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A Reflection on the Pertinence of Cognitivism & Constructivism

as Learning Theories and Principles of Effective Instruction in

consonance to Relevance in Educational Technology.

The proliferation of technology has made a huge impact on

Education. This impact has affected every aspect of teaching and learning
process, as well as its integration with the emerging learning theories such
as cognitivism and constructivism. With its advent Educational Institutions
need to adopt and incorporate educational technology not just in instruction
but also in communicative level, thus technology became a communication
and instructive tool. This situation calls for a change not only in terms of
principles in its effective utilization but also in proper complementing
learning theories with educational technology.

As a student this shift from traditional to modern way of teaching with

educational technology fused with learning theories along with proper
utilization is very pertinent to create learning environment which support
higher level thinking and skill development.

Technology integration has also help to create more authentic learning

environments where we students are more motivated to attend, have a
greater chance of communication and collaboration, and have more
opportunities to use higher order thinking and problem solving skills
connected to real world applications.

As a future educator, this will be an avenue to create optimal learning

experiences for my student by leveraging cognitivism on content,
constructivism on process, and principles of effective instruction in due
course. This will not be restricted to learning process alone; hence it will also
ameliorate our role as a future educator in creating excellent learning
experiences for students.

Prepared by: Rogina M. Borbe

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