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Seismic Detailing of Concrete Buildings Gay. Fade Tuk, Od Seismic Detailing of Concrete Buildings Second Edition By David A. Fanella 31 MAR 2008 PCA. Fora one con | ohare en Fr sso dewstan she OC 2058 ‘Sov erro | 22 4e0 904 Fz Ty eqasssam toawsern | wmcanenog \cknowledgments he PCA acknonledes the eos ofthe author of tis took David A. Fane, Seicr Constant with len and Hofman, Inc, Chicago, I Areca sd o Ed sansam and Mmoud Kamar of CA Buing and pec tutes depart forthe efor in revewing and eating the mans harks o Dale. Nefarare who managed the poducton ofthe beak. 12007 Fortine Cement Asoiton hs reserved, No pat ofthis ‘ok maybe reproduce ray form Shag mon ng fon Ye publser ecet by renee ‘ewan ogc el peges ‘apenine newpaper ‘etal eespondence ta: ings and Spc Seuctures, dnlond Cement Aescston 20 Oi Orchard Road oi, nos 600771083 1 8479566200 8079669781 rit nloBcementog 82 Portland Cement Assocation ("PCA") anot for-profit ‘organization and proves tis publication solely forthe artning edxation of qualfedprofessonals THs PUBLICATION SHOULD ONY Be USED BY QUALFIED PROFESSIONALS who posses al requtedIcene() ho ae competent o evaluate the slgncance a i {ons ofthe nformaton prondea here, and who secept {cial esporsibity fer he sppicalon ofthis inormaton (OTHER READERS SHOULD GBTAM ASSISTANCE [HOM A ‘QUALHED PAOFESSONAL BerORE PROCEEDING CA AND IS MEMBERS MAKE NO EXPRESS OR IMPUED WARRANTY Vite RESPECT TO THS PUBLCATION OF [ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE. I PARTICAAR, INO WABRAOTY'S MADE OF MERCHANTABILITY OF FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. PCA AND IFS MEMaERsDISCLAM anv PRODUCT LABILITY (NELUD. ING WrHOUT UMITAnON ANY stRicT LABIUTY WL TORT IN CONNECTION Witt THIS PUBLICATION OR ANY INFORMATION CONTAINED HERE, TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 iuRooucToN 2 FLEXURAL MEMBERS OF SPECIAL MOMENT FRAMES 2 SPECIAL MOMENT FAME MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO BENDING AND ANAL LOAD 4 JOS OF SPECIAL MOMENT AMES 5 SPECIAL REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURAL WLS AND COUPLING BEAMS. 6 STRUCTURAL DILHRAGMS AND TRUSSES. 7 FOUNDATIONS {8 FRAME MEMBERS NOT PROPORTIONED TO RESIST FORCES INDUCED 8Y EARTHQUAKE MOTIONS 9 INTERNIEDUSE MOMENT FRAMES, ea rerenences NoTATION ” 53 6 n 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1. General Considerations “Te man goal of erthquakeresstnt design to tan 2 suture wth sufcien strength and duct to assure ‘sfey .e, to prevent colsps uncer the mest intr eath- (gk pected at ste dng the eof astucure a ros stucures that a subjected to moderte‘oserg carhqusks, ecorarical earthquake resstant dig is achive y lowing ying t tae place insane suctuel meres. is tpl practi a wel x uneconoil fo dein a srt to respad ine elastic range to maximum expected eathquskeindce neta forces, However, fetal peso suc ich 3. clea containment bugs, yelngin the sce (anatbe eee, ard the design need e este Structures that house facies alto post-athquske oper siors—sch as hepa, fe stations, power ns, and oxruriationscenter-rt rot any sve witht ‘olopse, bu must remain operational afte an eanhuat, “Tes in adn to le saley, damage cont isan impor tant design consderaton fr essen srctues Damage nwo may ao be cease forthe pes of sacs, see the savings realized in element ota trom onfnued ue ofa treater an earthquake may fet thelial ea cos that ests rom iting dare. In genera mst eathquate code provisions mptiy require that sre be ale ores no tines without ny damage, oda argues wh me Suture damage, and some ponstrctrl damage ard jor eerthquokes wih pos some sructal nd ronsrctusal damage, Asroted above, stucures must respond to stong eund maton wihout cols Dasiging structs forthe fects of eanhauskes gereraly inches he flowing 1, Selecting and ying out teal force essing FA) syst thi appropiate othe anita eel of ground shaking This indudes proving 2 continuous ad "edndant load path thet ensures that stole al a, ‘aninteal unt when responding to ground maton. Determiing code prescribed forces and deformations _geeated bythe ground moton, and dsvibutng the forces tothe arous elements ofthe LF syste. Site hares, ocapanc, configuration, structural syle, ond sre height ae al considered when determining these forces Preporoning ane detain the sructual manbers and Fees othe conbines elec of eat ae inte {aciying wind) loss that adeqate vera and lateral suenth ad stfness re aeved oss) the seuctal pefeemarce and aceptabe defomatcn levels prescrbed Inthe goverring buling code The legacy codes es. 1-3) and resource documents have ‘vakional set seismic force ews wel bdow those that woul be generated by anticeated design ground mations ‘Th aot or th semi fre lel of the Iernatonal Bulg Code (Ref. 4) ard ASCE 7 Mininum Design Loads or Bulkngs and Other Sucre et 5). Therefore tis expected that sructures woud vdeo fay large deferatons when subjected to 3 major earauak 'the inert ofthe codes that ties ge deformations wil ‘be accompanied by ying ia sme members ofthe sre ‘ue. Ths structs subjected to coe prescribed sesic forces mos posses suicent lsc deformability to Sone without elapse when subjected to nvr ace of loading int te inelastic ange. Fr conrete structures, stisng the design and dealing requirements of Chepter 21 of ACI 318.05 et. 6) preies the requited les of inelastic dctormabiy that are inert to the codes. Laboratory tess and emperince rom ecent earthquakes ave shown hat conte tutes esiane tthe eve of Semi ces prescribed bythe codes can sui msjor certhquake shaking without sania issn sength AS 3 propery dated ninforcad conc suc responds 0 Sreng ground maton, ts effecve sites decreases whe 's ene dsipaon ncrese, Wel deignes and 3p op sie deta enforced concrete merits oss the necessary characteris Yo Abspate sami ereay Uy rest determatios, 1.2, General Requirements he detaiing recuiements in Chapter 21 of RCI318-05, Re. 6a relate othe type of suc framing system, Semi ik lee at these lv of ent destin (a tougnes assumed in the compton of he desgn semi frees, and eccupaney othe sac Trdhionaly, seni levels hae been css a ow, “vera and igh. A seis kvl ofa region, or 3 Sami performance or design category ofa ttre, s Uae by the govering bulking code deters Sy 2 ater Table cnt ran of te seri lees, Seer perlomance catego (SC), and ‘esi design categories 500 spies inthe legacy codes 3 eer resource dacurent ‘he trms ora nies, an Speci ae relat ‘he degre of required toughness, ad, tus, the vel of tequitedcetaing that's pesctedin Chapter 21. The ‘rvbion of Chapters 1 treugh 18 and Chapter 2 apply to trust regis of low semi risk oto stuctures, ssgne to lw ssn pertnance or design categories (21.21.2)+ The design and dtting requirements of these ‘hptes ar itende to provide adequate toughness for Sucre inthe regione or asgne to thee categories, Crdnary moment ames astm pace oF precast and iy strc wal oe the suc sts that con be ted. is permite to design fo higher toughness. rove imsrmedate or special moment ames speci reinforced concete socal also take advantage of loner semi fves, 3 long appropiate design and (max. My at ether joints Neto: transverse enforcement ot shown fray Pee 2- vara Requirements IE, 2 200, unless 10.5.3 saistied Tables spice Regirements [ Sect. No. | Fig. No. Lap spices of loxualreiforcement are permed only i hoop cor spiral reinforcement is provided over te ap length. Hoop fan spiral relevorcement spacing shal nol exceed + a4 + 4in = ap spices are nal to be used + Within joints. + Within a distance of 2h trom te face ofthe joint. + Atlocations where analysis nccates flexural yielding ‘caused by inelastic lateral lsplacements ofthe frame, ‘Mechanical spices shall conform o 21.2.6 and welded spices shall contorm to 21.27 2a23 mses | — Lap splice confined and located a ‘outside potential hinge area inca Hoop or spiral 77] | reinforcement fl Le a 2 gee 3 Lap Spi Regrets Tables TheanereRelfoementRewroments. Sect No. Fig, No. Hoops are required inthe folowing regions af kame members * Over alength equal to 2h trom the face of the supporting ‘member toward midepan a both ends of he flexural member, ‘+ Over longths equal to 2/ on both sides ofa section where flexural yeiding may occur in connection with inelastic lateral displacements o tho trae, 2isa4 Where hoops are require, the spacing shall not exceed + a4 ‘+ 8x dameter of smatlest longitudinal ber + 24x diameter ot hoop bars + 12h, ‘The fist hoop shall be located no more than in. rom the face the supporting member. aisaz Were hoops are required, longianal bars on the pameter shallhave lateral support conforming fo 7.10.5, 21333 ‘Where hoops ar not requited,stimups wih selemic hooks at ‘both ends shall be epaced ats distance nat more than 2 throughout the length ofthe member. 