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De-sM-oaa4 17242 FROM ITS PTY LID yO ase5736199 Piet {1 Paces SPACE GASS ‘for Windows - Dynamics Application Notes Summary This paper is a working example covering a practical earthquake design example of a three storey building. The design procadure, including the modeling assumptions, usage of the SPACE GASS Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis: Module, some reference to the design code AS1170.4 and interpretation of the results is covered in detail, ‘Design Task ‘The dasign task is to examine the eirthquake effects on a three stofay hospital building, located in Adelaide. ‘The load bearing structural system is a reinforced concrete frame with Ightweight partitions. The basic layout of the geometry is given in the following figures, 2B-SUN-27a4 17:42 FROM ITS PTY LTD. To 9395738199 P22 . SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynamics, 2 7.000 Sst storey a A all cotumns 400x800 all beams 400x600 3.0m ie. 800m & 200m 2nd storey 7.0m all columns 400x800 all beams 400x600 ena 2.0m 8.0m - 3rd storey 700m all columns 400x400 all beams 400600 st 8.0m 2.90 2.900 3.400 Seetio AA Section BB Typical Sections Earthquake Design- Category In Australia, a structure is usually designed for tive and dead load and eventually for ‘wind load, if necessary, the structure is checked for earthquakes. According to A81170.4 all structures in Australia are at seismic risk, and earthquake offects should bbe considered. For the majority of ordinary structures there will be no need to undertake any additional earthquake analysis. PO-IUN-20@d 17142 FROM ITS PTY LTD. To es9s73a1s9 P03 . SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynamics 3 ‘Some structures require additional earthquake analysis, but usually this analysis will indicate that the structure is satisfactory and there is no need for it to be modified, But, for some structures, there will bs a need to increase the strength of some oritical structural elements to take the addtional earthquake loading. “The first step in the earthquake design is to determine the Earthquake Design Category, in accordance with AS1170.4, Table 2.6. The structure in this example is located in Adelaide and, consequently, the Accelaration Coefficient (AS1170.4, Tabla 2.3) Is: 220.10 ‘The Sits Factor (8) can ba taken from Table 2.4(a), AS1170.4. in this example it is ‘assumed that the Site Factor Is: S=16 ‘The product (a} by (8) is: aS = 0.10.6 = 0.15 The 'S) product indicates that we can use the middle row from Table 2.6, AS1170.4. ‘The structure belongs to the General Structures category. According to clause 2.2.3 it is Type lil and, sinca the building is a hospital, it is essential for post-earthquake recovery. From Table 2,6, AS1170.4 we can read that the Earthquake Design Catagory is D. Now, we have to review clause 2.7.5 to sve whether we have to undertake any ‘additional earthquake analysis. The structures in the Design Category D shail ba analysed by Static Analysis (Section 6, AS1170.4), or by the Dynamic Analysis in accordaiice with Section 7 (AS114.4), ‘We will choose the Dynamic analysis, as itis a more accurate alternative. The Dynamic Analysis will be performed by the SPACE GASS Response Spectrum Analysis Module. Global Stiffness ‘The first step is to prapare the structural model. Tha model of the structural system should bs the same model used in the static analysi ‘The node numbers are shown in the figure below: 2e-TUN20e4 17:43 FROM ITS PTY LTD To 9395738199 P.04 oo . SPACE GASS for Windows. « Node Numbers ‘The nodal coordinates are given in the table below (assuming the Y axis is vertical): ‘Nodal Coordinates Nose TX | Woe No. +} 06, oo 2 | 60 00 su 20 4—[-90 70 s {80 70 ses [9 7 [00 19071708 a ‘o | ie 10 [80 ui [ 80 az [18.0 ZOJUN-2004 17143 FROM ITS PTY LID To 9395738199 Pes : SPACE GASS for Windows ; Dynamics 5 ‘The columns at the top floor have a equare cross section, 400x400 mm, All other colurnns