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DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201

October – December, 2017
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4

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RUXANDRA BOTEZ  University of Quebec, Department of Automated Production
Engineering, H3C 1K3 Montreal, Quebec, Canada

CORNELIU BERBENTE  University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, Department of Aerospace
Sciences “Elie Carafoli”, 010737 Bucharest, Romania
VICTOR GIURGIUTIU  University of South Carolina, Department of Mechanical Engineering,
SC 29208 Columbia, USA

DAN PANTAZOPOL  Aerospace Consulting, 061126 Bucharest, Romania


MIHAI ARGHIR  Institut Pprime, Université de Poitiers, ENSMA, UPR CNRS 3346
SP2MI, 11 Bd. Pierre et Marie Curie, BP 30179
86962 Futuroscope Chasseneuil Cedex, France
HAIM BARUH  Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, Rutgers University
98 Brett Road, Piscataway, N.J. 08854, USA
PAUL CIZMAS  Department of Aerospace Engineering, Texas A&M University
H. R. Bright Bldg., Room 631B, 3141 TAMU,
College Station, TX 77843-3141, USA
GEORGE S. DULIKRAVICH  Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Florida
International University, 10555 West Flagler Street, EC 3462, Miami,
Florida 33174, USA
HORIA DUMITRESCU  Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied Mathematics “Gheorghe
Mihoc  Caius Iacob” of Romanian Academy, 050711 Bucharest,
VICTOR MANOLIU  Aerospace Consulting, 061126 Bucharest, Romania
JEAN-CHARLES MARÉ  Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, Institut Clément
Ader (INSA de Toulouse), 135 Avenue de Rangueil, 31077 Toulouse,
DAN MATEESCU  McGill University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, H3A 2K6
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
ARUN MISRA  McGill University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, H3A 2K6
Montreal, Quebec, Canada
FLORIN MUNTEANU  Aerospace Consulting, 061126 Bucharest, Romania


CATALIN NAE  INCAS  National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”,
061126 Bucharest, Romania
ILINCA NASTASE  Building Services Engineering Faculty, Technical University of Civil
Engineering, 020396 Bucharest, Romania
PAVEL NEČAS  Vysoká škola bezpeènostného manažérstva v Košiciach/ University of
Security Management in Kosice, Slovakia
TITUS PETRILA  Babes-Bolyai University, No.1 Mihail Kogalniceanu, 400084 Cluj-
Napoca, Romania
CRISTIAN POSTOLACHE  Horia Hulubei National Institute for Physics and Nuclear Engineering,
P.O.B. MG-6, 077125 Magurele, Romania
DIMITRIS SARAVANOS  University of Patras, Department of Mechanical Engineering &
Aeronautics, Applied Mechanics Laboratory, 26500 Patras, Greece
GEORGE SAVU  COMOTI  National Research and Development Institute for Gas
Turbines, 061126 Bucharest, Romania
DIETER SCHOLZ  Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (HAW), Department of
Automotive and Aeronautical Engineering, Aircraft Design and Systems
Group (AERO), Berliner Tor 9, 20099 Hamburg, Germany
TUDOR SIRETEANU  Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy, 10141
Bucharest, Romania
IOAN URSU  INCAS  National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”,
061126 Bucharest, Romania

ELENA NEBANCEA  Editorial secretary and webmaster
INCAS  National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”,
061126 Bucharest, Romania
LAVINIA BOSILCA  English translation
INCAS  National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”,
061126 Bucharest, Romania
EMIL COSTEA  Graphic cover
INCAS  National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”,
061126 Bucharest, Romania

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017


F ULL P APERS ………………………………………………………………. 1

 Viorel ANGHEL, Integral Method for Static, Dynamic, Stability and
Aeroelastic Analysis of Beam-like Structure Configurations ………………... 3

 Corneliu BERBENTE, Sorin BERBENTE, Possible Simple Structures of the

Universe to Include General Relativity Effects ……………………………….. 11
 Ana-Maria BORDEI, Andrei HALANAY, Stability analysis for an UAV
model in a longitudinal flight …………………………………………………... 21

