Research Projects Show Nuclear Desalination Economical

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Research projects show nuclear

desalination economical
BY GAMINI SENEVIRATNE Ten designs were developed and examined,
seawater with favorable costs based on certain
using nuclear power is cost-effective
compared with other primary ener- fossil-fuel prices for conventional plants.
gies, according to researchers in 10 coun-
tries who have studied various options at
specific sites in their own countries. Their
findings show nuclear to be at least compet-
itive in all cases.
Researchers from Argentina, China,
Egypt, France, India, Korea, Pakistan, Rus-
sia, Syria, and the United States focused on
the economics of producing potable water
by using various desalination technologies
and energy sources at particular sites. The
participants followed an agreed procedure
throughout a coordinated research project
(CRP), Economics of Nuclear Desalina-
tion—New Developments and Site-specific
Studies, set up by the International Atomic
Energy Agency. The findings of the stud-
ies, carried out over three years and ending
in November 2006, are included in a tech-
nical document (IAEA-TECDOC) already
at the printer.
“There is a dire shortage of fresh water
for drinking in many countries already, and
when you realize that 70 percent of the
planet is covered with water but only 2.5 The desalination plant evaporators at Aktau, Kazakhstan. The BN-350 fast reactor at Aktau
percent of that is fresh water, it is hardly supplied potable water to local communities until it was shut down in 1999. (Photo: IAEA)
surprising,” Ibrahim Khamis, who heads
the IAEA’s desalination unit, told Nuclear The U.S. study, which was undertaken by directly. The two main distillation modes,
News. He added that 70 percent of that fresh Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), notes known as multistage flash (MSF) and mul-
water is frozen in the polar icecaps and that “the need for fresh water, high-purity tieffect distillation (MED), both involve
Greenland, and most of the rest is in soil water, and other grades of water for various heating seawater to produce steam, fol-
moisture, inaccessible underground aqui- domestic, industrial, and agricultural appli- lowed by evaporation, condensation, and,
fers, or comes as heavy rain that is difficult cations is ever increasing in the United finally, pure water collection. The method
to capture. “So only some 0.008 percent, States.” Demand is driven mainly by pop- using membranes, which is called reverse
about 70 000 km3, is readily available, and ulation, as well as continuous economic and osmosis (RO), uses electricity to create a
even that is very unevenly distributed.” technological growth, and it is predicted pressure differential across a semiperme-
According to Khamis, recent statistics that more than an additional 60 billion m3 able membrane, allowing fresh water to
show 2.3 billion people living in water- of water a year will be needed for munici- pass through to the low-pressure side, and
stressed areas, 1.7 billion of them in areas pal and light industrial uses by the year leaving salty seawater on the high-pressure
where the availability is on average less 2020. An additional 11–19 liters per day per side.
than 1000 m3 a year. Given human popula- person will be needed to generate hydrogen, Desalination plant capacity worldwide is
tion growth and the increasing demands of should transportation be based mainly on close to 40 million m3 today, mostly by dis-
industry and agriculture, the projections hydrogen-powered vehicles in the future. tillation using fossil energy, and mostly in
point to a continuously worsening situation, “Cogeneration of water and power could the Middle East and North Africa. Nuclear
even if the effects of global warming are not offer a major portion of the additional wa- desalination has so far been exclusively for
taken into account. Khamis said he foresaw ter needed, in addition to providing much use within the nuclear power plants them-
a time when nuclear power will be sought needed energy for maintaining sustainable selves, except at the Soviet-built BN-350
for desalination rather than for electricity development and growth,” the ANL report fast reactor in Aktau, Kazakhstan, which
generation, at least in some specific regions says. supplied potable water to local communi-
of the world such as the Middle East. “You The IAEA report says that desalinating ties until it was shut down in 1999.
can live without electricity for quite a long seawater is not the only solution under dis- Currently, only India supplies nuclear de-
time; without water, only a matter of days.” cussion for remedying the water scarcity, salinated water outside the plant site. Hav-
but it is an important one. There are essen- ing earlier used MSF to get plant-use
Gamini Seneviratne is Nuclear News's Vienna tially two methods: distillation using heat, water, it has also integrated RO to the
correspondent. and the use of membranes and electricity desalination unit at its Kalpakkam pres-

