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In the name of Allaah Editor 2

The hadeeth of intention Ray of Hope bureau 3

Imaam Bukhaaree: the commander of Musarhad 5
Believers in hadeeth
And the long wait ended – II Ml Manaazir A Geelaanee 8

The Ray of Hope Sha’baan 1431 Jul-Aug 2010

In The Name Of Allaah

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The Ray of Hope Sha’baan 1431 Jul-Aug 2010

The Hadeeth Of Intention

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The Ray of Hope Sha’baan 1431 Jul-Aug 2010

Imaam Bukhaaree: The Commander Of Believers In Hadeeth
By Musarhad
Early days
Muhammad bin Ismaa’eel bin Ibraaheem Al Bukhaaree (Bukhari), “the mountain of memory-power and

Extraordinary erudition
Heart-conquering conduct
Abnegation of worldly pleasures
Exertion in worship
Tragic end

(Sources: Mataa e waqt aur kaarvaan e ilm by Ibn-ul Hasan Abbaasee, Dars-ul Bukhaaree by Ml Muhammad Ishaaq)

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The Ray of Hope Sha’baan 1431 Jul-Aug 2010

And The Long Wait Ended – II
By Maulaanaa Manaazir Ahsan Geelaanee (Manazir Ahsan Gilani)

Jews: How they lost their book?

(Continued from page 8 of 2010 Jun.doc)

It was not long before the final bell for departure of the religion – that had come only to depart – rang.
The time for the departure finally came. The Assyrians were ruined while the Babylonians prospered. The fa-
mous king of this Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar rose like a gale, ascended like a cloud and came down like a thun-
der over these two remaining tribes of the Jews. Both the Israelite and the non-Israelite historians say this in the
‫( َف َف ُسا وا ِخ َف َف ِّد‬They penetrated the innermost parts of (your) country. – Qur’aan 17:5).
commentary of ‫اوال َف ِخا‬

“He got the entire community of Israel including women and children imprisoned, and plundered all the
wealth of Bait-ul Maqdis. The holy mosque of Solomon was razed to the ground and the city reduced to rub-
bles. The city wall was demolished and everything everywhere was set on fire.” 1

This was the misery that befell their city and country. What about the inhabitants – the last guardians of
the legacy of Moses and his book?

“The entire community of the children of Israel was imprisoned and deported to Babylon. Nebuchad-
nezzar also took with him the captured Jewish king Zedekiah. On reaching Babylon, his sons were killed before
his eyes by putting them through different forms of torture. After showing the king these heart-rending scenes,
his eyes were pierced so that he could no more see a pleasant scene!”2

The king of the Jews was blinded and though the Jews were allowed to live but what a miserable life
they lived!

“Their life was rigorous toil and drudgery. They could not help crying at their state of affairs. They had
been forbidden from performing their religious rites. Neither could they make a sacrifice nor observe fasts.”3

Practically, they had been prevented from performing even the basic rituals of Mosaic religion. As for
the literary heritage of the Jews, historical evidences are unanimous that:

“There was no trace of the holy Torah and ancient scriptures of the prophets as the storm of Babylonian
vandalism had destroyed their ancient history books and Israeli literary heritage.”4

Only these two Israeli tribes had remained as the last support for Mosaic religion. Now even they stood
humbled and crushed to smithereens.

No doubt, after a period of time, the Children of Israel (the Jews) were freed from this disgraceful life of
slavery and these ignominious days of imprisonment. But by that time, the first generation of prisoners had be-
come free from the chain of life itself. Now only those children remained who had opened their eyes in the
Taareekh e Yahood by Sharar, p.16. (Also see Bible, 2 Kings, 24:13-16 – Editor)
The above book, p.61. (Also see 2Kings, chapter 25 – Editor)
The above book, p.61.
The above book, p. 59.
The Ray of Hope Sha’baan 1431 Jul-Aug 2010

kingdom where their religious education had been banned and the performance of religious rituals had been
made unlawful. Anyway, amidst the wails and cries of their parents, they had been able to learn that they were
inheritors of some religion and custodians of the trust of some holy prophet.