21334 ‘Stirups artes raquird to resist sheer shall be hoops over lengths of members in 21.3.3, 21.4.4, and 2.5.2. 21335 Hoops in flexural morbers shall be permitted to be made up of| 2 pieces of enforcement: a stirup having selmie hooks at both ends and closed by a crosstie. Consecutive erosstiae {engaging the same longitudinal bar shat have their 8-degree hooks at opposite sides ofthe faxural member, ithe longtudinal bars socured by the crosstes are confined by @ ‘lab on only one side of he flexural rame member, the 90 degree hooks ofthe rosstes shall bo placed on thatside, aiaa6 Transverse reinforcement must algo be proportioned to resist, the design shear forces, pto4 “it 3 SPECIAL MOMENT FRAME MEMBERS SUBJECTED TO BENDING AND AXIAL LOAD 3.1 General Requirements Spel rement fame mens subjected oberg ard da oad must sy the prvsons of 214. These repute a fo ame members in ragions of tigh smc or for stutures sped to gh smi pete mance or design categcies. The geomet constants 2714, which summarized Table 7 2nd Flow irom preveus prac Notetha ay are ember in th sce ta do ro ty 2131 at be peprtoned ard eta acrng 0 21.4, 3.3; Minimum Flexural Strength of ‘ecrdng 7142.1, the fen stength fay clu ‘esting actors aia compres fre gtr han AJeINO rat ay 21422021423. 8 cata the “srongelumn wesktean” probs of 2142, Cluny sats Ea, 27-1 a oe Sete aezrtnce wth 243 through 21.45. te prosonsof 2142.2 Comat be sats ta in, User forceert cording to 21-441 tough 2.443 mus be prodced one he fl eight of the columns 423, 33. Longitudinal Reinforcement ‘Te longa norm reurements pected in a. 2 contain Tale 3 a re how Fi. 7. The tones rit fhe winfcement ato Specified In 21.43.18 ‘ohepin contig tie dependent deformations da ee tha the ld moment excees the cng arent. Te uper it adteses ences ste! congestion and tinh shea suesses that ean be deelopedin clue wh lager aunts ol gina forcement. equerens or slkng nga reorceent a a0 gen in ble 9 an ig. 7 See sling of he shal cnet |S t ocr atthe clue end wher ses eer 8 ‘eipectd to have a rests ang, ep spices must be locate ony within the centr a ofthe member ng Special ransierse reinforce rete aver thelap spice length due tothe uncer a moment croutons slong the eight ofthe ealure an the rie for entiement of lop spices subjected to sues reves, Mecha and welded spices envforming 21.2.5 ad 21.2.7 expect tray be used a5 wel (21.432). 3.4, Transverse Reinforcement The wansverse eaforcement regimens of 2144 are sumaraed in Table 1. Aeurement fr cok wth recanguarhocpeaorcemet ae shown n i @ Closely spaced varsves reinforcements required over te lnath atthe member ens. whee tesa ying neal ‘ccs. Toobin adequate cone confinement. te spacing ofthe tonsterse rence atthe ed ofthe mee shoul ot exceed one quater of the minimum ‘clu dimension. To esvain he longtudna renfoement {tom bucking ate pssbespaling ofthe shell cance, the hoop spacing must bess than or equal to & longitudinal bar dameters. The spacings, ao rated to nerete confinement tis pemted to use 26 spacing instead of an, spacing if costes orgs of overnping hoops ae provided ata haart spacing no grater han & im To ensue o relatively niform toughness othe column longs fol height, hoop ht ate spaced no re than & longitadna bar dete 0:6. oe requred inthe region sete distance at each en, Fequrermans for clumns wh slr cea hoo nore metre shou nF, 9. Spl einen geet the most fier fom cf connemeteoearen even ough ‘he enters of he palit the beam colar nt ay ‘ausesone concn dees. Se cures supporting discontinued stiff member, such {mal or tsses, may develop conaidersble nate ” sponse spell raster renforarentisequred 1s inpotan to aoe thatthe ransverserenforceent ‘veughost he fl heights. The rovons conained inst be designe to satiety he shar rength requirements DIAS ae summaried inf 10, ontas. able 7 Gener Regeienents ‘Sect. No. | Fig. No. Factoted axial compressive force > A/\/10 aaa | Shortest cross-sectional dinansion moasured ona straight | 2141.1 line passing through the g2ometic conto! = 12, ‘Ratio ofthe shortest cross-sectional dimension to the | perpendicuiar dimension = 04 ziats | ce 7 x Fores «ce Jens2.80; ‘i 12 12 Section A.A, Fiure 6 Gener Reguements ‘or ama roe es {ible 8 Mom Flea Srenghof Comes (Sect. No. Fig, No. | Tho tloxual strengths of columns shal stil the folowing: 2M yo 2 (6/5)E My ery ‘here Eilye= sum of nominal loxural strengths of columns ‘reming into the joint, evaluated a he faces of the joint. Column flexural strength shall be 4 in, acitonal tansverse reinforcement shal be provided sta spacing «12 In. Concrete cover on the aditiona eforcement 4 in. 21.440) 6 an ego Con ge Tile 10 Tansee ReiforcementReguirements (otnned) ‘Seat No. Fig. No, ‘Spacing of vansverse enioicoment shall ol exceed the smallest of: ‘Minimum member simension + 6xlongiuainal bar ameter +8 where 4in. $35 =444oMe <6in, rs) 21442 Horizontal spacing of crosses or logs of overlapping hoops he shall not exceed 14 in. on canter. Vertical bars shall ot be farther than 6 in. clear rom a Iatraly supported ba. aaa 71053 ‘Where vansverce reinforcoment as required in BUA AIO AAS ' not provided throughout he ful length ofthe column, the {emainder of the column shall contain spa or hoop reinforcement ‘with eentr-io-center spacing snot to exceed: + Gxlongitusinal bar diameter * bin 21446 ‘Transverse reinforcement must also bo proportioned to resist he design shear forces. 214s ‘Columns supporing reactions Wom déconinued aif members, such as walls, shell have vansverse reiorcoment as spect in 21.44.1- over thelr ful height beneath the level at which the dlscontinlty occurs, if the factored axial compressive force related to earthavake effects > A,f./10. This transverse reinforcement shall extend into the ciscontnued member for at least the development engin in tension £, ofthe largest Iongitudinalreintorcoment inthe column in accordance with 21.54 ‘+ the ower end othe column terminates ona wal ‘tansvorsorolnlorcomant per shall extend into the wal frat least the ‘development length ¢, of the largest longitudinal bar inthe column atthe point of termination. ‘+ tthe column terminates ona foting or mat, raneverse teinforcement per shall extend atleast ‘Bin. imo tho focing of mat. 21445 10 JA, { @xtonatucn bar camels e (0.25 male of oF) =r 6 < J 6 ong bar eter amnl,Ae)-Jery) ge Soave efamaet pf eee oeineeese re] riper atest He |e J |» LT IT 5 ste once ee ema vabeafh. on acai ces #50, -ofteh/9] 56 Section AA Pig 8 rans Reinforcement Repuiements- Rectangular Hoop Reinforcement ” Ee ‘i free’ Min. 6 tong bar Loans) ier) Piare 9 Danses Reoforcement Requirements Spiral op Reinforcement Reinoreererd not — a) = frp cs vedetement Tranevetea enforcement perziaat=21443) rer fl eight of clue Foatng. | oh te ‘Development length ofagest Tongtsina column reifeerent Iraczordance win'21 54 re 10 Clams Sporting DiscntinedSf Mombere 4 JOINTS OF SPECIAL MOMENT FRAMES 4.1. General Requirements ‘The oral ney of spac moment rae, which ate raged eins high sen reo for soc, signed to ih ssn prformance or design categories, dependent on the baka of beamalumn jets. gradi of jos cn et in ge ater deters, whch on cose excese damage of even ale The (get equtemertsof 21.51 ae summarzedin abe 11 ar. Sie the development of indastcrotatons a faces of the ints socted with tris in the eal reelorceent signa gete than the yl tro, eine ‘hea fcesgeneated bythe aural enfrcement 2 Caldted batad on a stes nthe enforcement en 125,215.10. Sloage of ngs enforcement ne besmcolumn jot