60 N U C L E A R N E W S April 2007
surized heavy-water reactor (PHWR) in It adds the caveat that results are site- China
Chenai, and it has begun (experimentally) specific and reflect current practices, data, NHR-200 + MED systems for some coastal
supplying some water outside the power and assumptions specific to each country locations
station. Pakistan has begun a similar proj- for the cost evaluations of nuclear and con- The cost of water from an integrated de-
ect at its Karachi nuclear power plant ventional water and energy cogeneration salination plant using the NHR-200 (200-
(KANUPP) to couple a 1600 m3/day MED systems and their intercomparisons, and MW high-temperature Nuclear Heat Reac-
unit to the nuclear plant, which earlier op- “the values of various economic parameters tor) may be about $0.75/m3 for an NHR-200
erated a 454 m3/day RO facility for plant are therefore not absolute.” The case stud- + VTE (high-temperature, vertical tube
use. ies, which cover particular nuclear and de- evaporator)–MED version and $0.79/m3 for
Fresh water is needed for many purposes. salination technologies and specific sites, an NHR-200 + LT-HTE (low-temperature,
Saudi Arabia alone already irrigates crops are quite detailed. The following summa- horizontal tube evaporator)–MED version.
with desalinated water. A number of coun- rizes the conclusions: The case study indicated that the cost of
tries, notably Egypt, the Persian Gulf steam produced by the NHR-200 is very
States, Israel, Jordan, and Libya, depend on Argentina competitive in comparison with oil- and
the technology to maintain tourism. Khamis CAREM + RO system for the Porto De- gas-fired boilers.
said nuclear desalination has been held back seado site
by two key factors: economics, and the un- As in most regions of the world, Latin Egypt
availability of reactors of appropriate size. America, and particularly Argentina, has an PWR-1000 + MSF, MED, and RO for a
The CRP addressed the former, comparing extensive coastal area with populations coastal site
cost performance between reactor plus de- lacking fresh water, representing an impor- Using a 1000-MWe pressurized water re-
salination method combinations. The per- tant restriction for its socioeconomic devel- actor, the cost of water (at an 8 percent dis-
ception that nuclear is less cost-effective opment. Nuclear desalination is a possible count rate) from an MSF plant is highest, at
than other energy sources was repudiated solution to this ongoing scarcity. Using nu- $1.48/m3, compared with $0.89 and $0.65/m3
by the studies. clear power to generate fresh water as well with the MED and RO plants, respectively.
The report says that the country case as electricity is economically preferable to Sensitivity analysis has shown that the vari-
studies “have shown that in general, the nu- energy from fossil fuels. ation of discount rate and water availability
clear desalination costs can vary from $0.5 A CAREM plant (a small reactor devel- has the largest impact on the unit production
to $0.94/m3 for RO, from $0.6 to $0.96/m3 oped jointly by Investigaciones Aplicadas cost. The results of the case study clearly in-
for MED, and from $1.18 to $1.48/m3 for Sociedad del Estado [INVAP] and the dicate the economic interest of nuclear de-
MSF plants. All nuclear options are eco- Comisión Nacional de Energia Atómica), salination systems for the Egyptian sites.
nomically attractive as compared with the coupled to an RO system, is an economical
gas turbine combined-cycle–based desali- and technically feasible option, as well as a France and Tunisia
nation systems, as long as gas prices remain safe and reliable alternative for desalination PWR, GT-MHR, and PBMR + MED, RO,
higher than $150/toe [metric tons oil equiv- and energy production in Puerto Deseado for la Skhira site, Tunisia
alent] or $21/bbl [barrel].” and other cities with water scarcity problems. Continued

12 21

3 6 14
MED desalination unit 20

8 18 21


1 10 17
9 9

Reactor unit Electric --generating unit 20

ROph desalination unit
1 – reactor 4 – high-pressure turbine 11 – seawater heater 17 – ultra filtration membranes
2 – pressurizer 5 – intermediate steam heater 12 – flash chamber 18 – RO membranes
3 – steam generator 6 – low-pressure turbine 13 – MED stages 19 – desalted water tank
7 – electric generator 14 – condenser 20 – product output
8 – condenser 15 – pre-filter 21 – brine outflow
9 – feedwater heater 16 – chlorinated water
10 – deaerator tank

Fig. 1. Typical coupling schemes of the PWR + MED and PWR + ROph processes. In the PWR + MED coupling scheme, the vapor
extracted from one (or more) turbine stage(s) is fed to a heat exchanger (which may be similar to the condenser), where the incoming
water temperature is raised to an appropriate level (70–90 °C). The hot water then passes through a flash tank, where it is partially
evaporated. This vapor then serves as the heating fluid in the MED plant. (Diagram: CEA)

