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Chapter 3.

To hit ударять

Bad teeth Плохие зубы


A hole Дыра

To get in Забраться во внутрь,


To fall back into Упасть спиной назад

Halfway Полпути

To stand up Вставать (на ноги)

To run through the Бежать по улицам


To jump into the car Запрыгнуть в машину

To drive after Ехать за кем-либо,

преследовать кого-либо
на машине
To get out of… Выбираться из…
Exercise 6. Answer the questions.

1. What did Sauvage think about English people?

2. What was there in the floor inside the Tower?

3. Who fell back into the hole?

4. What name was on the coffin in the garage?

5. Did English and Bough arrive to the church together?

6. Did English choose the right coffin?

7. Who saved agent English?

Exercise 7. Are these sentences TRUE or FALSE

a. A big man with orange hair took the crown from the box. TRUE/ FALSE

b. The security at the Tower of London wasn’t very good. TRUE/ FALSE

c. Somebody got in and took the crown through a hole in the floor. TRUE/ FALSE

d. English goes down into the hole before Bough does. TRUE/ FALSE

e. Vendetta and Klein took the crown the night before the party. TRUE/ FALSE

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