can to a nese nthe ot tater. Lngusinal tars mst be cored hough he ator must be eaper exlope for tenon and comoresion nthe confined ‘ok cre 2151.3) The min cn se eres 0715.14 reduce the pest of fob ramos of tond. Coxsidering load ees boyond be ye po of he steel that are arteipatet ding a major erthuae 4.2. Transverse Reinforcement “toner rinfarcrart is 3baa-colua int egutes adequately corte the cance to ensures uctle Seaver ant alot to mantan ts vere learning ‘asc een aft pose paling ofthe utr shal. The aves rehafraentreqements of 215.2 fr jes of Special momen ares re sammarzed i Tbe 12 nimur cntnamen reforeent eq othe sunt speed 21.4.4 patent hingng regis in columns us be prored with 2 ont ries he ot confined bysroctal minbes per 21522. gue TY states the reoieents hen es thon for mambers rae into @ tearcolirn it Fity percent ofthe confining enrcement requis by 21.4 maybe used when members ame into al fur sides ‘ofa, poe he with ofthe member teat hee fourths th erespording cols width. Tis eduction in the amount of traneere enforcement ecogines the bene- fa effort prodded by hese meres nesting busting preset can be generated wii ort. The feourementsof ar shown a Fg 12. Secon 21.523 cons prs fr joins were the beam widths rater than the coresponding column wth. Beam rnorarant that rat cote ty clu rtorce- rent shal be conned by varsvere enforcement et 21-44, nls bee raring i te jar proves ‘ontinemer (Fi 13, Theminimun arent of vans winfocementor ao he ‘ses noted above ast proie hvagh thet egaess ofthe magnate fhe cated ser ere he jor 4.3, Shear Strength, The shat svength equtement of 21.5.3 fr beam-clunn Frnt are surmaraed in able 13s important one that the sear capaciy function of the concrete sength and the reset asf the it ni, Test als hw thatthe shear tng faint sno ard sigifcartly th changes in wanneserenfrcent provided 2 ‘miner aout of ue frre is preset. As notes oboe the essin the lengua enforcement ‘nbeunsis consewaivaly ken a 125, The muller of 1125 takes oto acount the end ht du oan hardening and acu seats higher han the spect Yl strength, ge tm forces may develop the as, sulting ina ager sear force the jt. 1” Sea ig Conn ge 44. Development Length of Bars in Tension ‘The cog equterens of 2154.1 er retocng bors ith Stand 0-degree hocks lated thin a confined coe 9 ‘clu or bourary slament re sinmarze in abe 14 ond ae dated in Fe. 1. Note tat the creme, swe ‘thse that foo, a for No.3 Brough No 11 bas, sce Infrnaon en te ancnorage oft Mando 8 bars subjected oad revealed Equation 21 for development ent of basin terion a noma weight concrete i aed on the egrets of 125 far tenting bars 000. Sinceit sti tise in 2.5.41 tat the hook sto be embed in confined conte, the fos for hooks enelze ints (0. tat sat minima coer reurerents (0.7) re ‘ncrpraed into F,(21-6) A incorporated ae a 1.1 ‘acto fr eye ads and a 1.25 factor for overstength in the rentoreng set For igheweigt concete, the desc ‘ment ng 25 percent rete than tht rece by x. (21-10 compensate for arabty of bond characters: \isofrenfring basin vareus pest hveaht caret ln fev of hooked tas, svaight bars may be ue song 2 they ae propery veloped. Developent kngt for Sight bars ar pected in 215.42 35a mule of the evelopment length of hooked bs per 215.4. ee able 1, Aitanaly accord to 215.43, sight bar that ate terinated a joint much pass heaugh the canine ‘ae of clue or boundary element ay orion ofthe reaited stightdevelepment length that extends yond the confined core must be ceased bya factor of 1 Gee Fig. 14 Tsinceaeis based onthe perso tat the ling bond sess ous of the canine oe ss than thats the core, “Tae 149 cosas the equlern ol215.4.4 fr dewlop- met ngs of sat and hoted eps costar. Table 1 ~ General Regrets [ Sect. No. | Fig. No. tense reintorcementis equal to 1.25%, Forees in longitudinal boam reinforcement a he face of th joint | halle determined assuming tha the sees te Nexural aisaa | = reduction factors ¢in 8.3.4, ‘Strength of pit shall bo governed by the appropiate stength asia = anchored ‘© Intonsion according to 21.5.4 + In compression according to Chapter 12 ‘Beam longitudinal reiforcerient terminated in & column shall Be extended to tho fa faca ofthe confined calurn core and 21513 ‘Where longitudinal bam rintorcement extends though @ bbeam-column jin, the colurnn dimension parallel othe Beam reinforcement shal nat be less than * 20 x lamoter ofthe largoetlongtdina! bar for ermal weight concrete ‘+ 26 x lameter ofthe largest longitudinal bar for lightwoight concrete Pustt 1" elon one anes 20» ageing bre. of boom nemalwi onzte) 26 Ingest ng bra. beam Gone carer) uafeamtnin- ae oom LH - —tayer yao) ckewconota, mg ba 338 Fereonretoon ul fa? fom Figure 11~ General Reyuinements an Transverse Reoforcomen Regeneron nt Confined by Structural Members a4 ameter Des Table 12 Thensvere ifort Reuirerents “Seat Na. Fig No "Traneverse hoop roforeamant in 21.4.4 shallba provdod win jon, oess skustual members confine the oi as speci a 21522, 21824 ‘Vitro members ama nea four sides ofa obi and wach ‘mombor wiath sat ast % th column wi, te transverse reinicreament within he depth ofthe shailowost member maybe reduced to "fof the ammount requied by 2.44.1. The spacing of tho wansvorse rorforcoment required in 214.42 shal not, exceed Gin. al these loaions, 21822 2 “Transverse renorcement per 21.44 shall be provided tough the onto confine ogtunal beam reinorcemont ouside the column core ia beam framing ino the jot does not prove ‘such eonfinoment. 21523 3 cI fosesnsoyaal-te A seme II A ‘iar 1 Taner Reinforcement Rosle men for nts Conf by Sacral Members felt An) INE) afta feueaee TTT ia Pre 13 Torre Reifrcment Rguirements fr Longtail Reinforcement Ons Confinel Cour Core Sable 13~ Shear SengthRegemonts ‘Seat No, For normal weight conereie,V, of the jin shall not be taken as (greater than + Forjlns conned on allfouriaces.......... 20/EAy + For joints confined on tree tacos ar on two opesie feces 18 (EA, For oerjoints evened EA whore 4,= effective erse-sectonal area within a joint computed {tom joint depth times ellectve jin wicth. The overall ‘dopth shal be the overall depth of the column. Effective joint wid shal be the overall with of the column, 21584 ‘excopt where @ beam frames ino a wider column, the ctfctive wich ofthe joint shall nat exceed the smalar of 41. Beam wiath pls the jant dept, 2. Twice the mater perpendicular distance thn ‘the longitusinal axis ofthe beam tothe caluran sido {joints considered to be confined i he confining members frame Into all faces of the joint. A members considered to provide oafinement atthe joint the framing member covers atleast of the joint fave a For lightweight aggregate conciela, the nominal hear arengih of the joint shal ot exc]0d ofthe in 21502 Table 4 Development Lenghof Basie Tnion ‘Sect No Fig No Fara woh cman be Sra rg rebar Fee ra rates rn be re Y Gaammaar nei i: es) a {for bar sizes No, 2 through No, 11. The 90-dogree hook shal be or ighiwaight aggregate concree, tne development engih {bar with a standard 90-dogree hook shall not be less than the largest of * 10xdlameter ofthe bar «= 75In. + 1.25 ty! (852) {orbar sizes No.8 hrough No. 11, The 90-degte hook shal be leesta wihin tho confined coe ofa. column or boundary element. recated within the confined core ofa column or boundary element. 2154s u For bar sizes No, 2 through No. 11, the development length £4 for 8 ‘stright bar shal nt be fess than +25 def the concrete cast in one lit beneatin the bar 12in. +5 Zqi the doptn ofthe conerote cast in one it beneath the bar> 12a 21542 “Siraght bars terminated at a jlnt shall passthrough the confined core of a column or boundary elamont. Any portion of éy ot within the confined core shall be increased by a factor of 1.6. 