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=f (o,6,c): 24+4b2¢3 ER? An element of A, (4,6, ¢) con be writen _ in the form: | a a \ a seesesei cc} \2a+4b |} aoa Sinee 6} ¢ 1 iff 2a +b 2c 2 Proving thet vy, and Y, are a basis gor A y, 4) Showing thot My and VY, are lincorly By depimnon, a Its + of “vectors Vv , Ve Macey indepenclont if the onty solwnon” Pra | the vector equation: Xv, +H Vy tenet pe Vy =O x, € Caly has The travel solution 7% = MH, =o = Hy =O | erase v, iS not a scalar muttiple_ of vo inspection) then this set 18 cheeky Uinecs 4 a | This ean oro be shown by row redvong tre slipdteen of eque#ions We have two vectors : (1,°,2) and (0, 1,4) | As this marches the climension of subspace A -then_any combination of Vj eV, can produce © aay vector in A. Hence V, and, Y% span A- 2-2%e) = Ax - Ax a = b-b = 0 | By definihon, the nvil ek an men |AW 1S the Set of solunons of -the homogeneous eguanens ages e Mi A =i x eR | Ax =o ft Henee. H—-X% € MUA i Nos let 2 vy, V,, = Vf be a bass gor WulA U r ov basis is if Ys any \vecrar in’ NuiA, k can be txpressed vriquely hs comb basiS Vi, Yap |Hence, there exish scalars 4, A, ,---, &p SUA that = Xe = ¥, + (OY, tte Fe RHR Fy, + QM t- tOr Ye non Wo Ax= b- 7 | 1S & Salu. ee a 4 Ye tenet Op Me then, Ax =A(%t av, +0, ¥ 4-0 + 4,Vy) = Aw + aAy, +o, Ay, ae er AsV, ¥--,% € NWA = iver" |Ave ot Axe 4 aA 4A y+. + OA My DAM = D>Axn =b hy Ky t a Ut Vy te Oy [aya zh. : Soluvon of Ax

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