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Product Verification Form:

Completion of Student Product

Student’s Name: ________________________Andino Rochon______________________________________

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Project Facilitator’s Name: _______________Steve Calbert_______________________________________

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To the Project Facilitator: Since most of the time spent on the Product phase of Senior Project has been out of
class, verification of the student’s effort in the creation of his/her Product is necessary. This verification will enable the
student to complete the final component of the Project, Senior Boards and assist the teacher in evaluation of the Product.
Thank you for your time.

1. Can you verify that he/she spent at least 15 hours creating this Product?

Yes _X__ No_____ Comments ____Andino and I had many meetings to review project details.________


2. Have you seen this Product at different stages of completion, not just the final phase?

Yes __X__ No_____ Comments _____From concept through many stages._____________________________


3. What specific problems did this student encounter and overcome? Coming up with a product concept and working
through the details and steps of product development.

4. What successes have you seen this student achieve? Understanding the needs of organized project management as well
as electronic and programming development.


Project Facilitator’s Signature _________________________________________________________Date __________

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