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Conference of Global Chinese Scholars on Hydrodynamics


ZHANG Zhi-rong1, LIU Hui2, ZHU Song-ping3, ZHAO Feng1
China Ship Scientific Research Center, Wuxi 214082, China
China Shipbuilding Industry Corporation, Beijing 100085, China
School of Maths. & Applied Stats., University of Wollongong, NSW 2522, Australia

ABSTRACT: Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) has providing comprehensive flow field information.
progressed rapidly in the past fifty years. It has been used in Therefore they provide insight into the local flow
many industrial fields and plays an irreplaceable role in
characteristics that may often enable a ship designer to
engineering design and scientific research. However, due to the
existence of free surface and complex ship geometry. Ship CFD work out or improve his/her design. As the cost and
has fallen behind its counterparts in other industrial fields. But time required for the computation are much lower than
with the recent breakthrough in ship CFD technology, practical that of model tests. CFD has been more and more
applications of CFD in analyzing and predicting ship involved in applied ship research and ship design. It
performance now become possible. In this paper, we shall has been used already in practical ship design for
present some of our recent study in the numerical simulation of
predicting the viscous flow around the hull, flow
wake wave pattern and the resistance of a surface ship. Some
progress on the wake simulation of a fully appended ship is separations, viscous resistance, wake field, appendage
also discussed. Through our work, the huge potential of CFD alignment, propeller/hull interaction etc. CFD and
application in ship hydrodynamics performance prediction is EFD will soon become two parallel ways,
demonstrated. complementing each other, for ship hydrodynamics
performance prediction.
KEY WORDS: computational fluid dynamics (CFD), ship Viscous flow computation for ship hull began in
hydrodynamics, free surface, appendage
1960s with the simplified boundary layer equation
being solved. In this early approach, the boundary
1. Introduction layer over most of the hull can be satisfactorily
Since 1960s, Computational Fluid Dynamics calculated within required engineering accuracy.
(CFD) has made remarkable progress. The main However, this approach failed in predicting flow at
impetus to this progress is the increasing industrial stern and into the wake. This prompted the researchers
demands. In traditional design methods, lots of model to go for more advanced method. During the 1980s a
tests are required and thus it is costly and time large number of RANS (Reynolds Averaged
consuming. So engineers turn to advanced numerical Navier-Stokes Solver) method was developed for ship
tools in aid of their engineering design. However, in stern flow. Later, the stern flow prediction was
ship industry, due to the existence of free surface and improved rather remarkably around 1990. However,
complex ship geometry, ship CFD has fallen behind CFD simulations near the propeller were less
the other industrial fields. But with the recent satisfactory due to inaccurate prediction of the bilge
breakthrough in ship CFD technology, practical vortex and resultant characteristic “hook” shape in the
applications of CFD in analyzing and predicting ship boundary layer. Later it was realized that the reason
performance now become possible. for the inability to predict the wake hook was the
Despite the advance of Experimental Fluid inadequate modeling of turbulence. So quite a lot of
Dynamics (EFD), the demand to know the detailed effort was spent on finding an appropriate turbulence
flow field with better resolution and near-wall flow model for ship stern flow in the next few years and
information associated with the motion of a ship is this had led to the adoption of more advanced models,
beyond what the current experimental technology can such as the k-ωturbulence model and the Reynolds
offer. On the other hand, CFD techniques are good in stress model. At the 1994 Tokyo CFD workshop, some

* Biography: ZHANG Zhi-rong (1966-), Male, Ph.D.

