 km

Figure 5: Map showing the 2D seismic based

Figure 4: Seismic line showing the prospect and interpretation of OML 20 area, the outline of the 3D
mapped levels within the objective sequence (jump survey and the oblique fault not visible based on the
correlation with Oguta field) 2D seismic data

5.0 Methodology (interpretation, well-to-

seismic tie, depth conversion) 6.0 Geological Uncertainties & Risk
The seismic calibration is based on a synthetic
seismogram using sonic and density logs from Oguta-1 The main geological risks and uncertainties
with checkshot from the same well Generally, the associated with this prospect include:
seismic-to-well tie is good and has been achieved with
a –4 ms time shift. This tie formed the first step in
picking events, which correspond to the tops of the a) Reservoir continuity, thickness and net to
sands for interpretation. Seismic- to- well ties done for gross is the main uncertainty in this prospect
Oguta-4, Oguta-30 and Akri-9 also show good ties to giving dominantly fluvial depositional model
the seismic data, increasing the confidence in the in the Eocene delta
picked events. b) Trap integrity at depth given the three possible
Mapping of the seismic reflections was carried out leak points as a result of the complex faulting
using a Landmark trace interpretation system. SOF and configuration defining the prospect and the
SEMBLANCE data were generated over the area of poor seismic resolution along the oblique
interest to enhance fault interpretation, as it helped fault.
resolve the continuity of faults. A total of six events To address these risks the underlying studies were
corresponding to the tops of reservoir sands in Akri- carried out.
Oguta field were mapped.
Time to depth conversion of the mapped time events 6.1 Regional Geology
was carried out using a velocity model based on the
Oguta 3D migration velocities calibrated using TZ from A sequence stratigraphic correlation panel was made
Oguta-1, Oguta-30 and Akri-9. using wells from Akri and Oguta fields. The sequence
stratigrphic correlation was done using methods as
described by Vail et al, 1977, Galloway 1989a, and
Vail & Wornardt, 1991. Results are shown as Figures
6 and 7.
4 R. Esedo, B. Ozumba SPE 98812

The sequence shows a lot of thinning and thickening of

sections characteristic of fluvially dominated
depositional regime.

The first method was a review of the paleobathymetry

of the wells that penetrated the P480, which is the
stratigraphic interval of the prospective sequence. This ANIEZE AMESHI
was carried out by averaging the gross paleobathymetry
of the depths assigned to the P480 stratigraphic section OKWUIBOME
in each of the wells namely, Anieze-1, Okwuibome-1,
Egbema-1, Egbema West-1, Ugada-1, Ossui-1, OGUTANORTH
Awaizombe-1, and Ameshi-1, mostly in the Northern
and Greater Ughelli Depobelts. The average OGUTA OSU

paleobathymetry was plotted on the base map and AWAZOMBE

coloured (Fig. 6). The reservoir thickness is expected to
be high (ca 40%)as the prospect lies within the inner 5KM

neritic to middle neritic realm.


CO:CONTINENTAL Figure 7: P480 thickness map for the study area

CO MN:MIDNERITIC 6.2 Fault Seal Analysis
BA; BATHYAL Fault seal trap integrity analysis has been carried out on
IN-MN the faults linked as shown in the figure below (Fig. 8).
The juxtaposition method described by Allan, 1989 has
been used. The algorithm has been the shale gouge
MN STUDYAREA ratio as described by Yielding et al., 1997. Shale gouge
ratio values indicate a fairly good sealing capacity at
OSU several levels within the prospect in addition to
MN AWAZOMB juxtaposition seals.

Figure 6: P480 paleobathymetry map for the study

The second method involved plotting all the thickness

of the P480 sequences penetrated by the wells within
this regional trend. These thicknesses were mapped out
for each well from the region, plotted and contoured on
the base map (Fig 7). The prospective interval shows a
thickness trend with the range of 3000-4000ft
confirming the seismic interpretation. The average sand
thickness within the prospective sequence is 50% taken
from wire line gamma ray log readings integrated with
the sidewall sample description for each well. This is in
agreement with the paleobathymetric setting.
Footwall shale
Reservoir thicknesses range of between 30 and 280 ft Hangingwall shale Sands
typically seen in the downthrown Oguta fault block are
expected to thicken towards the prospect.
5 New Opportunity Identification in a Mature Basin SPE 98812

Figure 8: Juxtaposition diagram across the major Ocean: Micropaleoontol., v. 24, no. 4, p. 337
bounding fault, view from the north showing a lot of - 370.
sand (white)- on-shale (coloured) juxtaposition
Evamy, B. D., Haremboure, J., W/kanerling P.,
7.0 Conclusion Knaap, W.A., Lolloy F.A., and Rowlands, P. H.,
1978. Hydrocarbon habitat of the Tertiary Niger Delta.
The 3D seismic data re-interpretation of the study area
Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. Bull.v. 62, p. 1-39.
has led to the discovery of the Oguta North prospect
(Fig. 9), not evident on the 2D data, mainly due to
Galloway, W. E., (1989a). Genetic Strategraphic
improved fault imaging. The Cluster of prospects have
Sequences in Basin Analysis 1; Architecture and
appreciable volumes and the proximity to the Oguta
Genesis of flooding surface bounded dpeositional units.
field facilities makes for good economics.
Am. Assoc. Pet. Geol. Bull., v. 73, p. 125 -142
Integration of 2D and 3D data in a regional context will
help unravel prospectivity in some areas, especially
Short, K. C., and A. J. Stauble, 1967. Outline of
around the periphery of the delta
geology of Niger delta; Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol.
Bull., v. 57; p. 761 - 779.
Vail, P. R., Mitchum, R.M. and S. Thompson, 1977.
M odelled fault Seismic stratigraphy and global changes of sea level
IKPELE SO U TH O G U TA N O R TH Part3; Relative changes of Sea Level from coastal
IKPELE SO U TH onlap. in Payton, C. E., ed., Seismic stratigraphy -
Applications to Hydrocarbon Exploration; American
Association of Petroleum Geologists Memoir 26, p. 83
- 97.
Vail, P. R and Wornardt W. W.,1991. An integrated
approach to exploration and development in the 90s:
Well log-seismic sequence stratigraphy analysis, Trans.
Of the 41st Annual convention of the Gulf Coast Assoc.
of Geol. Soc. Houston, Texas, Vol. XLI, Pp. 630 – 650

Petters, S. W. and C. M. Ekweozor, 1982. Origin of

Figure 9: Depth Map of the F300 level showing the some mid-Cretaceous black shales in the Benue
accumulation in the Akri-Oguta field and the Oguta Trough, Nigeria. Palaecol. v.40, p.311-320.
North prospect
Yielding, G. Freeman, B., and Needham, D.T., 1997.
Quantitative fault seal prediction, AAPG Bull., V.81,
pp. 897-917.

The authors wish to thank the various people in SPDC
who contributed to the finalisation of this work. Special
thanks go to the Exploration (BXE) leadership team for
permitting the publication of this work.

Allan, U.S., 1989, Model for hydrocarbon migration
and entrapment within faulted structures, AAPG Bull.
v. 73, pp. 803-811.

Berggren, W. A., 1978. Recent advances in Cenozoic

planktonic foraminiferal biostratigraphy,
biochronology and biogeography of the Atlantic

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