have a rectangular cross section, 400x800 mm. The orientation of the columns is shown in the figures on the previous page, All beams have a rectangular ross section Depth = 600 mm, Width = 400 mm. 8D View of the Structure ‘The material properties are the same for all elamants, Concrete 32 (Modulus of Elasticity: 28.6 GPa). All the columns are fully fixed to the ground. The node restraint cods is: FFFFFF. ‘The floor and roof is a reinforced concrete slab, 200 mm thick. The fioar slab has a sufficient stiffness to be considered as a rigid diaphragm in its own plane. in order to adil this we have to fix all nodes on one floor by using the SPACE GASS Master Slave Constraint module, ‘The Mastet-Slave Constraints on each floor have the following code: FRFRFR (ie: all transiation in X and Z directions arid ail rotation about ¥ axes are common). Each floor will behave as a rigid plate with three degrees of freedom: two horizontal translations and one rotation about the vertical axes. To check the Master-Siave constrains, we will apply a point ioad at one comer at the top floor, node No. 25, Px=1000. The top view of the distorted structure wilt confirm the Master-Slave definitions, Master-Stave Check (Top View) DB-TUN-2004 17:43 FROM ITS PTY LTD To 9395738199, P26 ~ SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynamics 6 This concludes the modeling of the structure. The geometry, which includes section properties and materia! properties will determine the stiffness of the structure. Moving onto the Response Analysis, note that the dynamic response of a structure is a funetion of three major factors: 1. Global Stitiness 2. Global Mass 8. Dynamic input (Spectral Curves and Factora) ‘The Global Mass and the Global Stiffness will determine the dynamic properties of the structures, summariged as Mode Shapes and Natural Periods. Global Mass. Now, we have to define the structural mass. The SPACE GASS Dynamic Natural Frequency Analysis Module uses Lumped Masses. This approach assumes that all the mass Is lumped to the nodal points. In this case we will apply lumped masses et each floor. Note: if your units eystem is set to kN,m then translational lumped masses are input as, tons and rotational lumped masses are input as ton * metre squared, We have calculated that the total Dead Load on both floors is 7.2 kPa and 5.4 kPa on the root, averaged per m?. This includes the self weight of the slabs and beams and all additional dead load from the floor cover, partitions and ceiling. Tever Dimensions Floor Area m me 3 [80x70 6 2 AL8.0+ 8.0) x7.0. 328.0" 1 [(8.0+80)x(7.0450) 7160.0, ‘The sett weight of the columns was also considered. It was distributed 60% to the floor above and 50% to the floor below. At the ground fevel, 50% of the columns’ weight goes to the ground and it is not considered in the analysis. DBTUN-2004 17:44 PROM ITS PTY LTD. To essS7sE199, Par . SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynamics Zz 50% 100% 100% ‘to ground Columns Meas ‘The Live Load on both fioors Is 3.0 kPa; as recommendd in AS1170.1, Appendix A . As spocified in Clause 6.2.5, AS117.4 and Table 2.2, AS1170.1 only a iraction of the Live Load should be considered. In this example we car use 60% of the Live Load on both floors and 0% on the root, since itis non-trafficable. This assures that in the event of an earthquake only 60% of the Live Load on the floors wit be present, and there will Live Load on the roof. This is a realistic ‘estimate of the fikely Live Load on the structure. Appiying more load will not necessarily be more conservative. Actually, the effect will be quite the opposite, A larger mass will result in a larger values for the Natural Periods, and consequently the ‘structure wil attract a smaller earthquake load, Level” | Dead Load | Live Lead” [Total Gravity ia WPA. oad, KPa, Sa a un Ro 76 a 72 20 In this example, for the 1* floor we can lump ail floor mass in 9 nodes. The mass on each node will be calculated according to the contributory floor area. isles PeTDaBd 1744 FROM ITS PTY LID To @395736199 P.28 - [SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynamics 8 iedal Gray Loads and Lumped Masses ‘bevel Floor Area ‘Floor ‘Gravity ‘Nodsi m Load, KPa | Load, KN Mass: t T[6 40x55. ‘ao | “80 a 1 a BOxs5, 9.0 | e520 [25.20 T 42 40x35 $0) 426.0 42.60, ys Fox G5 > 9.0 T4800] 18.00 + 44 8.0 x (3.5 + 1.5) 8.0 880.0 36.00 + $0} 180.0 | 14.00. t 30 0) 40 i 408.0 | 10.80. i 540 | 640 z 196.0] 12.80 _| 2 Oo 25.20 H oe 2 8.0 25.20 20) 12.60 3 5A 7.56. 