very good predictions of the wake contours for surface numerical techniques have to be used to keep the
ship was presented. And also at this meeting viscous air-water interface stable. In principle the latter
flow prediction with free surface was focus of approach is suitable to compute breaking waves, air
discussion. In the next few years a variety of methods trapping and other cases where the free-surface
were developed for computation of the free surface for experiences sharp topological changes.
surface ship. By the time when the CFD workshop One of the well-known surface capturing
2000 was held in Gothenburg, the free surface RANS approaches is ‘volume-of fluid’ (VOF) method. Hirt
solvers had been remarkably improved. Although and Nichols (1981) proposed the ‘volume of fluid’
waves away from the hull were not yet computed with function to deal with free surface boundary problems.
acceptable accuracy, those close to the hull were well Being superior to most moving grid methods, the
predicted. In CFDWS 2005, several modern hull VOF method is characterized by its great capability of
forms were introduced as test cases, including dealing with highly non-linear free-surface problems,
self-propulsion. Having experienced more then 50 such as wave breaking and overturning, in which the
years of development, the ship CFD has now made free-surface experiences sharp topological changes.
significant development in many aspects such as free Because of its simplicity and flexibility in grid
surface modeling, ship wake simulation and propeller generation, the VOF method is also a preferred
hull interaction. approach in computing ship waves.
In this paper, we shall present some recent The VOF model is a fixed grid technique
computational results of a RANS model for viscous designed for two or more immiscible fluids where the
free surface flow along S60 ship hull at different position of the interface between the fluids is part of
Froude numbers and wake flow of a complex surface the unknown to be found through the solution
ship with various appendages. Through comparing procedure. In the VOF model, the fluids share a single
these results with relevant experimental data, we aim set of momentum equations, and the volume fraction
at demonstrating that CFD can be a complement tool of each of the fluids in each computational cell is
to towing tank tests in ship engineering design tracked throughout the domain.
practice. If the mth liquid's volume fraction in the cell is
denoted as α m , then the following three conditions are
2. Numerical Methods
Three-dimensional RANS equations are the
governing equations in our study and they are solved α m =0 , the cell is empty (of the mth liquid)
numerically. The numerical solution is worked out α m =1, the cell is full (of the mth liquid)
through adopting a cell-centered finite volume method,
which is based on linear reconstruction scheme that 0< α m <1, the cell contains liquid interface
allows the use of computational elements with In VOF method, α m is also used to determine
arbitrary polyhedral topology. Convection term is the location of interface. The normal direction of the
discretized using second order upwind scheme. The
velocity-pressure coupling is based on the SIMPLE interface lies in the direction in which the value of
algorithm. The discretized algebraic equations are α m changes most rapidly. The tracking of the
then solved using the pointwise Gauss-Seidel iterative interface is accomplished by solving the continuity
algorithm, and algebraic multigrid (AMG) method is equation of the volume fraction. For the mth liquid,
employed to accelerate the solution convergence.
For the treatment of free surface in RANS this equation has the form:
computations, two basic approaches are available. The ∂α m ∂α m
computational grid may be adapted to the free surface
+ ui =0
∂t ∂xi
and follow the movement of the free surface during
the computation (free-surface fitting); or a fixed (1)
computational mesh is used and the position of the There is a constraint
free surface in that mesh is tracked (free-surface
capturing). Surface fitting is simpler to formulate and ∑α
m =1
m =1 (2)
gives a sharp boundary between water and air, but is that has to be imposed so that the total volume of the
very demanding on the automatic grid adaptation if fluid is a constant for the impressibility assumption to
large motions or breaking waves occur. On the other be satisfied. In the equation (2), n is the total number
hand, a new variable is introduced and a of liquids under consideration.
corresponding transport equation needs to be set up, The density of the whole fluid in each cell is evaluated
in surface capturing methods, to track the free surface. by volume-fraction-average of all liquids in the cell:
The airflow above the water surface is often
computed as well, to simplify the formulation. Special
ρ = ∑α m ρ m (3) purpose, S60 (Series 60, CB = 0.6) hull, which was
taken as a benchmark test hull by ITTC to study wave
All other properties (e.g., viscosity μ) are computed pattern and resistance of surface ship, is chosen as the
in the same way. sample. In the past twenty years, many papers have
A single momentum equation is solved been published concerning numerical simulation or