21543 “ For poxy-coated reinforcement, the developmont lengths in 21.64.1— shall be muliplied by ‘15 fr straight bars with cover less than Sch or clear spacing less than 6c + 42 forall ther stright bars #12 for bars trminating n a standard hook 21844 11,14 fe? ea 2248, "08/) : : Lay 18a * a ration rt, ty ay 28 report or rt by Fister <6 Fe ep cinota nti ar bana Baar 12.8, say oy 6 eure 14~Develapment Length of iright art Tension 25 5 SPECIAL REINFORCED CONCRETE STRUCTURAL WALLS AND COUPLING BEAMS 5.1.Scope ‘The provisions of 21.7 apaly to specal enforced concrete stl was and coupling bers ta ae pat ft ‘ethquae foesessing system These provsions ae ‘equred in egins ofhgh semi isk ror stroces _siged thigh semi perormarce and design catego 5.2. Reinforcement ‘peal rnfred concrete structural walls must hve ‘mbforcerent in two ortogona dections nthe pane ot the wa. The posi of 21.7.2 fr required we rere: ‘net ae sured i able 15 ad Fi 15, The nin ‘efrcerent eqenen of 2172.1 er lng and ‘reese rehforcment flow fom pesca code. Reitoreentproied for shear engi must be centnuous ard wiry dsb aos the shat lane. Ustorm dsbuton of winfrcement ces the eg and hozntallrah ce wal eps contol the with of Ince ras. Fr wals subjected substan inane sgn sear frs, to ls forrest be ied mong oer things, ths ees to rece rage {atin and preaturecetervaion ofthe cncete ws land reves io the nese range becuse th acl forsin orig basof sro Wa na exced cada oes, 21.723 request ‘estreertin atsbe cep or spe of acovang to ‘he priors erect tension Chapt 12 xan ts prion ae abo gen n 21.723. 5.3, Shear Strength Theshar sength equterants fr speci rented conse seta! was summation Table 16. gut (21-7 ecognes tht wal wth igh shearto- rent aes have higher shear sent Toei restrain nines racks hata an vera ‘shea enfrceret mst be appropiate dsibed along ‘heheght ard keg of wal. Wain pata nts, shear renorcement shouldbe unermydstrbuted and at aro ‘hel smal sping. Te renforceent atop, sta be ‘geste than regal fo the einfrcmant rao phan the ‘eral wal eight to eng ao es than or al 102. Ay concenitated cot escent ner wa elges rote rin or vesting bending momenta ot be Ircued when computing pad 5.4, Boundary Elements of Special Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls founda elements and coessoning dtr requtements mayb rete at th ees of sul wal to pode Adequate corinement of re ence these eats. Tao tkson approaches for ealsng the eee boundary tlerans age provided 121.75 Sect 21.762 allows the wef a dapbcemant based approach, rich isapcable to ‘val or wal stat ae ffecilyconinucsn cer secion oer the enti eight ofthe wa and digas to have ‘one rial con or nr rc ania ads. The prone of 217.62 ae sarmatzedin ale 1 nd Fig, 16. Boundary lemons ae equited acne the cote where the sa > te earee compression fer of th wal eed a cl ‘le wen the wal is sbjected othe dasgn dspace. The horace denn of he bony element extends te re eng) where the compress san excess re kalo fe he eight fhe bear trent ec ‘on upper bound esate of plating and extends bond the zane ver which paling iso oc Note ‘hat bounday lament do not necessary req ances in wol thickness. Aditonalinfamatin onthe apeeatin of ‘the dilacement based porch is proied Rf. 10 “The sean approach fo evlting the need of boundary elem cortanesin2-7.63. Tepes, wich ae summaied in able 17 an Fp 17 ae censenatie for seem onl oem ens _asasing he ned for vanes enfocamet st wo bound anes for many ns Aiton his apreach rst be sed hen wal dono st the tations of 21.762. Reerence 10 cents atonal ataraion oni peoach vl ‘The cetaling requiem of, wich ar summarzed in Tbe 17 are Fi. 18, rus be asd where bound ements a requred by 21.762 of 21.763. Thee rans enforceret the sare as fr spec moment frame members sete to bending ad tla, ud 921-9, Horzntrenorcemert nthe wal we tbe anchored wihin re anne ceo te ound leet evi is specie yd strength, To athe te acho, Standort Socere oaks or mecca ancage schemes ‘ae ecoranded ine of sah ba development, Spec tans reecarent atthe ends lo wal maybe cesar ee tough beurre ee nt eaited vcconing to 217620121763. bl 182d Rp 19min 8 summary of the rors of 21.755. for wals with moderate amouns of bound nua err, transverse niet ree the prevent bung of ‘helorgtusal enfant de toc lsd eer. The leajuial informer ao nies ote reforrent athe wal boundary a5 rated Fi. 19 fr ‘wo tpl codons. Hooks or Usturpe t e end ofho- "otal valesecenrt re required 0 pode anchorage of ‘hereofcemon so batt can eecve rate feces, and’ hel prevent bucking of vr de referent Deslopment of hoor etree at neces or wa wth ow glare shar feces, 5.5, Coupling Beams Dataling equemerts for coupling bes a gen in 21.77 and ae sammataes io ble 19 For coupling beams ‘eth an aspect ati /h ee thn oF equal 4, the etaling reqemens of 213 fo furl member of Spec mon are mus beste. The cezesecton [mtatins of 213.13 and 24.3.1 ae no equ fn ‘beshoum by ana hat beam has ecu ate aby, 1 isp tous two intasectng gous of agonaly placed bars syrnevia abe he mip for oustng ears wth an aspect rai hes han 4. Experiments have shown hat agonal enforcer lfc ony ‘the bs canbe laced wih aageincnaion Tho ntesectng groups of Eagonay placed bas symmevia about he midspan ae requed fer beams with pect tes hes han 2 and relate large design shes forces The detain requrenents of 217.74 te hom in Fig, 20. ach ogonal ema corsiss of cage fat st ‘longiucinal bs and wane reafrcement ating the requirement for specal mament rane members subjected to bending ae ai oe. The requteent fot Iinimum se dimersons ofthe conte agen core lps to prove adequate toughness nd sabi tothe tossctn when the bars aad yard the eld pont. Adena entercerentis equre to certain he Concrete cuts ofthe confined diagonal cores. The equie- mens for iagonal enfrcemen may be waned hen ‘coupling bears re nt used spr ofthe ater force vesting syste, ‘bl 15 Wb Reinforcement Raguremente Sect No. Fi. No [The required amounts of vertical and horizontal web reinforcement ependon the magnitude ol he design shear tore Vs + For Vy SA Pe 0.9012 for Nos bars o mater += 0.0015 for Notas or larger ‘= 0.0020 for No bar or mater = 0.0025 for No bars or larger 8 For Wy > Ade ps 20.0025 ps 20.0025 Reinforcoment spacing each way shall ot exceed 18 in Reinforcement provided for shear strength shall be continous and shall be distributed across the shear pane, aurea For Vy > 2Aey/G Wo curtain of reinforcement must be provided, 21722 Reinforcoment in erucural walls hall bo doveloped or eplced Tor f, In tension n accordance with Chaplr 12, except ‘The effective depth ofthe mombor retorenced in 1210.3 shal be ported to be 0.84, for wal. Tho equiremonts of 1211, 12.12, and 12.18 need not be salisted. + Allocations where yielding of longitudinal reinforcement is ely 0 occur as a rest of lateral dsplacomente, davelopment lengths of longitudinal reinforcment shall be 1.25 times the values eslesated for in tension. + Mochanical splices of felforcement shall conform to 21.2.6, ‘and welded spices of reinforcement shall conform to 21.2.7 n723 16 29 Fore Ae ‘00018 rte Sor eee 1.200020 fr No.5 sate crate es 10 stat thofk Pence wecmsol wioenet Dea olen Capa 12 Atha ronfercoment rat shown oct iar 1S Wb RelforcementRequlrrents Ihbl 16- Shear Strength Requirements ‘Sect No. | Fig. No ‘The nominal shear strength V, of structural walls shall not exceed: Va" Acr( dove + rly) ern Oot hy ys 5 eae as 010th fy 2.0 here a: vate nearly betwoon 3.0 and 2.0 for h/t betwen 1.6 and 20. in, 217), he vale of h/t used er determining Vf sngments ofa wal sallbe he lager thera forthe eke wat | 24.742 | — andthe segment of wal conderd Wal sal have cstibued shear rekioroomant proving rosso ‘nwo rthogonal dectons ithe plane o the wal auras il 520. 