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The Plastic and Styro free

Baguio City Ordinance

No. 35 series of 2017
No plastic bags,
No Styro foam by 2018
The Baguio city council has approved an ordi-
nance banning the use, sale and distribution of
plastic bags and Styrofoam containers. The mea-
sure prohibits business establishments from pro-
viding any customer any plastic bag or polysty-
rene foam containers for goods or items pur-
chased or serving food or drink take out or dine

Customers will be asked to bring

eco-friendly bags, or reusable bags
made of cotton, coco cloth, abaca,
buri, water lily, paper and other re-
cycled materials to carry items or

It calls for full implementation by business es-

tablishments in the city starting January 2018.

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