throughout the domain, and the resulting velocity field experimental study on S60 hull.
is shared among the liquids. The momentum equation, The flow field around S60 for various Froude
shown below, is dependent on the volume fractions of numbers was numerically simulated by Garofallidis
all liquids through the properties ρ and μ. [Garofallidis (1996)] in 1996. Limited by the com-
∂ ∂ ∂P putational condition at that time, a composite method
ρu j + ρu i u j = − was adopted. The domain of computation was divided
∂t ∂xi ∂x j
into two regions. The RANS method was only applied
∂u i ∂u j in near hull region, while the classical Hess & Smith
+ μ( + ) + ρg i + F j (4) method was used in the far field. The boundary of the
∂x j ∂xi free surface was set by measured data in the towing
The Shear-Stress Transport (SST) k -ωturbulence tank.
model is adopted to calculate eddy viscosity in our The main task of this section is the numerical
study. This model is believed to be one of the best experiment on the viscous free surface flow field and
choices to simulate turbulence flow around ship hull corresponding resistances of S60 hull at varying
[Larsson (2000)]. The details of the model Froude numbers. The geometric configuration of S60
formulation can be seen in [Menter (1994)]. hull is less complicated than that of Model 5415. The
length of hull is 3.048m, the same as that in
3. Numerical Prediction and Validation of [Garofallidis (1996)]. Viscous flow field around S60
waveform and Resistance of a Surface Ship hull at nine different Froude numbers, ranging from
In recent years, computation of viscous flow with 0.16 to 0.35, are calculated on a fixed computational
free-surface effect becomes one of the important grids. The total number of cells is 216,600.
subjects in the field of ship hydrodynamics. It has The simulated wave-elevation contours on
been a challenging research task for years. The various Froude numbers, 0.16, 0.20, 0.24, 0.28, 0.30
presence of free surface makes it more difficult than and 0.316, are shown in figure 1. Equal interval
other flow calculation because the shape and location between adjacent contours is taken for all different
of free surface is unknown in prior and it’s a part of Froude number cases in the figure. It can be seen that
the solution. the free surface is rather flat at small Froude numbers.
Using VOF algorithm, the free surface ship flow Few waves appear in the case of Fn = 0.16.
around model 5415 and Wigley hulls have been Correspondingly, the wave resistance at small Froude
numerically simulation successfully in CSSRC (China numbers, included in residuary resistance component,
Ship Scientific Research Center) [Gao (2002), Zhang is also rather small as shown in Table 1. Among the
(2002) and Zhao (2005)]. above Froude numbers, the case of Fn = 0.316 is the
One of the aims of CFD technique in ship nominal state of S60 ship, which has comparable
hydrodynamics is to act as an efficient supplementary experiment data and numerical results from other
tool to costly model tests. Ship CFD, under the simulations. Figure 2 shows the wave elevation
framework of solving RANS equations for viscous contours presented by [Windt (2000)]. While the
flow has made a lot of progress in recent years. upper part of the figure is the result from the potential
However, it lacks further case studies in the parameter flow theory, the lower part is the experimental data.
space. Therefore, to make the new ship CFD method Compared qualitatively with these results in [Windt
based on solving RANS equations more versatile like (2000)], once again, it indicates a creditable simu-
laboratory model tests, we have carried out such lation of our method.
studies in this paper. The wave profile along the hull with varying
On the basis of the verification of our RANS Froude number is very useful to study the wave
method for calculating viscous free surface flow past resistance. Figure 3 shows the simulated results of the
simple Wigley hull and practical Model 5415, we now wave profiles along S60 hull at different Froude
apply the method to simulate the drag and ship numbers. For five sets of Froude numbers, there are
generated waves of a surface ship model with varying experimental data available to us and we only choose
Froude numbers. To the authors’ best knowledge, few two of them to be plotted on the same graph as
papers could be found in the literature on the examples for clarity reasons. These two different sets
hydrodynamic performance of a surface ship with of marker in the figure are the experimental data
varying Froude numbers by solving RANS equation. [Garofallidis (1996)] at Fn = 0.20 and 0.35
With ample data available for the comparison respectively. Excellent quantitative agreement is
achieved at these two Froude numbers. It can be seen Table 1.
that the wave profile near the bow is a trough at Fn =
0.16, while it becomes wave crests with the Froude
number increasing to 0.20 and above. When Froude
number changes, the wave profiles are similar in form
while the wavelength and amplitude varying. The
amplitudes of the second crest are almost the same in
the Froude number nearby 0.3. It goes to very small at
Fn = 0.35.
Fig. 2 Wave levation contours of measurement and
computation [Windt (2000)]