3 5.4 7.58 3 Ba 7 3 Ba, 758. It will be more accurate to divide the gravity toad given in KN by the gravity nocsleration 9.81 to obtain the mass in metric tones. But, in the table above this was not done, since it will introduce only 2% error, which is negligible comparing to other approximation in the design. ‘The total maes per floor is given in the table below. Total Gravity, Floor Gravity Boad. Tr 302-€ z i080 i ago: Now, we have to enter the valuss in the nodal mass in SPACE GASS.under (Load | Lumped Masses), from the main menu. All masses are entered 2s Mass Load Case: No 1. Other mass load cases may be used when we want to analyse the same structure with an alternative gravity load, Each nodal mass will be entered in both horizontal directions, X and Z (this will not double up the masses). The mass in the X direction will generate an inertia fores ‘when the earthquake applies some agceleration in the X direction. The same applies {or the Z direction. ‘That is why we have to enter the mags in the X and in Z direction. ‘The mass in the vertical Y direction will not be entered. By doing this we assume that the earthquake effects in the vertical Y direction are neglected. Note that the mass in the vertical direction should be considered in the case of larger cantilevers, or siructures with larger spans euch as bridge structures. SPACE GASS has the capacity to automatically calculate the sett weight of the structure. In this example we have calculated the total mass manually, and it will be: 2e-TUN-2004 17:44 FROM 17S PTY LTD TO 9395738199 P28 - SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynamics g entered as nodal mass. This will give us a total control over the input variables. For larger structures, with many element and irregular shape, the automatic calculation of the self mass will be more suitable. Mode Shapes and Natural Frequencies We have now defined the structure and the masses. The next step is to oslculate the dynamic properties of the structure: Mode Shapes and Naturat Frequencies. But first we have to perform a linear static analysis and write the stiffness matrix to disk. ‘Ones the static analysis is completed we can perform the Dynamic Natural Frequencies analysis. The input parameters for the anelysis are shown below. ‘The “Load Cases List” should be ‘empty, since there Is only one mass load case ‘The Salf Mass is not calculated sine we have included all the mass manvally a9 lumped nodai masses. Note that the maxinur number of iterations defaults to 200. ‘The determination of structure's Dynamic Natural Frequencies is an iterative procedure, anc:in the case of an it-conditioned structure, the algorithm may converge very slowly or may not converge at all, To prevent this endless loop there is a limitation on the number of iterations. ‘Usually up to 20 interruptions are sufficient to reach the solution. ‘Convergence tolerance is a parameter which controls the accuracy of the solution, Each structure has as many mode shapes as degrees of freedom. Generally, each node has 6 degrees of frasdoms, and if the structure in this example has 19 nodes {excluding the supports), theoretically we can calculate 6 x 49 = 114 mode shapes and atural frequencies, But, in most cases, the dynamic behaviour is adequately ‘represented by the first faw mode shapes. In our example we well intially caloulate 8 mode shapes. The frequency shift is used when we want to exclude some