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12/21/2017 Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineering. Solved problems.

Chapter 3: Examples of mathematical models of c…

Process Modelling, Simulation and

PDF Control for Chemical Engineering.
Solved problems. Chapter 3: Examples
of mathematical models of chemical
Process Modelling, Simulation engineering systems.
and Control for Chemical
Engineering. Solved problems.
Chapter 3: Examples of mathe…
Francisco Angel


21 Pages
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Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers. Solved

problems. Chapter 3: Examples of mathematical models of chemical en-
gineering systems. Version 2.
This document contains my own solutions to the problems proposed at the end of each chapter of 
the book ”Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineers”, Second Edition,
by William L. Luyben. As such, I can’t guarantee that the proposed solutions are free from errors.
Think about them as a starting point for developing or as a means of checking your own solutions.
Any comments or corrections will be appreciated. Contact me at

Changes from Version 1

*Figure references were corrected.
*Equation that describes the system now contains K 0 , problem 2.
*A component continuity equation, problem 3.
*Energy balance, domain and boundary condition specifications, problem 5.
*Species mass balances, problem 6.
*Equations for reflux drum, problem 8.
*Energy balances, problem 15.
*Energy balance for condenser and reboiler, problem 17.
Problem 1 
A fl id f t td it i di t h dt k ft t l l H R 2 /3 (Fi… 1/17
12/21/2017 Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineering. Solved problems. Chapter 3: Examples of mathematical models of c…
A fluid of constant density ρ  is pumped into a cone shaped tank of total volume H πR 2 /3 (Figure
1). The flow out of the bottom of the tank is proportional to the square root of the height h of 
liquid in the tank. Derive the equations describing the system.

Figure 1: Cone shaped tank.

The volumetric balance (constant density) for the fluid inside the tank is:
dV  √ 
  = F 0 − K  h   (1)

Denoting by r the radius of the cone of fluid inside the tank, and if  θ is the angle formed by the
cone shaped tank and the horizontal, we have:
  H   h
tan θ =  =   (2)
R r
The volume of fluid inside the tank is:
  hπr 2
V   =   (3)

Replacing equation (2) into equation (3) we get:

V   =  π
R h 2 3
3 H 

Equation (4) together with equation (1) allow to solve for  h  and  V  as a function of time.

Problem 2
A perfect gas with molecular weight   M   flows at a mass flow rate  W 0   into a cylinder through a
restriction. The flow rate is proportional to the square root of the pressure drop over the restriction:

W 0  =  K 0
 P  − P 

where P  is the pressure in the cylinder and P 0  is the constant upstream pressure. The system is
isothermal. Inside the cylinder, a piston is forced to the right as the pressure P  builds up. A spring
resists the movement of the piston with a force that is proportional to the axial displacement  x  of 
the piston.
F s  = K s x

The piston is initially at x = 0 when the pressure in the cylinder is zero. The cross sectional area
of the cylinder is A. Assume the piston has negligible mass and friction.
(a) Derive the equations describing the system.
(b) What will the steady state piston displacement be?

Figure 2: Piston + cylinder.

Because the mass and friction of the cylinder are negligible, we can assume that forces at side of 
him are always balanced. The pressure at the spring side of the cylinder, according to Figure 2,
is atmospheric, so the initial pressure must be atmospheric (the barometric value is 0). A force
balance for the piston gives:

P atm + K s x/A = P 

The volume variation of the cylinder is:… 2/17
12/21/2017 Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineering. Solved problems. Chapter 3: Examples of mathematical models of c…

dx   W 0
 K  RT  √ P  − P 
0 0
A  =  =
 K  RT  M  P  − P  P  − K  x/A
0 0 atm s
A  =
 K M RT   P P − P  + K −x/A
0 0

K  x/A atm

dt M  AP atm  + K s x

With initial condition x (t=0)  = 0.

The steady state piston displacement will be reached when the volume no longer changes:
Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineering. Solved problems. Chapt…  D O W N LO A D
K s x
P 0 − P atm −   =0
 A(P 0 − P atm )
x =
K s

Problem 3
A perfectly mixed, isothermal CSTR has an outlet weir. The flow rate over the weir is proportional
to the height of liquid over the weir,   how , to the 1.5 power. The weir height is  hw . The cross
sectional area of the tank is  A. Assume constant density. A first order reaction takes place in the
A− →B
Derive the equations describing the system.

Figure 3: CSTR.