(a) Fn=0.316

(b) Fn=0.30
Fig.3 Wave profile along model S60 hull

Table 1 The computed resistant coefficients at different

Froude numbers for S60
Fn Ct×103 Cf×103 Cr×103
(c) Fn=0.28
0.20 4.275 3.862 0.413

0.22 4.290 3.790 0.500

0.24 4.326 3.727 0.599

(d) Fn=0.24
0.26 4.547 3.670 0.877

0.28 4.965 3.626 1.339

0.30 5.307 3.571 1.736

0.316 5.377 3.536 1.841

(e) Fn=0.20
0.35 5.686 3.469 2.217

Traditionally, the result of model resistance test

can be expressed as a corresponding relation between
resistance coefficient and Froude number in a
(f) Fn=0.16 dimensionless way. The total resistance coefficient is
generally divided into two parts, frictional and
Fig. 1 Wave contours for S60 hull at different Froude number residuary resistance coefficient. The frictional
resistance coefficient is obviously a function of
Reynolds number for viscous effect, whereas the
The calculation of wave resistance with varying residuary resistance coefficient almost has no
Froude number is another important aspect. The correlation to Reynolds number. As a crucial
computational results of the resistance coefficients of resistance component of a surface ship, the wave
S60 hull at different Froude Numbers are tabulated in
resistance is included in the residuary resistance. number when the viscosity is a constant. On the other
Therefore, the relationship between the residuary hand, only one fixed grid resolution was adopted in
resistance coefficient and Froude number can be used our study due to limited computational resources.
to evaluate the so-called “wave performance” of a
surface ship. 4. Wake Simulation and Validation for a Surface
To investigate the scale effect on ship model drag Ship with Complex Appendages
test, China Ship Scientific Research Center (CSSRC) A typical surface ship hull usually has complex
conducted a special test on four different scaled curvature, and may be equipped with a number of
models of S60. The lengths of the scaled models are appendages. Most commercial ships such as oil
1.83, 2.542, 4.067 and 6.100 meters, respectively. The tankers or container ships, only have few appendages,
resistance test on the largest model was repeated for while combatants usually have quite a number of
three times. Six groups of experimental data can be appendages. The capability of a CFD package to
found in the CSSRC report [Jiang (1993)]. Due to accurately simulate the wake field of surface ship with
different dimensions of the models used in the tests, complex appendages is very important for the
the comparison of the total resistance of different practical application of CFD to ship design.
models makes no sense. The residuary resistance There have been few simulations for wake field
coefficient, however, can be used to verify our of complex naval combatant. It is even more
calculation. challenging for a CFD simulation of fully appended
surface ships. As rapid improvements occur in CFD
technology and turbulence modeling, numerical
simulations of flow field around fully appended
surface ship now become possible. Burg et al. (2002)
calculated the flow field of fully appended DTMB
5415 including rotating propeller using unstructured
grid. Bull et al. (2002) presented some numerical
results of flow field around a fully appended surface
ship and the comparisons with test data. Joseph et al.
(2004) investigated the propeller inflow for two naval
combatants with appendages with a model based on
the RANS equations. With good grids and appropriate
resolution, the RANS calculations provide very useful
Fig. 4 The residuary resistance coefficient with varying Froude information on the underlying physics of the flow and
number of S60 hull scale effects.
The hull form chosen for the present study is a
Figure 4 shows the comparison between the typical combatant equipped with a complete set of
calculated residuary resistance coefficients with the appendages, i.e. a sonar dome, anti-rolling fins, bilge
experimental data [Jiang (1993)]. All the six groups’ keels, strut and shaft.
measurements are marked in the figure, together with For a ship hull with appendages, the grid
the numerical results obtained from the current model generation is not trivial. Usually, the hull topology is
and plotted in a bold line. It clearly demonstrated that complex with the presence of several appendages such
the overall variation of the residuary resistance as skegs, struts, bilge keels, bulbous bows, etc. As a
coefficient vs. Froude number has been successfully result, simple structured grid is not always possible to
captured. The simulated residuary resistance accommodate the need of simulating entire flow field
coefficient is well consistent with the measurements. around a ship with several appendages. Furthermore,
Likewise, the computed curve also has two inflexions with appendages it becomes much more difficult to
near Fn = 0.25 and 0.30. Remarkable accuracy of the ensure grid not to be too skewed, while maintaining a
computation is achieved at the range of lesser Froude decent resolution in the regions of high gradients of
number from 0.20 to 0.28, and the difference from the flow variables.
measurements increases a little when Froude number Due to its flexibility of handling complex
is above 0.28. One of the main reasons for this geometry, CFD methods based on unstructured grid
apparent under-estimate when the Froude number would much better suit hulls with appendages.
goes beyond 0.28 is that a higher grid resolution is However, dealing with the boundary conditions is far
required once the Reynolds number becomes larger. from satisfactory among these methods. In addition,
The reason that the Reynolds number also changes the number of grid points needed for properly
with the Froude number is because once we have resolving the flow field is much large.
fixed the dimension of the computational hull, Multi-block structured grids were used in our
Reynolds number goes up with the increase of Froude calculation. The grids were grouped in blocks in order
to deal with the complex topology of the ship Fig.5 Grid topology around the appendages
geometry. Such complexity is manifested in Figure 5, As stated before, one of the most valuable results
which displays the grid topology around various of using CFD is to simulate the wake flow in the
appendages. Because of symmetry, only half of the propeller plane, especially to give circumferential
domain is needed in the calculation. The computation distribution of three components of the velocity, as
domain was divided into 59 blocks. The total number this information forms a crucial part of the input
of grid is 691,109. The numerical grid was generated conditions to propeller designers. This is indeed one
using commercial code GAMBIT. It must be of the foci of this study. Our calculation for the
emphasized that the generation of computation grid present study was carried on a model with the model
for such complicated geometries remain a difficult and length being 6.4 m and the upstream velocity being
time-consuming exercise. 3.3 m/s, the Reynolds Number being 2.1×107, based
on ship length.
We have compared our predicted flow field in
propeller plane with towing tank test data [Liu (2001)].
Shown in Fig. 6 ~ Fig. 8. are the circumferential
distribution of axial velocity, tangential velocity and
radial velocity components respectively, at various
radial locations in the propeller plane. It can be seen
that all the three components of the computed
velocities overall agree very well with experimental