April 2007 N U C L E A R N E W S 61
Power and desalination costs were ob- water. Permeate water quality from RO de- The water cost for a SMART + MED sys-
tained with four different reactors: two teriorates with time, leading to the need to tem producing 40 000 m3/day is $0.63/m3 at
PWRs—a 900-MWe PWR and the Wes- replace the membrane. In a hybrid system, a 7 percent discount rate. A sensitivity analy-
tinghouse advanced AP600—and two high- it is possible to maintain the drinking water sis performed with respect to parameters
temperature reactors—a gas turbine-mod- quality for a long time by adding the distil- such as interest rate, electricity cost, plant
ular helium reactor (GT-MHR) and a late from the MSF, thereby extending the availability, nuclear fuel cycle cost, and cap-
pebble bed modular reactor (PBMR). These effective life of the membranes. ital costs showed the economics to be
were compared with a 600-MW gas tur- The experience in implementing the Nu- promising. The discount rate was identified
bine, combined-cycle plant (CC-600). All clear Desalination Demonstration Plant at as having the greatest impact on water cost.
these energy sources were coupled to MED Kalpakkam gave Indian researchers con-
and RO desalination processes, operating siderable confidence in designing, in- Pakistan
in the cogeneration mode. In all conditions, stalling, testing, and commissioning the Existing CANDU reactor, KANUPP +
the four nuclear options lead to much lower coupling schemes of nuclear desalination MED, for Karachi region
power and desalination costs, provided gas plants (Fig. 2). This study showed that the discount and
prices remain above $150/toe. interest rates can play an important role in
The MED desalination cost using the Korea the economics of a desalination project.
PWR-900 and the AP600 are 46 percent SMART + MED, for a demonstration plant As for the size factor, for small-sized
and 42 percent, respectively, lower than the Korea’s SMART reactor, coupled with an plants the effect of capacity on water cost
corresponding cost using the CC-600 plant. MED process, is considered the most likely is rather small. For large plants (produc-
The lowest costs with the MED plants are option for nuclear desalination in Korea. ing > 100 000 m3/day), however, an appre-
obtained by the GT-MHR and the PBMR,
utilizing virtually free waste heat. Com-
pared to the cost with the CC-600 + MED
system (at a natural gas price of $60/bbl),
these reactors coupled to MED plants lead
to desalination costs that are, respectively,
62 percent and 56 percent lower. Compared
with the CC-600 + RO system, the corre-
sponding desalination costs of the PWR-
900 + RO and AP600 + RO are, respec-
tively, 31 percent and 29 percent lower.
With all the energy sources, desalination
costs with the RO process are lower than
the corresponding costs with the MED
Typical coupling schemes of PWR +
MED and PWR + ROph (with preheating
of the feedwater) processes are shown in
Fig. 1. In the PWR + MED scheme, the va- The Nuclear Desalination Demonstration Plant (NDDP), in foreground, at the Madras
por extracted from one (or more) turbine Atomic Power Station in Kalpakkam, India. (Photo: IAEA)
stage(s) is fed to a heat exchanger where the
incoming water temperature is raised to an
appropriate level (70–90 °C). The hot wa-
ter then passes through a flash tank, where
it is partially evaporated. This vapor then
serves as the heating fluid in the MED plant.

PHWR + hybrid MSF/RO for the
Kalpakkam site demonstration plant
Expertise is available in India for the de-
sign of large-sized MSF and RO plants for
seawater desalination and low-temperature
MED technology for utilization of low-
grade and waste heat for producing pure
water from saline water. The cost of de-
salted water is a function of specific energy
consumption and power tariffs. But because
tariffs stay relatively constant, water cost is
brought down mainly by reducing the en-
ergy consumption.
In the case of RO, higher flux membranes
and more efficient energy recovery systems
would reduce the specific energy consump-
tion. Scaling up improves the water cost of
MSF compared with that of RO. The water
cost of MSF is 24 percent higher than the Fig. 2. Coupling arrangement of the NDDP, a hybrid MSF + RO plant, at Kalpakkam.
cost of RO, but RO produces better quality (Diagram: BARC)

