Official Dragon Crescent II Core Manual 2018 Draft

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Contents Modified Accelerant Core Rules ....................................

What is L A R P? ............................................................ 5
Game Actions ......................................................... 7
Dragon Crescent II Larping Rules and Play System. ...... 5
Always In Game ..................................................... 7
What is Dragon Crescent II ..................................... 5
Caution.................................................................... 7
Our Mission ............................................................. 5
Clarification ............................................................. 7
Our Goal .................................................................. 5
Let Me Clarify .......................................................... 7
Dragon Crescent Team and Organizers .......................... 5
Emergency (important) ........................................... 8
Game Master ........................................................... 5
Safety Restrictions .................................................. 8
Sub-Game Master ................................................... 5
No Physical Contact ............................................... 8
Assistant Coordinator .............................................. 5
Searching a Character ............................................. 8
Logistics .................................................................. 5
Carrying a Character ............................................... 8
Player Representatives ............................................ 5
No Drugs,................................................................ 8
Set-up/Tear Down ................................................... 5
Consumption of alcohol.......................................... 8
Accountant .............................................................. 5
Rules Restrictions ........................................................... 8
Marketing/Web ....................................................... 5
The first................................................................... 8
Media/Video ........................................................... 5
The second .............................................................. 8
Costume and Prop Design ....................................... 6
The third ................................................................. 8
Weapon Specialist ................................................... 6
Prop Restrictions............................................................. 9
Creative Writers ...................................................... 6
Game Environment ................................................. 9
Rule Coordinators ................................................... 6
Out of Game Areas ................................................. 9
Mechanic balancers ................................................. 6
Special Areas ........................................................... 9
Marshals .................................................................. 6
Gates/Portals .......................................................... 9
Player Characters .................................................... 6
Turn Back Markers .................................................. 9
Non-Player Characters ............................................ 6
Combat.......................................................................... 10
Advance NPC’s ....................................................... 6
Illegal Maneuvering .............................................. 10
Welcome to Kailgar ........................................................ 6
Melee Attacks ............................................................... 10
The Red Bag for OOG ............................................ 6
The Flurry Rule .................................................... 10
Religion & Fantasy Revolutions ............................. 6
The Proximity Rule............................................... 10
Good Sportsmanship ............................................... 6
Claws and Natural Weaponry ............................... 10
Warnings & Penalties.............................................. 6
Packet Packets ...................................................... 11
Theft ........................................................................ 6
Concentrate ........................................................... 11
The Honor System .................................................. 6
Missile Attacks ..................................................... 11
In- Game Items Restrictions ................................. 6
Packet Attacks ...................................................... 11
Money Don’t Grow on trees respect the Game
Items. ....................................................................... 7 Special Attacks ..................................................... 11

Players Rewards ...................................................... 7 Affliction .............................................................. 11

Gaze ......................................................................11 Frenzy ................................................................... 16
Gesture .................................................................. 11 Grant... .......................................................................... 16
Name ..................................................................... 11 ... Armor................................................................ 16
Room/Area ............................................................ 11 ... Protection .......................................................... 16
Voice ..................................................................... 12 ... [Delivery] Attack .............................................. 17
Verbal’s ......................................................................... 12 Grant Extra... ........................................................ 17
Deliveries ...................................................................... 12 Unique .................................................................. 17
Traits ............................................................................. 12 Double and Triple ................................................. 17
Vitality Cost (Important Read) .............................. 12 Heal....................................................................... 17
Vitality cost CHART ............................................ 12 Imbue... ................................................................. 17
Unconscious .......................................................... 13 Inflict... ................................................................. 18
Death ..................................................................... 13 Maim..................................................................... 18
Death Strike .......................................................... 13 Paralyze ................................................................ 18
The "Death" Effect ................................................ 13 Refresh... ............................................................... 18
Mishaps ................................................................. 13 Repair.................................................................... 18
Spirits of the Dead Time to Visit Fate. ................. 13 Repel ..................................................................... 18
Final Death ............................................................ 13 Root ...................................................................... 18
Timing and Resting ....................................................... 14 Silence .................................................................. 18
Timed-Effects (RESTING) Important .................. 14 Slam ...................................................................... 18
Rest time ............................................................... 14 Slow ...................................................................... 18
Activity time ......................................................... 14 Stabilize ................................................................ 18
Resting time and Activity time do not overlap. ..... 14 Stricken ................................................................. 18
You Are Well Rested ............................................ 14 Stun ....................................................................... 19
Using Focus .................................................................. 14 Speak .................................................................... 19
Attack Effects................................................................ 14 Waste... ................................................................. 19
Agony .................................................................... 15 Weakness .............................................................. 19
Cure, Remove........................................................ 15 Types of Trait ............................................................... 19
Damage ................................................................. 15 Attack Traits ......................................................... 19
Death ..................................................................... 15 Defense Traits ....................................................... 19
Destroy... ............................................................... 15 Elemental Traits .................................................... 19
Diagnose ............................................................... 15 Mental Traits......................................................... 19
Disarm... ................................................................ 15 Metabolic Traits .................................................... 19
Disengage .............................................................. 16 Physical Traits ...................................................... 19
Drain ..................................................................... 16 Special Traits ........................................................ 19
Expose... ................................................................ 16 Bane Traits ............................................................ 19
Spirit Trait .............................................................19 Departing the Event ...................................................... 24
Self traits ............................................................... 20 No Vehicle in event area....................................... 24
Defenses ........................................................................ 20
Elude, Guard, Shield ............................................. 20
Avoid, Parry, Resist .............................................. 20
Purge ..................................................................... 20
No Effect ............................................................... 20
Reduce, Absorbs ................................................... 20
Increased ............................................................... 20
Reflect ................................................................... 20
Chained Defense ................................................... 20
Snap Trap 2 damage ........................................... 20
Buzzer Trap 5 damage........................................ 20
Verbal Trap X damage + effect ....................... 20
Gas Trap damage or effect ............................ 20
Poison ........................................................................... 21
Contact/Smell ........................................................ 21
Ingestible poison, .................................................. 21
Shackles......................................................................... 21
Verbal Modifiers ........................................................... 21
Short ...................................................................... 21
Permanent ............................................................. 21
Ambient................................................................. 21
Double and Triple ................................................. 21
Chained Effects ..................................................... 21
Weapons ....................................................................... 21
Weapon Cost................................................................ 22
Armor ............................................................................ 22
Light Armor .......................................................... 22
Heavy Armor ........................................................ 22
Helmets ................................................................. 22
Shields ................................................................... 22
Costuming ..................................................................... 23
Rules of Adventure ....................................................... 23
Arriving At Event ......................................................... 24
Modify Accelerant Game System Dragon Crescent II combat is performed using safe foam or latex weapons
known as boffer and while as any physical activity there is some risk our staff
does everything possible to ensure a safe but entertaining environment for all
What is L A R P?
LARP is an acronym for Live Action Role Playing. It is often used as both a It is important that all players new or veteran have a great gaming experience.
noun and a verb. As a noun, it means “Live Action Role Playing Game.” For New players are welcome and our staff will work with them to ensure they
example, “I went to a LARP this weekend.” It can also be used as a verb. For understand the rules and how to play the game of safely. We will hold
example, “Did you LARP this weekend?” It is even an acronym that can have orientation meeting throughout the year to help insure players are informed.
suffixes added to it in order for it to be used in other word forms, such as past
tense, adjectives, or other noun now that you had your English lesson on Individual participants must be 16 years of age or older if attending an event
Larping let get down to how to Larp. alone. Players under 16 years of age Must make arrangement with Director
may attend when a parent or guardian also attend an event, if requirement are
To LARP, you create a character or persona that you will act out, like a game made.
of pretend. You will experience the things that your character will experience
throughout the course of an event. An event is a set amount of time that the Our Mission
Larping experience will last – it can be an afternoon, an entire weekend – or
To provide you with a great adventure that leave you talking for months to
even an entire week! The event producers will run the logistics of the event,
including check-in, check-out and the overall plot or continuing story lines for come.
the event. The only limit to your character is the limit of your imagination!
Our Goal
To bring live action role play to the forefront of your weekend
Dragon Crescent II Larping Rules and Play System.
This rules system is an ongoing project by a group of gamers, theatrical, and
experience live adventure role-player (LARP). Our goal is to build a
framework that will allow the creation of an interactive story within a fantasy Dragon Crescent Team and Organizers
setting, at its simplest, Larping experience as an improvisational outdoor Its take a team of organizers to make it happen; and every team member is just
theater where each person is able to create his or her own fantasy character. as important as the next. Including the players. We are all working together to,
By reacting to various plot elements put before them, players work together to
tell a story. The rules in this book give you the opportunity to play a fantasy meet new people, live in a fantasy world, and have a great adventure.
character of your own creation. The rules are designed to make the game as
fair as possible to everyone, and all players are expected to follow the rules to Game Master
the best of their ability. The Maestro of Dragon Crescent II, lead story teller, Main Event
We promise to deliver powerful story-driven events that will allow players to Coordinator.
escape reality and defend a fantasy realm in which they become the
foundation. The world was and is created by the players and shaped so that Sub-Game Master
'they' are the heroes, or villains, that make the world move in the direction Opportunity for individuals to run a lead story event, under the supervision of
they fantasize it to become. the Game Master.
Dragon Crescent II LARP is developed with its players in mind, revolves
around players for the players to have the best possible adventure. Assistant Coordinator
Assistant coordinator of the events, works with Game Master and Logistics to
What is Dragon Crescent II insure teams and organizers are on task. The communicator to all, Address
We are a High Fantasy based Live Action Role-Playing (LARP) using a emails, Works with Players and Team members to insure satisfaction.
modified accelerant game system; we’re located in Southeastern Georgia.
A great way to socialize, get fresh air and exercise while having fun. Our backbone teams, Works with the Assistant Coordinator set up, tear down
teams, ticket and merchandise sales, record keeping, customer services,
This is a Game; of high fantasy entertainment and fun. Play Fairly, Honestly, registration.
and Safely. Don’t ruin it for the other participants; we get to have nice things
because we treat them sensibly and with respect. Player Representatives
At Events or Between Events a person(s) will assign as a PR to help assist
All GM calls are final. The time to play rule lawyer is after the game or at with Creator Creation, Answer Questions, Round Actions.
group meeting, when we’re happy to discuss- disrupting play for a rules
discussion is no fun for anyone, and we will not do it. Unless it is for
clarification call to be address and move on. Set-up/Tear Down
The Team that makes everyone’s hard work come alive, you are the team that
Dragon Crescent II provides our players an immersive gaming experience works with logistics and the Assistant Coordinator, to set up the tents, the
with opportunities for players to role-play fantastic characters, interact with tavern, camp fire, props, effects, you bring the world alive. But just as
other players and non-player characters and physically act out story elements. important as set up you also have the clean-up, which is just as important and
Dragon Crescent II mixes classic elements of high fantasy table top role- appreciated.
playing, improv theater, and boffer combat in an outdoors setting.
Dragon Crescent II offers players a wide range of character races and classes
Responsible for bankroll, financial and legal record keeping
to choose from with numerous combinations designed to suit varying play
styles. You may be a Human, Fae, Ork, Mystic Creature, or Dwarf. For those
who prefer the thrill of battle, the hearty fighter is available, while those who Marketing/Web
prefer more subtle abilities may go the route of the rogue classes. Players who Team is responsible for multiple website, social media marketing, fliers,
wish to utilize magic, may journey into the Mage Class to become a Wizard or graphic, designs, strategies, new ideas, out reaches.
Sorcerer. Players who are more inclined to create or craft have a vital role in
Dragon Crescent II, in the Merchant or Scholar Classes to become a valuable Media/Video
resource in; crafting weapon, armor, potion or elixir making and other items Often works with Marketing team, or maybe a third party. On-site Video
which provide the support the others classes, while still having the skills to while in play, Local media such a reporter, student, or newspaper, We do
vital to any adventuring team. video and photos for marketing and web-sites. If you don’t want to be in
marketing material make sure you sign the waiver.
Costume and Prop Design Welcome to Kailgar
Our fun and creative team, making costumes for our NPCs, Creatures, and We don’t discriminate. There no reason we shouldn’t see you at our events.
Monsters for you to meet along your adventure. There is a place from everyone to enjoy themselves and be themselves.

Weapon Specialist The Red Bag for OOG

This is our Specialized team members who keep not only our weapon safe, Unless you need to carry an inhaler or EPIpen, you shouldn’t be carrying any
But make sure your weapons are safe before entering the theater. They will OOG game items on you. If you need to carry these Items on you they should
also pull weapons, during events after random checks. If you don’t have a be in a RED bag and tagged OOG. This also avoids the potential of taking
something from a player that might be an OOG item that should not have been
backup weapon you will be out of luck for the moment. If it is one of our
taken. (If you are caught hiding IG items in there you will receive a warning,
rental you will get another replacement or repaired asap. 2nd time intentional cheating removed from game) If an NPC is unconscious
or dead IG, and you need to search their pouches for items, you must
Creative Writers remember red is off limits. and the person being searched may refuse such a
is team of individuals who work with the Game Master to unlock the search. Orange Bag is also use for certain characteristic in the game that
mysteries of Dragon Crescent II and its story lines, Monster, Lore, Quest and allows cloaking. These items cannot be stolen or looted.
Writers may work in multiple groups such as a plot committee for a upcoming Religion & Fantasy Revolutions
event, one group may work on creatures or lore, another coordinating with Dragon Crescent II is not a religion focus based fantasy but can reflects on
costume and prop design for the quest and adventure. A lot goes into mythology and history often and words like “demon,” “devil,” “angel,”
organizing the game-days so that they are fun, interesting, and have “goddess,” ‘lords’’, “ deity”, and other religiously associated terms are used
continuous motion during the event. within the game setting to represent the difference between good and evil.
Present-day religion and symbolism is not used within the game out of respect
for the various religions of the real world. This is a make-believe game
Rule Coordinators intended for the enjoyment of everyone involved, and there is no intent to
The team that helps set rules to keep you and the team informed about the offend or disparage anyone’s beliefs. Any form of worship in game is created
game, set guidelines, what is expected, and to keep safety a prioty . in a fantasy world game by the world its self whether a creed, sect, religion
etc. through the role play of the players. Just remember the magical world you
Mechanic balancers live in and use discretion.
The team with the toughest job, game mechanic balance, don’t be a hater this
is by the biggest challenge in the Larping business. Remember you are here to Good Sportsmanship
have fun and everyone is working hard to make that happen. If something No one is perfect; mistakes will happen. We encourage everyone to have fun
doesn’t play out right roll with it , the marshals will do their best to make sure and enjoy the spirit of the game. Respect others, help new players, avoid
it goes smoothly and will take notes so that it can be address, and we will do cheating, play safe, don’t be a whiner, or deliberately interrupt game for other
our best to make sure any confusion or question are answer asap. and always ask questions but doing it in character or stepping aside with staff
not to take away from other player. Doing these few things will ensure that
Marshals you have a great time, and so will everyone else!
Marshals help facilitate the game mechanics and insure safety are used to
keep things going smoothly and fairly. If you need anything you can ask a Warnings & Penalties
Marshal they will get you on the right track or to the source. Only certain staff and director will have the power to issue warnings to any
offenders who disrupt the game. Such disruptions include, but are not
Player Characters necessarily limited to: Breaking of game rules, actions endangering the safety
Player characters (known as to as PC's) play their persistent character at an of others, cheating, falsifying items, or using abilities, skills, or spells that are
event. PC's are free to role-play their character and react to plot events not listed on your character sheet. We want everyone to have a safe and
however they wish within the bounds of the rules. enjoyable event. Warnings come in the form of:
1. Drugs zero Tolerance.
Non-Player Characters 2. Theft Zero Tolerance
Non-player characters (known as to as NPC's) These can be volunteers PC or 3. Harassment Zero Tolerance
those who may be designated NPC at various events in a variety of characters, 4. Indentation interruption of Game One warning/ Second time ask
These NPC’s fill all the roles needed to breathe life into the fantasy world. to leave
NPC's are directed by Plot Committee members on what role to play and how 5. Intentional Cheating/ Validation of Set Rules
to play that role. NPC's can expect to play a variety of monster roles that will a. 1. Review Rules
engage in battle with the players or may play roles the blend in with villager b. 2. Remove from game
to move quest and economy along. Not all NPC roles will involve combat c. 3 Permanent removable from ROK Permisses
though; there are plenty of other roles to fill.
Advance NPC’s are more permeant character that serves a direct purpose in Keep in mind, I will prosecute if necessary, I don’t tolerate thieves…
the storyline, these NPC’s makes short but valuable advancement to story and Please don’t be this person, Larping is an investment no one want their stuff
action. And are played by same person each time and can become part of the stolen or touch hands off; ask to use or get your own. Don’t go into other
staff plotting meetings for time to time. folks tents or vehicles. Stay out restricted areas such as logistic, monster
camp, or tavern kitchen without permission. If you use something put it back
where it came from. If you are using an in game skill for thievery make sure
you follow instructions for in game theft.

