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授課日期 堂數 Day 學生課本 字彙 文法 / 句型 課堂聽力CD 作業本 教師手冊

單元 Unit 課 Lesson
Date (1.5-2hr) Student Book New vocabulary New language Class Audio Workbook Teacher's Book
pages 2–3 • Review language: Where's he going? Which hat do you like?/I like the Disc 1, pages 22–23
1 Let's Remember blue one. Let's go to the music store. Where is it?/It's next to the Track 2
pages 4–5 Weather words: cool, cold, warm, • Conversational language about the weather Disc 1, pages 2–3 pages 24–25
2 hot, humid, foggy Is it going to rain? I'm not sure./I hope not. Tracks 3–7
Let's Talk
• Asking and answering questions about future weather
3 How's the weather going to be? It's going to be cool.
pages 6–7 Sports equipment: a mitt, a bat, a • Questions about future activities with be + going + infinitive (1st Disc 1, pages 4–5 pages 26–27
skateboard, a helmet, a tennis ball, a person singular) Tracks 8–13
4 tennis racket, a fishing rod, a bucket What are you going to do? I'm going to go skateboarding.
• Statements of possession with has and have
Let's Learn
I have a skateboard and a helmet.
• Questions about future activities with be + going + infinitive (3rd
5 Unit 1:
person singular): What's he going to do?
The Great
He's going to play baseball. He has a bat and a mitt.
pages 8–9 Outdoors activity items: a towel, a • Talking about outdoor items with need (1st and 3rd person singular, Disc 1, pages 6–7 pages 28–29
6 hat, a swimsuit, a tent, a flashlight, a 3rd person plural): I'm going to go to the mountains. What do I need? You Tracks 14–18
Let's Learn sleeping bag, sunglasses, sunscreen need a flashlight. What does she need? She needs a hat. What do they
More need? They need helmets.
7 • Yes/No questions with need
Does he need an umbrella? Yes, he does./No, he doesn't.
pages 10–11 Phonics words: ch: chicken, cheese, Photo Essay: Meet Chad from Chile Disc 1, pages 8–9 pages 30–31
chocolate / sh: sheep, shorts, shirt Tracks 19–22
8 Let's Read
Story words: Chile, empanadas,
cousins, play soccer
9 Unit Test
pages 12–13 Occupations: an astronaut, a singer, • Expressing new thoughts: I have a great idea! What is it? Disc 1, pages 10–11 pages 32–33
Let's Talk a musician, a news reporter, a writer, • Questions about occupations with want (1st person singular): What do Tracks 23–27
11 a scientist you want to be? I want to be an astronaut.
pages 14–15 Occupations: an engineer, a movie • Questions about occupations with want + infinitive to be (3rd person Disc 1, pages 12–13 pages 34–35
12 star, a truck driver, an architect, a singular): What does he want to be? He wants to be a tour guide. Tracks 28–33
Let's Learn
tour guide, a delivery person • Yes/No questions about occupations (3rd person singular)
13 Unit 2: Does she want to be a movie star? Yes, she does./No, she doesn't.
Hopes and pages 16–17 Hopes (verb phrases): climb a • Questions about hopes with want + infinitive to do (3rd person Disc 1, pages 14–15 pages 36–37
14 Dreams Let's Learn mountain, build a house, sail a boat, singular): What does he want to do? He wants to drive a car. Tracks 34–37
More travel around the world, design a • Yes/No questions about hopes: Does she want to design a video game?
15 video game, drive a car Yes, she does./No, she doesn't.
pages 18–19 Phonics words: ph: photo, phone, Article: News from Hawaii Disc 1, pages 16–17 pages 38–39
dolphin / wh: whale, white, whistle Tracks 38– 41
16 Let's Read
Story words: volunteer, aquarium,
17 Unit Test