 Yamina BOUGHARI, Ruxandra Mihaela BOTEZ, Florian THEEL, Georges

GHAZI, Cessna Citation X Business Aircraft Eigenvalue Stability– Part 1: a
New GUI for the LFRs Generation ……………………………………………. 31

 Yamina BOUGHARI, Ruxandra Mihaela BOTEZ, Florian THEEL, Georges

GHAZI, Cessna Citation X Business Aircraft Eigenvalue Stability – Part2:
Flight Envelope Analysis ……………………………………………………….. 45

 Ion DIMA, Mihaela NASTASE, Stefan HOTHAZIE, Ionut-Cosmin ONCESCU,

Camelia Elena MUNTEANU, Alexandru-Mihai CISMILIANU, Comparative
Analysis Program for Experimental and Calculated Data …………………… 59
 Horia DUMITRESCU, Vladimir CARDOS, The Origin of Shear Turbulence .. 75
 Thien Van NGUYEN, Dan N. DUMITRIU, Ion STROE, Controlling the
Motion of a Planar 3-DOF Manipulator Using PID Controllers …………….. 91
 Claudiu PATRASCU, Eugen CHIRIAC, Corneliu BALAN, Drop dispensing in
a viscous outer liquid ……………………………………………………………. 101


 Alexandru Marius PANAIT, Supersonic and transonic Mach probe for
calibration control in the Trisonic Wind Tunnel ……………………………... 113

I N D E X ….…………………………………………..…………………… ……. 123

I N S T RU CT I O NS AND E D I T I N G M O D E L ……………………………… ….. 127



1 Full Papers


INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 1 – 2 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
Full Papers 2

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017

Integral Method for Static, Dynamic, Stability and
Aeroelastic Analysis of Beam-like Structure Configurations

Viorel ANGHEL*

*Corresponding author
“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Strength of Materials Department,
Splaiul Independenţei 313, 060042, Bucharest, Romania,
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.1

Received: 23 October 2017/ Accepted: 31 October 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: This work presents a synthesis of the use of an integral approximate method based on
structural influence functions (Green’s functions) concerning the behavior of beam-like structures.
This integral method is used in the areas of static, dynamic, aeroelasticity and stability analysis. The
method starts from the differential equations governing the bending or/and torsional behavior of a
beam. These equations are put in integral form by using appropriate Green’s functions, according to
the boundary conditions. Choosing a number of n collocation points on the beam axis, each integral
are then computed by a summation using weighting numbers. This approach is suitable for
conventional Euler-Bernoulli beams and also for the thin-walled open or closed cross-section beams
which can have bending-torsion coupling. Generally, for a static analysis this approach leads to a
linear system of equations (the case of the lift aeroelastic distribution analysis) or to an eigenvalues
and eigenvectors problem in the case of dynamic, stability or divergence analysis.
Key Words: Integral Method, Green Functions, Collocation, Static, Dynamic, Stability, Aeroelasticity 

The use of the structural influence functions (Green’s functions) in the structural and
aeroelastic analysis are presented in [1]. In Romania this approach is widely used by
Professor A. Petre in his works on aeroelasticity in fixed wing aircraft [2, 3]. In the case of
the rotating beams and blades the method using Green’ s functions was presented for simple
configurations in order to obtain the natural frequencies for the bending and bending-torsion
vibration analysis [4, 5]. The coupled bending vibration analysis in the case of pretwisted
blades was presented in [6]. Then, a general case of the coupled bending-bending-torsion
vibration analysis of straight beams and blades was described in [7]. The papers [8, 9]
concern the dynamic analysis of rotating beams with tip mass. Other works related to the
dynamic analysis of rotating beams and blades are [10, 11]. The method of Green’s functions
was then applied for composite beams both for dynamic analysis [12] and static analysis
[13]. Other applications are then presented in [14, 15]. In [15] a short application concerning
the buckling analysis of a straight uniform beam was also performed. Aspects concerning the
aeroelastic analysis of wings are presented in work [16]. New developments of the methods
based on Green’s functions in dynamic analysis of beams and blades are recently reported in
[17, 18].

