" Count The Cost ": Refrain

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“ Count the cost “

I. Is my life more dear to me than what He would have me be would I

gladly lay aside each dream I hold,
Would I count my gain as lost and take out my given cross
Am I willing to be spend for Christ my Lord.

Count the cost of what’s so lost without hope and without God Yet
forever in a lake of flaming fire. What’s the worth of this whole world
when compare to one lost soul there’s a reason to count the cost.

II. It may cause me suffering in this service of my king It may be a

lonely path I have to throd, but to deeply know my Lord will be my
great reward.
I would gladly give my all I counted the cost.

( Chorus )

Rescue the perishing, Care for the dying,
Jesus is merciful, Jesus will save.

( Chorus last part )

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