The Honor System

Although in-game items and skills are tracked by various tags and cards, this
game system is fundamentally based on not having anyone following you
around keeping track of your actions. As such, the game relies on the honor
system to avoid cheating. Players caught cheating may be subject to
disciplinary action up to and including being banned from the game.

In- Game Items Restrictions

You are not allowed to bring to an event any In- Game Items that resembles
or could be mistaken for common or unique game items provided by plot
without the express permission of the game staff. You cannot attempt to
duplicate or forge game money, item props, tags, or logistical documents
such as character or monster cards. Any attempt to use in game means to
create fakes of any items must be approved by the plot committee. If you
caught in any attempt to fraud the in-game items or deceive gaming, you Game Actions
will be banned from any future activities of Dragon Crescent Inc. The system is designed to keep the game running as smoothly and fluidly as
(Grievance maybe considered after a 6 months) possible. The game takes place in a site full of props, buildings, and other
. players. The rules define how you interact with the environment and other
players. The game has removed actions and effects players cannot actually
Money Don’t Grow on trees respect the Game Items. perform from the gameplay. There are no creatures stepping through solid
No tolerance, you are not allowed to break, destroy, or take apart any prop. If walls, no flying creatures, and no activities that cannot be played without
interrupting the flow of the game. Characters that step into rifts and turn to spirit
an In- Game Items is attached to a wall by a chain, for example, you cannot
or characters that die and rise as spirits are still visible as they walk off. You
attempt to break or detach that chain in any way. The “Destroy” effect does cannot attempt actions such as chopping up bodies or breaking down doors that
not change the basic structure of a prop; it just makes the item unusable for cannot be performed for logistical or safety reasons.
any game related purpose. If the props that are provided are meant to come
apart or have mechanic purpose, they will function as purposed or be noted
how to use; don’t force Always In Game
Players stay in game and in character from the start of the event to its end. There
is no "out of game" except during emergencies. There are no out of game
Players Rewards
indicators such as white headbands, and no people should be wandering about
unless they are there in the actual game. The idea is to keep the game flowing
Karma Tokens so players can stay in character and be immersed in the story. If you have a
Karma is an additional benefit whose sole purpose is to reward players who question, attempt to word it and ask it in game. If you feel you must leave game,
take extra time to add to the game. It is awarded for entirely out of game walk to the edge of the game area in character and leave the game for a time.
reasons; players who act as NPCs, or create in game areas that add to You should never interrupt the flow of the game.
atmosphere, volunteering so many hours, or do other things to add to the game
community and immersion can be awarded Karma. Karma Tokens cannot be The system is also designed to minimize the times where you cannot act on
bought through staff, only earned. Once you acquired them; what you do with what you see, hear and feel. You are always in game, even if your character is
them in game is up to you. You can have only up to 3 Karma Tokens at a unconscious, dead, or affected by a game condition that incapacitates you. Your
event. Ways they can be used: (turn token into Game Control or to Marshal) spirit still remains with you, and it can experience the game world around you.
You do not need to pretend you did not experience the game even under these
conditions. If your eyes are closed then you might not see what is going on, but
~ You may spend a Karma Token to do an instant refresh of one attribute of you will remember everything you hear, smell, and feel. Your character also
your choice. (Air, Kailgar, Fire, or Water.) will realize this and knows that sometimes dead men do tell tales.
~ You may use a Karma Token to active skills that allow you to use Karma. There is no information that is out of game. If you don’t want other players
By saying “With Karma” so we know. to know something in game, don’t talk about it out of game. Keep your in
game secrets to yourself, and if you talk out of game about something other
~ You may use 3 Karma Token to save your character against “Fate”. players can decide they learned that information in game if they feel that
the conversation unfairly inflicts knowledge upon them they did not want
to know. If you want in game secrets, keep out of game secrets.
~ You may use 1 Karma Token to gain an extra 1XP.
The only caveat is that sometimes players experienced with a game play
different characters altogether. Perhaps you have lost a previous character to
Modified Accelerant Core Rules death and are playing a new character. Perhaps, as a change of pace, you are
Welcome participating as a non-player character or you are playing a plot character for a
You are preparing to enter a game world using a Modified Accelerant system. time. If you play a different character, creature, or plot role within the same
The system is designed to be simple in concept and execution, yet have a rich game world we ask you do not transfer anything you learn to other characters.
and varied set of skills and abilities with which to develop characters and
stories. To do this we have created a set of Core Rules that defines all of the To keep the game flowing as smoothly as possible, we have defined the
effects of the game and presents them to you within the first chapter of the rule following ways to deal with problems and interruptions.
book. All skills and special abilities refer back to these Core Rules, so once you
have learned the Core Rules you know how to react to effects from any
Accelerant game, even though the skills or abilities that allow a character to use Caution
those effects may be very different. This phrase indicates some condition that may threaten the Vitality of a player.
A caution should never last more than 10 seconds. It indicates that those people
Rules of Etiquette who are close to or involved in that problem should pause so someone can get
In an activity as fluid and full of unexpected circumstances as live action clear, get up, or move away from a threat. Only those people nearby need pause
games, it is important That each player attempts to follow the spirit of the until the problem resolves. Everyone involved in a caution is still responsible
game, as well as the letter of the rules. to the game, and should still be cautious of in game threats. They may move
Although we have tried to create a set of rules that is as cut and dry as away from the Caution or pause until the person has dealt with the problem.
possible, there are certain rules that are difficult or impossible to quantify that
are necessary to promote atmosphere or safety.
These rules are marked as Rules of Etiquette. Clarification
These rules are difficult or impossible to quantify. We know this, and if This phrase works like Caution, but it indicates that someone needs a quick
players abuse them or become less than graceful when using them the game explanation of what happened. People directly involved pause for up to three
will suffer. We trust the player to follow the intent of the rules, and to be seconds while someone repeats a verbal or quickly indicates a condition or
particularly careful to be graceful when dealing with Rules of Etiquette. result of something. This should be used infrequently, if ever. It is present for
new players who may be overwhelmed and confused during their first game or
Rule of Etiquette two.
The first rule of etiquette is that abusive language or actions are not tolerated,
whether they are in game or not. Language or actions that are derogatory or Let Me Clarify
that are deemed to be harassment are not allowed. References to explicit
This phrase, which can only be used by plot approved non-player characters,
sexual behavior or concepts, particularly violent ones, are not allowed. In
indicates that any encounter information that follows should be considered true.
game threats should be worded so they are clearly in game.
There are times when your character may not trust another character. This
phrase indicates that the information that the character, trustworthy or not, will
impart is important and true information about how some specific encounter
works. This phrase cannot be used unless the player has plot approval for that
specific encounter, and the information imparted must be a clarification of some
specific game effect or encounter.
Emergency (important) Rule of Etiquette
This phrase should come up rarely. This means that there is some medical Whenever you are required to role play an effect you must always do so in a
emergency that needs attention. The game play stops, and everyone who hears safe manner. If you must adjust your role play or position slightly to make the
the emergency should drop to a knee to indicate that a real problem exists. game safer for you or another player we ask you to do so. You should take care
Emergency should only be called is there is a real problem and someone could before moving in crowded areas even if you must play out the effect in a slightly
be hurt. different manner. You are encouraged to take the extra step or two when playing
out an effect if it removes you from an area that is detrimental to your Vitality
such as a puddle or an area with too many other players.
Safety Restrictions
There are a number of basic safety restrictions in the Accelerant system to
ensure the safety, comfort, and enjoyment of all. No Drugs,
No drugs on the premises of the game unless the drugs are for medical use and
No Physical Contact approved by the staff.
Physical contact is not allowed without permission. You have no reason to
touch another player in the Accelerant system. You may contact another player Consumption of alcohol
with a boffer weapon in a legal attack area and you may contact another player From time to time events will have limited amounts of Mead, Wine, or Rum.
by touching a packet to their arm or shoulder to deliver a "touch cast" effect. If You must be 21 or older and if you become tipsy you will become restricted
you are touching people and making them uncomfortable will be asked to leave from combat. If you can’t drink responsibly you will not be able to partake on
the game. these rare occasions.
Do not show up under the influence, or bring your own alcohol, you will be
Searching a Character asked to leave the game.
Because the game does not allow physical contact, you may not physically
search someone else, no patting a player down. Instead you approach within
searching distance and tell them in a clear voice "I am searching you." The
player may simply reveal items you have found. The player may make a pouch
available for you to reach into and take items.
The player may request that you describe your search. In this case, you must
take the time to tell the player where on his or her person you are looking for
items. Items cannot be hidden in places people might find rude or inappropriate.
An item must actually be hidden where you say it is. You cannot have an item
in your pocket, for example, and claim it was tucked in your boot. It must be
hidden there.
Search For… Some skills can give you the ability to use a special searching
effect on a dead or helpless creature after you have finished your normal search.
This searching attempt is represented by the verbal "Search for” where the item
type is specified in the skill. You cannot use this effect unless you have a skill Rules Restrictions
or ability that allows you to do so. Using a skill with this Search effect might As you play the game and wander around the world, there is a lot you can do to
reveal additional items, or it might trigger a response effect targeted on you. affect the game environment around you. Conversely, there are lots of effects
The Search effect is the name for the special search attempt, and the Search that can change how you play the game, for both good and bad. Other characters
response is a resulting effect the targeted character calls out when you search may attempt to inflict unpleasant fates upon you, and you might attempt to do
them. As an example, after you search an elemental you might have a skill that the same to them.
allows you to call out "With elemental harvesting, Search for True Elements."
That NPC might give up additional items, it might reply "You find nothing," or There are three restrictions on your activities.
it might even use a counter effect such as "Refresh 1 Fire." If searching some
creatures is dangerous, the creature might even reply with a detrimental search The first is an environmental restriction. When you come across props that
response. It is also possible for games to create skills that let you use a defense represent certain environments, such as tarp walls representing solid walls, you
against some or all search responses. must play as if that condition was real. You cannot move tarp walls, you cannot
If someone searches a general area you may request them to be more specific walk across black pits, and you cannot enter areas marked out of game.
by stating "Describe that search." If you have an item concealed in the sole of
your boot and someone says "I search your boot" you may ask them to The second is an effect restriction. If an effect has been inflicted upon you, you
"Describe that search" before giving it up. Players should not demand must abide by the restriction of that effect until it is removed. If you have a slow
unreasonable searches with too much detail - a search should take no more than effect you cannot run. If you have the Maim effect you cannot use the maimed
a minute. limb. Effects can be inflicted upon you in a variety of ways.

Carrying a Character The third is a skill restriction. If there is a skill that specifically allows you to
manipulate a prop or perform some action, you cannot attempt to perform that
Because the game does not allow physical contact, you may not physically carry
action or manipulate that prop unless you have that skill. You cannot pick up
or drag another person. Instead you simple tell the person you are picking them weapons and try to fight unless you have the skill to do so. You cannot
up and role play carrying them along. They must get up and walk with you manipulate traps unless you have the skill to do, although you can attempt to
while you pretend to hold their shoulders. You cannot move faster than a walk
avoid them.
while carrying someone else. If you are unable to move while being carried you
walk with your head bowed and arms at your sides.
If you are carrying a character and that character is struck by an effect from a
melee, missile, or packet attack that is not beneficial, you will also take that
effect unless you "drop" the character immediately. If you are being carried and
someone "drops" you then you role play falling to the ground. If you are being
carried, you must role play an effect with a moan or grunt even if you are
paralyzed or dead to indicate you have been struck. If you are carrying someone
who role plays an effect, and you do not know what the effect was, you must
drop them. You may pick up a body after dropping it as soon as that body stops
Prop Restrictions The areas beyond gates are often marked with yellow information signs, so you
You are not allowed to bring to an event any prop that resembles or could be should always look around after going through a gate. Gates have a disorienting
mistaken for common or unique game items provided by plot without the effect to compensate for the time it takes to spot and read a yellow sign.
express permission of the game staff. You cannot attempt to duplicate or forge
game money, item props, tags, or logistical documents such as character or White gates are open portals. If the lights are on, anyone may step through the
monster cards. Any attempt to use in game means to create fakes of any items gate. White gates will always appear in ruined areas.
must be approved by the plot committee.
Colored gates are special. Only special staff characters that control the gate
You are not allowed to break, destroy, or take apart any prop. If a prop is may bring you through a gate with colored lights. If there is no guide you cannot
attached to a wall by a chain, for example, you cannot attempt to break or detach enter the gate. Some colored gates are free standing, with no actual area on the
that chain in any way. The Destroy effect does not change the basic structure of other side. If you enter such a gate at the request of a staff character then you
a prop; It just makes the item unusable for any game related purpose. will become a spirit. You will not be affected by any attacks and you must reply
"Spirit" to any attack that strikes you. You cannot use any game skills or
Most props have no in game worth. Costuming, jewelry, weapons, and area converse with anyone else. You are visible to others, but you cannot converse
props cannot be moved from the area they are placed in except by the owner. with them and you can only enter an area indicated by the spirit guide who leads
These props provide no in game benefit and disallowing their removal ensures you. You must follow the spirit guide until you exit through another gate and
these props are not broken or lost. Props may be handled but must be put back your guide indicates you have assumed your normal form.
where they are found unless they have a sticker.

Small circular stickers indicate special rules about handling an item. If an item Turn Back Markers
has a red circle, it cannot be moved at all. It cannot be picked up or touched. It Some games have locations in a game site are normally accessible to players,
will not move. If an item has a Blue sticker, it seems to be valuable. A green but are sometimes closed for specific encounters or modules. While this is
w/yellow strip, sticker means the prop may be taken but it must be turned in at usually handled with yellow information signs, it is often difficult to spot and
checkout. A small green circular sticker means you can take the prop and hold read information signs without entering the encounter area to read them,
on to it until the end of the event. Special items may also have a green w/orange especially at night. To make these easier, areas can be marked with circular
strip sticker with a rune or number on it. These stickers indicate that characters information signs (rather than the usual octagonal signs) and at night these signs
may not pick up or touch the item unless they have a skill or ability that allows are lit with circular rings created with looped glow bracelets. If you spot these
them to manipulate objects marked by that symbol or number. Turn Back Markers hanging in the area, it means that the area is inaccessible
and you should stay away unless you are led to the area by a spirit, a scout, or
Items may also be marked by attaching a short green, yellow, or red ribbon to a similar guide.
indicate the item's in game status. These ribbons replace the sticker and have
the same meaning. A ribbon can be used to mark small items that don't have It is often left to the player to explain why they cannot proceed when they spot
room for a sticker, such as rings, or on items where plot feels that a ribbon Turn Back Markers. One common reason is that the area ahead is impassable
would look better or be more evident to the players. This ribbon may have codes swamp. Another is that a mist has risen and players cannot find their way
or markings on it in the same manner that stickers can have markings for players through the area. Sometimes players simply state that the area ahead looks
with specific skills to recognize. uninteresting and turn back. It is left to you and your companions to come up
with a plausible reason that you cannot proceed when you spot a Turn Back
Some game effects will enhance an object such as a weapon or a piece of armor. Marker.
When an item has been enhanced by a game effect, an effect sticker will be
placed upon it so long as the enhancement is in place.
Items with effect stickers are treated as though they were yellow sticker items.
If you have an effect sticker upon your weapon, that prop can be stolen from
you. You should bring back up props if you want to use item enhancements.