The total continuity equation (assuming constant density of the process fluid) is:
A   = F 0 − K F (how )3/2
The A  component continuity equation is:

A d((h  + h )C   ) = F 0 C A0 − K F (how )3/2 C A − kA(hw  + how )C A
w ow A

Problem 4
In order to ensure an adequate supply for the upcoming set to with the Hatfields, Grandpa McCoy
has begun to process a new batch of his famous Liquid Lightning moonshine. He begins by pumping
the mash at a constant rate F 0  into an empty tank. In this tank the ethanol undergoes a first order
reaction to form a product that is the source of the high potency of McCoy’s Liquid Lightning.
Assuming that the concentration of ethanol in the feed, C 0 , is constant and that the operation is
isothermal, derive the equations that describe how the concentration  C  of ethanol in the tank and
the volume V  of liquid in the tank vary with time. Assume perfect mixing and constant density.

The total continuity equation is:
  = F 0
3… 3/17
12/21/2017 Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineering. Solved problems. Chapter 3: Examples of mathematical models of c…
The ethanol continuity equation is:
d(V C )
  = F 0 C 0 − kV C 
With initial conditions V (t=0)  = 0 and C (t=0)  = C 0 .

Problem 5
A rotating metal drum heat exchanger is half submerged in a cool stream, with its other half in
a hot stream. The drum rotates at a constant angular velocity w  (radians per minute). Assume
T h   and   T c   are constant along their respective sections of the circumference. The drum lenght
is   L, thickness   d, and radius   R. Heat transfer coefficients in the heating and cooling zones are
constant(U h  and U c ). Heat capacity C  p  and density of the metal drum are constant. Neglect radial
temperature gradients and assume steady state operation.
(a) Write the equations describing the system.
(b) What are the appropiate boundary conditions?

Figure 4: Rotating heat exchanger.

1. The entalphy of the heat exchanger material can be represented as h = C  p T .
2. The energy transport by conduction in the θ direction is negligible.
3. The thickness is much smaller than the exchanger radius.
In a time interval ∆t, the energy entering and leaving a volume of size d∆θRL is:
∆tωRdLρC  p T θ
Leaving:  
∆tωRdLρC  p T θ  +  ∆θ + 2∆tL∆θRU j (T  − T j )

With U j   and T j  corresponding to the heat transfer coefficient and temperature at the cooling or
heating zone.
An energy balance in the cooling zone gives, after dividing by ∆t∆θRL:
 ωdC  p ρ = −2U c (T  − T c )

dT  2U c (T  − T c )
 = −
dθ ωdC  p ρ

The analogous energy balance for the heating zone gives:

dT  2U h (T  − T h )
 = −
dθ ωdC  p ρ
The energy balance for the cooling zone applies in the range  θ : [π, 2π], whereas the energy balance
for the heating zone applies in the range θ  : [0, π]. Solution of the differential equations gives two
integration constants, which are determined applying the following boundary conditions:

T h (0) = T c (2π)

T h (π) = T c (π)

Problem 6
Consider the system that has two stirred chemical reactors separated by a plug flow deadtime

of   D isothermal
sity,   seconds. Assume constant
operation holdups (V 11    and T 
at temperatures T  and   V 22,),and
constant throughput
first order kinetics (F ),
with constant den-
A −→ B
A −→ C 

No reactions occurs in the plug flow section. Write the equations describing the system.… 4/17
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Figure 5: CSTRs separated by a dead time.

The species balances for the first reactor are:
dC A1,t
V 1   = F C A0 − F C A1,t − k1,T  V 1 C A1,t − k2,T  V 1 C A1,t
1 1
C B 1,t
V 1   = −F C B 1,t  + k1,T  V 1 C A1,t
C C 1,t
V 1   = −F C C 1,t  + k2,T  V 1 C A1,t
The species balances for the second reactor are:
dC A2,t
V 2   = F C A1,t − D − F C A2,t − k1,T  V 2 C A2,t − k2,T  V 2 C A2,t
2 2
C B 2,t
V 2   = F C B 1,t D
− − F C B2,t + k1,T  V 2 C A2,t
C C 2,t

V 2 dt   = F C C 1,t D − F C C 2,t + k2,T  V 2 C A2,t
Problem 7
Consider the isothermal hydraulic system sketched in Figure 6. A slightly compressible polymer
liquid is pumped by a constant speed, positive displacement pump so that the mass flow rate  W 1
is constant. Liquid density is given by:

ρ = ρ 0  + β (P  − P 0 )… 5/17
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12/21/2017 Process Modelling, Simulation and Control for Chemical Engineering. Solved problems. Chapter 3: Examples of mathematical models of c…

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