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Author Year Title Journal Summary Type

McKenzie 2017 A Novel Intervention Including Indivi JMIR Diabetes This study demonstrates an individualized program delivered andnon-randomiz
Saslow 2017 Twelve-month outcomes of a randomized trial of a moderate-carbohydrate versus very low-carbohydrate diet in ov rct
Taus 2017 A very low calorie ketogenic diet improvAnn Ital Chir. KD can improve the weight loss and quality of life in patients whnon-randomi
Tsaban 2017 Dynamics of intrapericardial and extrapAm J Clin Nutr Moderate but persistent dietary-induced weight loss substantially RCT
Mansoor 2016 Effects of low-carbohydrate diets v. low-fat British
on body
of Nweight
This meta-analysis
and demonstrates opposite change in two important Meta-analysi
cardiovascular risk factors on LC diets –
Hall cardiovascular risk factors: a meta-analysis
2016 Energy expenditure and body compositiAm J Clin Nutr of randomised controlled
greater weight
trialsloss and increased LDL-cholesterol.
A logical consequence of the carbohydrate–insulin model is that de metabolic w
Wycherley ** 2016 Long-term effects of weight loss with aAtherosclerosis In patients with obesity and T2DM, HighCHO diet and LowCHO diet RCT
Sackner-Bernstein 2015 Dietary Intervention for Overweight a PlosOne This trial-level meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials c Meta-analysi
Gardner 2015 Weight Loss on Low-Fat vs. Low-CarbohObesity Both diets demonstrated significant weight loss, as well as improRCT
Throning 2015 Diets with high-fat cheese, high-fat m Am J Clin Nutr Diets with cheese and meat as primary sources of SFAs cause highe randomized
Bazzano 2014 Effects of Low-Carbohydrate and Low-FaAnnals of Internal The low-carbohydrate diet was more effective for weight loss andRCT
Jonasson 2014 Advice to follow a low-carbohydrate diet Annals
has aof
on low-grade Diet
found significantly
in type 2 diabetes
to improve
the sub
with advice
Maekwa 2014 to follow a low-fat
Retrospective Study diet
on the Efficacy of Diabetes, Metaboli The LCD is effective for normalizing blood glucose and preventing2 arm Retros
Moreno 2014 Comparison of a very low-calorie-ketogenic Endocrine
diet with a standard
In a group of obese patients, the VLCK diet was significantly morRCT
Saslow 2014 low-calorie
A Randomized dietPilot
in the treatment
Trial of obesity
of a Moderate PlosOne
Carbohydrate Results suggest that a very low carbohydrate diet coupled with RCT
Tay** Diet Compared to a Very
2014 A Very Low Carbohydrate, Low Low Carbohydrate Diet
Diabetes Carein Both diets achieved substantial improvements for several clinic RCT
Yamada 2014 Saturated Fat Diet for Type
A Non-calorie-restricted 2
Low-carbohydra Internal Medicine Findings suggest that a low-carbohydrate diet is effective in loweRCT
Ajala 2013 Systematic review and meta-analysis ofAm J Clin Nutr Low-carbohydrate are as effective as low-GI, Mediterranean, andMeta-analysi
Ballard 2013 Dietary carbohydrate restriction improves Nutrition
The results of this study suggest that a CRD could be a sustainabsingle arm p
Bueno blood pressure, microvascular function, and cellular adhesion
2013 Very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet v.British Journal of N Individuals assigned to a VLCKD achieve a greater weight loss th Meta-analysi
Paoli 2013 Long Term Successful Weight Loss withNutrients The data from this study demonstrate that the majority of subjecsingle arm p
Ruth 2013 Consuming a hypocaloric high fat low cMetabolism: ClinicaRelative to the Low Fat/High Carb group, the High Fat/Low Carb RCT
Tirosh 2013 Renal Function Following Three DistinctDiabetes Care A low-carbohydrate diet is as safe as Mediterranean or low-fat RCT - 3 arm
Walsh 2013 Effects of Diet Composition on Postprandial PlosOneEnergy These findings suggest that a Low Fat diet may adversely affect pRandomized
