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Specific proposals of restoration austro-hungarian

building - Ground floor (portal)-

Ground floor or decorative portal, during the Austro-Hungarian architecture in

Bosnia, was without an any doubt the integral part of every building, whether it is
residential, commercial or administrative. Special imperative, architects have left
the function and design of the portal i.e. its function and aesthetics.

One such example is the myriad of residential and commercial buildings in

Sarajevo, including the middle part of residential complex in Mula Mustafa
Baseskija Street (location 10.).

Given the overall age and poor appearance of the facade, some specific
interventions has been taken in rehabilitation of facade and its structural stability.
In particular, the portal experienced some drastic changes, which is all followed up
by adding new small advertising billboards and posters, which certainly
undermines the original appearance and aesthetics portal of building and even
overall look of building facade.

Since the primary goal of every architect - conservator , to : analyze the overall
condition of the entire building , ( a report on the current state of the building , its
historical and cultural significance , etc. ) , to conserve and protect it from further
structural or aesthetic changes , whether it is influenced by the nature or human
impact , and then , the last step is to propose a carefully original restoration and
rehabilitation of its '' sensitive '' parts and components.

According to this steps the following intervention is gonna be taken in order to

preserve and restaurate the ground floor or portal:

-Conservation – as the initial program for further intereventions

-Certain repairs of cracks of decorative parts (since the concrete is applied,
craftmen will take proper plastering and repairing).
-Alteration of color (application of white or brown color) or application of similar
color on portal facade (the grey colour is added more later, probably its not the
color of former lookness of portal).
-Removing or even decreasing in amount the advertising billboards or posters on

1.3. Performing execution of restoration on the upper

Since the overall condition of building facade is not in appropriate condition if
we take the measure of the discoloring and the demage of some details on the
building itself, the proper interevention will be taken.

The disjoint of brown and greyish colour of the facade is notable on every corner
of it. The measurement of damage is not high, but it is obvious fact that the
building has survived some small external impact, probably by humans.

According to survey and analyzes it is recorded that the color of the facade has
lost its original texture. Repairing and recoloring of facade is the first stage that
will be performed by craftmen. The application of color, certainly will not vary,
since the architects tends to follow the former originality of building color texture,
so browish colour will be presumably applied on fresh plaster. In the lower part of
first floor of building, the filling of some holes is needed to be applied by mortar,
because its drastically influence the appearance of facade.

The next step, is likely to execute the complete alteration of windows. Hence,
the style of windows is not substantialy changed, the only thing that will be taken
is to choose the color and material of windows. Since, today industrial technology
is developed a variety of styles of windows, the PVC windows will be probably set
out on facade, with white color frame. PVC windows offer a broad extension of
colour frame, and ecologicaly is well-known as the most prominent kind of
window construction.

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