The voices that they had heard amidst the wails and whines had their effect when the time came. As the
Israelites got freedom with the overthrow of Nimrod of Iraq by Cyrus of Iran, their first big caravan rushed to
the heap of ash which still remained in the plains of Jerusalem after the prayer-houses of David and Solomon
had been set to fire. The first days of this Israeli caravan were, in a way, devoted to lamentations and repentance
till finally that caravan of freed Israelites arrived which comprised Ezra, the youth filled with deep concern for
his religion. When he drew the attention of the people towards the long-lost Torah, they spared their precious
thoughts for the Book of Moses which, by this time, was neither to be found on the papers anywhere in the
world nor in any other form. In the days of bondage in Babylon, no Israelite had even a partial sketch of the
contents of the book in his mind. Preserving it in memory in toto was simply unthinkable.

The heap of ash was unravelled. And Ezra, according to the Jewish claim, succeeded in finding out a
copy of the Torah in some cellar under the heap of ashes. This was the copy which the remaining two tribes of
Jews had been safeguarding for generations. And strange was the method they adopted for this preservation!
The singular copy instead of being in homes was confined to Solomon’s Shrine. The Jewish children on turning
seven used to listen to this whole scripture in the same manner as the Muslims of every town and village nowa-
days solemnly listed to the whole of Qur’aan once a year in the course of Taraaveeh (the special night prayer of
Ramazaan comprising eight or twenty units or rak’ahs).

The Jews believe that it was this copy found under the ash-heaps which somehow – owing to Allaah’s
Might – escaped the overwhelming fire. The fire was so strong that it burnt down each and every bit and straw
of Solomon’s shrine. In short, it was this copy of Pentateuch (Torah) which later proved to be the original for all
other copies. This was the condition of the holy Jewish book which they later proclaimed to be the only way for
their redemption.

When all paths leading to Prophet Moses had shut up, a sole pass of this ashy copy of Torah came up.
Now, the Jews could, as far as possible, have a view of Moses once again. But to their misery, the times did not
let even this pass remain open for long. Not once but on several occasions, some tyrant would rise from Greece
or Rome and shut even this pass. The Jews would later open it on getting a respite. Antonius of Greece once
again hunted down the last remaining pieces of Torah and burnt them to ashes. He also tore down Solomon’s
Shrine and constructed Jupiter’s Temple in its place. Further, he issued the cruel command that whoever was
found in possession of even a leaf of the Torah be killed. Nevertheless, the Jews claim that during the reign of
the Jewish king Makaalee, they once again revived this Torah. After Antonius, the scourge of Titus rose like a
raging fire who put to death 1.1 million Jews. Solomon’s Shrine was incinerated by his soldiers and Torah was
once more put to fire and thus extirpated from this world. Yet the Jews maintain that they re-created it one way
or the other. This despite the fact that there used to be no copy of Torah anywhere except in the Shrine. After

(The writer (b. Sep 1892~Safar 1310) retired as the Head of Theology department, Osmania University in 1949. He left
for his heavenly abode on 24 Shawwaal 1375 (=5 Jun 1956). His important books include Tadween e Hadeeth, Hazrat
Aboo Zarr Ghifaaree, Sawaanih Hazrat Maulaanaa Naanotvee, etc.)
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The Ray of Hope Sha’baan 1431 Jul-Aug 2010

A Journal By The Students Of MJCET, Hyderabad, India
(Muffakham Jah College of Engineering and Technology, Banjara Hills, Hyd)

for more articles on Islaam.

Vol.3 No.2 Sha’baan 1431 A.H. Jul-Aug 2010

Editor: Maulaanaa Noamaan Bader Nadvi

Qasmi (Guest editor)
Sub Editors:
۞ Md Azmi ۞ Shamsul Islam
۞Syed Ameenuddin ۞ Syed Arshad
C O N -

1 In the name of Allaah Editor 2

2 The hadeeth of intention Ray of Hope bureau 3
3 Imaam Bukhaaree: the commander of Musarhad 5
Believers in hadeeth
4 And the long wait ended – II Ml Manaazir A Geelaanee 8

The Ray of Hope Sha’baan 1431 Jul-Aug 2010

¤ § « » ҈ ҉ ۞ ‫۩ ۝‬

From The Ray of Hope bureau to the READERS:

1. This monthly journal will be posted at on the first of every lunar month, in shaa
2. While the sub-editors and the contributors are students of MJCET, Hyderabad, the editor is Secretary of
Darul Uloom Sabeelus Salam, Hyderabad. He is the founder and first chief editor of this journal (Feb 2002).
3. The Ray of Hope requests its esteemed readers to enrich the journal with their valuable opinions and sin-
cere criticisms.
4. Readers may ask any kinds of questions related to Islaam by emailing them to We
will try to answer them in our next issues.

The Ray of Hope Sha’baan 1431 Jul-Aug 2010

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