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HEY ISSN: 1680-5593, © Medwall Journals, 2008 Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 7 (10) 1301-1304, 2008 Post Estrus Hypocaleemia in a Repeat Breeder Half-Breed Holstein Cow Hossein Hamali Department of Clinical Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran Abstract: Post estrus hypoealoemia is a very rare and exelusive ayndrome in the dairy cows that occurs after ending the estrus signs. The aim of this stdy was introducing the estrus as a rare cause of hypocalcemia in the cow, On the September 2005, a adult half-breed Holstein cow, with symptoms of recumbency, hypothermia tad depression was sferred to veterinary clini of the Tabriz Universi ‘According to the oviner, this case had vigorous estrus signs, the day before the examination and had a history of repeat breeding After general examination and blood samupling from the jugular vein, post estrus hypocalcemia was confirmed (total serum caleiu <3 mg dL~). For treatment, 1 L of caleium borogluconste 40% solution was administered intravenously tothe cow. After infusion of calcium solution, cov stood up and recovered her health Key words: Recumbency, hypocaleemia, post estrus, repeat breeder INTRODUCTION Hypocaleemia is a metabolic disease occurring most commonly about the time of parturition in adult females and is characterized by inability to standing up, general muscular weakness, circulatory collapse and depression of consciousness (Radostis ef al, 2007), Hypocaleemia develops as a result of the sudden drain of ealeium to colostrum at the onset of lactation, resulting in a tremendous challenge to the cow's ability to maintain normal calcium levels in blood, Milk fever isthe clinical ‘manifestation of hypoealeemia and the decreased plasma calcium content is aoentuated in affected cows. Affected cows are recumbent and are unable to rise and have a calcium deficit of 8 grams (Risco, 2004). Normal blood calcium is 8-12 mg dL when blood ealeium is reduced to 4-5 mg dL, the signs of hypoealeemia are appeared (Goff er af, 2005), It is generally conceded that depression of the levels of ionized caleium in tissue fluids is the basic biochemical defect in parturient paresis and affected cows rexpond rapidly to the potential administration of calcium solutions. At the time of hypocalcemia both total and ionized serum calcium levels fall proportionately. Individual cows and to some extent families of cows, are more susceptible than others, the sisease tending to recur at successive parturitions. ‘The heritability of susceptibility to milk fever and hypocalcemia Tuas been assessed as significant (Radostits ef af, 2007), Hypocalcemia has been reported in the heifers and sheep (Cockeroft and Whiteley, 1999) and similar disease has been explained in the mares as lactation tetany because of its more frequent occurrence during lactation and after transport (Radostits et al, 2007), Also hypocalcemia have a negative effect on the placental expulsion in the mare (Sevinga ef al., 2002), Hypocaleemia hs been documented for cows with coliform mastitis and the odds of hypocaleemia increase 48 the severity of clinical signs inereases (Morin, 2004) One of the more unusual causes is hypocalcemia associated with estrus, These cows are cold to the touch (especially the ears; feeling the ears for temperature is a very useful part of the physical examination of daity catile), sometimes weak (although rarely unable to rise a8 inclassie milk fever) and some have bloated rumen ‘The aim of this study was introducing the extrus a8 ‘a rare cause of hypocalcemia inthe cov. MATERIALS AND METHODS. ‘On the September 2005, an adult half-breed Holstein ‘cow, with symptoms of stemal recumbency, depression, hypothermia and inability to standing up, was referred to veterinary clinie of the Tabriz University (Fig. 1). ‘According to the herdsman, she was in heat the day before referring to the clinie and frequently, mounting the ‘other cows, She had a history of 5 successful pregnancy ‘and parturition without any problem or disease and her last parturition was the 6 month ago, Since 4 month ‘ago, she has been shown the estrus signs every 21 days and in spite of frequently insemination, however she had riot been conceived yet. Therefore, she was a repeat breeder cow and on examination she had a good body condition score (BCS>3), but did not have a history of | hypocalcemia