Game Environment
Games take place at a site, usually a campground. This site defines the
boundaries of the game. During game play, a player may attempt to enter any
area within the game boundaries unless the area is marked with a rope and/or
information sign. Areas marked with information signs are either special area
with additional rules described by the sign or they are out of game and

Out of Game Areas

Areas that are out of game are marked by the yellow or hazard orange signs
with text marking it Out of Game. You may not enter these areas. The text of
the sign indicates why, in game, this area cannot be entered. Some areas might
be described as collapsed and ruined piles of rubble that have no real interior.
Other areas might be marked as impassable swamp.

Special Areas
Areas with special restrictions or rules will be marked by the yellow or hazard
orange signs with game information printed on it. This sign will have game
information written upon it that will describe the circumstances that make the
area special.

Portals ringed with strings of decorative light are magical portals. These portals
lead to other places. Some lead to other places in this world, some lead to places
beyond this world. Portal and Gateway are tricky; some may only be enter by
those who have access, though elemental attunement, magic gems that unlock,
or keys.
If a portal is ringed with lights or Tags and they are not lit then you cannot go
through that portal.
Combat do not take the blow, you must drop the weapon as if you had been affected by
During the course of the game, you can be the subject of a wide variety of the Disarm effect.
attacks. Each attack will attempt to inflict an effect upon you. Some effects can
benefit you, and some will deliver unpleasant effects upon you. Each attack has You may hold only one weapon or shield in your hand during combat. If you
a verbal that describes what the attack does and a delivery that determines how are holding more than one item in a hand, and a melee attack strikes one of
the those items, then you will take the blow or be disarmed of both items as if you
Attack is used against the target. were unskilled in their use.

Many skills work only on limb hits. A limb hit is a strike to the arm or leg.
Illegal Maneuvering Torso hit includes the chest from the belt up to the top of the chest. Any hit to
For safety reasons, there are certain actions that are not allowed in Dragon the leg or buttock is a leg hit. Any hit to the arm or to the outer shoulder is an
Crescent combat. Illegal Maneuvering: If you find someone performing illegal arm hit. Hits that come down on the shoulder or that come down between the
maneuvering, call a Hold so a Marshall can intervene to deal with the problem. shoulder and the neck are also arm hits. Neck hits are illegal.
Illegal Maneuvering can result in a warning, ejection from combat, or banning
from the game. The Flurry Rule
- Turtling - This is the practice of hiding behind a large shield or other object A flurry is a series of melee swings delivered at an enemy in combat with little
so that only the head is exposed, and is illegal. Try to keep your shield moving or no pause. You can make no more than three consecutive attacks against each
so that you minimize your exposure but don’t force the opponent to swing at a particular enemy where your weapon contacts an opponent or their weapons,
your head. including their shield, before you must reset. To reset your flurry you must step
- Leading With Your Face - Don‘t fight by craning your head out in front out of weapon range between you and your opponent and stop all attacks on
with your body in back, in hopes that your opponent won‘t be able to hit you your previous target for at least a second.
because your head is the only viable target. This constitutes unsafe fighting. Players pursuing enemies need not interrupt pursuit by stepping back to reset
- Charging - Do not charge your enemies - slow to a walk before you move their Flurry. The pursuer needs only to pause for a second while at a distance
within weapon range. just within their maximum weapon range.
- Grappling - Never grab the body or limbs of your opponent. There is too
much risk of causing an uncontrolled fall or breaking a joint. Even if the That's all you need to remember, everything else are clarifications and answers
opponent agrees to physical role-play this is not permitted. There is a specific for specific questions.
in-game ability called Grapple that should not be confused with this Illegal
Maneuver. • Blocked swings that contact a weapon or shield and successful hits that contact
- Weapon Pinning – Don’t pin a weapon by holding it against the opponent‘s the body are counted as Flurry swings. Feints and swings that do not make
body or another object, even the ground (either with your own body, a weapon, contact against weapons, shield, or body do not count as a flurry swing. You
or a shield). There is too much risk of forcing the opponent to stumble, or of must reset your flurry after you have made three swings with contact before
spraining or breaking a joint (or damaging their likely very expensive weapon). resuming Attacks on that opponent.
- Swinging At or Trying to Catch Arrows - This is very unsafe with a huge
chance of the arrow spinning and hitting yourself or someone else in the face, • An opponent can't try to prevent you from resetting your flurry by advancing.
or breaking the arrow. If any ranged projectile hits your weapon you must drop If you have retreated in an Attempt to get out of weapon range but your
the weapon similar to the disarm effect. opponent's advance has prevented you from doing so then you May reset your
- Head and Groin Hits - The occasional strike to the head may happen from flurry after a full second pause.
time to time, but it hurts a lot and can cause SERIOUS injury. Do not target
these areas. If you do hit someone by accident STOP and ensure that everyone • Incidental weapon contact and aggressively engaging an opponent's weapon
is okay, then only resume if you are. If a Marshal or another opponent believes with beat attacks or offensive parries can make flurry determination confusing.
you are fighting unsafely you may be asked to sit out as well. We realize it is difficult to determine if these types of weapon maneuvers count
- Machine Gunning - This is the act of striking an opponent more than once as a strike in a flurry. As a Rule of Etiquette, if both your elbow and the weapon
per second. It’s not a good representation of an effective hit and the person tip move forward and contact an opponent's weapon then count that as one of
struck should point out that you were striking too many times. If you are your flurry strikes even if it was not your intention to launch an attack. This
attacked this way, call “Machine gunning”, take just one strike per weapon, per might mean that both combatants use up a Flurry swing during incidental
second and ignore the rest. weapon contact.

The Proximity Rule

Melee Attacks You must maintain a safe distance from any active opponent. If you can reach
out and touch the torso of an opponent with your hand then you are too close
Melee attacks require special hand held padded weapons to deliver an attack. and you must back away. If there is a significant difference in the reach of two
Melee weapons cannot be thrown. You must have both hands on a two handed opponents, the opponent with the shorter reach may approach close enough so
weapon in order to use it in combat unless some game ability specifically states that they can strike their opponent with their weapon so long as they cannot
otherwise. These padded weapons have a strict set of creation rules and must touch the torso of the opponent.
pass a safety inspection at each and every event where you intend to use them.

To add to the atmosphere of roleplaying, we expect our players to roleplay in

Claws and Natural Weaponry
combat. Although we allow light weapons for safety and comfort, we ask that
Some characters have the ability to use claws or natural weaponry instead of,
players keep the pace of their swings in line with what a heavier
or in addition to, weapons. These weapon props are red, though some plot
Weapon might require. Melee swings that are entirely generated by snapping or creatures may have props that are constructed to appear to be part of that
rotating the wrist or forearm are discouraged. Although you are expected to role
play full weapon swings where the weapon moves at least 45 degrees, the actual
contact cannot be too hard. Atop from a weapon is sufficient to deliver an Claws are considered to be melee weapons and can be used to block melee
attack. Melee attacks that are blocked by another weapon or shield wielded by
attacks. Claws are not affected by Disarm. Destroy effects delivered to such
a character with the appropriate skill to do so are not counted. Attacks to the
weaponry will cause a Maim effect to the limb using the weapon.
head, the hands, or the groin are illegal and are not counted.
Claws and natural weaponry are not bladed weapons, and cannot be used with
Any strike that has no verbal causes 1 point of damage. These are known as
skills or effects that require bladed weapons. If you are holding a claw that is
“uncalled strikes" because they have nonverbal. Uncalled strikes will cause
struck by a melee or missile attack, and you cannot legally block with the claw
someone to fall unconscious if they remove all Vitality, but the victim will
due to some game effect, you will be affected by the attack since you cannot
remain stable. A character taken down by called strikes will fall unconscious
drop the claw in response to the strike.
and be unstable as well.

If you are unskilled with a melee weapon you cannot make attacks with that
weapon. If someone strikes that weapon or you try to parry with that weapon,
you must either take the blow or the weapon is ripped from your hand. If you
Packet Packets loading your missile weapon and drawing the string, and aiming a bow or
A packet is a small bean bag filled with bird seeds or Poly beaned that represents crossbow before firing. Missile attacks must be fired or thrown and they must
some sort of mystical, psychic, or supernatural ranged attack form. Packets have strike the target. Attacks that are blocked by weapon or shield wielded by a
strict construction guidelines. You call a verbal and throw a packet at a target character with the appropriate skill to do so are not counted. You may only
to deliver the attack. If the packet hits the target, or any direct possession of the throw one thrown weapon or packet based missile attack at a time.
target, then the effect is delivered to the target. You cannot throw packets too Some games may have skills that allow you to use a missile weapon that fires
hard. If you are winding up throwing the packet, then you are throwing too hard. foam projectiles in each hand. Like melee attacks, a missile attack that has no
verbal causes 1 point of damage. These are known as "uncalled attacks.” If an
Packets are not solid objects and cannot be affected by Disarm or Destroy, but uncalled attack removes your last point of Vitality you will fall unconscious but
they are a visible, in game effect. If someone is carrying packets and you see you will remain stable as described in the Vitality section below. A missile
the packets, you can assume they have some sort of aura that makes you realize attack with a verbal is known as a “called attack.” A successful attack delivers
they are capable of something special. Because of this, you cannot carry or the effect in the verbal to the recipient. Skills and abilities that allow you to use
throw packets unless you have the power to use them for something. called missile attacks are only used up, as a default, if the attack strikes a legal
target area and the recipient acknowledges the hit by role playing the effect or
If a packet clearly strikes a target and they do not acknowledge the hit with role calling out a defense to negate the attack. The missile attack is not used up if
play or by negating it with a defense, the attributes or their equivalent are not the attack misses or the target blocks the attack with a weapon or a shield. If
exhausted. If the packet misses, or you cannot tell whether the packet hit, then you are carrying a missile launcher in one hand then any packet you are carrying
attributes or resources are exhausted normally. represents a physical arrow or bolt. Packet based ammunition is visible and can
be affected by a Disarm effect. A Destroy effect cannot be used on missile
To deliver a packet attack, the arm that is delivering the packet must be free and ammunition, although it works against the missile launcher you are carrying.
the hand empty except for the packet itself. A free arm cannot have props tucked
under it or tied to it other than armor. You cannot deliver packet attacks if you
cannot use game skills, or with an arm that is affected by something that Packet Attacks
prevents its use such as a Maim effect or shackles. Some packet based skills You call a verbal and throw a packet at a target to deliver the attack. If the
have additional requirements as well. packet hits the target, or any direct possession of the target, then the effect is
delivered to the target. Packet props used with packet attacks are not solid
Packet attacks cannot be used while you are being hit. Successful melee attacks objects and cannot be affected by Disarm or Destroy, but they are a visible, in
interrupt your ability to throw packet attacks, forcing you to wait for one full game effect. If someone is carrying packets and you see the packets, you can
second before attempting to throw again. It is impossible to get off packet assume they have some sort of aura that makes you realize they are capable of
attacks during the Flurry pause. Missile and packet attacks will also interrupt something special. Because of this, you cannot carry or throw packets unless
your verbal if they land while you are speaking it, but you may begin a new you have the power to use them for something. If a packet clearly strikes a target
verbal immediately and do not have to wait for one second in these cases. An and they do not acknowledge the hit with role play or by negating it with a
interrupted ability is not used up and attributes or their equivalent are not defense, the attributes or their equivalent are not exhausted. If the packet misses,
wasted, but you must begin the verbal again. or you cannot tell whether the packet hit, then attributes or resources are
exhausted normally.
Like melee attacks, any packet attack that has no verbal causes 1 point of
damage. Packet attacks with no verbal are "uncalled strikes" and cause someone Special Attacks
to fall unconscious but stable when they reduce Vitality to zero. Packet attacks Special attacks are delivered in unusual ways rather than using the regular
that use called damage effects, because enemies to become unstable when they melee, missile, and packet combat system. They represent large scale effect and
fall unconscious just like called melee attacks. atmospheric conditions. Special attacks always begin with the person or area
that the attack affects and that is followed by a verbal. If you have a defense
Rule of Etiquette that works against the verbal of a special attack you can use it to negate that
In order to encourage the use of good costuming and add a little more realism, attack. Once the verbal of these attacks has begun the effect is already delivered.
we have the Costume Rule. If a packet attack clearly misses a target and You cannot, for example, retroactively turn to a spirit during the verbal to
passes by the body, yet that packet hits a cloak or costuming piece after it has negate it. The individual types are detailed below.
gone past, the defender can call out "costume." This rule cannot be used if the
costuming is in front of the defender or if the packet has not already passed Affliction
the body. The rule is in place to encourage cloaks, back banners, and some Someone delivers an effect to your immobile or unconscious form by touching
directed character costuming such as wings without adding an unacceptable a weapon or packet to your torso and stating "Affliction One, Affliction Two,
disadvantage to the character in combat. Affliction Three" clearly and slowly followed by a verbal. This works like a
Death Strike and can be interrupted in the same manner as a Death Strike. The
verbal may be a standard effect, or it may deliver an Inflict effect in which case
Concentrate the player will give you an effect card.
Concentrate is a special plot verbal that indicates the caster who called it can
throw packet attacks while being hit. The caster calls out Concentrate and can Gaze
throw a number of follow up packet attacks, including spells, while being hit Someone who has met your gaze for a full three seconds calls out or whispers
by incoming attacks. You do not have to call Concentrate before every spell; "By My Gaze" followed by a verbal. A vampire might whisper "By My Gaze,
one call covers a number of attacks. Each skill or special ability that allows the Paralyze by Will." Other creatures might cause fear or other effects.
use of Concentrate requires you to call out "Concentrate" when you use it.
Rule of Etiquette Someone points at you with a hand or a weapon and calls out “By My Gesture”
If a character using Concentrate is in a swirling fight where new combatants followed by a verbal. If the effect has a duration that is not instantaneous, then
are coming into fighting range, then the caster should call out "Concentrate" instead of the normal duration, the effect lasts so long as they point at you.
each time they willingly switch targets so everyone in the fight knows what is
going on.
Someone calls out "By Your Name," states your name, part of your name, or
some pseudonym that you have used and calls out a verbal. The attack is
Missile Attacks delivered to you if you recognize that name as a name you have used or a name
Missile attacks cover a wide variety of physical ranged attacks that are thrown that person might use to refer to you. Basically if you know they are talking
or launched at foes. There are three basic types of props for missile weapons; about you then you take the effect.
Throwing weapons made from foam, projectile launchers that fire foam
projectiles, and packet props that represent ammunition for bows and
crossbows. Missile weapons cannot normally be used in melee combat,
although some games allow combat safe bows and crossbows to be used to
block melee attacks. You should never strike another player in melee with a
missile weapon. To add to the atmosphere of role playing, we expect our players Someone calls out "In This Room" and an effect and everyone in that room will
to role play in combat. For missile weapons represented by a launcher (such as be affected by it. Doorways and gates act as room dividers. This delivery is
a bow or crossbow) and packets you must role play drawing arrows and bolts,
commonly used for traps and performances. The attack only works in an Traits
enclosed room with normal doorways and corridors leaving it. The attack will A trait is a label that is given to a character, an attack, a defense, or an item.
affect you if any part of you is within the room when the verbal is called. Traits help describe the flavor of game effects and define how abilities interact
with each other. There are four types of traits. A character trait is any trait that
Voice is somehow given to a character. An attack trait is added to an attack verbal and
Someone calls out "By My Voice" and an effect and everyone who hears it will defines the flavor of that attack. A defense trait is added to a defense call. An
be affected by it. You cannot defend against Voice attacks by intentionally item trait is added to a tagged item and gives that trait to anyone carrying that
obscuring the sound of the verbal with loud noise or by plugging your ears. item.
An attack trait tells you which defenses can be used against that attack. A
character or item trait can be used to determine if certain effects worked against
you. If you had the “Undead” trait, for example, then an attack that caused "5
Verbal’s Damage to Undead" would be effective against you. A defense trait is generally
A verbal is a short phrase that is called out when ability is used to explain the used for flavor, but it is possible to have skills or abilities that can be used only
effect of that attack. Each verbal can have an effect and a trait for that attack. if a defense with an appropriate trait is used.
The trait indicates the flavor of the attack so you may role play the effects and
perhaps use a defense to negate the attack if it strikes you. The effect indicates A character's race is always considered a trait. Characters with no explicit race
what the attack does to you. have the Human trait. If you have a sub race then both your sub race and your
general race will be considered to be traits. So a Wood Elf has the Elf trait as
A verbal is an out of game phrase. You must call your verbal even if you are well as the Wood Elf trait.
affected by Silence. If you hear the beginning of a verbal you must listen to the
phrase and play out the effect.
Vitality Cost (Important Read)
Verbal’s for melee attacks are called out as you swing your weapon. Verbal’s Vitality is a count of how much damage you can take before you collapse. As
for missile and packet attacks are called out before you release the projectile you take damage, your Vitality points are exhausted. These points can never
from your hand. You call out a phrase that takes the form of [Effect] by [Trait]. drop below zero. Healing refreshes Vitality and these points are also refreshed
For example, a poison that freezes you in place would use the verbal "Paralyze at the beginning of each event. If your Vitality ever reaches zero you will
by Poison" and a bolt of fire that causes 5 points of damage would use "5 collapse and become unconscious. Unconscious characters that are taken down
Damage by Fire" as the verbal. by uncalled melee or missile hits are stable. Characters taken down by any other
kind of damage, from called melee or missile hits, from traps, from packets, or
If you hear a verbal, your character knows what happened. The verbal not only from anything with a verbal become unstable.
tells you the effect out of game, but it represents the sight, sound and feels of If you fall unconscious but you are stable, you will remain unconscious for five
the attack in game. You never have to play it dumb. The verbal "4 Damage by minutes. After that time you will wake up with 1 point of Vitality. If someone
Fire" might represent a roar of flame. The verbal "Maim by Lightning" might hits you with an attack for called damage while you are unconscious and stable
represent a flash of light. The verbal "Paralyze by Fear" might represent the you will become unstable and begin your 1 minute count. Other effects can be
hairs rising on the back of your neck. However you imagine it, the verbal tells inflicted upon you while you are unconscious and stable and those effects will
you what happened both in and out of game. still be active when you wake up. If healing raises your Vitality above 0 then
you will become conscious. A death strike successfully delivered to your torso
Verbal’s should not be confused with incantations. Incantations are magical will kill you.
words that are used to cast a spell. These are in game magical phrases that are If you are unconscious and you are unstable you are dying from blood loss and
required for all but the most powerful mages to cast magic. Spells usually have shock. You will linger for one minute before dying. A Stabilize effect will
incantations, but they also end with a verbal. Remember that there are two rules change your condition to stable and you will begin your 5 minute count. Other
that apply to all called attacks. effects can be inflicted upon you while you are unstable and those effects will
still be active if you wake up. If healing raises your Vitality above 0 then you
• You must finish the verbal for a called attack before launching a packet or will become conscious. A death strike successfully delivered to your torso will
missile attack. You call out the verbal as you swing a melee attack. If there is kill you. If someone begins to use First Aid on you, your count will be
an incantation, which is an in game phrase associated with an attack, then that suspended until they stop the First Aid. If they call Stabilize you become stable
must be clearly spoken before the verbal. This is true for melee, missile and and start your five minute count. If they do not finish the First Aid, your one
packet Attacks. minute death count will continue where it was before they started using the skill.
When you die, all active effects on your person end unless an Imbue or Inflict
• All called hits must be acknowledged with role play. Many skills are effect specifically says otherwise on the effect card. Your remains will linger
consumed only if the recipient calls out a defense or role-plays the effects of for five minutes before you change to a spirit of the dead and begin to walk to
the attack. If you don't role play the effect, the attacker may assume that you the gate of death. Only effects with "to Spirit" or with "to Dead" traits will affect
were not struck and the skill not used. a spirit of the dead.

