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How U~iversalIs Psychoanalysis?


5, Erikson's groundplan of devefopmene, wiiicli ernphasizcs the striving for auton-

omy and initiative in childhood and identity cunfiicts and resoiutiuns in adolescence,
is Ear more oriented toward those in Northern European and North American soci-
eties and is not that much in evidence in ehitdren and adolescents in Asian societies.
Erik Erikson, Childhood and Sodery (New York: W. W, Norton, 1950); and Identity,
f/atk~b, and Crhk (New York: W. Noreon, 1968). Abraham Kardiner, The Psycho-
logzc~lFrontiers of Sodety (New York: Columbia University Press, 1945).
6, Danald W. Winnicatt, "7"ransitional Objects and Transitional Piicnomena," in
Collec.teJ 13apers (Mew York: Basic Books, 1951).
7 . Sirnon Grofnick and teclnard Barkin, editors, Between Realit21 and Fantasy
(New York: Jason Aronson, 1978).
8, Richard A, Shweder and Edmund Bourne, Jr., "Z3oes the Concept of the Person
Vary Cross-Culturafiy?" in Culture Theory: Essdys on Mad, SelJ aarzd Ernotton, ed.
Kobsrt LeVine and Richard A. Shweder (Cambridge1Melbourne1New York: Cam-
bridge University Press, 1984).
"3 Sudfiir Kakar, The Inner Kforld:A Ps3ichoanlalytZC St14dy of Childhood and Soci-
ety In Indiet (Dclbi: Oxford University Press, 1978). See also Iiis ,$ham~ns,R*lystz'cs
dnd Doctors (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982); h t i m a t e Rehtiuns: Explorbg In-
dian S e x ~ a l i p(Chicago: University of Chicago Prcss, 1991); and The An~alystdnd
rhe Mysttc Psych~~~nalytic Repeetkns on Religion dnd nieysdcism (New Xfelhi: Pen-
guin Books, 1991).
10. Makar, The Analyist and the Mystiq p. 29.
11. Catherins Ewing, "Can Psychoanalytic Theories Explain the Pakistani
Woman? lntrapsychic Autonorny and Interpersonal Engagement in tlie Extended
Family;" Ethos 19 (19x1): 131-160.
12. Takeo Lloi, The A n ~ ~ o n zofy Depelzdence (Tokyo: Kodansha Inecrnational,
1973); %keo Doi, The Anatonzy of*Se@ The Xizdividual Versus Society (Tokyo: Ko-
dansha International, 1985).
13. fisuhiko Takettsmo, "Amae as Metalanguage: A Critique of Doi's Theory of
Amae," Journal of American Academy of Psychoanlalysi 14 (1986): 525-544.
14. Alan Roland, Cultural Pluralism and Ps~tchoandlysis:The Asidn and North
American Experience (New York. and London: Routledge, 1996).
15, Aian Kofand, In Search of Self 21.n Indig and j ~ p a n :Toward tz; Cross-Cultwral
Ps3ichology (Princeton: Princetc~nUniversity Press, 1488).
16, A Japanese psycht->analyst,Akahisa Kondo, once told me eliae "our individud-
ity lies in what we do not say" "(personal communication).
17. Scc Kofand, In ,$edrch ofSelfk Indk and Japan, pp. 138-140, for a fuller dis-
cussion of this ease,
IS. Hazel Markus and S. Kitayama, "Culture and the Self: Implications for Cogni-
tion, Emotion, and Motivation," Xzsychalogical Revzew 9bt (1991): 224-253.

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