Term 2 2017

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2017 Term Two Proposal:

Suggested Components for the Model:


Teachers- Collaborative, Reflective and Peer Coaching Skills

1. Wed. 5 April Peer Coaching Skills Workshop

2. First cycle of peer coaching - Sue or Hancine to facilitate (complete by 7th June)
● 7-10mins video clip of what you as the teacher are doing in a writing lesson
● View the video clip of yourself
● Ensure that your peer coach has access to the video clip of you and that you
have access to their video clip
● Write a non-judgemental commentary of the video clip of your peer coaches own
● Bring the written commentary and to the one hour interview session

3. Wed. 7th June staff workshop (debrief about Cycle One; also workshop about
co-construction and success criteria?)

Pedagogical Contexts and Foci of the Teacher Collaboration, Reflection and Peer
Coaching Workshop and Facilitation listed above-

1. Writing
2. Learner Agency and Teacher Agency
● collaboration and co-construction through learners having shared
decision-making and choice (context for cycle one)
3. Teaching as Inquiry
4. Planning


Sue Winters is available to train and coach 1 or 2 Lead Teachers in the facilitation of workshops
and in facilitating the ongoing collaboration and peer coaching.

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