Vitality cost CHART

Each ability must be delivered to its target in some way. These deliveries are In Dragon Crescent II, each character has 2 Vitality points at creation. Vitality
the physical action needed to determine whether ability has been successfully may be increased by purchasing extra Vitality with Experience Points,
used on an opponent.
Example-If you wish to raise your Vitality from 2 to 5, it would cost a total of
There are several different ways to deliver game effects, but there are three 7 CP. 2CP to raise Vitality to 3, 2CP to raise Vitality to 4, and 3CP to raise
basic attack deliveries that are used most often in combat. Melee attacks are vitality to 5.
2+2+3=7. Vitality(HP) Cost .
delivered with a successful strike with a hand held weapon. Packet attacks are
delivered by throwing a bean bag like projectile and striking an opponent.
Missile attacks are delivered by throwing or firing a special foam weapon prop, 3rd Vitality 2 XP
although some games use packet based arrows and bolts that are firing by 4th Vitality 2 XP
aiming a missile weapon prop at an enemy and then throwing a packet prop and 5th Vitality 3 XP
striking that opponent with the projectile. 6th Vitality 4 XP
It is always up to the defender to make the final decision whether ability has 7th Vitality 5 XP
struck or affected them, and thus whether the ability has been delivered. It is 8th Vitality 6 XP
important that players do not abuse this honor system. If a player does not count 9th Vitality 7 XP
legal hits, the game breaks down. Individuals that are reported for not counting 10th Vitality 8 XP
hits will be reviewed and if necessary asked to leave the game. 11th Vitality 9 XP
12th Vitality 10 XP
Unconscious description on the effect card states that it works on a spirit of the dead then
You are incapacitated and must collapse to the ground. You must close your you must follow the instructions given therein. You may use Resist and Purge
eyes and you cannot move or speak while you are unconscious. You cannot use defenses while you are a spirit of the dead if they are appropriate for an attack
game skills unless a skill explicitly explains that it can be used while that strikes or affects you.
Final Death
Rule of Etiquette Players who are unconscious close to combat may open their If the spirit cannot return from the Death area then the character passes
eyes to watch for out of game danger if the battle moves too close. It is beyond this world and is said to have taken a final death. Final death means
important for players to be able to protect themselves during these times. If you that you can no longer play the character in question, and adds an air of
open your eyes for safety reasons then we ask that anything you see during that danger to the game by threatening you’re in game persona.
time remain outside the normal knowledge of the game. Welcome to Fate’s Gate

When you reach Fate’s Gate, knock on door and wait to be called before Fate,
Death who will determine what will happen to you by rolling a dice.
May “Fate” be on your side!
There are four ways you can die in this game. Roll the dice to determine your Fate D20
1. First, you can be knocked unconscious and unstable and remain that If it is your first death you use the first # in roll, sec –Sec #, Third –
way for a full minute. This is referred to as "bleeding out" and is Third #, unless Perma death.
described above.
2. Second, you can be killed if someone delivers a successful death At the point of Perma death Journals are turned in and skills, Ruins and
strike to your torso. spells are regenerated into the game.
3. Third, you will be killed by an attack with a Death effect that you
cannot negate. If you have been before Fate 2 times and you die a 3rd time you become
4. Finally, special areas might cause your death if you have a mishap. perma death, proceed to spirit form go directly to games control.
Time for a new Character.
Death Strike
This is not a skill therefore anyone can pick up a weapon and inflict This works as well for the Karma Tokens, you can save your character
on a player A death strike is used to kill an unconscious or immobile only 3X
victim, after at least 30 count of “Bleed out” You must touch a weapon
to the torso, and call out” Death strike 1, death strike 2, death strike 3”. Characters don’t just disappear they become part of the Lore or History of
This Call must be spoken clearly and at a normal speaking pace. A Kailgar, documented From time to time the spirit of that character may be
death strike that is interrupted is canceled and has no effect. called upon.
You cannot inflict a death strike on a body until it comes to a full rest after
an attack and 30 a count has been reached, nor can you inflict a death strike Player Challenge: Player cans Challenge Fate to Combat, game of Skill, or
on a helpless but struggling victim. If the victim can move, the victim can Wit/Knowledge, a player can choose.
prevent a death strike.
To interrupt a death strike, you must strike the person attempting to deliver Player wins, Return to game, Full, one life lost. Fate Wins, 5 mins Memory,
the death strike; you may also interrupt the death strike by striking the ½ Vitality, one life lost.
weapon used to perform the death strike.
Fate Challenge: If Fate has a Player who is Fate Touched, he feels is more
The "Death" Effect suited for the task, he can call upon that player to do his bidding. If Fate
Any effect that successfully inflicts a Death effect kills you immediately. Of all doesn’t he will take on the Player or call the one of the Watchman’s* to The
the various game effects, only the Death effect will kill you outright. The Death Challenge.
effect may be nullified by an appropriate defense.
Player wins, Return to game, Full, one life lost. Fate Wins, 5 mins Memory,
Mishaps ½ Vitality, one life lost.
There might be large scale traps, challenges, and mishaps in special areas that
can cause you to perish if you are unfortunate enough to stumble into them.
Karma Tokens if you have 3 Karma tokens you can turn it in to Fate and
Closing walls, deep pits, and other deadly traps might kill you outright. These
return to life without any loses.
areas will be marked or made clear to you during the course of the game.
Creature battle Results
Spirits of the Dead Time to Visit Fate.
After 5 minutes of Death, a dead character becomes a spirit, your spirit and
Creature Character or those who have become fate touched and can be
everything you still carry is marked to a special area of the game marked as a
Death area. Your spirit will even pick up their own weapons if they are within Summon by Fate to do his battles.
reach unless someone else possesses them. When you rise as a spirit you must
proceed directly to the Fates Door. You must walk with your head bowed and Player wins, Return to game, Full memory, one life lost. Fate Wins, 5 mins
your arms at your side. You will carry a white bandana. You cannot interact Memory, ½ Vitality, one life lost.
with any other character unless they use an ability that allows you to do so (3
minute spirit rule applies). You cannot drop items. You cannot use any game Fate Cards if you roll this number you must draw a Fate card, this card is
ability. If someone tries to interact with you, reply "Spirit" and continue on now attached to your character until completed, or until you meet fate again.
your way. A fate card will have a Quest or Summoning effect for you to carry out for
fate. You are considered Fate Touched, until you have been released by fate.
In Kailgar, the Fate’s Gate is the gate way to the Realm of Life Once you are release you will be free of any marks or limitations. Fate
Unknown. When you arrive at the Gate you must follow the posted touched can also give your abilities. But if you should use those abilities for
instructions and ring the bell. You will wait for the Gate Keeper to arrive harm to others, than what fate has instructed you, fate will come to collect
and call you into the gate. your soul. If you don’t have karma token this could result in a perma death of
your character.
While you are a spirit of the dead, there are very few effects that will work on
you. The only effects that will work are effects with "to Spirit" or "to Dead" Perma Death this is a perma death, is just that a perma death meaning you are
in the verbal. These are Bane effects specifically designed to affect spirits. no more, Time to create a new character, turn in game cards, tokens, items,
The most common is a "Speak to Dead" effect. This type of "Speak" effect and all coins. You have not memory of death.
will allow you to converse quietly with the character that used the effect. You
cannot stray from your path or use any game skill while talking. You are not
compelled to communicate, but you may do so. These skills maybe interacted
within the first 3 minutes of spirit form certain in game skills are applicable
while heading towards fates door after 3 minutes you are unreachable.
Other effects might include "Imbue to Spirit" and "Inflict to Spirit." If the
Timing and Resting Weakness effect you could rest for five minutes and apply the time to all three
benefits. The Root would end, the Weakness would end, and the skill could be
Timed-Effects (RESTING) Important used to reset the defense.
There are various effects and activities that require time before they are
completed or removed. This time is defined in one of two ways; Game skills will instruct you by saying "Rest for," followed by a time period,
followed by the results of the rest.
Rest time
Is generally used when an effect has some passive duration which will wear off "Rest for one minute to end this effect."
if you have time to rest. Activity time is used when you must perform some "Rest for ten seconds and call out "Heal 2 to Self" to use this skill.
action such as repairing an item or mending wounds before an effect will take
place. In order to satisfy either requirement you must spend the time You Are Well Rested
uninterrupted. If you are forced to break the conditions of Rest or Activity time If you are in the process of resting, particularly when resetting skills or
then that attempt ends and you must start again from the beginning. Resting attributes, and a game character tells you "You Are Well Rested" then your rest
time requires you to be sitting, lying, or kneeling. You cannot walk or run. You time is considered completed. Effects that end with rest are removed, and
can talk and gesture, but you cannot use game skills, used called attacks, or use attributes and skills that require rest are refreshed. This will not end Imbue or
called defenses while you are resting. You are resting if you are dead, paralyzed, Inflict effects, or effects that last for an entire event or more. If a reset has, in
stunned, or unconscious. Paralyzed characters are resting even if they are addition to the rest time, costs associated with it then you are still responsible
standing or in some other paralyzed position. Effects which require rest can for paying those costs to gain the benefit of the rest.
overlap; What this means is that a single rest time can be used for multiple
effects. If you had a game skill that allowed you to reset some kind of magical
defense after a minute of rest, and you were affected by a Root effect, and you
Using Focus
were affected by a Weakness effect you could rest for five minutes and apply
Focusing represents some task that requires your concentration. Focusing might
the time to all three benefits. The Root would end, the Weakness would end,
be required to repair armor, mend wounds, or meditate to remove an effect. Or
and the skill could be used to reset the defense. Activity time represents
you may use focus for a great purpose of refreshing Attributes. Whether it is 30
something that requires your concentration. Activity time might be required to
seconds or 30 minutes; You must spend the time roleplaying in a manner
repair armor, mend wounds, or meditate to remove an effect. You must spend
appropriate for the skill or ability you are using. You may talk with others
the time role playing in a manner appropriate for the skill or ability you are
during this role play time if you wish so long as the skill or ability description
using. You may talk with others during this role play time if you wish so long
does not have additional restrictions which prevent this. Focusing requires that
as the skill or ability description does not have additional restrictions in its
you stay in one area as you role play the activity. You cannot walk or run. Using
other game skills, using called attacks, or using called defenses interrupts your
focus time. Skills and abilities which require Focus do not overlap; what this
means is that if you have two different skills with a Focus requirement the Focus
Activity time time spent on one ability cannot be applied to any other activity. You have to
Requires that you stay in the same area as you role play the activity. You cannot role play each Focus time separately to use the associated ability. Effects that
walk or run. You cannot use other game skills, used called attacks, or use called
prevent you from using game skills also prevent you from spending time to
defenses during this time. In addition, if you are affected by an attack with effect Focus to use or refresh abilities. You cannot Rest while you Focus; the times
that is not beneficial your activity time is interrupted and you must begin that do not overlap.
time again. Skills and abilities which require activity time do not overlap; What
this means is that if you have two different skills that require activity time to Game skills will instruct you by saying "Focus for," followed by a time period,
perform that time spent on one ability cannot be applied to any other activity. followed by the role play needed to act out the skill, followed by the result of
You have to role play each activity time separately to use the ability. Effects
the Focus. “Focus for one minute, repairing your armor at a forge, to refresh
that prevent you from using game skills also prevent you from spending activity your armor points. “Focus for one minute, binding the limb of the wounded
time to refresh abilities. character" and call "Cure Maim" to tend to the broken limb.
Resting time and Activity time do not overlap. "Focus for three seconds, shaking off your fear, to purge one Fear effect.
“Focusing is interrupted if any game effect that is not beneficial affects you
Mike and Torrie, for example, each have a skill that provides armor points. regardless of the delivery. While you do not exhaust any costs associated with
Mike has a skill that requires the skill or ability (unless the description explicitly states otherwise) you must
One minute of rest to refresh his armor points. Torrie has a skill that requires start the entire process from the beginning. This means that calling any defense,
one minute of activity to optional or otherwise, interrupts your focus.
Refresh armor. Both sit down to rest of a Weakness effect. During that time,
Mike may also refresh his Charles and Scott, for example, each have a skill that provides armor points.
Armor points. Torrie will still have to spend one minute of role play to refresh Charles has a skill that requires
his armor. one minute of rest to refresh his armor points. Scott has a skill that requires
one minute of activity to
refresh armor. Both sit down to rest a Weakness effect. During that time,
Many attacks last until you rest for five minutes. You must be sitting, lying, or Charles may also refresh his
kneeling to rest. You cannot armor points. Scott will still have to spend one minute of role play to refresh
Walk or run. You cannot use any game skills while you are resting. Effects his armor.
that require rest will not end until Many attacks last until you rest for five minutes. You must be sitting, lying, or
You rest for five uninterrupted minutes. You are also resting if you are dead, kneeling to rest. You cannot
unconscious, stunned or walk or run. You cannot use any game skills while you are resting. Effects
Paralyzed. Paralyzed characters are considered resting even if they are that require rest will not end until
standing. You cannot refresh you rest for five uninterrupted minutes. You are also resting if you are dead,
Attributes or skills while you are resting. unconscious, stunned or
paralyzed. Paralyzed characters are considered resting even if they are
Rule of Etiquette standing. You cannot refresh
Players with bad knees or physical impairments may be given plot permission attributes or skills while you are resting.
to stand with
Their arms raised and their hands behind their head to indicate they are resting
on the field.
Effects which require rest can overlap; what this means is that a single rest Attack Effects
time can be used for The effect of an attack describes how that attack benefits or impairs you. The
Multiple effects. If you had a game skill that allowed you to reset some kind effect is the first part of any verbal. Some effects target items rather than
of magical defense characters. Each effect has duration, but curing or removing that effect will end
after a minute of rest, and you were affected by a Root effect, and you were it.
affected by a
Agony is restored with a Repair effect. Some items may be truly destroyed if no Repair
You are wracked with pain. You cannot attack or use most game skills. You effect exists in the game to restore them. The item does not crumble away or
may run, defend yourself by blocking with weapon skills and can use called disappear; the prop represents the broken item.
defenses. Agony lasts for 15 seconds. An attack that uses the “Destroy Armor” verbal will exhaust all of your armor
points. The armor points can be refreshed or repaired normally as if they had
been removed by damage. Melee attacks must successfully strike you to deliver
Cure, Remove... a Destroy Armor effect. Some creatures might take some kind of detrimental
Beneficial Effect (Cure only) effect when struck by this attack. If you want to attempt to harm a construct
The Cure effect removes effects on the target. A Cure [Effect] will remove all directly with this effect you would call out “Destroy Form” as the verbal.
instances of that specific effect. A Cure [Trait] will remove every active effect Items without tags or safety stickers (such as clothing, belts, pouches, and the
with the appropriate trait except Imbue and Inflict unless the Imbue or Inflict like) cannot be affected by Destroy.
card specifically says otherwise. Cure will never restore Vitality. Cure is a
beneficial effect.
Charles, for example, has been affected by the following attacks: Slow by This effect is used to determine if the recipient is inflicted with a specific effect,
Disease, Slow by Will, and Drain by Will. A Cure Slow will remove both the trait, or game condition. Skills with the Diagnose effect allow you to use
Slow by Disease and the Slow by Will since they are both Slow effects. A Cure Diagnose to determine the presence of specific effects or traits with the
Will would remove both the Slow by Will and the Drain by Will since they exception of Imbue or Inflict effects. A skill might also allow you to use
both have the Will trait. Diagnose to determine if the recipient is currently Stable, Unstable, Dead, or
Damaged. To use Diagnose, touch the recipient with a packet and say
If a "Cure Maim" effect references a specific limb, the effect will only remove "Diagnose" followed by an effect, trait or game condition. The recipient says
Maim effects on that limb. If the Cure Maim effect does not specify a limb, it "Yes" if they are afflicted with the named effect or an effect with the named
will cure all Maim effects active upon the target. If an ability or skill allows you trait, or if they suffer the game condition. Otherwise they say "No."
to use the "Cure Maim" effect on a specific limb, you cannot use that ability as
a general "Cure Maim" effect. A "Cure Death" effect will restore a dead target
to life and leave them with 1 Vitality unless that target has transformed to a Charles, for example, is lying on the ground unstable and has been inflicted
Spirit of the dead. Once a character has transformed to a Spirit of the dead, only by a Slow by Disease and a Paralyze by Magic. Another player leans over,
the rare "Cure Death to Spirit" effect can restore them to life, and only if it is touches him with a packet and says "Diagnose Stable." Charles says "No."
used before the Spirit reaches its destination. She says "Diagnose Unstable" and Charles says "Yes." She uses a Heal effect
on Charles but he still doesn't move. Puzzled, she says "Diagnose Stun."
A "Cure [Trait Name] Trait" effect will remove a trait given to you Charles says "No." She says "Diagnose Paralyze." Charles says "Yes." She
by an Inflict, Imbue, or other effect that is temporary. It has no effect on a has the ability to Cure Poison, so she says "Diagnose Poison." Charles says
permanent trait granted by race, skill, or the like. "No." She decides to wait until the Paralyze wears off.
Once a character has transformed to a Spirit of the dead, only the rare "Cure If someone uses "Diagnose Damage" on you, you may choose, for the sake of
Death to Spirit" effect can restore them to life, and only if it is used before the expediency, to include in your reply the current number of Vitality points that
Spirit reaches its destination. have been removed by Damage. If, for example, you have taken two damage
A "Cure [Trait Name] Trait" effect will remove a trait given to you by an Inflict, that has not been healed and someone uses "Diagnose Damage" on you, you
Imbue, or other effect that is temporary. It has no effect on a permanent trait may reply with a simple "Yes" or you may reply with a "Yes, two." The choice
granted by race, skill, or the like. of how to respond is up to you.

