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n 20 June 2017, at The International Paris Air Show 2017, Le Bourget, the aerodynamic As you already know from the previous issues of the magazine, INCAS has an
important role in the design and production of the aircraft fuselage, incorporating state
project codename is RACER, which stands for Rapid and Cost-Effective Rotorcraft, an of the art composite materials and technologies in the process. In order to achieve the
aircraft that is in line with the current EU trends of low cost, low pollution and nevertheless high projects key objectives (light weight, high strength, cost effectiveness), the Romanian
speed. Cluster is funded part by the European Union, part by the Romanian Government

Although the maximum speed is not yet known the target is to exceed 220kt (113 m/s), which is The project is a great opportunity for INCAS to demonstrate, once again, that
roughly one third of the speed of sound at sea level. The aircraft will be optimized for a cruise speed Romania has the capabilities to develop an aircraft side by side with the biggest
aviation companies (AIRBUS, GE, AERNOVA). The project will lead to an increase
range of the helicopter will be more than 400nm (740Km), depending on the speed, and the aircraft
advanced composite materials and optimization.

Innovation, CNCS/CCCDI- UEFISCDI, project number PN-III-3.6-H2020-2016-0033 ctr. 4/02017, within

performance and low sound level also adding a high degree of safety for passengers entering and
leaving the aircraft.

At the inauguration, Tomasz KRYSINSKI, head of research and innovation at Airbus Helicopters,
described the project in a few words:
“This high speed demonstrator incorporates many new technologies, starting from the rotor design,


Tomasz KRYSINSKI, Head of Research and Racer Cleansky 2, Photo credit- Airbus Helicpters
Innovation - Airbus Helicopters
#7/MARCH 2017
- INCAS and the Romanian Space Agency ROSA prepared the students using a variety of approaches to teaching and research, helping them

implement the new knowledge in their career.

“Politehnica” University of Bucharest UPB, webpage:

generation of students to enroll I and my colleagues, gained knowledge in

interested in this unique specialization in

education related to space systems design and
and the work they perform within

all the effort made for us, I want to thank the the necessary skills needed to excel in this degree opened for me a wide range of research
the complete integration of space
Adrian Mihai Researcher

and disciplines that are connecting

courses related to space sciences, during the lessons, especially in place during the master studies
courses related to European space
standardization and also the space pragmatic paradigm of the spatial
programs and politics, helped me research sciences, as well as
has took us through a journey of acquiring a lot in my work to write project of the national and international
institutional frame of practice and
that will help us in the future projects within materials that are utilized in tunity for me and for my colleagues to acquire understanding of what needs to
the space sector and structural
the opportunity to interact with experimented Marin presenting the major contemporary into competent and interdisciplinary engineers
professionals from the aerospace domain, themes of current spatial research,
information can make life easier and safer on
say that through all this wonderful experience, during the master courses is of great synthetic general methodology of

of performance in the complex,

Technologies Validation projects,
this program has helped me to understand the

in this master will help me grow as much as

#7/MARCH 2017

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