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1 Height of soil = 3 m
2 Height of water table (hw) 2 m assume full saturation
3 Dry unit weight of soil (re) 18 kN/m3
4 Submerged unit weight of soil (rsub) 10 kN/m3
5 Unit weight of water (rw) 9.81 kN/m3
6 Height of dry soil(h) 1 m
7 Surcharge 0 kN/m2
8 Equivalent ht. of surcharge (hs) 0.00 m
9 Friction angle 30 Degree 0.523599 Rad
10 Active earth pressure coefficient(ka) 0.33
11 Span between column 3.00 m
12 Thickness of wall 175 mm
14 Grade of concrete 20 M20
15 Grade of steel 415 Fe 415
16 Clear cover 15 mm
Diameter of bar used 16 mm
Effective depth of 152 mm

Main Bar calculation

17 Design moment 54.79 kNm
18 R=Mu/bd2 2.3713 OK
19 Pt. required 0.785
20 Ast. 1192.5013 mm2
21 Spacing required 168.60521 mm
Spacing provided 150 mm

22 Distribution bar
Distribution bar = 0.12 %
Ast. = 210 mm2
Dia. Of bar provided = 10 mm
Spacing required = 373.99913 mm
Spacing provided = 300 mm

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