Remove is used to simulate dispels or forced removal of effects. Remove works Disarm...
just like Cure except it is not a beneficial effect. This has several side effects. You must drop everything in the hand indicated by the verbal. You can pick up
Where Cure can be touch cast, Remove cannot be touch cast. Where Cure can items immediately after they have come to rest. You may pick up an item as
be refused because it is beneficial, Remove cannot be refused. Where Cure will soon as it stops moving. The verbal will contain either "Disarm right hand" or
not interrupt activity time, Remove will interrupt activity time. Where Cure is "Disarm left hand." If you are holding a fragile or breakable prop, including an
not negated by and does not consume Shield, Elude and Guard defenses, air gun, you may put it down rather than drop it, but in this case you cannot pick
Remove will be stopped by and consume Shield, Elude, and Guard. Otherwise it up for a full five seconds.
remove works like Cure.
Delivering this effect with a melee attack requires you to strike that weapon
Damage while calling the Disarm effect. You do not need to specify a hand. The hand
This effect removes Vitality points as described in the section on Vitality. that is holding the weapon will be affected. A melee delivered Disarm will not
Unlike typical effects, Damage is instantaneous. It removes Vitality points and affect a shield unless the "Disarm Shield" verbal is used. You cannot disarm a
then the effect ends. You cannot remove or dispel damage. Vitality points must shield unless a skill or ability specifically allows the use of "Disarm Shield."
be restored though healing.

Death Rule of Etiquette

An attack with this effect kills you. You fall down dead, as if you had been Delivering a Disarm effect against a weapon requires an attack against the
struck with a death strike. All temporary effects upon you end when you are opponent’s weapon. You must finish the verbal and move your weapon
killed except for Imbue and Inflict effects that are not specifically removed by forward, attacking with the legal striking surface. You cannot call Disarm if
death. Death lasts for 5 minutes, after which you will rise as a spirit and travel you are simply blocking your opponent’s attack, you must be making an effort
to the Death area. This process is described in greater detail in the Spirits of the to strike at the weapon.
Dead section.

Cure Death and certain special abilities can affect you while you are dead. Some
strengthen your spirit so it is not weakened by the presence of Death. Some
might even restore you to life. Others might cause unpleasant effects. All of
these will be handled using an Imbue or Inflict effect. In these cases you will
be given an effect card that explains the results of the Imbue or Inflict effect.

An item is destroyed and cannot be used for any game skill or effect until it is
repaired. For most melee delivered effects, the verbal is simply “Destroy” and
the strike will destroy the weapon it hits. For missile and packet attacks the
verbal will include the name of the item and any strike will destroy that named
item. A melee attack that strikes your shield and uses the “Destroy Shield”
verbal will render your shield unusable. The effect is permanent until the item
Disengage If no number is indicated then this effect boosts your armor points by 1. The
To initiate this ability either take a step back or plant your feet for 3 seconds. effect might indicate a higher number in the verbal such as "Grant 2 Armor" to
Gesture at any number of opponents with a weapon. You cannot move towards indicate that a greater number of armor points have been granted. A successful
any target. Everyone who is attacking you and everyone indicated by the gesture Destroy Armor effect
of your weapon must move back out of weapon range so that you cannot cross destroys the armor points and completely ends this type of Grant effect.
extended weapons. Targets that are rooted or cannot move back may cross their
arms and lean away from the effect instead of backing up. Once the distance You may only have one Grant Armor effect active.
has been increased and the space indicated by the Disengage has been cleared ... Attribute
by all targets (or everyone has crossed their arms and leaned away) the effect "Grant Attribute, Kailgar"
ends. Disengage will not force a target into a dangerous area. A target may "Grant Attribute by Magic, 2 Vitality"
choose to cross arms and lean back rather than stepping back into an area that
will cause them some detrimental effect. Disengage is not a melee delivered This Grant adds to the total of one numeric attribute. Any points added with this
attack and cannot be negated by defenses that stop melee attacks. effect are available immediately for use. Effects which refresh that attribute can
also refresh these additional points. These extra points can be used in the same
Drain manner as regular attribute points. A successful Waste effect that reduces the
For a simple Drain effect, you cannot run or use any game skill, including boosted attribute also completely ends this type of Grant effect.
weapon and shield skills. If the verbal is followed by a skill or ability name then If the attribute indicated is Vitality then Heal effects work normally. Vitality
you cannot use that particular skill. Drain can also be used to prevent entire skill calculations and other secondary attribute calculations are not affected by points
headers. If a header is drained, you cannot use any skill that falls under that added by the Grant effect to another attribute used in that calculation.
header. Drain can be used in this manner to suppress racial abilities and
empowered named items. If an item is named after a Drain effect then no No attribute can be modified by more than one Grant effect
abilities from that item can be used until the Drain ends. Only simple Drain
effects prevent you from running. The Drain effect will last until you rest for ... Protection
five minutes. "Grant Protection"
"Grant 3 Protection by Inspiration"
The Expose effect is followed by one trait. If you have that trait and are This Grant adds additional protection points that negate points of damage.
subjected to this effect, you must cry out, revealing the fact that you have the These protection points work in a manner similar to armor, negating the
trait and revealing your position. You must cry out as loudly as the Expose indicated amount of damage regardless of the source. The number of points is
effect was called. indicated after the "Grant" in the verbal, and if no number is indicated then the
ability grants a single protection point. Protection points are always lost after
Although you may cry out softly if the Expose was called softly, you still must armor points. Protection points cannot be refreshed or renewed. Once they are
make every effort to ensure that you are revealed to the person who called the all used to negate damage the effect ends.
effect. The Expose effect is audible and you must cry out even if you are
unconscious or under the effects of a Silence, Stun, Paralyze, or other disabling You may only have one Grant Protection effect active.
effect. ... [Type] Defense

You are not affected if you are Dead or have the Spirit defense unless the "Grant Poison Defense, Shield"
Expose effect targets those specific traits. This effect is one of the few that will "Grant Defense by Inspiration, Elude by Blur"
commonly be delivered by voice. "Grant Melee Defense by Magic, Parry"
"Grant Packet or Missile Defense, Avoid"
This effect causes you to attack the closest creature to you, regardless of This Grant gives you one called defense that can be used on attacks indicated
recognition or consequence. You may attack with any standard skill that is not by the defense verbal. The trait or delivery the defense works against is included
beneficial, though you are not forced to use consumable skills in this attack. If after "Grant" and before "Defense." If no trait or delivery is present then the
you are affected by a Repel effect, or if you are not affecting the creature in defense works against any melee, missile or packet attack.
question, or if you cannot find a way to reach the creature for 10 seconds you Once this defense is used the Grant effect ends. The defense verbal you must
will move on to the next closest creature. If someone else attacks you and that use to invoke the defense is included after” Defense." If the defense verbal
creature is more convenient than your current target then that creature will portion includes a trait then you must call out that trait when you use the
become your new target. The effect ends when you are rendered dead or defense.
unconscious. Grant effects which give you Elude, Guard or Shield effects must be used
against the first appropriate attack that strikes you. Grant effects which give you
Avoid, Parry or Resist defenses can be used against any appropriate attack and
you can choose whether or not you will use the defense. Elude, Guard, and
Grant... Shield defenses that protect against melee attacks must be used against uncalled
Beneficial Effect melee attacks that strike you.
A "Grant Defense by Shadow, Avoid by Shadow" would give you one defense
The Grant effect adds ability, protects you from some damage, or enhances against any melee, missile, or packet attack. You could choose to take an attack
armor, Vitality or one attribute. Grant effects last until the end of the event, or and save the defense for later. You would call out "Avoid by Shadow" when
until the granted ability is used up. Grant is a beneficial effect. you used the ability.
A "Grant Poison Defense, Shield" would give you one defense against any
Limitations attack with the Poison trait. You would have to use this defense against the first
~ You may only have up to three total Grant Attack or Grant Defense effects. Poison attack that strikes you. You would call out "Shield" when you used the
~ You can only have one Grant Protection effect. ability.
~ You cannot have more than one Grant effect enhancing the same numeric A "Grant Missile Defense by Wind, Avoid by Air" would give you one Avoid
effect such as Armor, Vitality, or any attribute. defense against a missile attack. You could choose to take the attack and save
If you receive a Grant effect that would exceed these limitations then you may the defense for later. You would call out "Avoid by Air" when you used the
choose to end one or more of your existing Grant effects so you can accept the ability.
newer Grant effect. If you do not choose to end existing Grant effects then new
Grant effects that exceed these limitations will fail and have no effect on you. Example:
Monica has an active grant effect with the verbal "Grant Poison Defense,
There are five types of Grant effects. Shield" on her. She receives a new Grant effect with the verbal "Grant Poison
Defense by Faerie, Resist." Monica cannot have two Grant Defense effects
... Armor with the same type, so she must choose one and decides to take the resist and
"Grant Armor" let the shield end. Later, Monica receives a new Grant effect with the verbal
"Grant 2 Armor by Inspiration" "Grant Disease Defense, Resist." Monica can accept that Grant effect since
This Grant adds additional armor points to either physical armor or armor from her current Grant works against Poison and the new Grant effect works
other abilities. These points are refreshed when your armor points are refreshed. against Disease.
5, but he could not have an addition "Grant Armor" nor another "Grant Extra
Dell has an active Grant effect with the verbal "Grant Defense, Avoid." He Armor" active.
knows he can call out “Avoid" to negate one melee, missile or packet attack Dakota has only a "Grant Extra Magic Defense, Resist" upon her. A friendly
because the type isn't specified. Dell receives a "Grant Defense, Shield" but wizard gives her a "Grant
decides to keep the avoid and the new Grant effect is lost. Later, Dell receives Magic Defense, Shield" to her. She can accept this effect because her other
a "Grant Packet Defense, Avoid." He can keep that defense and his previous "Grant ... Defense" effect is an
Grant because the type in the Grant verbal is not the same as one is "Extra" Grant effect.
unspecified and thus defaults to "Melee, Missile and Packet" and the other is
specified as a "Packet" defense.