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 3 – 10 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
Possible Simple Structures of the Universe to Include
General Relativity Effects

Corneliu BERBENTE*,1, Sorin BERBENTE1,2

*Corresponding author
“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Faculty of Aerospace Engineering,
Polizu no.1-6, RO-011061, Bucharest, Romania,*,
INCAS ‒ National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”,
B-dul Iuliu Maniu 220, Sector 6, Bucharest 061126, Romania
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.2

Received: 23 October 2017/ Accepted: 13 November 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: The general relativity describes the universe properties, the gravity playing a fundamental
role. One uses a metric tensor in a Riemann space, g  , which should be in agreement with a mass
(or energy) tensor in order to satisfy the Einstein equation of the general relativity [1]. This equation
contains the Ricci curvature as well. In general, applications are done considering that a chosen
metric is valid without region limits. In fact, the density of the energy whose distribution is however
unknown is variable in universe; therefore, the metrics need to be adapted to different regions. For
this reason one suggests to start with a simple, average mass-energy distribution that could represent
in a first step the actual universe. This suggestion is in agreement with the symmetrical distribution of
equal spheres existing in a model of the early universe given by one of the authors. Two kinds of
distribution are given. The possibility of black holes formation is studied and a criterion is given.
Key Words: metrics, photon, refraction index, black hole

In the followings the universe is considered a sphere in expansion from a center CU , the
location of the initial singularity called BIG FLASH, the speed of the frontier being cv a c ,
speed of light in vacuum. One allows a linear velocity distribution from center to the frontier,
this being established as equilibrium between the initial momentum at explosion (BIG
FLASH) and the gravity forces. There are some reasons to preserve on average a spherical
symmetry in the mass-energy distribution in universe. These reasons are related to the
spherical symmetry in the early universe formation according to the model proposed by one
of the authors [2]. The system of coordinates with center CU is considered at rest. Other
models of universe are given in [3].

2.1 A model of similar regions.
Let EU be the admitted total energy of the universe and M U the corresponding mass. Then:

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 11 – 19 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
Stability analysis for an UAV model in a longitudinal flight

Ana-Maria BORDEI*,1, Andrei HALANAY1

*Corresponding author
“POLITEHNICA” University Bucharest,
Splaiul Independenţei 313, 060042, Bucharest, Romania,*,
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.3

Received: 21 October 2017/ Accepted: 20 November 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: The paper presents the stability analysis of the equilibria in a longitudinal flight of an
unmanned aircraft with constant forward velocity. The motion of the aircraft is described using delay
differential equations with constant delays, the delay being considered in flight control compartment.
The goal is to study the effects of the delays for the stability of the equilibrium points. It is eventually
proved that a Hopf bifurcation appears.
Key Words: equilibrium point, Hopf bifurcation, delay-differential equations, stability

Due to various domains of application, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are the subject of
intense research. One of the active areas for this type of aircraft, refers to the longitudinal
flight with constant velocity. Since a human factor to react in real time for this type of
vehicle is missing, a special attention is given to the landing phase and the final approach of
the UAV, controlled by an automatic flight control system (AFCS). Due to the fact that the
velocity variation of the state variables depends on their past and present values, the
differential equations associated with this model are differential equations with time-lag
argument. The mathematical modeling of delayed processes is relatively recent and has
become necessary with increasing interest in the development of complex automated systems
in some areas such as aerospace, robotics and telecommunications. It has also been used to
understand complex phenomena in areas such as biology, medicine, ecology and economics
[1]. In aerospace, the cause of these delays results from the high order system complexity
and in case of digital systems, from the inherent sampling time. Digital control systems are
attractive due to the high computing power, which enhances the complexity of the flight
control system. The delays have a significant effect on the longitudinal and lateral-
directional flight [1].