Let's Go 4th Edition Level 4 - 72堂課程規劃 Lesson Planner 1

授課日期 堂數 Day 學生課本 字彙 文法 / 句型 課堂聽力CD 作業本 教師手冊
單元 Unit 課 Lesson
Date (1.5-2hr) Student Book New vocabulary New language Class Audio Workbook Teacher's Book
page 20 Disc 1, page 18 page 40
Review 1
Tracks 42–43
18 page 21 Story words: treasure hunt, clue, Chris and Cindy's Treasure Hunt, Part 1 Disc 1, page 19 page 41
Reading 1
sand, holding Track 44
pages 22–23 Ordinal numbers: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, • Apologizing for forgetting: I'm sorry, I forgot! That's OK. Disc 1, pages 20–21 pages 42–43
19 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, 12th, • Asking and answering questions about birthdays Tracks 45–49
Let's Talk 13th, 14th, 15th, 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th, • Using ordinal numbers with dates
20th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, When's your birthday?
26th, 27th, 28th, 29th, 30th, 31st It's on the 3rd. It's on May 3rd. It's on Tuesday, May 3rd.
pages 24–25 Activities: had a party, went to the • Asking and answering questions using irregular verbs in the past Disc 1, pages 22–23 pages 44–45
mall, slept late, took a test, flew a tense (1st person singular) Tracks 50–55
21 kite, won a race What did you do yesterday? I flew a kite.
• Asking and answering questions using irregular verbs in the past
Let's Learn
tense (3rd person singular)
What did she do yesterday? She took a test.
22 Unit 3: • Verb transformations: have/had, sleep/slept, fly/flew, go/went,
Birthdays take/took, win/won
pages 26–27 Activities: met a rock star, broke a • Asking and answering questions about past events using irregular Disc 1, pages 24–25 pages 46–47
window, got a present, found some verbs (3rd person singular): What happened? She won a race. Tracks 56–60
23 money, lost his cell phone, ate too • Asking and answering questions about past events using irregular
Let's Learn much chocolate verbs (3rd person plural): What happened? They found some money.
More • Past tense statements with irregular verbs and times
He took a test at 9:30.
24 • Verb transformations: break/broke, eat/ate, get/got, find/found,
lose/lost, meet/met
pages 28–29 Phonics words: th: thin, thirteen, Article: Meet Sama from Egypt Disc 1, pages 26–27 pages 48–49
25 Let's Read Thursday / th: father, mother, they Tracks 61–64
Story words: Egypt, food
26 Unit Test
pages 30–31 School subjects: history, science, • Conversational language about school subjects Disc 1, pages 28–29 pages 50–51
27 English, literature, geography, P.E. Why do you like science? I think it's easy. Tracks 65–69
(physical education) • Asking and answering questions about favorite school subjects:
Let's Talk What's your favorite subject? I like history.
• Comparatives with easy and hard
28 History is easier than math for me.
Science is harder than history for me.
pages 32–33 Seasons: spring, summer, fall, winter • Asking and answering questions about the seasons with which: Which Disc 1, pages 30–31 pages 52–53
29 Weather words: rainy, hot, snowy, season do you like best? I like fall. It's cool in the fall. Tracks 70–75
Let's Learn warm, humid, cool, windy, cloudy • Comparatives and superlatives:
Unit 4:
I think rainy days are better/worse than hot days.
30 School
Good/better/best; Bad/worse/worst
pages 34–35 Opposites (adjectives): big/small, • Asking and answering questions using comparatives Disc 1, pages 32–33 pages 54–55
heavy/light, long/short, old/new Which book is heavier? The red book is heavier. Tracks 76–80
31 • Asking and answering questions using superlatives
Which pencil is the longest? The yellow pencil is the longest.
Let's Learn
• Yes/No questions with comparatives:
Is the brown book older than the blue one? Yes, it is./No, it isn't.
• Comparatives and superlatives: heavier/the heaviest, lighter/the
32 lightest, shorter/the shortest, longer/the longest, smaller/the smallest,
bigger/the biggest, taller/the tallest, older/the oldest, newer/the newest