in the previous partuitions (Fig, 2). My first thought was possible fractures in her legs or pelvie hones, ln careful examination reveled that this cow had 1301 J Anim, Vet. Ad, 7 01: 1301-1304, 2008 Hig 1: Post eans ypecaleemia in ¢ Haf-Breed holestein cow Fig. 2: The same cow with sever depresson gone through a pericd of non-pattuiient iypocalcemia The rectal temperature was36°C an the body extremities were vty cold. Circalstory sige were prominest indlufing marked decieage inthe intensity ofthe heat sounds and an increase int heart rater Cabot 90 mi), The respiration of the cow was abnormal anc hyperpee with somdly expiraions was prominent. Finally for ‘agnosis of the diseese, a blood sample was taken from ‘the jugular vein end send to Gagnestic laboratory for analysis RESULTS Blood aralysis by lebcratory indicated a low level of total seram caloun concentrdion (below of 3} ng dL). Serum levels of magnesium and inorganic phosphorus were 45 ad 2 mg AL, respectively. Changes in thr eukorye comb inchced the neutrophiia and lymphopenia, According to the blood qialyae and very ow Leva of total scrum calcium concentration post coitus aypocaleemiewas confinned Hig. 4 Resting cow fer intavencusinfusion of cei ‘oragiuccnate Fig. 5: Intuavenous infusion of calcitan boraglucowats to the cow 1302 J Anim, Vet. Ad, 7 01: 1301-1304, 2008 Fig. 6: The same cow after treatment For wectmert, one titer of calm bozoghuronate 40%6 solution @ bottles cf 250 mal. calcium bonoglurcnate 40% produced ty Nas Pharmacy) Fig, 3) after warming sn the water bath, was administered by route of sow inkavenous infusion Fig 4). During the calcium boroguconats infusion sings of recovery including useuler tenor and usinstion were chssrved Fig, 5). After onding the caleiwm isfweion sow steod up and walked away ig 0). For dagaoss of te causal factor af repost breeding problem inthis case, rectal papaion was done a day after calotm iefaxion and chronic mndomeiits was confimed. Fer treatment 50 mL ourtererydin 5% was infused into wierne hoes. Atte fest eetnis cow wat inseminated andl conceived asccoselly. DISCUSSION Hypocaleemia in the daisy sows is a fairly common problem, whichis estimated to occur at the rate of 3.10% ation wide Hote, 1986). Ite canoed by a depletion of calcium reserves caused ty the development of a egalive calcium balance in late pregnancy or in other dimes indudeg och mastitis, patastion and intravenous injection of eminoglyccside antibiotics (Morn, 2004), During the perinatuient peticd the demands for calcium ate inevessed, these incceased den andl for calcium ean soeultin aubelinical or cinsod hypocalcemia Pecipartaient cows dso mperierzces igaficant imate suppression (Cimura & al, 2008). Fos. estrus hypocalcemia is a very re and ecdusive syndrome in the dairy cows thet ocows after ending the estrus signs, The exact easons of this smackome have nct heen idertified in the com, tut probable teasnne scowling to the abowe meationsd subjects could be immune sippression cased by ress and excitemert hich in turn Lead to depletion of intracellular calcium stotes of immune celle Kimura of al, 2006). On other hand depueasion of appetite by the eleveticn af blood esvogen Levels may precipitate hyporalzenia ettacks dhaing the petiod of estrus, Also, risirg in estrogen levels at the time of estuus may te interfring with cdleiun chilizeticn from bores V agg etal, 1981) Occasionally shire ie no history of setrae ce breeding but whea 4 soprodustive exuminetion is done as pat of the pliysicd, facam, there ate the tdl-tale signs of estrus werine ten, a follicle orthe coxpashem rrhagicun where afallide had ‘aeen and sometimes clear mucous from the ryprodacive ‘act. In sever cases of non-parturient. Kypocalcemia infraverow caleiun betoghueonate infusion ce in the case dbore, might be needled. Body condlitin secre of case was very good ard the presence of excensive fa. stores in the body may be a tisk fictor for the hypocalcemis atacksin the cow CONCLUSION Ia conclusion the excessive obesity, nigh levels of ‘alood estrogen end excitement atthe estrus periods, may. te the 3 important factors for eccuning the pest estrus ypocaleemia in the cows REFERENCES CocksrcA, PD. and P. Whitdey, 1999. Hyposalcemiain 23 aiaichecmabent ewes dizicd signs and Likelitood tions Vet Rec, 14d: 529.532 ‘otrinaryrscoré brapublicatione com/eonteatival 14issuel Size. 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