... [Delivery] Attack "Grant Unique Melee Defense by Inspiration, Parry"

"Grant Unique Defense by Divine, Avoid by Divine"
"Grant Melee Attack, 2 Damage" "Grant Unique Attribute by Divine, 2 K"
"Grant Missile Attack by Venom, Agony by Poison" If a Grant effect has the Unique qualifier then you can only have one effect with
"Grant Packet Attack by Magic, Stun by Fear" that particular trait upon you. Grant effects with the Unique qualifier count
"Grant Attack by Arcane, 5 Damage by Fire" against your limit of three, and the trait of the Grant effect (rather than the trait
“Grant Touch Attack, Heal 2” in the attack or defense verbal) is used to determine which other Grant effects
cannot be used with this Grant effect.
This Grant gives you one called attack that uses the appropriate delivery. If the
delivery is omitted the recipient may choose melee, missile or packet for the If you had "Grant Unique Attack by Malediction, Death by Fear" you could not
delivery when they receive the effect. You may use a melee or missile attacks receive another Grant with the same verbal since both are unique Grant effects
only if you have a skill that allows you to make such attacks and the props on with the Malediction trait.
hand to make an attack with the specified delivery. You may use a packet attack
only if you have a packet on hand to make the attack. For melee attacks, the "Grant Unique Attribute by Faerie, 2 K" could not be used with "Grant Unique
attack is exhausted and the Grant effect ends only if the strike lands and the Melee Defense by Faerie, Parry" since they are both unique Grant effects with
opponent acknowledges it with role play or negates it with a defense. For the Faerie trait.
missile or packet attacks the Grant effect ends when you use the attack whether
it hits or missed. If the attack is a beneficial effect the delivery can also be In the odd case that you receive a unique Grant effect when you already have
specified as “Touch. other non- unique Grant effects
with the same trait you would have to choose to keep the original effects or end
As a default you can have no more than one Grant Attack effect. those effects to accept the
unique Grant effect.
” A "Grant Melee Attack by Shadow, Weakness by Shadow" would give you
one melee attack with the Weakness by Shadow effect. You would call out This also applies if you have a unique Grant effect and you receive a non-unique
"Weakness by Shadow" when you used the ability. Grant effect with the same trait. You would have to choose to keep the unique
Grant effect or end it to accept the non-unique Grant effect that has the same
A "Grant Packet Attack, 2 Damage by Fire" would give you one packet attack trait.
and you would call out "2
Damage by Fire" when you used the ability.
Double and Triple
A "Grant Attack, Paralyze by Will" would allow you to choose melee, missile,
or packet as the delivery when you received the Grant effect. You would gain Grant effects with the Double or Triple qualifier will provide multiple uses of
one attack of that type with "Paralyze by Will" as the verbal. the specified attack or defense but only count as a single Grant effect when
“Grant Touch Attack by Divine, Cure Poison” would allow you to touch a counting the total number you have upon you. In other words, you can have a
packet to a willing subject to cure a poison effect. Like any beneficial effect, "Triple Grant Melee Attack, 2 Damage" effect that grants you three melee
the recipient could refuse the effect. attacks each which do "2 Damage" and still have two additional slots for other
Grant effects. Since numeric effects do not stack this is only relevant for Grant
Attack and Grant Defense effects.
Grant Extra...
Grant effects that begin with "Grant Extra" can overcome stacking in the Inflict Effects
following ways:
~ An attribute modified by a Grant effect can also have one "Grant Extra" effect Heal...
that stacks. Beneficial Effect
~ Armor modified by a Grant effect can also have one "Grant Extra" effect that This effect restores one point of Vitality. If the effect is followed by a number,
stacks. then it restores Vitality equal to the indicated number. Otherwise it restores one
~ You can have both a "Grant ... Protection" and one "Grant Extra ... Protection" point. If you are unconscious with no Vitality then healing will restore one or
effect and the more Vitality points and you will wake immediately unless some other effect is
effects stack. preventing you from doing so. Heal is a beneficial effect.
~ You can have both a "Grant ... Defense" and one "Grant Extra ... Defense" at
the same time. Imbue...
~ You can have both a "Grant ... Attack" and one "Grant Extra ... Attack" at the Beneficial Effect
same time. This effect can be used in one of two ways. An Imbue effect with the verbal
~ Grant Extra effects do not count towards your three Grant effects. “Imbue [Trait Name] Trait” will give you the specified trait for the remainder
of the event.
If you already have an active "Grant Extra" effect, you can accept one regular
Grant effect; you Otherwise, this effect is some enhancement or extra ability that is described on
need not receive the "Grant Extra" effect after a regular Grant effect to allow an effect card that is given to you after the effect is used upon you. An Imbue
them to stack. You effect with no trait will not take effect until you have read the effect card. Imbue
cannot accept two “Grant Extra” effects, even if you have no Grant effect that will usually give you some ability that can be used during the current event,
did not include although the effect card might describe some effect that lasts beyond the current
“Extra” in the verbal. event. Imbue is a beneficial effect.

Example: Imbue effect cards can have a wide variety of long term plot effects. Examples
Josh has a "Grant 2 Armor" effect that brings his armor total to 4. A servant of include granting a defense against certain types of attack, strengthening the
his divine patron visits spirit of a dead character, and similar exceptional abilities.
him before a big battle and gives him a "Grant Extra Armor" effect on him.
He now has an armor total of
If a player can use an Imbue effect, which ability will always have some in You restore one item that has been rendered unusable by a Destroy effect. For
game action that must be accomplished before you can use the ability? You an item you are touching you need not specify a target in the verbal. For other
might need to gather and mix components. You might need to construct some types of abilities you specify a target after the Repair verbal. Repair may also
item from strange parts. These actions earn you the effect card needed to use be used to refresh armor points. A "Repair Armor" effect will restore one armor
this effect. You can never use an Imbue ability without the appropriate effect point of your current active armor. A Repair <Number>Armor effect will
card to represent the properly prepared components. restore a number of armor points equal to the indicated amount, or all armor
points if the number of exhausted armor points is lower than the indicated
Inflict... amount. "Repair All Armor" will restore your armor to its maximum value.
This effect can be used in one of two ways. An Inflict effect with the verbal
“Inflict [Trait Name] Trait” will give you the specified trait for the remainder Repel
of the event. This effect prevents you from using game skills on the attacker. You will also
attempt to stay 10 feet away from the attacker unless doing so would endanger
Otherwise, this effect is some affliction or detrimental effect that is described you. If this is the case you may move to a safer position even if it takes you
on an effect card that is given to you after the effect is used upon you. An Inflict within 10 feet, so long as you then attempt once again to stay 10 feet away from
effect with no trait will not take effect until you have read the effect card, so a the attacker. You cannot use game skills on the attacker in any case. The Repel
character engaged in combat may not be affected by Inflict effects described on effect will last until you rest for five minutes unless the attacker strikes you with
Inflict cards immediately; they have time to retrieve the effect card and read it a melee attack that does not cause a Repel effect. If the attacker strikes you with
when it is convenient and unobtrusive to do so. Unconscious or dead characters a melee attack using an effect that is not Repel then this effect ends
must read the card immediately. Inflict cards will give you some unusual immediately.
detriment that will have an effect and a duration described on the effect card.
The attacker is not immune to the attacks of a character affected by the Repel.
Inflict effect cards can have a wide variety of long term plot effects. Examples That character is free to launch attacks at other creatures so the attacker should
include causing death after a certain amount of time, causing you to transform be careful to stay clear of other potential targets and avoid attacks launched at
into some type of creature, inflicting you with a disease that cannot be healed other characters.
normally, weakening the spirit of a dead character, and similar exceptional
Defenses can be used to negate Inflict attacks if those defenses will stop an You cannot move your right foot from its spot. You may pivot on that foot, and
attack with the appropriate trait. you may move your left foot. A Root effect will last until you rest for five
If a player can use an Inflict effect, that ability will always have some in game minutes.
action that must be accomplished before you can use it. You might need to
gather and mix components. You might need to construct some item from Silence
strange parts. These actions earn you the effect card needed to use the ability. You cannot talk or make any in game verbal noise. You cannot use game skills
A player can never use an Inflict ability without an effect card to represent the that require incantations. If you are affected by an Expose effect you must mime
properly prepared components. crying out but you do not make any actual noise. You must still use out of game
phrases as normal. A Silence effect will last until you rest for five minutes.

Maim Slam
One limb becomes useless. An arm must hang at your side and cannot be used Some great force knocks you back and off your feet. When you are struck with
for any game ability. A leg becomes unusable. You must go down on one knee this effect you role play an extremely forceful blow or blast. You may take up
- you cannot hop. You may crawl using your other limbs. A Maim effect will to three steps backwards and fall down. The steps backward are optional. The
last for the duration of the event. If a Maim effect is delivered by a melee or effect ends when your chest or back touches the ground. If falling to the ground
missile attack, the limb struck will be affected. If a Maim effect delivered by a is an issue due to ground quality, crowding or Vitality you may opt to instead
melee or missile attack strikes the torso then the Maim effect is ignored. If a take your steps, drop to a knee and place both hands palm down on the ground
Maim effect is delivered by a packet, the attacker can include the limb in the as shake your head for three seconds.
verbal. For example, a caster might call out "Maim Right Leg by Fire." If the Some Slam effects are so powerful they knock you back through a shield. If
limb is not specified, then the subject may choose one limb that is not already you hear "Shield Slam" it works even if it strikes your shield. This attack can
affected by a Maim. Maim only works on arms and legs. be blocked by a weapon and would count as a strike to the limb holding the

Paralyze Slow
You must stand frozen. You cannot move, but you are aware of what is You cannot run. You may only walk at a normal pace. The Slow effect will last
happening around you. If you are rendered unconscious, or if someone tries to until you rest for five minutes.
change your pose, you will collapse to the ground. Paralyze will last until you
rest for five minutes. You are resting while you are paralyzed even if you are Stabilize
standing. Beneficial Effect
If you are at 0 Vitality and unstable this effect makes you stable. You start your
Refresh... 3 minute count. Otherwise you call "No Effect." Stabilize is a beneficial effect.

Beneficial Effect Stricken

Refresh is always followed by either an attribute or a skill that has a limited You are unaffected by any beneficial effect unless it removes the Stricken effect
number of uses. You recover one or more uses of the named skill or one or more from you. Call "No Effect" to any other beneficial effect used on you.
points of the named attribute. If you do not have the named skill or attribute
then the Refresh has no effect. As a default, Refresh restores one point or use There is one exception; if someone uses First Aid on you then the Stabilize
of a skill. If a number is placed before the attribute or skill name then you will effect will work. Only a "Cure Stricken" effect or a Cure effect applied to the
restore more attribute points or uses of a skill. Skills that require attributes trait of this attack will remove this effect. An effect that removes the Stricken
cannot be restored directly and are unaffected by a Refresh effect. Refresh will effect from you will not remove other effects. Stricken does not work on items
never raise you above your maximum attribute or give you more uses of a skill you carry or wear and items may be affected by Repair or Imbue effects. The
than you would have at the start of an event. Stricken effect will last until you rest for five minutes.
Refresh is a beneficial effect. Refresh can also be used to restore abilities of an For example, if you have a Stricken by Poison and a Paralyze by Poison effect
empowered item. If the item has a unique name and Refresh is followed by that upon you, a Cure Poison effect will remove the Stricken effect but it won't also
name then the abilities of the item are restored. remove the Cure Paralyze effect. A second Cure Poison would be needed to
remove the Paralyze by Poison effect.
Beneficial Effect
Stun effects will work against effects with any of these traits. You may role play an
You are knocked unconscious. Stun will last until you rest for five minutes. You Elemental effect by crying out or stepping backwards as the effect is inflicted.
are resting while you are stunned. Another character may take a full minute of
role play to revive you and end this effect. Mental Traits
These include Awe, Calm, Confusion, Despair, Fear, Gloom, Inspiration,
Speak Madness, Presence, Trance, Will, etc. The effect is caused by some mental or
Beneficial Effect emotional reaction. Abilities that work against Mental effects will work against
This effect allows you to converse with a creature or being that cannot otherwise effects with any of these traits. You may role play a Mental effect by crying out
communicate with you. It is usually used with the Bane trait, allowing you to or stepping backwards as the effect is inflicted.
speak with specific types of creatures. The subject is under no obligation or
compulsion to speak with you, but it may do so if it wishes. The Speak effect Metabolic Traits
will last until a participant uses another game skill or until a participant move These include Aging, Air, Cold, Disease, Poison, Radiation, etc, Sleep. The
out of reasonable conversation range. effect is caused by a Metabolic reaction. Abilities that work against Metabolic
effects will work against effects with any of these traits. You may role play a
Waste... Metabolic effect by crying out or stepping backwards as the effect is inflicted.
Waste is always followed by either an attribute or a skill that has a limited
number of uses. You lose one or more uses of the named skill or one or more
points of the named attribute. Waste has no effect if you have no attribute points Physical Traits
or skill uses left. If you do not have the named skill then Waste to that skill has These include Crystal, Kailgar, Force, Ice, Silver, Thorns, Weapon, Web,
no effect. As a default, Waste removes one point or use of a skill. If a number Wind, etc. The effect is caused by a Physical force. Abilities that work against
is placed before the attribute or skill name then you will lose more attribute Physical effects will work against effects with any of these traits. You may role
points or uses of the skill. Skills that require attributes cannot be wasted directly play a Physical effect by crying out or stepping backwards as the effect is
and are unaffected by a Waste effect. inflicted.

Wasted attribute points and skill uses can be refreshed. A Cure Waste effect Special Traits
will restore points or skill uses lost to Waste effects unless they have already All traits not included above are Special traits. These can include, but are not
been refreshed or restored by some other means. Once a wasted attribute or skill limited to, Acid, Blessing, Curse, Light, Magic, Malediction, Shadow, etc.
use has been refreshed a Cure Waste effect will have no effect on you. These traits are not included in any general trait, so abilities must specifically
Attributes and skills lost to a Waste effect are always refreshed before points include them. Special attacks allow no additional role playing; you will suffer
lost through normal use. the effect of a Special attack immediately.

Waste can also be used to remove abilities of an empowered item. If the item Bane Traits
has a unique name and Waste is followed by that name then any charged This is a unique attack trait that works against another specific trait, and targets
abilities of the item are removed as if they had been used. only those creatures that have that trait. Instead of saying "by" you would say
"to" and state the trait that is targeted. An attack that stated "10 Damage to
A Waste Vitality effect will reduce your current Vitality total. This effect Undead" would be an example of an attack with the Bane trait, and the attack
ignores armor points, but is otherwise treated as a called Damage effect and will would only affect creatures with the Undead trait. If you somehow lose the trait
render you unstable if it removes the last of your Vitality points. that a Bane effect targets while under that effect, then the effect ends
immediately. So, if you had a “to Dead” effect upon you and you were brought
Weakness back to life then the “to Dead” effect would end. Remember that the race of a
Your ability to strike with melee attacks is severely weakened. You cannot character is always considered to be a trait of that character. Bane attacks allow
deliver any called effects with your melee attacks. Weakness does not affect no additional role playing; you will suffer the effect of a Special attack
uncalled strikes or any other weapon skill. The Weakness effect will last until immediately.
you rest for five minutes. Some effects may have both a normal trait and a bane trait. In this case the
attack affects only those targeted by the Bane affect but it may be resisted by
defenses that work against the normal trait. An attack that stated "Paralyze by
Fear to Elf" would only affect characters with the Elf trait but it could be
Types of Trait
negated by a Resist Fear defense.
Attack Traits
Most attacks include a descriptive trait. This trait is indicated by the second part Spirit Trait
of the verbal. The trait of an attack adds flavor to the attack and determines You are insubstantial and are unaffected by most attacks. You call "Spirit" to
whether certain defenses can be used to negate the attack. If an attack is "5 any attack that you negate for this reason. You cannot use game abilities unless
specifically allowed to do so. You cannot speak or converse with other
Damage by Fire" then the trait of the attack would be Fire.
characters unless they use an ability that allows you to do so. If someone tries
The "by Weapon" trait is dropped from the verbal of normal melee attacks to to talk with you, you may call "Spirit" to inform them that you cannot speak.
You cannot drop any items. No one may search you, nor can items that you
reduce noise. Any melee or missile attack with no trait is assumed to have the
"Weapon" trait. carry be removed from your person. Nothing can be thrown over you. You
cannot rest while in spirit form, and effects that last until you rest will not be
removed. You cannot block doorways or portals. If someone tries to move
Most attack traits allow you to role play the effect. You may step back or cry
out in reaction to the attack. If you are surprised by an attack, however, you through a portal that you are blocking then you are forced to move.
cannot add additional role play to the effect. For example, if you were hit by a
Characters who have died and are traveling to the Realm of Death are spirits.
"Stun by Force" from a visible enemy then you could add the role play of crying
out or staggering back. But if someone sneaks up behind you and calls out If you gain the Spirit trait because you have died and you have become a Spirit
"Stun" with a melee attack then you should just go down. If someone sneaks up of the Dead then you also gain the Dead trait. Effects with the trait "to Spirit"
affect all spirits, while effects with the trait "to Dead" affect only spirits of the
and surprises you with a spell that you honestly did not see coming, you should
not cry out to warn your friends. dead. You must walk with your head bowed and your hands at your side.