Automatic Landing Flight Experiment (ALFLEX) is an unmanned aircraft built by
NASDAQ, Japan.
This vehicle is a reduced scale model of an unmanned reusable orbiting spacecraft, H-II
Orbiting Plane (HOPE) [2]. The existence of equilibrium points for the unmanned ALFLEX
INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 21 – 29 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
Cessna Citation X Business Aircraft Eigenvalue Stability–
Part 1: a New GUI for the LFRs Generation

Yamina BOUGHARI1, Ruxandra Mihaela BOTEZ*,1, Florian THEEL1,

Georges GHAZI1

*Corresponding author
ETS, Laboratory of Active Controls, Avionics and AeroServoElasticity LARCASE,
1100 Notre Dame West, Montreal, Que., Canada, H3C-1K3,,*,,
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.4

Received: 21 October 2017/ Accepted: 07 November 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: The aim of “Robustness Analysis” is to assess aircraft stability in the presence of all
admissible uncertainties. Models that are able to describe the aircraft dynamics by taking into
account all uncertainties over a region inside the flight envelope have therefore been developed, using
Linear Fractional Representation (LFR). In this paper Part 1 a friendly Graphical User Interface is
developed to facilitate the generation of Linear Fractional Representation uncertainty models for the
Cessna Citation X aircraft using 12 weight and Xcg configurations; thus, 26 regions of the flight
envelope are developed for different Weight/ Xcg configurations to study the aircraft’s longitudinal
motion. In the aim to analyzed the robustness stability of Cessna Citation X in Part 2 using the
Graphical User Interface developed in the Clearance Of Flight Control Laws Using Optimization
(COFCLUO) project. This project aimed to boost the aircraft safety using computer computation.
Key Words: Linear Fractional Representation; Flight Control Clearance; Stability Analysis
Robustness Analysis

X, Z = Aircraft aerodynamic forces
x(t) = State space parameter of the system
𝜃 = Pitch angle
u, w = Speeds along the Ox, Oz axes
q = Angular speed along the Ox axes
V = Total Aircraft Speed
𝛿𝑒 = Elevator deflections
∆ = Block uncertainties
V(x) = System energy
A, B, C, D =State space matrices

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 31 – 43 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
Cessna Citation X Business Aircraft Eigenvalue Stability –
Part2: Flight Envelope Analysis

Yamina BOUGHARI1, Ruxandra Mihaela BOTEZ*,1, Florian THEEL1,

Georges GHAZI1

*Corresponding author
ETS, Laboratory of Active Controls, Avionics and AeroServoElasticity LARCASE,
1100 Notre Dame West, Montreal, Que., Canada, H3C-1K3,,*,,
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.5

Received: 21 October 2017/ Accepted: 07 November 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: Civil aircraft flight control clearance is a time consuming, thus an expensive process in the
aerospace industry. This process has to be investigated and proved to be safe for thousands of
combinations in terms of speeds, altitudes, gross weights, Xcg / weight configurations and angles of
attack. Even in this case, a worst-case condition that could lead to a critical situation might be
missed. To address this problem, models that are able to describe an aircraft’s dynamics by taking
into account all uncertainties over a region within a flight envelope have been developed using Linear
Fractional Representation. In order to investigate the Cessna Citation X aircraft Eigenvalue Stability
envelope, the Linear Fractional Representation models are implemented using the speeds and the
altitudes as varying parameters. In this paper Part 2, the aircraft longitudinal eigenvalue stability is
analyzed in a continuous range of flight envelope with varying parameter of True airspeed and
altitude, instead of a single point, like classical methods. This is known as the aeroelastic stability
envelope, required for civil aircraft certification as given by the Circular Advisory “Aeroelastic
Stability Substantiation of Transport Category Airplanes AC No: 25.629-18”. In this new
methodology the analysis is performed in time domain based on Lyapunov stability and solved by
convex optimization algorithms by using the linear matrix inequalities to evaluate the eigenvalue
stability, which is reduced to search for the negative eigenvalues in a region of flight envelope. It can
also be used to study the stability of a system during an arbitrary motion from one point to another in
the flight envelope. A whole aircraft analysis results’ for its entire envelope are presented in the form
of graphs, thus offering good readability, and making them easily exploitable.
Key Words: Eigenvalue Stability, Aeroelastic Stability, Flight Control Clearance, Robustness

