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To whom it may concern

Dear sirs/Madams

I would like to introduce myself, I am Christian Herrera, 24 years old of Ecuadorian nationality, I
obtained my title of Mechanical Engineer in September of last year and I would like to express
through this letter my desire to study the Master of Science in Manufacturing Technology

It has always been difficult to choose a career or specialty that fits our personality; I still
remember that it was a bit difficult for me to choose to study mechanical engineering. I always
consider myself a person with an attitude to study these kinds of careers but nowadays there
are great variety of them and to get focus on one is a difficult decision.

I know that I'm not mistaken in pursuing my career but now that I'm done, I'm looking for new
challenges, both personal and professional. It is here that I look for a specialty and also study

It is not a secret that education in your country and in your university is one of the best that
exists worldwide. For me it would be a privilege to study in your institution. That is why I decided
to study in Germany, because besides obtaining a quality education, it would help me to
improve my English language when studying a master’s program in this language and also to
learn the German language during the 2 years that I would be living in your country.

I have also decided to apply to the masters of MMT because in Ecuador there are many
products that are imported and not manufactured. As graduation project I built a centrifugal fan
and in that construction I had inconveniences because the manufacturing processes used here
were neither the most efficient nor the best, but they were the ones that were within my reach
and those that were relatively cheaper. In view of this, I realize problems that come from a long
time ago and that are not corrected. I would like to be an aid in problematic of my country and
not a person more of the group that does its work half and charges expensive.

Studying this mastery would open many doors, in two years I could be speaking perfectly two
foreign languages and would have a useful specialty, with which I could start my own business,
help local companies, improve the quality of professionals my country has , or to follow further
and dedicate myself to research with more studies abroad.

In short, the possibilities are immense and more than anything I would have the satisfaction of
sharing classes with people from many countries and with an education that I am sure will be
the best I have ever received.

Finally I would like to thank for the attention to the letter and I hope that the answer to it is


Christian Herrera

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