Let's Go 4th Edition Level 4 - 72堂課程規劃 Lesson Planner 2

授課日期 堂數 Day 學生課本 字彙 文法 / 句型 課堂聽力CD 作業本 教師手冊
單元 Unit 課 Lesson
Date (1.5-2hr) Student Book New vocabulary New language Class Audio Workbook Teacher's Book
pages 36–37 Phonics words: ck: duck, sock, black Photo Essay: Are You the Fastest? Disc 1, pages 34–35, pages 56–57
Unit 4: / nk: skunk, think, stink Tracks 81–84 78
33 School
Let's Read
Story words: fast/faster/fastest, air,
34 Unit Test
page 38 Disc 1, page 36 page 58
Review 2
Tracks 85–86
35 page 39 Story words: Great Pyramid, kids, Chris and Cindy's Treasure Hunt, Part 2 Disc 1, page 37 page 59
Reading 2
waterfall Track 87
36 Midterm Test
pages 40–41 Feelings: excited, worried, • Thanking someone for a courtesy Disc 2, pages 38–39 pages 60–61
37 interested, surprised, bored, Thanks for waiting for us. No problem! Tracks 2–6
Let's Talk
embarrassed • Simple present sentences about feelings (3rd person singular and
38 plural): He's excited. They're interested.
pages 42–43 Prepositions: around, through, over, • Describing movement in the past tense with prepositional phrases: Disc 2, pages 40–41 pages 62–63
39 under, into, out of Kate went under a bridge and up a hill. Tracks 7–12
Unit 5: Let's Learn • Asking and answering questions about movement with prepositional
Outdoors phrases (past tense)
and Where did she go? She went through the tunnel.
Indoors pages 44–45 Activities: downloaded pictures, • Asking and answering questions about past activities Disc 2, pages 42–43 pages 64–65
41 Let's Learn
practiced the violin, watched a (1st person singular): Tracks 13–17
baseball game, listened to music, What did you do on Sunday? I watched a baseball game.
played a board game, visited my • Asking and answering questions about past activities (3rd person
42 grandparents singular): What did he do on Sunday? He downloaded pictures.
pages 46–47 Phonics words: lk: milk, talk, walk / Journal: Steve's Trip to Mexico Disc 2, pages 44–45 pages 66–67
43 Let's Read
st: first, last, toast Tracks 18–21
44 Unit Test
pages 48–49 Family members: grandma, grandpa, • Offering assistance Disc 2, page 46–47 pages 68–69
45 aunt, uncle, mom, dad, cousin, Can I help you? Yes, thanks./No, thanks. I'm OK. Tracks 22–26
Let's Talk
younger sister • Present continuous questions with who
46 Who are you looking for? I'm looking for my grandma.
pages 50–51 Hair styles: long, short, curly, • Questions about family members with look like: Disc 2, pages 48–49, pages 70–71
47 straight, a ponytail, bangs, a beard, a What does your cousin look like? He has curly brown hair. Tracks 27–32 80
moustache • Questions about other people's families with look like
Unit 6: Let's Learn
Hair color: blond, red, brown, gray, What does Dan's dad look like?
48 black He has short brown hair and a moustache.
Eye color: brown, blue, green, black
pages 52–53 Clothing items: a vest, a baseball • Identifying family members by clothing Disc 2, pages 50–51 pages 72–73
49 Let's Learn
cap, a blouse, a tie, a suit, sandals, Which one is your uncle? Tracks 33–36
50 sneakers, glasses He's the one in a suit and a tie.
pages 54–55 Phonics words: nd: blond, hand, band Description: Emily Goes to France/Alex Goes to India Disc 2, pages 52–53 pages 74–75
51 Let's Read
/ ng: bangs, sing, ring Tracks 37–40
52 Unit Test
page 56 Disc 2, page 54 page 76
Review 3
Tracks 41–42
53 page 57 Story words: Iguazu Falls, wet, Chris and Cindy's Treasure Hunt, Part 3 Disc 2, page 55 page 77
Reading 3
desert, underground, castle, cave Track 43