A, B, C, D = State space matrices
P = Positive Definite Matrix
ℝ = Real number field
ℂ = Complex number field
ℕ = Integer number field

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 45 – 58 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
Comparative Analysis Program for Experimental and
Calculated Data

Ion DIMA*,1, Mihaela NASTASE1, Stefan HOTHAZIE1,

Ionut-Cosmin ONCESCU1, Camelia Elena MUNTEANU1,
Alexandru-Mihai CISMILIANU1

*Corresponding author
INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”,
B-dul Iuliu Maniu 220, Bucharest 061126, Romania,*,,,,,
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.6

Received: 18 October 2017/ Accepted: 14 November 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: This article aims to provide an interactive in-house tool to quickly asses the stress in the
critical points of the aeronautical structures. The software compares the results between the stress
values obtained from the experimental tests using the resistive electrical tensometry technique (RET)
and the stress values calculated with FEM software. RET refers to the stress and strains measured by
strain gauges applied to the critical points of the structures. The finite element analysis was carried-
out with MSC. PATRAN/ NASTRAN using shell and solid elements in order to identify the critical
points based on the stress and strain results. The validation of the results obtained by the finite
element modelling has been made experimentally using the resistive electrical tensometry method. The
results from these two methods have been compared with the in-house software developed in Visual
Basic with Excel interface. The program evaluates the relative error between the experimental and
calculated data at critical points.
Key Works: finite element method, resistive electrical tensometry method, strain gauge, critical points
of structures, Visual Basic, in-house software, comparative analysis, RET

The finite element method is one of the efficient and well-known numerical methods for
various engineering problems. Over the past 30 years it has been used to solve many types of
problems. Finite element results are validated with either analytical solution or experimental
studies. FEM method is satisfactory when the component loads are known both qualitatively
and quantitatively.
Problems arise particularly where the loads are unknown or where they can only be
roughly approximated. Formerly the risk of overloading was countered by using safety
margins, i.e. through over dimensioning. However, modern design strategies demand savings
in material, partly for reasons of cost and partly to save weight; this is clearly illustrated in
aeronautics. In order to satisfy the safety requirements and to provide an adequate

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 59 – 74 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
The Origin of Shear Turbulence

Horia DUMITRESCU1, Vladimir CARDOS*,1

*Corresponding author
“Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob” Institute of Mathematical Statistics and Applied
Mathematics of the Romanian Academy,
Calea 13 Septembrie no. 13, 050711 Bucharest, Romania,,*
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.7

Received: 02 October 2017/ Accepted: 23 October 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: Previously, the turbulent flows were studied as they have been disregarding their origin,
and without looking into some of the details of the mechanism of turbulence production and
sustainment. This approach focusing its attention particularly on the details of the fluctuating motion
superimposed on the main motion led to most of controversial and misunderstood results from which
the law of equal action and reaction, and the circulation-conserving were excluded. The paper is
aiming at removing these drawbacks and presenting the turbulence phenomenon as a mechanical
process triggered off at the beginning of motion. The fluid as deformable continuum without a definite
shape must be guided by some physical surfaces, where the rotor-translational motion approximation
is more suited than the no-acceleration parallel flow approximation. The main features of shear
turbulence are described by means of the mechanical prototype of a perturbed rotor-translational
motion continuously self-accelerating at wall and conserving the mass and angular momentum .
Key Words: Laminar-turbulent transition, Shear turbulence, Rotor-translational flow model.