Ebbeling 2012 Availability duringComposition
Effects of Dietary Weight Loss on Maintenance
Ene JAMA Individuals on the very low carb diet had the highest resting met3 way rando
Friedman 2012 Comparative Effects of Low-CarbohydraClin J Am Soc NephrIn healthy obese individuals, a low-carbohydrate high-protein weRCT
Hussain 2012 Effect of low-calorie versus low-carboh Nutrition This study shows the beneficial effects of a ketogenic diet over non-randomi
Santos 2012 Systematic review and meta-analysis ofObesity c Reviews LCD was shown to have favourable effects on body weight and maj Meta-analysi
Saskabe 2011 Effects of a moderate low-carbohydrateDiabetes, Metaboli Six months of a moderate LCD resulted in preferential VAT (visc single arm p
Foster 2010 Weight and Metabolic Outcomes After A2nnals of Internal Successful weight loss can be achieved with either a low-fat or l RCT
Iqbal 2010 Effects of a Low-intensity Intervention Obesity At this time, participants in the low-carbohydrate group lost 1.5 RCT
Krebs 2010 Efficacy and Safety of a High Protein, J Pediatr Significant reduction in BMI-Z-score was achieved in both groupsRCT
Shai*** 2010 Dietary Intervention to Reverse CarotidCIRCULATION AHA Two-year weight loss diets can induce a significant regression o RCT - 3 arm

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Author Year Title Journal Summary Type
Thomson 2010 Changes in Body Weight and MetabolicNutrition
I and Canc A group of overweight female breast cancer survivors were assign RCT
Volek Forsythe 2010 Limited Effect of Dietary Saturated Fat Lipids Authors showed that a hypocaloric carbohydrate restricted diet (C randomized
Yancy 2010 A randomized trial of a low-carbohydrateArch Intern Med Obese and overweight outpatients were assigned to either a low-RCT
Brinkworth 2009 Long-term effects of a very-low-carbohyAm J Clin Nutr. Low Carb group (over a isocaloric low fat diet) had greater decreaRCT
Davis 2009 Comparative Study of the Effects of a Diabetes Care Among patients with type 2 diabetes, after 1 year a low-carbohydr RCT
Siegel 2009 A 6-Month, Office-Based, Low-Carbohyd Clinical Pediatrics The LCD appears to an effective and practical office-based inter single arm p
Volek 2009 Effects of Dietary Carbohydrate Restric Metabolism These findings show that a 12-week low-carbohydrate diet improv RCT
Morgan 2008 Comparison of the Effects of Four Comm Public Health Nutri The Atkins (low-carbohydrate) diet was followed by marked reduct RCT - 4 arm
Shai*** 2008 Weight Loss with a Low-Carbohydrate, The New England JoMediterranean and low-carbohydrate diets may be effective altern RCT - 3 arm
Tay 2008 Metabolic Effects of Weight Loss on a Journal of the AmerWeight loss was similar in both groups (VLCHF & HCLF). Blood pre RCT
Volek 2008 Carbohydrate Restriction has a More F Lipids Both interventions led to improvements in several metabolic mark RCT
Westman 2008 The Effect of a Low-carbohydrate, Keto Nutrition & MetaboDietary modification led to improvements in glycemic control and RCT
Gardner 2007 Comparison of the Atkins, Zone, Ornis JAMA In this study, premenopausal overweight and obese women assign RCT
Daly 2006 Short-Term Effects of Severe Dietary C Diabet Med Weight loss and high-density lipoprotein (HDL) ratio improved wRCT
Boden 2005 Effect of a Low-Carbohydrate Diet on ApAnnals of Internal In a small group of obese patients with type 2 diabetes, a low-c single arm m
Brehm 2005 The Role of Energy Expenditure in the J Clin Endocrinol M These results confirm that short-term weight loss is greater in RCT
Coleman 2005 Urinary Ketones Reflect Serum Ketone J Am Diet Assoc Thirteen overweight premenopausal women aged 32 to 45 yearssingle co arm
Dansinger 2005 Comparison of the Atkins, Ornish, WeigJournal of the AmerEach popular diet modestly reduced body weight and several cardi RCT