frequencies. For instance, the Dynamic Frequency Analysis Module will calculate the required number of frequencies starting frorn tha lowest one, But, if we are interested in frequencies above some value we can enter that vaitie as the frequency shitt, thus excluding all frequencies below that which we specified, Consicler that we are trying the examifie the resonance effect of a building from some machinery with an operational frequency of 12Hz. If we enter a frequency shift of 10Hz then we will end up only with the frequencies above 10Hz. If we didn't enter @ 2B-JUN-2ae4 17245 FROM ITS PTY LTD. 70 a395738199 Pe ~ SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynamics. 0. ‘roquency shift then the Dynamic Natural Frequency Analysis Module wil try 10 calculate all frequencies, starting from the lowest one. ‘This would result in the calouletion of many unwanted frequencies. Normaiising the mode shape simply normatises all of the displacements relative to tie ‘maximusn displacement which is set to unity. Tuming this option on just makes it ‘easier to interpret the mods shape results. ‘Onve the Dynamic Natural Frequency Analysis is finished we should review the mode shapes. ‘The animation capabilities of SPACE GASS will give us a very good overview of the vibration of the structure. The first mode shape is a global torsion. If we select the Plane View, we can easily see the vibration of the structure. ‘The results are summarised in the table below. Fr Analysis Results ee I Sey ota Shape | Period, | fz No. sec rT 024637 [a 15 jlebal torsion z G.2age fa. 119, nixed ¥ and @ translation 3. 0.2088 | 4.790 | @ tranelation ¢ 0.1813 s.451 mixed X and 2 eranslation O.143h 17.035 mixed X and Z eransieticn € O.toe¢ 19.121 inived x end 2 trungiation cr 0.0887 [41.272 mixed X and 2 translation r 2065735. [iz transiation Now, examine the dynamic modes to determine It there are a few mode shapes with ‘translation in each horizontal direction (as this is @ 3D analysis). In this example we ‘can observe that wa have probably calculated enough mode shapes (as the modss have roughly 50/50 participation in each horizontal direction). Later, after completing ‘the Spectral Analysis, the Mass Partiipation factor will gave us an accurate measure as to whether we have calculated a sufficient number of mode shapes or not. If the number of caloulated mode shapes is not sufficient we oan always calculate more mode shapes and repeat the procedure again. Also, we oan observe that among these 8 moda shapes there is one clear (dominant) {orsion mode, wo translation modes acting in the Z direction, with the rest of the modes acting in the X and Z directions. Note that there Is no clear mode in X the direction. Once again the Mass Participation factor (calculated during the Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis) will give us a batier indication whether there ars sufficient modes to represent the vibration of the structure i the X direction. Another quick check of the result is to compare the value of the lowest transtation natural period to the expected empirical value. It is known that the lowest period. should have a value of about 0.1 x Ns (Ns - number of floars) 1 natural period estimated: 0.1 x 3=0.3 sac. 1" natural period calculated: 0.2088 sec. We can observe that the results are of a reasonable order of magnitude, though the structure has a lower period than expected, which indicates that the structure ig a bit stiffer than a common structure. Also, wa have to check for any “faulty” modes. We can recognise a "good" mode shape if It represents some global vibration of the structure. But, if each node vibrates POTD 1746 FRON ITS PTY LTD To 9395738199, Pat _7 SPACE GASS for Windows. it in a different direction, in an irreguiar manner, we may conclude that it is a "faulty" mode shape, which should not be Included in the Spectral Analysis. Generally, the first mode shape is the global torsion, then there should be some global ‘translations in both horizontal directions, We expect that the tower translation mode ‘shapes will have all floors vibrating in the same direction. Some higher mode shapes "Tay hse few fore voroing In one crecon are the otter Roars in the cppocta jon, \deally we should obtain one global torsion mode shape, and three translational mode shapes in each direction. The first three mode shapes in each direction should be similar to the modes shape in the figure below. Vid ‘The First 3 Mode Shapes ‘The frst mode shape has no intersection with the vertical line of the structure. The second mode shape should have only one point of intersection with the vertical line of ‘the structure. And, the third mode shape should have two points of interseotion with ‘the vertical fine of the structure. This is a simpie way to recognise the order of mode ‘shapes in each translational direction. The mode shapes in both directions may be mixed. In, our example the 3rd mode shape is actuatty the 1" mode in the Z direction, and the 8” mode shape is actually the 3rd mode shape in the Z direction, Other mode shapes are either missing or they are mixed up. ‘Now, we are ready for the Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis. Gravity Load ‘Before entering any Input data for the Spectral Analysis, itis necessary to enter the gravity load: dead and live load, The gravity load, as discussed in the Global Mass section, above, inoludes 100% of the Dead Load, 60% of the Live Load on alt floors. and no Live Load on the roof. All gravity load will be appliad on the beams. We will adopt a simplistic approach to cietribute the toad on the beams. We will distibute evenly the total gravity foad in each floor over all beams. Total Gravity Load on Beans Floor |” Gravity” [Total Beam | Beat Loud, road, wm | Nength, m | N/m 3 302-6 30.0 10.08, 2 4008.0 33.0 39.02 r Tad 78.0 18.46 Now, we will apply the load from the table above, on all beams as negative loads in the global Y direction, as Load Case No 1. Later we will combine the deflection and bending moment results from the Gravity Load with the effects from the earthquake action. . POTUN-2a84 47145 FROM ITS PTY LTD To 9398738199 Paz _o SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynam! 2 Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis ‘The fitst step in tho Spectral Analysis is to enter the Spectral Curves. The Spectral ‘Curves represent a cerlain earthquake (measured responsa), oF a group of earthquakes representing the typical seismic activity for some location ot terrttory, The Spectral curves given in A61170.4, Figure 7.2, represent the typical seismic activity in ‘Australia, ‘The Input data for the Spectral Curves can be entered under [Loads | Spectral Load Data}. We will introduces 2 additional load cases for the earthquake action. The Load ‘Case No 1 was the Gravity Load. Load Case No 2 will be the earthquake action in the X direction (longitudinal), and Load Case No 3 will be the earthquake action in the Z direction (transterra!). Since the structure does not have structural elements sensitive to Vertical earthquake action, such as large cantilevers, we will not consider the vertical earthquake effects. In each load case all eight available mode shapes will be used. At this stage ws ati do not know if we have considered a sufficient number of mode shapes or not. All curves in Figure 7.2 have @ Damping factor of 5%. The Response Spectrum curves used in the Spectral analysis aways include structural dumping. Steel structures will have about 4% damping, reinforcad concrete struotures 5%, and masonry structures BESLN-Z984 17247 FROM ITS PTY LTD 10 as9s7sE199 P43 a” SPACE GASS for Windows: 13 ‘about 12%. The smaller damping will reeult in larger deflections and bending moments. The average damping of 5% wit! be quite adequate for most structures. If we want to examine the behaviour of the structure under some other earthquake, we can choose an alta mative Spectral Curve from the