012 = ‘omit shoastergh Vfl wales sharing a common aera force sanot be taken erger than 8A J, where A, i the gross ‘0 o concrete bounded by the wea thkness an the lent ofthe Section. The ronal shea StengthV, of any one oe neil wal iets shat not be taken larger than 104, ff, where Ai the cross sectional rea ofthe pier consdred Nomi shear stengh V, of orzotl wal segments and coupling bboams shall not be taken larger than 10Ayya/, whore Aisthe area | 21.745 | — ol concrete secon horizontal wal segment or couplng beam aaa | — Table 17- Boundary Hemet Requirements ‘sec. No. | Fg No ompresion ans of walls of wal pis ha aro oocivay conto over tho aire height and designed to have a single tila seston for fox and aia toads sha be rlnorced wih special boundary eles whe an 6) **ea0(8 7%) ae hove 6/2 0.007 ‘Speci boundary element reinforcement shall extond vertical fom ‘ho ies sation s Satan no las than helper of MA, azs2| 16 ‘Structural was ot designed bythe provisions of shall have speci boundary elomante at Boundaries a around openings of Srctural walls where the maximum acreme fiber comprossive ‘fren, coreanoncing to factored force ncn, tad eas for rhquate elects, exceeds O27 ‘Special boundary slomonts may bo lscontnued where the ‘callie compressive stength sass than 0.15 Stescos chal bo eslwated using area lastc model and toss Scton properties. For wats wih Menges, an afecve tango with 2s Selinedin 2175.2 shale used. aurea | 7 ‘Wher special boundary elements are required by or 21.785, ta folowing cal bo sats: +The boundary element shel exter hoczortaly rom the ‘tem compression Roo distance notes than the larger of (2-011 f and 02, where cs the gest neural als depth ‘euloted forthe factored aa force snd nominal moment strength corresponding to &; ‘+ Intanged sectors, the boundary olomont shall ince he ‘tecve flange within compression end shal extond atleast 52m tt tho web. ‘+ Special boundary element wansvete ralnforcement shal satisty the toguroments of 2144.1 trough 21.443, excopt Ea (21-3) heed not be eatisfes 1+ Speci! boundary element ranoverae rlnorcament at the base ‘tte wl shall extend into the svppot at east bo ‘evelopment org! the ifgotongtudinal br inthe special ‘one foaing or mathe special boundary element ransvere Tohnlorcement shall extend sae 12. no the feoing or ma. «+ Horaonta!reinlorement ote web hall be anchored to ‘dovalop the spect yd strength wit the confined cox of ‘he boundary element «+ Mechanioleplese and welded spices of engin! ‘eintorcoment of Boundary eloments shal conform 1021.26 and B12", oapectnely arzea | 16-18 Py ‘Special boundary element transverse Feinforcement per Fig. 18) ‘end ranevores reinforcement Into the support at ess of te largest ong, bao at iat 12° Ine feting or at ‘Special boundary elements required when airy °° 80006, 7h] igure 16— Boundary Bowen Reglements per 2.762 cy Special boundary he sloment wansverse fetoreemart por 21,764 (600 Fp. 18) pact boundary laments maybe econ’ where the calased compressive ress 06h. nah ete rome tea Sp Pel Sccamatate ™, iiget ng barr seat 12" dure. ee Fee eer Pa [af ca Figo 17- Boundary Element Rguirements per 2.263 Mechanical and welded epee of longtudinl rentercoment 0 contomia 21.2.6 and 2427 Hoszontal enforcement anchored tordovelo fy within cot core ae = ih 4 TR S| 2 por Chaptor 12 he pz 0.0025- 2 i ae a 0.005 ne |aartecare Aan 0.098bete. (0.25 min. member dimension ‘816 x longitudinal bar diameter > fan per Chapter 12| 8 hes 14” on conter Ihc=max. value of hy on all faces Aes =44[(14—hgiS) <6 Flgre 18 Reinforcement Dati Boundary ements {ible 18 Reinforcement Dts wher Boundary ements ar Not Required ‘Seat. No Fig. No. \Whre special Boundary elomants are ot required by or 21.7.63, ho folowing shall be satsed * Boundary transverse reinforcement shall satisfy 21.44.1(), 21.4.3, and 21.7 6.4) ithe longitudinal relnforcement ratio ‘atthe wall boundary Is greater than 400, The maximum longitudinal spacing of aneverse renforcomentin tho boundary shal not excood 8 in. ‘+ Horizontal wail reinforcement terminating atthe ends of structural wals without Boundary elements shall have a standard hook engaging the edge reinforcement ortho edge rebforcement shal be enclosed in U-stirups having the same ‘za end spacing as, and splicod to, the horizontal reinforcement when V2 Ay 21785 For Ys Aa ‘Standard nook at ends of hort enorementengeping co lnorsement or .tirups sploed o horizontal ranorment wth ame size and spac a hotontalainorsoment 4 Semmens ‘Ae ate of ong rit inh Aathes> 4008, 4A Sal be reniorced with wo intersecting groups of agonal paced bers Symmotic| aout he misspen,unesst can be shown hat oss of Sttnes and engin ofthe eaupng beams wil not mpak he ‘erical od caring capaci oft set, o ho eros em the Struct, o th ogy of nonstetura components an thee Connections tthe siete 2773 ‘Covpling beams oinforced with two intersecting groupe of clagonally Placed bars symmetrical about the midepan shall satay the following: ‘+ A minimum of 4 bars is required in each group of lagonally placed bars. Each ciagonal group of bars is assembled in & ore having sides measured to the outside of wansverse ‘einforcoment greater than or equal o 62 perpendicular tothe ‘plane of the beam and GJ in the plane ofthe beam and perpendicuar tothe diagonal bars * Tre nominal shear strength Vs determined trom the folowing Vn = 2Araly Sina $10 Aw 19) * Each group of siagonaly reinforced bars shall be enclosed in lransverse reinforcement salsying tough 21.4.4, ‘The minimum concrete cover required in 77 shall be assumed ‘on all four sid of each group of agonal placed reinforcing bars for purposes of computing A, in Eq, (10-5) and (21-3) *+ The diagonally placod bars shall be developed for tension inthe wal. +The lagonat placed vars snalbe considered to contibute to ‘the nominal fesural strength ofthe couping beam, + Reinforcement parallel and transverse tothe longitudinal ‘2% shal be provided and, 86a minimum, shall conform to 1184 9nd 11.85, ait 20 6 x longtsinal bar diameter 0.25 min, core dmenson + (2 » cover per 77 oo, wher <4 (= OL 7 [a4 T ae fin sen f a Tad bastard fois 4 ee 2 b/s 2000150. |p SH} M0025 ‘Ana 00015 Anoacam seca. 12] | OBsbd(AyAen)Itefy) ha 1 alto Salt olin Beam Requirements per 21.72.24 6 STRUCTURAL DIAPHRAGMS AND TRUSSES 6.1, Scope Provsonsfor suc daphragms ard ses ia eins ot igh semis for strctarsasigned to high eee formance or ein ceegores ae gen n 21 9 These risers ab apy ost, es, cores, an cobcor ements tat Wrst feces ned by eartike, 6.2. Minimum Thickness of Diaphragms Minna theses of once daptagms ae gn in 2134 and ble 20. Ticker sibs oe requied whan oping slabs dono act conpostel wh eas tame. 6.3. Reinforcement The enlorcemen equerents f 2195 a sunmaredin “bl 20 Poros er mim ercemertin depron ae hesame ths reqited in 712 for tempat an stritkage roca 2)Manram pacng ee mets gta wit il einen ono po pst ‘ersont for tom sce the mre sage pts reqienenis of 7.123 a costed to be deg tol ‘ck wits: Te mira spacey equine or welled we fics taping sb on east for esis to rede heed Fate of res cozg the rca ‘eck hich oni the tapping omelet ound between fogesof aac reas membes. Suc us eens, sus, es dapiogm ted, and ‘ler erent rs conta te ame peal neve eo ‘orcrentasmebesin pecan ones ecto ‘being and allen to ny secon where the compres ses, ted on cred forces ng netted ond es ection proprig exceed 0.2 eZ) Tannese Fercants ong equi vere thecal Conse iiss th 0.15 F, Sri he cee ot ‘ype sural dopvagrs uly rb the eof ‘rrweserfoement along cet, the span of te apap woud veo be eed nec for th come Sess tobe sth 0.15. helo fend 015 fae be naeased 005 fandO4F, repeals cases where the csi feces have been ampli to scout fertheovestenah of he vrtaleeents of the semicsrce- resting st Tis ply apes to celle ements. 6.4, Shear Strength, ‘The shear sen requirements or mantic apvanes, hich oe conten 2187 adsorb 21, 2 ‘hes asthe for Sender stra wll. xs. 230 ae (21-11, we Ay else tices tn the wa ok ‘he dapvag, which coresporde tothe grasa ol deep beam that foms te dophrogm. Serre shod be pied pendula tothe span ofthe dephragm. “heroin shar sength Vf both composte and oncmpstfopping sas on precast foot oo ements 'Sgven née (I-11) Based ona hear icon mod ths uation does ot de the contbuton of te cece 0 ‘the nomi shear stereth Sine topping sas ae uasy roughened immedi above te bourday Etween the ‘anges of eacent precast feer members ore the pats ‘of shinkage cocks, contibuon ofthe concete otha sneat ‘apaciy ofthe daperagm may have aed been reduce by ‘he presence of cai roto oppeaten of sisi forces, 6.5, Boundary Elements of Structural Diaphragms Boundary deren requrement or rural eapheagms ‘are sure in Tate 22-1 uly assed nat deson ‘moments induced by eatiquake movin re essed ‘hod forces that act on opposite esac ofthe dlaphragm erpencievar to the drecton ofthe apres earthquake foxes. Ths, forcrmene 2 these oeatone must be fly eveloped fois yet strength “1 here ch tenforcementislctedin astute wet, The inforcement pronto 