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January 6, 2018


Data Mining Activity 3 by LFeliz

Happy New Year!

The Data Analytics Lifecycle portrays best practices from an end-to-end analytics process which
consulted established approaches including:

A. Scientific Method
C. Tom Davenport’s DELTA framework
D. Doug Hubbard’s Applied Information Economics
E. MAD Skills

1. Describe the following processes and answer the question “How the Data Analytics Lifecycle was
influenced by the specific approach?

a. Scientific Method- a method of research in which a problem is identified, relevant data are
gathered, a hypothesis is formulated from these data, and the hypothesis is empirically
b. CRISP-DM – is a data mining process model that describes commonly used approaches that
data mining experts use to tackle problems.
c. Tom Davenport’s DELTA framework – model measures maturity across five critical analytic
competencies: Data, Enterprises approach. Leadership, Targets and Analysis.
d. Doug Hubbard’s Applied Information Economics – quantitative, decision making
methodology specially designed for the challenges of IT decisions, but now applied in a
variety of other areas. The 5 steps of the AEI process:
i. Define the Decision
ii. Model the Current State of Uncertainly
iii. Compute the value of additional information
iv. Measure where the information value is high
v. Optimize decision
e. MAD (magnetic, agile, deep) Skills – through these approaches, the data analytics came
logically structured from learning and investigating the problem, developing the content and
understanding, learning about data sources needed for the project to formulating
hypothesis and testing data. Later, you can check back on the stages of the cycle to assess
whether you have covered the necessities needed in you project.

2. Choose a domain to work on. Describe the organization or business unit you are interested to
work on. Review on how to formulate an initial hypothesis by formulating at least 3.

Domain: Society
Organization: National Anti-Poverty Commission – was created by virtue of Republic Act(RA)
8425, otherwise known as the “Social Reform and Poverty Alleviation Act.” Which took effect on
30 June 1998.
 High inflation during crisis periods;
 High levels of population growth;
 High and persistent levels of inequality (incomes and assets), which dampen the
positive impacts of economic expansion;
3. Prepare a 3-minute presentation for an analytics project to be shared with the class.

Problem: Poverty in Leyte; causes, constraints and opportunities.

Hypothesis: Economic growth for the past 3 years;
Elasticity of poverty reduction
Weakness in employment generation and the quality of jobs generated;
Failure to fully develop the agriculture sector;
High inflation during crisis periods;
High levels of population growth;
High and persistent levels of inequality (incomes and assets), which dampen the
positive impacts of economic expansion;
Recurrent shocks and exposure to risks such as economic crisis, conflicts and
natural disasters.

Data: Official data on poverty are gathered by the NSO and measures are released by the

Analytic Technique: Regression analysis for poverty correlates

Results and Key Findings:

1.Economic growth did not translate into poverty reduction in recent years.
2. Poverty levels vary greatly by municipality.
3. Poverty remains a mainly rural phenomenon, though urban poverty is on the rise.
4. Poverty levels are strongly linked to educational attainment.
5. The poor have large families, with six or more members.
6. Many Leyteños households remain vulnerable to shocks and risks.
7. Governance and institutional constraints remain.
8. Local government capacity for implementing poverty programs is weak.
9. Deficient targeting in poverty programs.
10. Multidimensional responses to poverty reduction are needed.

Facilitating better coordination among government agencies and key stakeholders (e.g.,
nongovernment organizations and corporations) to promote complementary action in
specific localities and communities—from targeting to program implementation to
monitoring and evaluation.

Allocating from the budget and raising more funds from civil society, religious
organizations, business, and bilateral and multilateral agencies to address poverty,
vulnerability, and inequality.

Improving poverty targeting and monitoring and evaluation, especially in local

government, with increased funds for data collection, processing, and management:

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