Some abilities allow a living character to become a spirit for a time, but these
abilities usually have special restrictions or will not be absolute in their
Defense Traits
protection. You might gain a trait and become vulnerable to attacks with that
A defense might have a trait associated with it. The verbal should
trait even though you are a spirit. Some of these skills last until you move. In
include the defense and the trait with a "by" between them. This can be done to
these cases you cannot move or speak without ending the effect. If you turn into
add flavor to an ability, to differentiate two similar skills, or to allow other skills
a spirit in a place which blocks a portal or doorway then you are forced to move
to key off certain defenses.
to allow someone through. Since this can end the effect you must be careful to
use these types of skills so as to not block confined areas.
Elemental Traits
These include Air, Cold, Kailgar, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Water, Stone, Wind, etc.
The effect is caused by elemental power. Abilities that work against Elemental
Self traits chained defense then the ability must use the Self trait and character must role
This trait indicates that the effect works only on the person using it. Instead of play that effect as if they had been struck by it.
saying "by" you would say "to Self" after the effect. This indicates that you are
the only target of the called effect. For example, a Fire based attack strikes a Fire Elemental. The creature calls
out "Resist and Heal to Self" to indicate that the attack was negated and the
creature was healed by using the defense.

Defenses For example, a strong creature can tear out of some physical effects but it takes
These abilities allow you to negate abilities used against you. Although there damage doing so. The creature is struck by the appropriate attack, role plays
are a large number of possible defenses that can be used against specific causes for 3 seconds, calls out "Purge and 2 Damage to Self" and then role plays the
and effects, all defenses can be summarized as one of the following types. damage effect.
When it is possible to apply multiple defenses to an attack the defender decides
which defense to use. Although Elude, Guard, and Shield defense must be used For example, a character has an ability that simulates a Riposte. The character
if an attack would affect you, it is possible, for example, to use a skill that is struck by a successful melee attack, calls out "Parry and 3 Damage," and
provides a Resist defense when an appropriate attack strikes you to “protect” immediately swings at the person who attacked her.
and Shield type defense. You could, for example, use a Resist against Fear to
save a Shield against any mental trait. For example, a creature has an ability that can shoot attacks with the Magic
trait back at the attacker. The
creature is struck by a "Paralyze by Magic." The character calls "Resist and
Elude, Guard, Shield Paralyze by Magic" and throws
You negate the first attack of the appropriate type that strikes you. Although a packet back at the attacker.
different verbal are used to indicate the nature of your defense and to add flavor
to the game, all of these defenses work the same way. You must call out the Traps
defense when it is used.
Traps are devices or substances set to deliver an effect to anyone who disturbs
Avoid, Parry, Resist them or attempts to get past them. Anyone can avoid a trap, but no one can
You choose one attack of the appropriate type to negate when it strikes you. attempt to manipulate a trap by moving it, disarming it, or affecting the
You can allow an attack to affect you and negate a later attack. Although individual components unless they have a skill that allows them to do so.
different verbal are used to indicate the nature of your defense and to add flavor
to the game, all of these defenses work the same way. You must call out the Most traps will cause an effect to the person who set them off. If someone
defense when it is used. manages to trigger a trap with a thrown object, then the object will take the
affect instead. If the trap affects the entire room or corridor, then this trick will
Purge not provide much help. Some traps will work multiple times, while some will
You may negate an attack after it has affected you. You must spend three work once. If an item is causing a trap to go off continuously then anyone who
seconds to role play this defense as you shake off the effect, during which time touches the item will take the effect.
you must remain relatively still. You cannot use game skills while role playing
the purge. You cannot use Purge while unconscious unless doing so would wake If a trap is set in a small box, chest, or other enclosed area no larger than 3 feet
you. You cannot use Purge when you are dead unless the skill specifically in any dimension then setting it off will destroy everything inside the area.
allows you to use “Purge Death” in the verbal. Coins, items, paper, and everything else inside will be destroyed and cannot be
removed from the box. If any living creature has somehow crawled into an
No Effect enclosed area no more than 3 feet in any dimension with a trap and the trap goes
You are unaffected by the attack in question. This indicates a defense that is not off then that fool will be killed instantly. There are four types of traps.
consumable. The attack does not affect you, nor will it ever affect you.
Snap Trap 2 damage
Reduce, Absorbs These traps make a snap sound when they go off. They are represented by
You are affected by the attack in question, but the effect has been mitigated, mousetraps, party poppers, and snaps. These trap cause 2 Damage each to
lessened, or changed entirely. The actual reduction is determined by the skill or whoever sets them off (unless noted).
ability that allows you to use this defense. Reduce is often used to indicate the
effect has been lessened while Absorbs often indicates that the attack had a Buzzer Trap 5 damage
different effect entirely. The verbal for this defense might be followed by "to" These traps make an electronic sound of some kind when they are set off.
and the modified effect such as "Reduce to Maim" or "Absorbs to Heal 2." You Sounds used for these traps include beepers, buzzers, and electronic sound
must role play the new effect appropriately. effects like the moaning of a rigged welcome mat you might find at Halloween.
These traps cause 5 Damage to whoever sets them off.
While not exactly a defense, this call indicates that the effect had a greater than Verbal Trap X damage + effect
normal effect on the target. If the target calls “Increased” in response to a When these traps are set off and you will hear a trap sound and a voice will call
beneficial effect, the target might have an ability or skill that allows them to out a verbal associated with them. Whoever set the trap off must take the effect
receive additional benefit from the effect in question. If the target calls of that verbal. If no verbal is present, then the sound determines the type of trap
“Increased” in response to an attack, the target might have a weakness or as described above. Damage varies.
vulnerability to the effect or trait that was used against them. Some games might
use “Increased to…” followed by an effect to specify the Gas Trap damage or effect
Alchemy, the verbal will begin with the words "In This Room or Area..."
Reflect Everybody in the room or Area will take the effect. This trap only works in an
You choose one melee, missile, or packet attack of the appropriate type to area no bigger than 200sq feet. The trap will affect you if any part of you is
rebound back at the attacker when it strikes you. Call this defense to negate the within the room when the trap goes off. A scent maybe used.
effects of the attack. If your attack is reflected then you must take the attack as
if your melee, missile or packet had struck you. The attack retains all of the
original traits so it might not actually affect you. You may use defenses to
negate the attack, including using Reflect to bounce it back on the original target

Chained Defense
A chained defense has an effect that is called immediately after the defense.
The verbal should include the defense and the additional effect with an "and"
between them. If the additional effect is an attack then that attack must be
launched immediately as the defense is called. Using the additional effect could
be optional or required. If the additional effect affects the character using the
Poison In Dragon Crescent II, Permanent effects might last indefinitely. If you end the
. A character with the appropriate skill may apply such a substance directly event with a Permanent effect submit to plot a description of the effect and how
from the vial it was created in. Once applied to a surface, the jelly cannot be you received it.
scraped off onto another object. Only a character with an appropriate skill
may wipe the substance off a surface with a cloth or cloth like substance, but Ambient
the contact poison is destroyed in the process. An item with contact poison is Someone precedes an attack verbal with “Ambient” to indicate that the effect is
considered a Red Sticker item. The object cannot be moved from its place or a result of an environmental or a plot condition and not an effect that originates
handled until the poison is removed by a character with the appropriate skill to from the creature that calls it. Although the effect itself remains unchanged, this
do so. Those who are immune to contact of poison may still react to scent of indicates to the players that disabling the creature calling the effect will not
poison with a milder effect prevent the effect. This modifier is usually used with plot deliveries to indicate
plot driven effects.
This attack is represented by colored petroleum jelly. In Dragon Crescent we If, for example, someone from plot called out “By My Voice, Ambient Agony
have 4, by Fire” then the players would know that throwing a Silence effect or trying
1. Clear, contact does paralyze 3 minutes to paralyze the creature calling the effect would not prevent the plot person
2. Red, If you touch the jelly with bare skin or/and smell baby from calling the effect. A plot person could also call something like “By Your
powder smell, you will take an effect of "2 Damage by Poison.", 1 Name, Charles, Ambient Agony by Disease” to indicate that some plot
damage every 15 minutes, Effects last until cure condition is causing Charles pain but it isn't related to the creature calling the
3. Blue, (Vicks) If you touch or smell the jelly with bare skin, you effect.
will take an effect of " Sleep by Poison." , Effects last until cured
4. Green, smells like rosemary, If you touch the jelly with bare skin,
you will take an effect of "Madness by Poison." (You become Double and Triple
confused, lost, maybe psycho) Effects last until cured
One single delivery causes multiple attacks to affect the target. "Double" causes
Ingestible poison, two of the specified attack to be delivered, while "Triple" causes three attacks
1. If it has a sour citric Acid flavor is a Sleep (5 minute). (the flavor to be delivered. Each attack requires a separate defense.
of sour patch kids is citric acid)
2. If you come across a red tag in your food or drink whether you For example, a wizard calls out "Triple 10 Damage by Fire" and throws a
have eaten or not you have been poisoned by death(5 minutes packet that hits you. You must take three "10 Damage by Fire" attacks. "Resist
count starts). Fire" would negate one of these attacks and you would still take two attacks.
3. If you find a gummy bear in your food or drink you will be You may use multiple defenses against these attacks.
affected by frenzy this is slow acting ( meaning your reaction
occur slowly, as you position yourself into safe area before full
frenzy, your frenzy can last up to 5 minutes and doubles your Chained Effects
called hits damage). Two effects can be chained in one attack. The verbal should name the effects
with an "and" between them. If both effects have the same trait then the trait is
Shackles called only at the end of the attack. If both effects have different traits then a
Shackles are a prop that binds the wrists or legs of a character. An in game lock trait is called for each effect. A defense that negates one of the effects or one of
is affixed to each prop to represent the locking mechanism of that prop. The the traits if they are different would only affect that portion of the attack. In the
prop must be loose enough to remain comfortable and, for safety, the player case where both effects have the same trait, however, a defense that negated the
must be able to easily remove the prop if an out of game need arises. appropriate trait would negate all effects. The attack is still considered a single
melee, missile, or packet attack so a defense that negates a hit from a specific
Shackles can only be placed on a helpless or willing character if the lock is delivery such as melee, missile, or packet will negate the entire attack.
open. You place the shackle prop on the helpless or willing target and close the
lock. Shackles placed on the arm restrict movement and make it impossible to For example, a spider calls out "Drain and Slow by Poison" and hits a player
use any skill that requires that the arms must be free, including using weapons, with a packet. The defense
using packet attacks, and using First Aid. You may use a skill that allows you "Resist Poison" would negate the entire attack. The defense "Resist Slow"
to attempt to open a game lock on your own shackles. Shackles placed on the would negate the Slow effect,
legs make it impossible to run and restrict movement to the extent of the but the character would still be affected by the Drain effect. If the character
shackles. had both "Resist Slow" and
A prop placed on the ankles must be constructed to allow the player to stand "Resist Drain" defenses then both could be used to negate the effects of the
and walk slowly. attack.
For example, a wraith calls out "Paralyze by Fear and 2 Damage" and hits the
Shackles can be removed by opening the lock or by using an appropriate skill player with a melee attack.
to remove them. Each game will have a skill assigned to destroy and remove The defense "Resist Fear" would negate the Paralyze effect. The defense "Resist
shackles by taking a minute and using the appropriate props and role playing. Weapon" would negate
Skills that allow a character to slip out of bonds are possible as well. the Damage effect. A skill that negates one melee strike would negate the entire

Verbal Modifiers
There are certain phrases that can be added to verbal to change the effect. These Weapons
can modify the duration or add additional effects to an attack. For simplicity, a
single attack can only be modified by one of verbal modifier. Weapons Hit for one damage unless you take proficiencies, Some Weapon
can take additional proficiencies based on your classes, Proficiencies don’t
Short stack in classes the class that gives you the higher Hit damage is what you can
Someone precedes an attack verbal with "Short" and calls out an effect that lasts take. Dragon Crescent II uses weapons made from, Fiberglass or kite rod
until you rest or lasts for the entire event. That effect instead lasts until you rest (minimum .505” for one-handed weapons, .610” for two-handed weapons),
for 10 seconds. If used with Frenzy then the effect will only last 10 seconds. CPVC (3/4” no longer than 36’)with foam padding (minimum 5/8” wall
thickness) and a foam thrusting tip, held together with duct tape. Weapon
Permanent Construction. No weapons may be made of any materials other than those
Someone precedes an attack verbal with "Permanent" and calls out an effect listed in the Sword Construction section of the rule book. If you have an idea
with duration. The effect will last at least for the remainder of the event. for an unusual weapon, please contact the Dragon Crescent II staff for
Permanent effects may not be removed by resting, but may still be removed by approval before you begin constructing it. We don’t want all your hard work
the Cure effect. to go to waste. Be prepared to have your weapon dismantled for internal
safety inspection. Bring a regular style game weapon as a backup in the event
your weapon fails inspection. It is highly recommended that all new players
with no previous weapon crafting experience bring all the supplies necessary
to create a new weapon. If your weapon fails to pass safety inspection you Armor that is removed from a Dying body is still considered to have been
will be left weaponless for the duration of the event if you can’t construct a destroyed during combat. Consider the damage to have occurred during the
new one, purchase one, or borrow one from a fellow player. Unfortunately, battle, not while you were lying on the ground. If you die from a Death spell,
Dragon Crescent II does not have enough weapons to replace unsafe player or from contact or ingested poison, your armor is not damaged. When your
weapons. Real weapons (real swords, knives except pocket knives, guns, etc.) armor is destroyed, it does not offer any protection at all. You should remove it
are forbidden on site at Dragon Crescent II. Individuals with these items will as soon as is convenient. Destroyed armor still interferes with the use of Magic-
be asked to leave for the remainder of the event without refund. based spells.