Let's Go 4th Edition Level 4 - 72堂課程規劃 Lesson Planner 3

授課日期 堂數 Day 學生課本 字彙 文法 / 句型 課堂聽力CD 作業本 教師手冊
單元 Unit 課 Lesson
Date (1.5-2hr) Student Book New vocabulary New language Class Audio Workbook Teacher's Book
pages 58–59 Activities: see a play, plant flowers, • Wishing someone luck: Good luck! Thanks! Disc 2, pages 56–57 pages 78–79
54 play ice hockey, go shopping, go • Questions about planned future actions with be + going + infinitive Tracks 44–48
Let's Talk horseback riding, play softball (3rd person singular and plural)
55 What's she going to do? She's going to see a play.
What are they going to do? They're going to go shopping.
pages 60–61 Activities: rent a DVD, borrow some • Yes/No questions with be + going + infinitive: Are you going to read a Disc 2, pages 58–59 pages 80–81
56 books, go backpacking, go on novel tonight? Yes, I am./No, I'm not. Tracks 49–53
vacation, mail a letter, read a novel • Questions with when and be + going + infinitive (3rd person singular)
Let's Learn
Time phrases: tonight, tomorrow, this When is he going to go backpacking?
Unit 7:
57 Future
weekend, next Sunday, after school, He's going to go backpacking this summer.
in July
pages 62–63 Stores: department store, barber • Questions and answers with where and be + going + infinitive (3rd Disc 2, pages 60–61 pages 82–83
58 shop, beauty salon, supermarket, person singular; 1st and 3rd person plural): Where are you going to go? Tracks 54–58
Let's Learn
drugstore, gift shop We're going to the gift shop. Where's he going to go? He's going to go to
the drugstore. Where are they going to go? They're going to the
pages 64–65 Phonics words: qu: quilt, question, Article: Meet Astrid from Denmark Disc 2, pages 62–63 pages 84–85
queen / tw: twins, twelve, twenty Tracks 59–62
60 Let's Read
Story words: Denmark, Danes,
Danish, flat, festivals
61 Unit Test
pages 66–67 Illnesses: a cold, a fever, a • Conversational language about illness Disc 2, pages 64–65 pages 86–87
62 headache, a sore throat, an earache, I hope you feel better! Thanks. Tracks 63–67
Let's Talk
a stomachache, a toothache, a cough • Asking and answering questions about illness
63 What's the matter? I have a cold.
pages 68–69 Activities/pastimes: send messages, • Asking and answering questions about preferences in activities (1st Disc 2, pages 66–67 pages 88–89
64 surf the Internet, watch DVDs, collect person singular) Tracks 68–73
baseball cards, play soccer, play What do you like to do? I like to send messages.
Let's Learn badminton • Asking and answering questions about preferences in activities (3rd
person singular and plural)
65 Unit 8: What does he like to do? He likes to surf the Internet.
Work and What do they like to do? They like to play badminton.
pages 70–71 Household chores: clear the table, • Asking and answering questions about obligations (1st person Disc 2, pages 68–69 pages 90–91
66 wash the dishes, dry the dishes, singular): What do you have to do? I have to wash the dishes. Tracks 74–77
Let's Learn
vacuum the carpet, take out the • Asking and answering questions about obligations (3rd person
trash, sweep the floor singular and plural): He has to sweep the floor. They have to go to the
pages 72–73 Phonics words: nt: tent, paint, plant / Article: Everyone Has to Do Chores Disc 2, pages 70–71 pages 92–93
rt: cart, dirt, smart Tracks 78–81
68 Let's Read Story words: chores, Mongolia,
Malaysia, garden, yurt

69 Unit Test
page 74 Disc 2, page 72 page 94
Review 4
Track 82
70 page 75 Story words: Carlsbad Caverns, Chris and Cindy's Treasure Hunt, Part 4 Disc 2, page 73 page 95
Reading 4 scrapbook, camel, blank, adventures Track 83

71 Final Term Test

72 Level Review

Let's Go 4th Edition Level 4 - 72堂課程規劃 Lesson Planner 4

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