Mavropoulos 2005 The Effects of a Low-Carbohydrate, Ket Nutrition and MetaIn this pilot study, a LCKD led to significant improvement in we single arm
McAuley 2005 Comparison of High-Fat and High-ProteDiabetologia In routine practice a reduced-carbohydrate, higher protein diet mRCT
O’Brien 2005 Diet-Induced Weight Loss Is Associate The Journal of Clin The very low-carbohydrate dieters had a significantly greater de RCT
Yancy 2005 A Low-carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet to Nutrition and MetaIn a study of overweight individuals with type 2 diabetes, the L single arm
Aude 2004 The National Cholesterol Education Pr Arch Intern Med Compared with the NCEP diet, the MLC diet, which is lower in totRCT
Dashti 2004 Long Term Effects of a Ketogenic Diet i Clinical Cardiology The present study shows the beneficial effects of a long-term ketsingle arm p
Gann 2004 A Low-carbohydrate Diet in OverweightClin Cardiol This study was undertaken to evaluate the effect of a low-carbohsingle arm p
Gannon 2004 Effect of a High-Protein, Low-CarbohydDiabetes A LoBAG (low-biologically-available-glucose) diet ingested for 5 randomized c
Meckling 2004 Comparison of a Low-fat Diet to a Low J Clin Endocrinol M Both groups of subjects had significant weight loss over the 10 wRCT
Seshadri* 2004 A Randomized Study Comparing the Effec Am J Med In this 6-month study involving severely obese subjects, we found RCT
Sharman 2004 Very Low-carbohydrate and Low-fat Diet J Nutr The primary purpose of this study was to compare the effects ofrandomized
Stern* 2004 The Effects of Low-Carbohydrate versusAnn Intern Med Participants on a low-carbohydrate diet had more favorable overa RCT
Volek 2004 Comparison of a Very Low-Carbohydrate J Am Coll Nutr Compared to a low-fat weight loss diet, a short-term very low-c randomized
Volek 2004 Comparison of Energy-restricted Very Nutr Metab (Lond) This study shows a clear benefit of a VLCK over LF diet for short-tRCT
Yancy 2004 A Low-Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet verAnn Intern Med Compared with a low-fat diet, a low-carbohydrate diet program ha RCT
Bailes 2003 Effect of Low-Carbohydrate, Unlimited Metabolic Syndrome Obese children following a high protein, low CHO diet (<30g/day)non-randomiz

As of 01/11/2018 Page 2 of 3
Author Year Title Journal Summary Type
Brehm 2003 A Randomized Trial Comparing a Very LJ Clin Endocrinol M Based on these data, a very low carbohydrate diet is more effectiRCT
Foster 2003 A Randomized Trial of a Low-carbohydra N Engl J Med The low-carbohydrate diet produced a greater weight loss (4%) th RCT
Hays 2003 Effect of a High Saturated Fat and No- Mayo Clin Proc To determine whether a diet of high saturated fat and avoidanceprospective
Hickey 2003 Clinical Use of a Carbohydrate-Restric Metabolic SyndromeA carbohydrate-restricted diet recommendation led to improvement retrospectiv
Samaha 2003 A Low-carbohydrate as Compared WithNa Engl J Med Severely obese subjects with a high prevalence of diabetes or theRCT
Sondike 2003 Effects of a Low-carbohydrate Diet on J Pediatr To compare the effects of a low-carbohydrate (LC) diet with thoseRCT
Volek 2003 An Isoenergetic Very Low CarbohydrateJ Nutr In normal weight, normolipidemic women, a short-term very lowrandomized
Hays 2002 Results of Use of Metformin and ReplacEndocr Pract Addition of saturated fat and removal of starch from a high-monretrospectiv
Volek 2002 Body Composition and Hormonal Respon Metabolism Authors conclude that a carbohydrate-restricted diet resulted in single arm p
Westman 2002 Effect of 6-month Adherence to a Very Am J Med In these subjects, the mean body weight decreased 10.3% +/- 5.9single arm p
Volek 2000 Fasting Lipoprotein and Postprandial T J Am Coll Nutr A hypocaloric low-carbohydrate diet rich in MUFA and supplementedsingle arm p

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