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Explain what chronic disease are and how they are linked to population ageing.

1. Long term (>1 year) and generally slow-acting, incurable (irreversible) ;

require ongoing medical attention
2. Non-infectious
o Usually due to malfunction, breakdown, or damage to body
systems/organs (essential) that occur throughout lifetime.
o Can be virus led but generally not.
3. The probability of developing chronic diseases increases with age. The
incidence rate and prevalence of chronic diseases is therefore higher
among the elder
o Common to have MCC, esp. for elderly
o Over 80% of people aged 65+ above with chronic diseases suffer

Why is the proper management of chronic diseases important?

 To maintain the sustainability of future healthcare demand and spending by

proper management.
 Avoid or postpone CD to develop into MCC which is more difficult and
disproportionately more expensive to treat

How does medical technology and healthcare play a role?

1. Delay the onset of chronic diseases

o Regular screening/consultations
o Education to public: promote healthy diets and lifestyles
o Most CDs are entirely preventable
2. Allow for early detection
o Diagnostic imaging
o Can prevent disease from occurring
3. Better treatment and management of symptoms
o Provide effective monitoring to slow down progression and to
prevent serious complications
4. Reduce the incidence rate and prevalence of disabilities
o Provide effective treatment which may slow down or halt the
progression of the diseases and prevent disabilities or MCCs
5. Reduce mortality
o Extend life span while at the same time preserving the quality of life
(if not might as well just die)
6. Research
o Even though research is expensive, but the technology created has
its advantages.
o Effective usage of medical resources

Describe the roles of colonoscopy in the diagnosis and treatment of colorectal

 Colonoscopy: can check up to entire length of colon, up to the appendix,
check for cancer/ precancerous growths, ulcers, polyps (adenomatous
polyps, which is a precursor for colorectal cancer), tumours, obstruction,
pouches (diverticulosis), intestinal narrowing, areas of inflammation or
bleeding on the mucosal lining of lower gastrointestinal track
 Biopsy (collection of samples from suspicious tissues/ abnormal growths) to
check for malignancy for early detection
 To observe the operation in laparoscopic colectomy
 Allow image capturing for future diagnostic purposes.

Describe the roles of laparoscopic colectomy in the diagnosis and treatment of

colorectal cancer.

 Biopsy

What role does the optical fibre play in these procedures?

 The light within the fibre will undergo total internal reflection every time to
conduct light, even when the fibre is bent or curved in the colon. All of the
light is trapped within the fibre and gets transmitted to the end of the fibre,
wherever it may be.
 Enable vision (illumination)

What are some of the disadvantages and risks of these procedures?

Advantages of keyhole surgery VS open surgery

 Reduced haemorrhaging-aid recovery, reduce the chance of needing a
blood transfusion
 Smaller incision->faster recovery
 Less pain, so less pain medication is needed
 Shorter Hospital stay - faster return to normal activities and reduces the need
for overnight care in hospitals
 Reduced exposure of internal organs to possible external contaminants
thereby reduced risk of acquiring infections
 Better cosmetic results (less scarring)
Disadvantages of keyhole
 Not all surgical procedures can be performed via keyhole
 May not be suitable for all patients, depends on condition
 Technologically difficult, requiring high-level of skills by trained surgeons
 2D image displayed on the screen
 Procedure may take longer time
 Extra charge due to the use of more expensive equipment
 May need to switch to open surgery in the event of complications

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