Light Armor can be made of leather that does not meet the requirements for
Medium or heavy armor. It is repaired using the Leatherworking skill, and
Weapon Cost requires 1 piece of Leather and two minutes to repair up to a full suite of light
armor. Any location protected by light armor is immune to all uncalled attacks
Maximum weapon lengths, Hit Damage with proficiency: from thrown weapons. You should state “Armor” when using this protection.
An “uncalled attack” is one in which no skill is called. If any skill or effect is
1. Small Weapon: up to 18” 3XP 2HD called (e.g. Fire, Magic, Venom), the armor does not protect you.
2. Short Blade/Blunt: 19” - 30” 3XP 2HD
3. Long Blade/Blunt: 31” - 48” 4XP 3HD Medium Armor can be made of leather, if it is very thick (11+ oz.), rigid (e.g.
4. Two Handed Weapon: 49” - 68” 5XP 4HD boiled or waxed), or reinforced with metal plates. If the base material is leather,
5. Bow/Crossbow under 20# (10) 3XP 2HD it is repaired with the Leatherworking skill, even if it contains some metal.
6. Staff or Polearm: 64” No Core 3” from tip 3XP 2HD Repairing these armors requires 1 piece of leather and two minutes to repair up
7. Thrown Weapon: 8” -10” No Core(3) 3XP 2HD to three areas of armor. The areas are the torso, right arm, left arm, right leg,
8. Thrown Javelin: 24” - 36” No Core 3/8 min. 3XP 2HD and left leg. For example, repairing armor that covers both arms and both legs
(four areas total) requires 2 pieces of leather and four minutes, total. Chainmail
and scale or lamellar armor (any armor made of small overlapping metal plates)
Armor is also considered medium armor. These armors are repaired with the
Armor has been indispensable for protection throughout history in battles and Blacksmithing skill, and require 1 piece of metal and two minutes to repair up
one on one fights, and Dragon Crescent II is no different. Armor provides points to three areas of armor. The areas are the torso, right arm, left arm, right leg,
of protection that act as a buffer against damage effects. Armor points are and left leg. For example, repairing armor that covers both arms and both legs
removed by damage in a manner similar to Vitality. Armor points are lost before (four areas total) requires 2 pieces of metal and four minutes, total. Any location
Vitality points. The method by which exhausted armor points are restored varies protected by medium armor is immune to all uncalled attacks from thrown
depending on the type of armor you are using and the skills and abilities of the weapons and missile weapons. If any skill or effect is called (for example
game you are playing. “Fire”, “Magic”, or “Venom”) the medium armor does not protect you. In
You may only have one base type of armor active at a time. If you try to restore addition, if you are wearing medium armor on your torso, you are immune to
or activate or wear one type of armor while you have active points from another Bolt spells (any spell that does 1 point of damage). You should state “Armor”
type of armor, the armor type with the lower number of active armor points will when using this protection.
be exhausted. If there is a tie, then the new armor points will be immediately
exhausted. Exhausted armor points are gone and must be restored just as if they Heavy Armor Rigid or 11+ oz. thick leather armor that is reinforced with metal
were exhausted by Damage. The use of armor requires the Armor skill, which plates is considered heavy armor. These armors are repaired with the
represents the ability to move effectively and position the armor against attacks Leatherworking skill, and require 1 piece of leather and two minutes to repair
to achieve its full defensive potential.. A single purchase of the Armor skill up to two areas of armor. The areas are the torso, right arm, left arm, right leg,
allows the use of light armor, two purchases allows medium armor, and three and left leg. For example, repairing armor that covers the entire body (five areas
purchases allow heavy armor total) requires 3 pieces of leather and six minutes, total. Plate armor (armor
made of large metal plates with no significant gaps) is also considered heavy
For example, Timothy is wearing a 2 point of suit of armor. He role plays and armor, and is repaired with Blacksmithing, and requires 1 piece of metal and
activates a skill that two minutes to repair up to two areas of armor. The areas are the torso, right
gives him 3 points of armor. The armor points from the suit of armor are arm, left arm, right leg, and left leg. For example, repairing armor that covers
exhausted and he has 3 the entire body (five areas total) requires 3 pieces of metal and six minutes,
armor points from his skill. If he wants to use the armor points from his suit of total. You can also combine medium metal armor (chain, scale, or lamellar)
armor later, he with medium leather armor to receive the benefits of heavy armor. You still
will have to have the armor suit repaired. need the skill to wear heavy armor, and both your metal armor and leather armor
must cover at least half of the location. Just adding a small amount of chain
In Kailgar DC, all characters may wear up to one points of physical armor. You mail does not count. Both must be visible at least in part, one cannot completely
must be skilled in the use of armor to effectively wear any more than one points. cover the other.
You may wear a prop worth more points without this skill, but the protection it No other armor can be stacked, only medium metal armor with medium
will provide will be limited by your armors skill. A character with the Armor leather armor. When your armor breaks, it is treated as two broken sets of
Smith skill can restore physical armor. The smith spends one minute of activity medium armor. The metal armor must be repaired by a blacksmith and the
time role playing this repair at a forge to fix the armor. leather part by a leatherworker. If you fix only one, you only get the benefit of
medium armor. Your armor can be enhanced by a blacksmith or a leatherworker
In Kailgar DC you must have an appropriate prop to use physical armor. You with the appropriate skills, but not both at once. Any location protected by
have six armor areas; your head, upper torso, lower torso, shoulders, arms, and heavy armor is immune to all uncalled attacks from thrown weapons and missile
legs. A full suit covers at least four of these areas. A partial suit covers fewer weapons. In addition, any limb protected by heavy armor is immune to Maim,
areas and for each area under four you wear reduce the overall value of the and if you wear heavy armor on your torso, you are immune to Slay and all
armor by one. Damage spells (regardless of where they hit you). You should state “Armor”
when using this protection.
Those who use Magic-based spells should remember that it is impossible to cast Armor does not protect against called attacks other than those listed here, nor
these spells while wearing armor. To receive the benefit of armor, in addition does it protect against uncalled melee attacks.
to the skill, you must actually be wearing armor.
Costume armor is acceptable, Any head protection that meets the requirements for Medium or Heavy armor
however the Dragon Crescent II staff will not grant you armor protection for will protect you completely from Waylay and Subdue, as long as it has not been
low-grade, or “cheesy” armor. Tin foil is not suitable as armor, nor is duct tape destroyed. Bike helmets, hardhats, and other anachronistic items are not
or similar material. At no time do we want you to think that you have to spend suitable for use as helmets. A helmet may be worn if you have purchased the
your life’s savings on armor for a game. If you can’t afford to have a full suite Armor skill at least twice, and is considered one area for repair purposes.
of shiny plate armor, don’t sweat it! There are many ways to make armor for
your character. Just ask on our Facebook page for ideas. Your armor is Shields
destroyed any time you are dead due to bleeding to death or receiving a Death Shields must be padded around the rim, and may not have any protruding sharp
Strike. points. For example, if you have attached the grip using bolts, these must be
covered. Shield take damage and can be shattered.
Buckler/One handed: up to 18” diameter, with a one hand grip and no arm strap. punishable by imprisonment or death in many areas to impersonate a noble.
Shield: up to 32” diameter if round, up to 24”x32” otherwise (e.g. rectangular). Obviously modern items are not permitted. Keep Cell phone out of game. These
Shields cannot be disarmed. include tank tops, t-shirts, cargo pants, jeans, trench coats, sunglasses (normal
Tower Shield: up to 21”x 2/3 user height”. Tower shields cannot be disarmed. glasses are fine), white or bright colored sneakers, or anything with an obvious
logo. An analog pocket watch is permitted.

The Test
Once you’ve put your costume together, it’s time to test it out. Don’t wait till
“A life of adventure is no excuse for looking shabby. True Heroes or Villains you get to the game! Put on your costume, add any weapons you might be
always remember to look the part.” - Kimera At Dragon Crescent II. carrying, and put some coins in your pouches/pockets. (You have no pouches
Our goal is to create a realistic world that you are completely immersed in, from or pockets? Then how will you carry your loot?) Now, run 50 feet. What
Friday night at Game On to Sunday noon when the game ends. In part, we do worked? What hit you in the face? Did all your stuff fall out of your pockets?
this by creating plots, by sending out cast in various roles (including monsters), This is the time to fix it.
by supplying appropriate costuming to our cast for whatever role they happen
to be playing, and by using props to decorate game buildings. However, it also Costuming for Cast
depends on you wearing an appropriate costume. The importance of a good For those planning to be cast, not players, the requirements are simpler. We can
costume cannot be overstated. supply most of your costuming for the event. You need to bring suitable shoes
Costuming helps to set the atmosphere for the events and also helps you to role- (as above) and “basic black”—a base layer of black that you can wear under
play your character to its fullest potential. In addition to enhancing the setting other costuming. Black t-shirts and sweats are fine for this; you should bring
for everyone, it makes you look like someone who’s been around, who knows more than one of each, since you’ll be running, fighting, and sweating for much
what’s what, who is worth interacting with. A good costume can make you of the weekend. Bringing your own belt guarantees you’ll have one that fits,
memorable, and can make an impression on everyone you meet. The better you and pouches are also useful if you have any. Cargo pants and jeans are not
look, the more experienced and respectable you appear. If you are playing a acceptable. Casts are welcome to bring your own costuming beyond these
race besides Human, make sure you consider the costuming requirements of items, if you have it, but these are the minimums you can get by with.
your race. See Chapter 2 Races for more details. We expect everyone to meet a Real World Equipment “You don’t need to run faster than the monsters to
certain minimum standard for costuming. Obviously modern items are not escape certain death, just faster than your friends.” - From the Dragon Crescent
permitted. These include tank tops, t-shirts, cargo pants, jeans, trench coats, II
sunglasses (normal glasses are okay), white or bright colored sneakers, or
anything with an obvious logo. Technological devices (wrist watches, cell
phones, radios, beepers, etc.) are also not permitted. An analog pocket watch is
permitted. Rules of Adventure
You have no costuming? There are numerous vendors of medieval clothing, What should you bring to an event? Here is a list of items you may want to
many of whom are listed on our web site’s Links page, and some have very consider: Costuming, which is essential to the atmosphere of the event.
reasonable prices. If you have a little bit of extra money to spend, Dragon This may include changes of costuming or just the basics of extra boots,
Crescent II often has merchants on Friday night before the game, selling proper clothing, and socks. Maybe even a type of period rain gear or something easily
game attire, pouches, hoods, and other gaming accessories to make your covered up by costuming. Remember to pack for the weather.
character look like a long time veteran. You want to spend as little money as Feast gear
possible? Costuming doesn’t have to be expensive. Here are some ideas to get If you plan to eat at the tavern, include a plate or bowl, a cup or tankard, and
you started: A large, roughly square piece of material with a hole in the top utensils, period looking drinking vessel, wooden, pewter, or ceramic, for
makes a quick and easy poncho. A narrower rectangle of material (about as partaking in the tavern. Food and drinks are very important to your survival at
wide as your shoulders) with the same hole is a surcoat - add a belt and you’ve the event. We suggest bringing plenty to drink such as water and juice to prevent
got the basis of a costume. If you can sew, you can fancy these up with trim, or dehydration. Yes, we provide basic meals through the event, there are also
for the more ambitious you can find patterns at your local fabric store. The “t- players who have in game drinks, snacks and meals to sell for in game coin.
tunic” is a basic design that anyone with even marginal sewing ability can Sleeping bag and pillow.
accomplish; search the web for “t-tunic” and you’ll find a wide variety of It can get chilly at the earlier spring events and the later fall events.
patterns (some obviously easier than others). For your pants, a plain pair of Tent or Hammock
sweat pants is simple and generic. An alternative, wrap pants, are easy to make Most events are outdoors unless stated otherwise.
(another easy web search if you need a pattern). A t-tunic or a surcoat and shirt Shower Gear, We don’t always have Showers at every event, but we do have
over either type of pants, finished off with a belt, and you can consider yourself an area to clean and brush teeth, and take cold showers. Shower gear includes
dressed. You can find usable or adaptable costuming in many places. Thrift your essentials (shampoo, soap, toothpaste, toothbrush, towel, etc.). Shower
stores and flea markets are good places to find unusual clothing items cheap. shoes are recommended.
These include belts and leather or fur jackets that can be adapted for the Insect repellent is always nice to have. Remember we are in a wooded area.
barbarian look. An old leather purse from the thrift store, with the strap removed First aid kit including wrap bandages, Band-Aids, etc.
and some holes to fit a belt through, is a quick and easy belt pouch. Army Props to decorate your Tent/Hammock/Cabin and enrich the atmosphere.
surplus stores are also good places to find leather pouches and belts. Many craft Boffer-style weapons as described in Weapon Construction, or Latex
stores will carry simple drawstring pouches, too. Martial arts supply stores can Weapons. Please note not all latex weapon purchases will be approved,
be useful for some Dynasty characters. Footwear is a challenge for many sometimes they are cheaply made and break easy, and some are too hard for
people. Sandals are an easy choice, when the weather is nice. Minnetonka combat use.
Moccasin© makes a variety of relatively inexpensive boots (although they A notebook, pen, and pencil (to take in-game notes).
provide little ankle support and are not suitable for everyone—a pair of good Weapons/Armor repair/creation kit to include duct tape, open-cell
insoles help a lot, though). You may be able to find simple leather boots at a foam, scissors, etc. do not carry these items on you, if you are a smith it stays
local discount shoe store, too. Keeping warm is important. Wearing layers in your shop.
under your costume is often the best option. A cloak (or poncho as above) can Alchemy /Herbalist kits , shops must pick a spot at the beginning of game.
also help keep you warm. A simple but traditional cloak can be made from a There are two types of glass bottles used for alchemy and herbalism. Re-agents
large rectangular piece of fabric, pinned in front. Waterproofing your cloak and are larger bottles, to be used for producing tinctures, and are to be left at the
boots will keep you much more comfortable if it rains. Also, bring extra socks. shop, and tincture bottles. Upon successful creation of a tincture you will
It doesn’t really have anything to do with costuming, but wearing cold, wet receive a tincture tag for the approved item.
socks is not how you want to spend your game. Trust us. A hood or mantle can Spell packets if you are a spell caster. Always bring spell packets for
also add a great look while adding warmth; these are relatively inexpensive (and yourself. Cast will not provide extras for you to use.
easy to make). Light sources to be used at night, please use non led lights only and try to
use lanterns or make period looking torches. (What you use in your tent after is
What Not to Wear your choice as long as it doesn’t affect the game theater).
Some items and costume pieces may not or should not be worn, either because Glow sticks for Light spells.
they have specific meanings, or they are anachronistic. Do not wear a yellow Trash bag (s) to keep your tent/cabin clean during the event. There are two
armband or horizontal yellow stripe on your arm. A yellow armband indicates areas to throw away trash. Please don’t throw trash in fire pits or outhouse.
a non-combatant player. Do not wear a red armband on your arm. A red
armband indicates a member of the Messenger Guild for Game Master.. Do not
wear a circlet or crown. Circlets and crowns indicate nobility. It is a crime
Departing the Event

The Dragon Crescent II Rule Book in hard copy form to reference during the Stay in Character until 12 :15, at that time we will call game and being clean
game. By no means is this list the end all of what you may need. There are more up, followed by check out and Player input. Event should run No later than
suggestions available on our web site. Each person’s needs differ and we could 1:00 pm, but you are welcome to stay until 3so no one should be breaking
never fit all the possibilities here. Make a list and be sure you have everything down prior to that. Make sure everyone who sign up for clean-up detail is still
on it. Once you think you do have it all, check again. present. Start turning Rental items, turn in any tags or items, Character
Sheets, if time permits round actions maybe done following the event. After
clean-up we often pool for pizza while we have another Village Meeting to
discussion the weekend the likes and dislikes, and suggestion or comments.
Arriving At Event
Dragon Crescent II Weekend Schedule (tentative)
Friday arrival Time Staff 1:00-3:00pm Note: Some Sunday we will have Larp Group Meeting @ 1:30
Players 3:00-5:30pm
Sunday Lunch- 2:00pm –Pool together for donations Pizza and finish
off left over from weekend
3:00-5:30 pm upon arrive you check in, sign a roster and waiver, you will
Menu will be posted prior to event and outside tavern.
receive your game coin either create or go over current character sheet and
updates. If you are a new and have not made a Character yet arrive early, not
last minute. Food Donation is always welcome. Fresh fruits and vegetable ++
Other Food and Drinks will be available from 8:00am-10:00pm, will cost in
game money
If you are Renting Grab or Weapons you will then go to the Weapon Shop or
(Please report food Allergy/Diet to Director) We don’t have a problem
Grab Shop. Not guaranteed to have stuff available. First come first serve.
trying to accommodate.
Fees for Deposit on Grab and Weapons may apply. When available Ears,
No Vehicle in event area
Teeth, Nose, etc. and body paints purchased at Games Control maybe.
From Friday 5:45 to 12:15 Sunday Please.
At this point you will go set up your camping area, and return to village
square in grab, If you need assistance with character features, face or body
painting; arrive early and make sure to bring feast gear with you, some
feasting supplies are available but it is limited. All drinks must be in a period
looking container, No plastic bottles, (It can be stored at tavern between
DO SO>>>

6:15 Bells ring for all to gather for Village meeting.

6:30 Meeting beings at this point, we make sure everyone is present, and we
begin by going over any updates, safety details, go over any questions. After
everything is addresses we will call “Game On” roughly 6:50-7:00. STAY
IMMERSED IN GAME. And the story to the adventure will be told, listen
closely for clues, hints, warnings, or special folks you may want to meet or
stay away from. at this point you should be well into character, folks of this
land rush off to attend guild meetings, suspicious folk hang out in the
shadows, and adventurers make dangerous journeys into the creature that
claim the woodlands, monsters to do battle with, and many treasures to be
found. You will have many mysteries to solve, maps to follow, friends to
make, and an unlimited number of things for you to see and do. The choices
are yours to make and you are in control of your own destiny. By the end of
this event you are one step closer to completing the Dragon Crest. It is in this
enchanted world you can face off against darkness itself and become a legend.
Your adventure begins now. Have fun and enjoy.

7:00- 7:30 Friday Supper. This is a complimentary meal, Food donation are
always welcome there is a place to cook if you bring your own food.

Tavern Hours for Main Meals, We will do our best to stay on schedule for

Saturday- Sunday Breakfast 8:30-9:3;0am- included

Saturday Dinner 1:00pm-2 :00pm included
Saturday Suppers 6:00-7:00pm- included

In game currency can be used to by additional items and in game tips


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