21.983 ate proved 1 the sot beaten the daplzagm andthe wall shouhve _fedue the posi of chard bung the vir of ‘lecuate she engi to arse the eethquakedndiced pes and encherage zone Fig, 22). ‘eat ore a that location, ‘aie 20 Min Diapragm Thicke and Rinfocoment Regiment Sec No. Fi. No + Conc Slabs and composi topping sabe soning as ‘irish daphragmsotrenertearngake forcoe hal nt be Ieee than 2in thee ‘+ Topping slabs over precast foo or roo elements, acing as asa “stytural daphvagme and nt rajing on camposto acon with ‘ho prosast lomonts to rss earthavako tos, shall rot be toss han 25m tek. Fer aula aptvogme: a + Mian esorcemant ta ben contamance with 7.12 *+ Spacing of nenprestessed rerforcament shal not exceed 18 in. + Where welded wie fai is ized to resist hear freon topping slabs over precast foo a oat laments, to wies | 21.0.4 part ho span tho precast olomants sha be spaces not ‘nee than 1 inom enter. + Reinforcement proved for shear tang shall bo continuous fd sal be ditibtes unormiy serous bo shear plane, + In daphragm chords or colctrs iin bonded presressing tendons as pimary roliorcemert, th sess duet dosgn ‘solo foros sal nt exo00d 60,000 pl 21952 «+ Procompression kom unbonded tendons shal be pecmite 6 resist agteagm docig leas a compat load pa Ie proided ‘cra rus Samaria, sis, es, dlapvagm chords, and ‘colecter elomants shall have taneveresrelioreament in sccordance| ‘th 214.41 #rough 21.44. overt lang ofthe lament whore ‘comprosive stesses exceed 0.2, . Special Yanevrsorinforcment maybe dlsconthuod where the compressive stoss oss than (187. Stocos chal calculi fete factored Treas using a Tsar elastc rode and gross seeton roperies vies) 2 ‘re dosian forces have been arid 1 acount orth ‘rersirengt othe vrical element lhe seemi-oree essing ‘Sytem, the nk of 0.27, shal be hereased wo 5, and he Ut of (16, chal be inzeasod to 04. ‘Alcontnucus raiovcamenn laprapms tusses, shu ‘rds, andeallocrelomenis shal be developed or spiced tor in | area | 22 [Type 2 eplos are requred where mechanical apes are sada ‘rneforforosa batsen the dlpivagm and he verial compenonts | 21065 | — ft Intera fren resisting syste 2 Min, temperature and auage reniorcemont pr 7-12 retort in 6 trpeseren ee} a be Section AA ‘amcemat pa 125.3ten (Sonn cee 3, an {Santora oem 025s tent ter) © ot 2 ete oncetr enaucbesthonstias ane artneniaise ‘ige21~ Minimum Duphrge Thicker ond Reafircement Requirements 8 Sim tng ott ‘ate 21 - Seer Svea Regurements [Sect No] Fig. No. “The nominal shear srngth V; of sutra daphragrs shal not exceed zens) — Va= Aer ave + Pty) tt) “The nominal shear strength Vo eastnplace compostepping Sab claphvagms and oast-rplace noncomposto topping sib aplvagms ona precast Ror orto! shall not exceed Va= AevPly qin |zrez2| - ‘where Ay is based onthe thickness ofthe topping slab, The required \wab renforeoment shal be distributed uitrmy in both directions Nominal shear strength shall nol exceed 8A, where Avis the 7a area ofthe diaphragm. aeza; {ile 22 Ronda ment Regiments [Sect No. [Fie No. Boundary ements of eiudural dapheagms calle proportioned to resist the sum ofthe factored ava forees acting inthe plane of the ‘haphragm and the force obtained trom diving he factored moment | | — at tho section M, by the dstance between the boundary elements othe diaphragm at that section ‘Spices of tena reinforcement in chords and colactorclomonts of ‘lapiragms shall develop f,. Mechanical and welded spices shall | 2.982 | — ‘conform to 21.2.6 and 21.27, respectively. Reinforcement for chords and collectors a splices and anchorage zones shall have either ‘A minimum canter-to-conter spacing of longitudinal bar ‘ameter, bu nt less than 1/9, and 9 minimum concrete cover of 2"elongitudinal bar diameters, but not ess than 2 in or + Transverse reinforcement per 11.58.68, except as required in pinsa aioas | 2 {tg per Chapte oe ‘Omen em ‘Section A-A~ Chord Reinforcoment Per 11.5.6: for compressive stress < 0.450. Per 21.9.5. for compressive stress > 020. ‘Figure 2 Recent Repuremensfor Chr aed Coleco: at pie and Anchorege Zones 7 FOUNDATIONS 7.1, Scope Feuer for fundstons uporing srucuresrgons ‘high seismic or for struc assigns thigh seme performance or design ctegeres ae contained in 2.10 Proions or pes, aor, ad sibs on race uppement ater eign ard ersten cet in ACI 318-5, 7. Footings, Foundation Mats, and Pile Caps ‘ele 23 cota sara ofthe aqme of 21.102 fr footing furdzire mat, and ple can Secon 21.1022 yes etaingeqeent fr cess at hve been ‘gna suring tend conn tthe oration i. 23) Tess hve dersatd tat cole ran fermen thats deelped inthe oundtn shod have ks ue nears te asf he member oer for theo tobe able test he enue at ths cab, ‘The detain reuters of21.1023, wich ae sumarzed ni. 23, provide op prevent an edge {ature where cots or bounday elmer ot spelen fored concrete suctzl vasa supported oto 3 get foeatin, Sutra pan concrete footings nd basemen wats ‘uporing stucures in elon of igh seis ko for Stu’ aged thigh sen perermance er deca Categtes ae pete except or spe cass ced 0 2210211028). 7.3. Grade Beams and Slabs on Grade The reqiteerts f21.103 fr gad bear ands cr jade ae src ible 28. ‘The crs-secor tation and inure of 211032 fer gate tans betwen ple aso fing ate ‘etndao prove easnate beam pogo ie Fi.24. Grae east a part of art oudsbon resting lal sess fom cobs thet. prof te ata ce-estng stem mst conform the provisos of 213 fr era ree of specs moment Fares Slits on gad at are ptt wo carhmsae eft ar pera consees nrc rd ACI 318405 des rot, ‘get degn and conseucin (1.16, However egos tfhighsemi ik sats on rade ofr pa ofthe tak facerssing ten, acing as 0 gag thal then tue ogee ate rnd lel ao mnie te elec of cat shae gourd maton ta ny occ oe eon of thesruce. Therefore, they mst be dered and deed sn accorance wih he provisos of 219 fer danas. 7.4. Piles, Piers, and Caissons ‘The rotors of 21.104, which ae sunmataed nb 25, apo cnet pes, ps, nd cass tha suppor srucwsessbjected to eat flocs. Adee femance of hse supprieg member eric loade requires that thse priors be met a el a ter pate senda and gudsnes, whch aeghenin R15, fox piles pins, ocasons reiting tern bac, aad paths reese Wart the enon oe fo the ng! ‘eer rs 6s oka or bday mee fa ‘tough the ple cap he reframe fhe ple, pit, © ‘aon te p25, neu cl the geute bar sey shown fig 25 the pact pe, refering bar can be ened isthe ue paren ofthe ie when thei ca. Thee bats ‘an eth exerd ost oth nd the lech requires 3 ‘Sel asebly aud theta for) oy can be Lwomed by chepne of the conte at he top of he peter thie nt later case, tba ae mechancaly comet ot ‘welded an onerson er hey a epee ung an ert, pls canbe sujet oer oh er stress js bub the ple ap and near re aso st lose ol depots The equrert of 21104 for ares ‘efrarent whic roves adit diya poe ecninuty based on mers flues that war ceed fer ecart cous Figure 25st ths ron, When precast ples as span to coer at ‘hetp ofa pe-aybe dient an dean cient than tat spaced nthe des ravings Fr ecrple 3ier3 each esl ata shale dst tha arpa. hen hoc, ‘the exis pile eh needs ob il hich eats ina parton of anseserenforeret equi 21.104. tng ‘tof as wel. Consequny is pusstie sna isnot teat, th ng ver whith Varner wfcrerts rete rot be poe ‘ere sacral damage hs be ened tthe uncton of ‘te pls and bulngs afer soe cet eathquakes le ‘@psand surourdn rucre must be des fore pote: ‘nly ge force thot can be deeeped bate ps. ‘ale 2- Reqsnoments for Fotis Foundation Mat end Pile aps Seat. No. Fig. No. Longitucnal reinforcement of columns and sacral walls resisting jarthquako- induces forces shall extend int the footing, mat, oF pile ‘cap, and shal be ful developed fr tension ste eerie, 211024 Columns designed assuming ted end conditions athe foundation shall comply wit 2110.21, longitudinal reinforcement ofa column roquies hooks, the hooks shallhave a 80-degree bend and shal be located noar th bottom of ‘the foundation wih the free ond ofthe bars oriented towards the center ofthe column, 21.1022 “Transverse reinforcement in accordance with 21.4.4 shall be provided below the top ofa footing whon columns ar boundary elements of special reinforced concrete structural wals have an edge located within