Fig. 6 Circumferential distribution of axial velocity at

various radial locations

results. The only noticeable slightly large difference

lies in the range of 300 degrees to 360 degrees in Fig.
6 and Fig. 8. This is the top-right region of the
propeller, if one faces in the direction the ship is
traveling because the azimuthal angels in these figures

are measured with the zeroth degree at 12-clock certainly quite encouraging to obtain such a good
position and an anti-clockwise rotation. Slightly larger result in all three components of the wake of an
errors in this region are usually expected as the appended hull. The comparison has demonstrated that
presence of the V-shape double-armed struts in front our CFD model is capable of simulating the steady
of the propeller that normally makes the flow in this viscous flow around an appended ship hull with
region much harder to simulate, especially to the acceptable accuracy.
top-right region of the propeller. We believe that larger
errors in the top-right region of the propeller (between
300 degrees to 360 degrees) than those on the top-left
region (0 degrees to 60 degrees) displayed in Fig.
6-Fig. 8 are a result of the former region being closer
to the vertical symmetrical plane, on which the
symmetry boundary conditions have been applied
(There are two propellers for this ship, symmetrically
located on both sides of the symmetry plane).

Fig. 8 Circumferential distribution of radial velocity at

various radial locations

5. Conclusions
Computational results of a RANS model for
viscous free surface flow along S60 ship hull at
different Froude numbers and wake flow of a complex
surface ship with various appendages are presented in
this paper together with a comparison of these results
Fig. 7 Circumferential distribution of tangential velocity with experimental data. Good agreement with the
at various radial locations experimental data has been observed. This study has
further demonstrated the huge potential of CFD
One should also notice that the tangential and applications in ship hydrodynamics as well as in ship
radial velocity components, shown in Fig.7 and Fig. 8 engineering design practice. CFD will be an
respectively, are one order smaller than the axial irreplaceable tool in computer-aided propeller and
velocity component shown in Fig. 6. Thus, naturally it ship designs.
is harder to achieve the same order of accuracy as that
of the axial component with the same resolution of the References
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