62 N U C L E A R N E W S April 2007

ciable reduction in water cost with increase Thus, savings in energy costs are the main
in capacity is observed. Water/power plant contributor to the lower overall product wa-
availability is another important parameter ter costs of the hybrid plant.
that appreciably affects the water cost. With
a 30 percent increase in the availability fac- The nuclear advantage
tor, the water cost decreases by about 18 The main advantage of a nuclear power
percent. The use of nuclear heat to produce plant coupled to a desalination plant over a
potable water from seawater is an attractive fossil fuel–fired plant is the former’s low
option against an oil price even below fuel cycle cost. On the other hand, some ad-
$45/bbl. ditional capital investment may be needed
for a nuclear cogeneration plant because of
Russia the required isolation loop coupling a ther-
KLT-40S, RITM-200, GT-MHR + MED, mal or a hybrid plant to the power plant,
RO for a coastal site which is not needed for a coupled fossil
A floating nuclear power desalination fuel–fired plant.
complex (FNDC) with Russian KLT-40S The safety and environmental considera-
reactors coupled with MED plants is con- tions of a nuclear desalination complex do
sidered the most probable option for nu- not pose significant economic or health
clear desalination in Russia. The cost of de- risks. Some provisions need to be made in
salinated water produced by fossil-fuel order to ensure that when the desalination
desalination complexes was evaluated and plant, which serves as a heat sink, is shut
the competitiveness of FNDC based on down or operated in partial load, there will
KLT-40S units and the larger RITM-200 be a backup heat sink available to accept re-
reactor was determined and compared with jected heat from the power plant and pre-
fossil-fuel analogs. Both nuclear options vent power plant shutdown.
lead to lower power and desalination costs In addition, Khamis mentioned Israel’s
as compared with fossil-fueled systems for extensive non-nuclear experience with de-
oil costs of more than $90–$120/metric ton salination (reorganized as a national pro-
and coal costs of more than $60–$80/met- gram in 2002), which it reported on at an
ric ton. IAEA technical meeting on integrated nu-
clear desalination systems in mid-Decem-
Syria ber. The cost of desalination—currently us-
PBMR + MED/VC, RO, for Damascus re- ing non-nuclear electricity—at three
gion already commissioned plants provides com-
The water cost for a PBMR + MED/VC parison with the nuclear desalination fig-
(vapor compression) system is $0.52/m3, ures in the 10 earlier reports: Eilat (3 mil-
compared with $0.61/m3 when using local lion m3 per year), $0.9/m3; Ashkelon (10
fossil-fueled thermal energy sources. The million–11 million m3/yr), $0.645/m3; and
water cost for a PBMR + RO system is Hadera (100 million m3/yr), $0.595/m3.
$0.63/m3, compared with $0.67/m3 using a The report’s main conclusions, “from ex-
local fossil-fueled system. The total potable perience accumulated so far,” were the fol-
water cost (including water transport cost lowing:
and desalination cost) would be in the range ■ Seawater desalination by RO is “very re-
of $0.85/m3 to $1.40/m3. liable” for very large amounts from the
standpoints of both water quality and over-
United States all plant performance.
PWR + MED, RO, and hybrid MED/RO ■ Adding improvements to large plants
The study demonstrated the feasibility of makes them more complex but is econom-
the cogeneration of water and power using ically justified.
a nuclear reactor as the energy source. Spe- ■ Attention should be paid to environmen-
cific cogeneration options will be evaluated tal issues pertaining to the streams of (brine)
in detail for economic and technical feasi- concentrate and wash-water of the filters.
bility as a follow-up step to this analysis, ■ Financing for large projects should be
which indicates that nuclear desalination secured as early as possible.
can readily be considered a competitive al- Khamis said that the next big step for nu-
ternative to conventional fossil fuel– clear desalination must be for interested
powered cogeneration plants. countries to set up and run demonstration fa-
In addition to providing a range of water cilities, coupling reactors and desalination
products of various qualities and opera- units. India and Pakistan have made a start.
tional flexibility, the hybrid RO/LT (low- Libya has announced the intention to use its
temperature)-MED plant option offers wa- research reactor to demonstrate nuclear de-
ter costs that are very close to those of the salination. He said the IAEA International
stand-alone RO seawater plant. The overall Conference on Non-electric Applications of
energy consumption for the hybrid plant Nuclear Power: Seawater Desalination, Hy-
(on the basis of total equivalent MWe and drogen Production and Other Industrial Ap-
assuming a 30 percent power plant thermal plications, being held April 16–19, 2007, in
efficiency) is, on average, 60 percent lower Oarai, Japan, could well be told of further
than for the stand-alone LT-MED plant. firm developments.

April 2007 N U C L E A R N E W S 63

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