one-half the footing depth tom an edge of footing. The traneverse reinforcement shal extend ino the footing a stance greater than or equa othe smalor of ‘+ Dopth ofthe footing, mat, or ple cap. * Development length in tonsion ofthe longitudinal reinforcement, 21.1023 Flexural reinforcomant shal be provided inthe tp of footing, ma, 0° pile cap supporting columns or boundary elements of special reinforced concrete structural wals subjected to uplit forces trom ‘sarthquako otfecte Flexural reintorcoment shall not be lee than thal requiod by 10.5, aut024 2a “The use of sructura plan concrete in fotings and basement walls is prohibited, except for specie cases ced in 22.10 21.1025 2210 Longton enercomentto belly developed oroneon = [-* 2h | Fore-< na ‘ Traneverse eink por214.4 : + Provide ove stance (h~ cover) of viewer smater Cohn or boundary lament of speci hl [4 tenor coer structural wa “Top tehnforcement> min eforment (cerractocometra noes FEE rea etre | cS cover Far coum with 08 end conten, provide ‘dep hooks wi eo ond of bar nto {oware contro cot where eta bar ‘Geelpment ent posable Pie 23- Requirement fr esting Foundation Mats ond Pe Caps ‘able 24 Reulemens for Grade Beams end Slab on Grade ‘Sect No Fig. No. Grado beams dosigned fo acl as horzonal las balwoon pla Sapa oF footings shal ave coctinuous longitudinal relvvorcament tha shal be ‘developed within or beyond the supported coluren. At all sscontinuites, the longludinal reinforcement must be anchored ‘inthe pile cap or fating. a1a034 Gade beams designed to acl as horizanlal es balwoon pil caps or footings shal be properioned such that the smallest cross-section ‘dimension i greater than or equa tothe clear spacing between ‘connected columns divdad by 20, but nood not bo groate than 1 in, Cosed ties shal be provided at a spacing not to exceed the lesser of one-hall the smallest erthoganal eress-sction dimension oF 12, 211032 Gade beams end teams that are part of ama foundation subjected to floxuo from columns thal are part of the ltera-foroo resisting sysiom shall conform o 21.3 aiao98 24 ‘abs on grade that rosist seismic forcas trom columns or weails that part ofthe Iaterl-orce-esising system shall bo dasigned as, structural laphragms per 21.5. ‘The design drawings shal ctoary stato thatthe stab on grade is @ structural laphragm and is pat othe lateabforce-esistng system. 211034 4 juin tremens Sheds clon Eageomaeunater’ —f n Fordyce scematerotasaoe te | % Shines Torbay amser ot 20618 section Ak Figure 24 Requirement fr Grade Beams ‘able 25- Regisemens for Pe, Pr and Cason ‘Seat No. Fig. No. Piles, piers, or calsone resisting tension loads shall have continuous longitudinal reinforcement over the length resisting the design tension forces. The longitudinal reinforcement shal be delailed to transfer {ensile forces betwoon the ple cap and the supported structural members, ata042 ‘Where tension forces induced by earthquake effects are transtorred between @ pile cap or mat foundation and a precast pile by reinforcing bars that aro grouted or past.ntalloa inte top ofthe pi, the grouting sysem shall demonstrate by tes that ean develop at 41.251, othe ba. 211043 26, per, 0” calssons shall have transverse reniorcement In accordance with 21.4.4 al the following locations: ‘At tho top of he member fora least § fms the member cross- section dimension, but not lass than 6H below the bottom ofthe pile cap. * Along te enti unsupported length plus the length required in 21.10.44(a) fr portione of piles in sol that Is nat eapabia of roving lateral support Fin eit oF water. art04 For precast concrote diven piles, the provded length of raneverse reinforcement shall be sufficient to account for patna vataions in the elevation n pe tps. ars045. Concrete pls, ples or ealssons In foundation supporting one- and two-story stuc bearing wall constuction are exempt from the transverse reinforcement requirements of 21.10.44 and 21.10.45. a1s046 25 Pile caps incorporating baie piles shall be dosigned to rest the fll [compressive stragin ofthe batter ples ating as short colurins, For ‘portions of pes in sol that not capable of providing lateral suppor, ‘rin ar or wale, the slendocness effects of batter ples shal be considered, a1s047 4 ‘ange icone prniaa Leng entrant nee (ele rodetng oan he nha om ty lrg of 5D or 5 4 sor pstinstatesreiiercing | SeSihigemeertss a = Tr ree jonas = ago of 53.0 fa) Seaton Precest Pile ‘Bolrainpiacon, ornar arena Seiten neat na Figure 25- Requirement fre, Pier and Crisons 8 FRAME MEMBERS NOT PROPORTIONED TO RESIST FORCES INDUCED BY EARTHQUAKE MOTIONS Inreions of high smirk rer srucres asigned a igh ‘ssc pefomance or esi cago, farm members tat ‘ae ssaed nto cotter eonce must cmos sth the requaent of 21.1. he members, cpt fr te oy slabs witha bea ae dead acon 21.112 oF 21.113 dependag onthe ragnude of the moments that eral the grety bad stem to martan ts eral lad «eno capaciy ven subject feo he maxi bicol danbcement egected tthe descr ear, ‘Asuna othe rosin i 2.1 gen Tale 26a Figs 2630 For twoway sab wihout beans, te segues of 21.115 musthe ssi aa Sb-churn ‘The desing requtomers of 21.12 ar itend oe sles that cable of soparing rat ander modte excusors i te nebirnge, lee regione of 21.1.3 aint fer stems sce © lage dpiacemers Menbers mtb dete accra © 21.113 when ees of ae deat ere teria ‘Sb her einecrent satshing the requiem of 1.123 and prong a nominal sear sventh V, ater than or euso 3.5) -,d ust be pried tal sabe comectons of toa Sas wither beams in corse with 1.115 Suh i her einfoeemant ned ol be orded when the requreens f 11.12.63 sated o¢ ween the design try rita ses than real the lrg of 005 end (0035 - DOB¥/4¥A. The acer exer to does not equate the clean of moments du ote sg dplacerrent, andi bsedonreseach that erties thelnod af urchin dhe are coreg the ory hittrao and shear du to gatos Tee iret ‘ze snmaze in ale 27 an gure 3. A comprehensive sunmay ofthe reqemens 20.118 ‘ver Chapter 29 fF 10, long information on how to detorine the faced bending momen and het ‘eres Vn embers that ae nt pt of he roc resting som di tothe din spleen 8, ‘able 26 DtalingRepirements for Feme Member Not Propertianed Rai Feces Indeed by Eartha Motions ‘Seat No, | Fig. No. Cave 1 As ge and Vex Yo anal — ‘a. Factored gravy ail oreo = AyIVIO: + Satisfy detaing requirements of 21.2.1 at. 26 * Provide situps spaced not more than 2 throughout the length ofthe member », Factored gravity axial orca > Ats10. ‘+ Satisfy dotaling requirements of 21.43, 21.44.1(} 214.63, and 21.45, + Maximum fongtudinal spacing of ties shallbe s, forthe ul 21.11.22) 27 ccoluran height. + Spacing s, shall not be more than the smallr of 6 diameters __olthe smallest ongtudinal bar enclosed or 6 in ©. Factored gravy axial force > 0.95, + Salisly detling equicements of 21.11.22 1 Provide vansveree reinforcement = one-half ofthat required auan2a ‘+ Maximum longiunel spacing of tes shall bes, for he ful column height ‘+ Spacing 5 shall not be more than the smallr of 6 diameters ‘ol the smallest togitucinal baron Tate 26 cotrued on nt pepe Tile 24- Detain Reurmentfr Fe Members ot rpertoed oes Fes nde by Eat Moto (cnt) : ‘Sect No. [ Fig. No. (Case 2: M,> pMor V,> OV or induced moments not calculated | 24.41.8 | — a. Matrials shat satisfy 21.24 and 21.25. Macharical and welded | 94 43.5.4 splices shal saisty 21.2.6 and 21.271, respectively - . Facored gravity axial force = AIO. + Satis dotaling requirements of and 21.3.4 aiais2| 29 *+ Provide stip spaced not more than di throughout the length ol the member. ©. Faciored gravity axial force > AiO. + Satisty dotaling requirements of 214.8.1,21.44,21.45,and | 21.1193] 90 2152. prin = 34%, 2007, unless 105.9issatisied Pax = 0.025 Min.2 bars continuous Skeups determined in ‘acotance wih Chapter tt = ssd2 (ene (ani es Me Factre gravy ai forces AFN0 gure 26~ Det Requirements of 2.1.21 3 Fr “ K+ { ‘longitudinal bar diameter “Tension op spe win center ie ‘at of member length enone ‘nth raneverserntorcnment perataazand gaa) zs 04227 Gdedemlon Tannese entrament gteranado ‘econ wn i3 he ete — cd] | fecog hooks ‘ ek Ped Pal) 9 4 on contr Section AA se My snd VM, ‘A110 Factred gravy al force < 0.38 igor 27 etn Requirement of 1.1122 | 7 A nab darter ates Tension uy pls wince Tovermonse eng erceed wae etcamet werenaaderdaieas sng scan ar [MEMORIAM HAD Cathy she 00 osxoo2ed.4g | an a stoi HES] | ‘Seangreoke LL n= 4 onceter case Myf and Ve Ve Factor gravy xia force > 038°, Prin = 3VfEMy 2 200, unless 10.5.3is satisfied Pmax = 0.025 a | bin2 brsconinmis LRT TTT TT TTT Stcups determined a accordance wih 21.3.4 La saz (ne 2:M.