Any motion, both of solids and fluids that starts from rest is the result of an impact process
occurring during the momentum exchange between two colliding bodies within a short time
of contact. This kind of collision will be called starting impact in the sequel. With respect to
a single impacted body or structure, the loading in such a process acts with high intensity
during this short period of time. As a result, the initial velocity distribution is rapidly
changed inducing locally pressure wave loadings. Such rapid loading in the contacting area
is a source where waves are emitted and that propagate with finite speeds through the body.
In the case of sufficiently small amplitudes (in the far field), linear elastic body waves
propagate with the speed of sound waves. In the near field, if the body force is absent/
unimportant or has the analogous representation by means of the Helmholtz force potentials
k  grad b  curl B , the local perturbation propagates as a wave packet/group at the interface
of bodies containing the fast longitudinal L-waves and the slower transverse T-waves [1].
However, a further complication arises when the impact is a ballistic type one that acts on
the micro structural change with non-Gaussian behavior of the molecular thermal
agitation/energy [2]. In the near field large deformations with non-linear material behavior
occurred that may even render fracturing of solid material and turbulence of fluids. The

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 75 – 89 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
Controlling the Motion of a Planar 3-DOF Manipulator
Using PID Controllers

Thien Van NGUYEN*,1, Dan N. DUMITRIU1,2, Ion STROE1

*Corresponding author
*,1“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Department of Mechanics,
313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest 060042, Romania,*,
Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian Academy,
15 Constantin Mille, Bucharest 010141, Romania,
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.8

Received: 24 April 2017/ Accepted: 17 October 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: This paper mainly presents a method to model the 3-DOF manipulator with PID controller
in Matlab-SimMechanics and the way to find out optimal parameters in the PID controller including:
proportional gain, integral gain and derivative gain using the genetic algorithm (GA). For that aim,
the 3-DOF manipulator will be simulated in order to perform a given task. The results achieved from
the model show that difficulties in tuning parameters of PID controller can be solved using GA, while
SimMechanics is considered as a good virtual experiment tool for simulating an arbitrary mechanism.
Key Words: Manipulator, GA, SimMechanics, parameters, PID controller

Nowadays, the role of robots is more and more important thanks to their application in
replacing people in hard and hazardous works. Therefore the study of manipulators modeling
and control is very important. In recent years, the control of manipulators has attracted
increased attention. For instance, Hossein Sadegh Lafmejani and Hassan Zarabadipour used
a PID controller [4], which was linearized by feedback linearization to control the position of
a 3-DOF articulated manipulator. Meanwhile, based on the approach proposed by Sciavicco
and Siciliano [3], Le Tien Dung, Hee-Jun Kang, Young-Shick Ro ([2]) used a PD controller
with online Gravity compensation to control the position of a 2-DOF manipulator.
The control methods can be classified into three main categories: Traditional feedback
controls (PD and PID controls) [6,7]; Adaptive control [8,9]; Iterative learning control (ILC)
[15,16]. Besides, there are some other control methods: robust control, inverse dynamics
control and switching control. Among those, the PID controllers are widely used thanks to
their simplicity and transparence. However, one of the most common difficulties when using
the PID controllers is to determine the optimal parameters, i.e: the proportional gain K p , the
integral gain K i , and the derivative gain K d because of the constantly changing of the
system parameters in almost all processes. Thus, GA is one of the well-known approaches

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 91 – 99 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
Drop dispensing in a viscous outer liquid

Claudiu PATRASCU*,1, Eugen CHIRIAC1, Corneliu BALAN1

*Corresponding author
“POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, REOROM Group,
Splaiul Independenţei 313, 060042, Bucharest, Romania,*,,
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.9