list, or create our own curve using the Spectral Ourve Editor. Load Case No 2 will represent an earthquake acting in the X direction (Direction Veotor ig Ox=1, Dya0 and Dz=0), Load Case No 3 will represent an earthquake acting in the Z direction (Direction Vector is Dx=0, Dy=0 and Dz=1). If we want to consider a horizontal ealthquake acting at 45deg, the direction vector will be Dx=0.707, Dy=0, Dz=0.707. The vector sum of Dx and Dz will produce 1. ‘The next step is to entar a faw more parameters via the Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis dialogue and then perform the analysis. ‘We will use AS1170,4 loading cade. Also, we will perform automatic scaling of the total earthquake force, so it will not go below 80% of the results obtained by tha static approach (as per AS1170.4, 6.2.2.) ‘The results obtained by the Spectral Method have no sign. The results represent vibration, and the deflections, bending moment, shear forces and reactions at each point of the structure are positive and negative at the same time (they represent an envelope of the maximums), To obtain mors realtstic results we will adopt the sign of the results from the most significant mode shape in each direction, ‘The Spectral Curve Multiplier was selected {rom the dialogue box (as shawn below) ZO-TUN-2004 17148 FROM ITS PTY LTD To eass7a8199 Pid ” SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynamics 14 Interpretation of the Dynamic Response Spectrum Analysis Results Since it is a SD model the torsion effects are automatically considered In tha analysis. ‘The simplified torsion approach, as suggested in AS1170.4, clause 6.5, need not to be considered. First of all we have to examine the deflections for Load Cases 2 and 3. intuitively we ‘would expect that the deflection pattern for Load Case No 2 should look like the structure is being "pushed in the X direction, and for Load Case No 3 it ahould took like the structure is being “pushed” in the Z direction. ZETUN-2004 17:49 FROM ITS PTY LID + 70 9395738199 Pas ” SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynamics, 35 soececas oats 2: Mass loed case: Direstion vector: Dx = 1.000, Dy = 0.000, Dr = 0.000 Loading code: ASLO. auvo acoling of base shear: 81170.¢ Vertical directiont Y-auis Base heer: Hot less then 60% of total stativ Loree Remaits scaled by factor: 1.31 ‘Site tactor: 2.500 | Sign of the reyuie Hote shape 4 (Calcutacea) [Acceleration coefficient: 0,100 4 Importance factor: 2.280 } Structural zespanse factor: 4.030 Spectral curve multiplier: 0.03125 ode combination method: SSS (Square Root of the Sut of Squares) Total, WE tor ‘Total Dorinant Static «Toca «Dominant Mags Part = Base J oirection Rode Force «= Mase Mode Factor «Sher Rivas A 210.7294 275.0400 90.2878 93.35 6.250% | ratte 8 105.3602 0.0000 9.000% © 0.0008 © 1.107% yz 2 210.7208 378.0400 45.3488 98.9068 aaa ; Mode Manuel —Nevural Hass Port { Directim shape Period Yeequency Factor i fp Yeotar 1 east 2.88 3.965% A veceor 2 v.28 0 2s 27.6368 i Mecter 3 0.2003 = 4.790 1.3488 Lo few 4 o.1B3L |S. 30,2578 Vector 5 o.iaet 7.039 0.0028 Vester 6 ASlIVG.aSu1l§ SOX 0.1086 Sak BE — Wectoz «7 AS1I70.4 S615 5.08 = 0.0887 LLa72 8.9008. F Vector § ASLIZG4Sel.5 S08 0.0587 BS.2BS a. SUKE ‘Total 93,351% From the repart for Load Case No 2 we can observe that the Total Mass participation factor is 93.851%, As itis larger than 90% we can conclude that there are x sufficient number of mode shapes to adequately represent the dynamic response of the structure for an earthquake acting in the X direction, Furthermore, we can observe that the total earthquake force in the X direction is 6.26% of the total gravity load. ‘About 2% to 5% is considered to be a small oarthquake effact, while 10% to 15% is a very severe earthquake action, ‘As with Load Case No 2, we can observe that the Total Mass participation faotor is '99.906% for Load Case No 3. Hence, we can conclude that there is a sufficient number of mode shapes to adequately