Say IT in Chinese (Cantonese) !"#$ IT General Computer Vocabulary %&' Key Vocabulary

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Say IT in Chinese

British Educational Communications
and Technology Agency

Say IT In Chinese (Cantonese) !"#$ IT

General Computer Vocabulary %&'()*

Key Vocabulary !"#

Computer $%

Word Processor &'()*

Database +,-

Spreadsheet ./0

Browser 12*

Mail List 3456

News Groups 789

DTP (Program) :;<=>?@A

Multimedia Authoring (Program) BCDEF>?@A

Virus GH

Virus Checker GHIJ*

E-mail address $K34LM

Modem NOP

URL (Web site address) URL(QRLM)

Web pages/Web site QS/QR

Download TU

Attachment (E-mail) V4($3)

Desktop (Video Conferencing) :;(WXYZ)

Press Escape +[\<]^

Space [_`]^

F6 F6

This ab

The mouse cd

Enter [ef]^

Tab key [Tab]^

Control (ctrl) Control (ctrl)

Alt Alt

Delete [gh]^

Reset [ij]^

Left/Right arrow key k/lmn^

Up/Down arrow key o/Tmn^

Click of the mouse button pqTcd^

Double click prT

Move the pointer/cursor with the mouse stcduvwx/yx

Read what its says on the screen z{|}~o !

Return to the menu "#$6

Save your file %&'()

Have you saved your file? '*+,%&()?

Clear the screen 5h}~

Load the file Uf()

Close the file -.()

Highlight that /01234

Open/close a window 56/-.W7

Turn on the printer 5689P

Drag that over here/there /0:;#a</0<

Call up the menu =<$6

Log on >f

Log off ><

Reset ij

Use the tab key sttab^

Print it out /?89<@

Call it up /?=<@

This way aA

Not like that BC*0D

It’s over here/over there ?Ea</0<

On the Internet/intranet EFGQ/HGQo

Use e-mail st$K34

Log on to the network >fQI

Bookmark/save as favourite 1fJK/%&LMNO

(i.e. the Web address) (P*QQM)
Operational problems ,-./

This disk/CD-ROM doesn’t work RSTwSCUVW

It’s not the right disk/CD-ROM ?C*XYRSTwS

Which is the tab key? 0qb*tab^

How do I/we delete? M/MZ[DUgh?

Is the printer connected? 89P*+,\]o?

How do we print? MZ[DU89?

The paper is stuck ^_`a

How do I/we exit? M/MZ[DU\<?

How do I/we save? M/MZ[DU%&?

How do I/we close a window? M/MZ[DU-.W7?

How do I/we send it to…? M/MZ[DUbc?de?

How do I/we get rid of…? M/MZ[DUfje?

How do I/we position the cursor? M/MZ[DUghyxij?

Where is the spell checker? j'IJ*Ek<?

Where is the grammar checker? &lIJ*Ek<?

Where is the CD-ROM…? wSPE0<?

How do I/we move the picture? M/MZ[DUuvmn?

How do I/we resize the picture? M/MZ[DUiomnpq?

How do I/we delete the picture? M/MZ[DUghmn?

How did you do that? '[DU0Dr?

It’s crashed ?s/ta

Which option? uvw$x?

Try clicking on that ..p0<

Where is (e.g. the mouse, the printer etc.) (y:cdz89P{)Ek<|

It’s not working! It’s gone wrong! ?CUVW}?t~a}

Switch off -.

You haven’t saved it yet 'B/?%&

You should change/edit it first ' !!/?"#TE$

You must delete it first ' !/?gh

How do I/we get rid of this? MTMZ[DU/?fj|

This e-mail has bounced %$3,&'"

Undeliverable mail messages CUbc$3()

The sound file is too big! *+(),p}

The video file won’t run WX()CU-.

Interpersonal Interactive language 0123"4

What shall we call it? (e.g. the file) MZ /?Lvw|>0Q()A

Which option? uvw$x|

Shall we spell check? MZ +1.j'IJ|

What shall we do next? ]2MZ 3vw|

That’s a good idea! a*qb45l}

That’s not a good idea! aC*qb45l}

It’s brilliant/great, fantastic etc. 4T674}89}{

Its awful/ridiculous/stupid 8:T;<T=>

It’s boring ?@

Pass the dictionary /'ABM

That’s enough/stop it! ,CDaTz'sE}

That’s not right/that’s right 0*CFTF}

That’s easy 0GHI

That’s difficult/hard 0GJ

Save your file! /'()%&}

Listen K2

Try this/that ..abT0b

Can you….? 'L+e?

Show me how 'yMezrBMNN

Why don’t you…? LM'Ce.?

Be quiet zOT@!

Don’t do that C!0Dr

Wait/Hang on zqT

Press this pa<

It’s my turn/your turn P#M/'a

No, you had your go yesterday Cz',EQRS5a

Move over please zTi

Which one is it? ?*kqb|

Where shall we go? MZ #0<|

There’s something wrong here a<uvwCF|

Why not? LMCL|

I’m not doing that. It’s daft/boring MC3aU,=>T,@a

No, no let me do it (take it, write it) C!zM@r>VzFAW

Go on, continue/get on with it! zXYzXYT@W

Write this Fab

Hurry up Z[W

How do you spell…? 'Y[DjFe?

What does this mean? a*vw\]|

How shall we do that? MZ[DUr0b|

Look at this! NNa^}

I’ve done it/we’ve done it MTMZ,r#a

What is this? a*vw|

Let me type/use the keyboard TM@8'Tst^_

Look, it’s not that one NzC*0qb

That’s good, do it again 4}`rqa

Shall we send it by e-mail? MZ +st$3/?bc|

Have we received a message/reply yet? MZu+c#()T"d|

Shall we search the Internet? MZ +EFGQefg|

Which search engine shall we use? MZ stkqbfhij|

Do we need a colour printout? MZ*+k!lm89P|

Shall we add a hot link to…? MZ +Ee1fnop?

Turn the sound up/down? /*+1p/qr?


Should you have any comments or observations regarding this translation please send them to the translation agency.

This Sheet has been translated by Prestige Network Limited

(Tel: +44 (0)870 770 5260 ; Fax: +44 (0)870 770 5261; web-site: on behalf of Becta.
It is designed to support speakers of Chinese (Cantonese) in gaining access to the language of the ICT classroom.

British Educational Communications and Technology Agency

Millburn Hill Road, Science Park, Coventry CV4 7JJ
Tel: (024) 7641 6994 Fax: (024) 7641 1418

This sheet is freely photocopiable C Copyright Becta 2002

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