> ior V> We oF neces moments not clea Fectored gravy ai force My oFY> Py oF Induced moments not caluited actored gravity all foes> AF.0 Fige 30-Dewling Repurments of 211133 ‘able 27~ Reqiement fr SC Conon fo Slat Wh Bes Seco | Fig No, Sts cfowemen hing te eureneniel 23 and roving Vs 95d mus be oie ors column connections of two-way slabs without beams, The s Shear tenforcement must extend atleast times the slab thickness from the face ofthe upp The shear reinforcement desabed above need not be provided when ether of he following is satisfied +The requirements of 11.126re satisfied using the Gesign shear Vand the induced moment transferred between the slab and columa under the design sdsplacerent. ans ‘+The desi story dit ratio iess than ox equal tthe larger of 0.005 and (0035 -0.05{ V6 “The design story dit shall be taken a the larger ofthe design Hory dit ratios ofthe adjacent stores above and below the slab-column connection Vetsdefinedin 11.122. Volsthefectored shear fore on the lab rica section for ‘wrosaysetion, aeulted fr the load combination 12D+ 1.0 L £028, where tis permittadtoredoce theloadfactoren Lt) OS inaccordance with 92.11 ed roe Memb tan oe fo vey ae Mans wst2\toet lahore ba primer of erica {eslonSaBrem deed stirs arr Teens Shores bre ere] 1 Nye se2ibod aye — $00 ot sn none we bia pcina re! Aueiwevemrintcoren en tab oe Sten ‘ioteseimne” Sha Aarnteithe (rr Ctr ian $24 oe ee reAtb se 1 1 | w Pe Jazz] — = 7 Ayf/10, frame ‘einforcement dota hal satty 21.12", unless the member thas spiral reinforcement in accordance with Ea (10-8) * tf tworway slab system witout beams is treated as pat ofa frame resisting &, eiriorcement details in any span fesistina moments caused by latoral forces aha sataty 21.126 Design shear strengih 9¥, of beams, columns, and two-way slabs resisting earthquake effects shall not be less than the smaller o: ‘The sum of the shoar forces associated with development of nominal moment strengths ofthe momber at each restrained tend ofthe clear span and the sheat lores calculated for factored savy loads. ates | — ars22 | = ‘The maximum shear force obtained trom decign toad combinations that inclide E, with Eassumed to be tic that prescrBed by the governing code for earthquake-resistant design. ‘ible 29- Fea and Tannese Reform Require or Beas Sect No. | Fig. No, ‘+ Posiiva moment strength a joint face = one-third negative ‘moment strength provided at that face ofthe jot. * Nether the negative nor the postive moment strength at any | 21.124.1| 92 ‘section along the member length shall be lass than one-fth the ‘maximum moment strength provided atthe face of either joint. * Hoops shail be provided at both ends of a momber over a Jength equal to 2h from the face ofthe supporting member toward midspan, ‘The frst hoop shall be located no more than 2 in. rom the face ofthe supporting momber + Maximum hoop spacing shal not exceed: eraeae add = », 8x dlamoter of smallest ongitucinal bar © 24x clamater of hoop bar tain ‘Stirs shall be spare ao more han d2 treuahouthelenam ol | oy a.4 Prin = STEM 2 20 unless 10.5.3 etisted 420.004 Sect. 7.13, Mie 2 Mp,c/3/° Mig 2 Mig/3 Ma or Mi = (max.M, at either jointy/S Note: ransversereinoreemert not shown for arty Pian 32 Fes guinementsfr Beams 7 _¢ | Bsmatest ng br dante 24.xhoop bar aroter we e Hoes stp I —esde Traneers rorforcement eterniod in sceordance win 112 at bth ends ur 33— Transverse Riforement Reuirement for Beams 6 Tale 3 Tranaene Reinforcement Ryiemenfor Coins Sect No. | Fig. No. Maximum hoop spacing shall not exceed 6, over alength de ‘measured from each joint face. Spacing s shall not excood tho ‘smallest of + 8x diameter of smallest longitudinal bar + 24 xalameter ot hoop bar ‘+ Minimum member dimenston’2 + 12in “The length & shal no be less than the largest of + Clear spans ‘+ Maximum cross-sectional dimension of member + 18%n 211254 The frst hoop shallbe located no further than 2 tom the int face, 211252 (Outside the nat 7, spacing of wanavares reinforcement shall conform to 7.40 and 11.55. 211254 Join rentorcement shall conirm to 1.11.2 211253 Joint rentercement por 11.112 ly a IT ss2e iF oaree mon toad 54 8» lngiusina barometer [4 ws eats 05» (smal of, 0) : Sia Sqirvecetimocnayenm a gure 34—Drnserse Reinforcement Repairer Clans ‘le 51 - Genera Regutoment fr roma wit Bes Set, No. Fig. No. | Al reinforcement provided to resist Ma shall be placed within the column strip defined in 18.2.1. air264 oinforcomant to resist 7, Ma shal be placed within the elective stab width defined in fective slab width for exterior ‘and comer connections shall ot exiond beyord the column face a distance greater than 6 measured perpendicular to the slab spans 211262 No ess than one-half of column sip reinforcement a the suppor shal be placed within the effective slab with defined In 13882, ais263 ‘Not ess than one-quarter of top relntorcemant athe support ih the column stip shal be continuous throughout the span, 211264 ‘Continuous bottom reinforcement in the colurnn sip shall not be teas than one-third ofthe top reinforcement athe suppod ofthe column stp 219265 Notas than ona ha fl ao idee sip refrcement srdallboton column stip enforcement at redspan sal be eominuous and shal develops ye stent at the ac of ina supoort as datnesin 38.28 211266 [At iscontinvous edges ofthe slab, all op and bottom reinforcement atthe suppor shall be developed at the face of the support as detinod in 1.6.25. 213267 26,97 Woe Agen? 0.25» aKl(Ad (Ad we fC (Ale art 2, bo fu covpas Rin ® 039% 8 Ue (Ad ‘pur 36- Reinforcement Detain Slab without Brom Coun Srp ay (Nand tobe tty done Ban) 2050. (Ad Kae Pigare37~ Reinforcement Deu Dosey lb without Beams Mle Strip "REFERENCES 1. The BDC Natal ing Code, Bung Of nd Cate Arias rol. CUNY Cb ile 983, 196, 1 2 Sante Bure Coe, Sout Buin Code Congo rstona Seminghan, AL 199,187, 1809. 3. itn aang Cale, ol 2, nate Conlon of Bug Ot Wr CA, 121, 1904, 057 4 eeaasin Buin Cove, mana Cae Cun Fs Cc, VA, 200, 202, 5 Sins bein to or Baking and Ces Scars, akan Soy fC Ege Ne NY 193, 1585, 198, 2002. 1 Bung Cae nquierens fr Srvc Care 318.09 ard Coren 2188.08), Amercn Concent, Farmington is 205. 17. Aei commen ois Stic agus Hew Biting ar Or Ses, ubig Sr Sly Cou Washagtn, 0. 1957, 2000 18 EM canned Poin rhe Dak of Sei Raul Bangs, Bung Stn Sale Cou, Wasinger, 0, 1550 18H acre Pons fr Seti etn er New lis, Bn Seam Sfety Counc Wangan DC 1984, 10 ote on A 318.25 Biting Code Reoutemers fr Sucal Cancete wh Den Acts, ond Came scan, Sto 2005 n ‘NOTATION PR epee Seaceos ‘= txt setae! oes of suc eter mesure out-toou of tanner enfrcemant sare of concrete econ beudes by web hicks and length of scien the econ of seo force coed eral cst of an ini erent wll serent 2 cong bear resting her gosta ol cncretesetan tfecie cosssctorl ares within aoe in ane paral othe plane othe veeorrent generating shea in the Fant net depth shat be th ovr eth fe con, fc j ith st te teaver with af the larry ‘cept wheres bear Fame int 3 wer clue, he ecive with fhe ont al rot enced the sale 1. Seam with ls the lt depth 2. Tie the sate parent dstance to ha lngtucal a oft beam othe cou twa cussectoral rzof vase etocemer Incing oes) wha spacg sad perpen dmeson 6 toa ars of nenprestesed ongitalinfrement ta 3 of iforcomantn each oup of agonal basin a dagoralyreeoredcousing beam ‘lah ef congresion cet meta _aesseconal endo of ohn coe mecied enteo cert ofa lp of he rans rnforement comer wed A pesto ete secon or sesrin sr seb ith laxgest real an depth ace othe faced avi force ond nin marten svengh consent wth the dein Siplocert 1 simenson of actangul larn mabe in he Graco ofthe span fr with moments se ing detain

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