represent the dynamic response of the structure due to an-earthquake acting in the Z direction. Also, we can observe that the total earthquake force in the Z direction is 6.25% of the total gravity load. 2B-IUN-20a4 17:49 FROM ITS PTY LTD. To g3ss7se199 P16 a SPACE GASS for Windows ~ Dynami 16 | sveccent ome Mage Load case: 2 4} direceion vector Dx = &,000, Dy = 0.000, Dz = 1,000 | boading code: ag1170.4 | bsto s0aling of hase shear: X51170,4 Vertical direction? eaerey Dace shear: Wot less thon 804 of totel static force Remules scaled by factor: 1.745 Bite factor: 1.500 Sign of the results: Mode shape 1 (Calculated) [Acceleration coesficiens: 0.100 Taportance tactor: 4.280 Stouctural respanse factor: 4,000 Speeteal curve multiplier: 0.03125 Mode combination method: SRS (Square Root of the Sum of Squares} ‘Total SF tor Total Bominent Static «Total. «Dominant Mags Part Bese Direction Mode = Force ass Mode Factor = Shear Xebeis 4 210.7204 278.0809 90.2578 99.3818. aTER Faxes & los.a6oz 0.0090 «0.000% 00008 8.6074 abet 4 210.7204 275.0400 46,3488 89.9068 6.2505 Yas Deoping Natural —_Watural Hass Part Direotion Shep! Spectral Curve Fartor Period Frequency ‘Factor Vector 1 ASIIIG.4 S015 5.03 O.a5SL | 2RSR 45.348 Vector «2 ASLL70.9 $1.5 $05 Dade = IS 18.2778 Vector 3 ASIII0,A Sel. 5.08 0.2088 =. 790 «1948 Veotsr «4 (RBLLIO.A HeL.$ S08 O.lesl ©4615. 9265, Veotor = § ASIL0.4 S15 50k Gaz. F038. Tale Vector 6 ASII7O.A S15 5.0. 10NE=— BL 1ZL 2.35 Vector 7 ASIII. S15 5.08 0.0887 1272 L.a7ee Vector «6 ASLI70,4 $1.8 Sloe 0657 15.225 2.270% ‘Toval 99.508" ze-JUN-2004 17:50 FROM ITS PTY LTD To essg7aa198 Paz * SPACE GASS for Windows - Dynami 17 Load Combinations and Check of Design Criteria ‘The final step le to generate several Load Combinations and compare the maximum effects with the design criteria for strength and stability. First, combine the Spectral resutts with the gravity loads. The earthquake effects ‘should be considered in two orthogonal directions independently. Load Combinations 4, 2, 5 and 6 will consider the earthquake acting in the X direction. load Combinations 3, 4, 7 and 8, will consider the earthquake acting in the Z direction. Load Combination for Strength, according to AS1170.4, clause 1.6.1 (a) Conbin Nol = LCL + Loz Combin No 2» Let - 1e2 Gombin No 3 = Let + 163 Combin No 4 = LCL ~ Les Gombin No 5 * 0.8(Lel) + 1¢2 Gombin No § = 0.8(LC1) ~ Ec? Comin No 7 = 0.8(EC1) + LCI Combin No @ ~ 0.8(LCL) ~ C3 ‘Load Combinations from 5 to 8 are necessary, since in some structural members, such as columns at ground level, the reduced gravity load will impose more severe strength Tequitements. Load Combination tor Stability, according to AS1170.4, clause 1.6.1 (b) Combin No 9 = 1.25(LC1) + eZ Combin No 10 = 1.2501) - Lca Gonbin No 11 = 1.28{1c1} + Lea Gombin No 42 = 1.25{Lc1) - L¢3 \Note that in the above expressions the dead and live load are grouped into Load Case L Note that, if we want to consider the P-Delta effects in accordance to A81170.4, clause 7.1, we have to consider the Deflection Ampitication factor Kd and derive a tew more Joad combinations. Gombin No 33 = KGLL.25 (C2) + 162) Combin No 14 = Kal1-25(LC1) - UC2) Gombin No 25 = KA{L.25(LCL} + 163] Combin No 16 = K@il!25 (U1) - rc3) ‘Next, we check the Stability by comparing the calculated values for the inter-storey drift against the allowable limit for this partioular construction (Load Combinations 9 to 16). Also, we have to check all structural members for strength (Load Combinations 1 10 8). “The usual procedure is to design sections in all structural members to resist the Dead and Live Load and then to check whether the sections possess sufficient capacity to resiat the earthquake action. if the bending moment or shear force for any of the Load Combinations trom 1 to 8 exceeds the limit statas of some section, then the section should be re-designed to accommodate the additional earthquake load. TOTAL P17,

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