Received: 18 October 2017/ Accepted: 17 November 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: The formation and detachment of Newtonian drops in viscous external liquids is
investigated. A global analysis of two necking processes is presented in order to highlight the
behavior of such thinning phenomena, when controlled either by inertia or by viscous effects. Moving
detached droplets in an immiscible outer liquid were studied in terms of velocity and drop-travel
distance. Theoretical predictions are proposed and compared with experimental data for the volume
of the drop and for the subsequent dynamics that follow after detachment. Our investigations point out
that the drop rapidly achieves constant velocity, the value of it being in a satisfactory agreement with
the model. Both the influence of the flow rate and that of the material properties on drop volume are
Key Words: capillarity, drop formation, filament thinning, drop detachment

Controlled drop generation is a subject of high practical impact with direct applications in
pharmaceutical industry, ink-jet printing and food processing. In all cases precise dosing is
required. This results in a need of knowledge regarding drop volumes and drop breakup
times. Furthermore, drop generation in a viscous outer liquid is a subject that needs both
theoretical and experimental attention.
Depending on the relative balance between inertia and interfacial tension, dispensing a
liquid through a nozzle can take place in the form of a dripping or a jetting regime [1]. In
both cases drops are created, the drop size distributions having different theoretical
backgrounds. We can physically describe a pendant drop (Fig.1-a) by the magnitude of the
buoyancy reduced force of gravity relative to interfacial tension [2]. These are incorporated
into a non-dimensional parameter called Worthington number, which can be seen as the
well-known Bond number, having as characteristic length scale lc:
Wo  (i  e ) gVD / 2R0 , Bo  (i  e ) glc  , with lc  VD 2R0

where the symbols represent: the density of the inner and outer liquid  i ,  e , the volume of
the drop VD , the inner radius of the nozzle R0 , and  the interfacial tension. When the
buoyancy reduced force of gravity overcomes the interfacial tension that holds the drop to
the capillary tip, the drop will start to detach (Fig. 1-b). The breakup process is driven by

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 101 – 110 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
111 T E C H N I C A L -S C I E N T I F I C N O T E S a n d R E P O R T S


INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 111 – 112 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
Supersonic and transonic Mach probe for calibration control in
the Trisonic Wind Tunnel

Alexandru Marius PANAIT*

*Corresponding author
INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Flow Physics
Department, Trisonic Wind Tunnel Unit,
B-dul Iuliu Maniu 220, Bucharest 061126, Romania,
DOI: 10.13111/2066-8201.2017.9.4.10

Received: 23 October 2017/ Accepted: 15 November 2017/ Published: December 2017

Copyright©2017. Published by INCAS. This is an “open access” article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Abstract: A supersonic and high speed transonic Pitot Prandtl is described as it can be implemented
in the Trisonic Wind Tunnel for calibration and verification of Mach number precision. A new
calculation method for arbitrary precision Mach numbers is proposed and explained. The probe is
specially designed for the Trisonic wind tunnel and would greatly simplify obtaining a precise Mach
calibration in the critical high transonic and low supersonic regimes, where typically wind tunnels
exhibit poor performance. The supersonic Pitot Prandtl combined probe is well known in the
aerospace industry, however the proposed probe is a derivative of the standard configuration,
combining a stout cone-cylinder probe with a supersonic Pitot static port which allows this
configuration to validate the Mach number by three methods: conical flow method – using the
pressure ports on a cone generatrix, the Schlieren-optical method of shock wave angle
photogrammetry and the Rayleigh supersonic Pitot equation, while having an aerodynamic blockage
similar to that of a scaled rocket model commonly used in testing. The proposed probe uses an
existing cone-cylinder probe forebody and support, adding only an afterbody with a support for a
static port.
Key Words: Supersonic Pitot Prandtl, transonic Mach number measurement, Mach calibration and
validation in transonic regimes, calculation method, numeric method

The supersonic Pitot Prandtl tube appeared as a necessary adaptation to circumvent the
limitations of the method of speed measurement for gas flows in the high-speed regimes
where Bernoulli’s equations do no longer apply. The classic theory of compressible subsonic
flows works for flow speeds up to the establishment of the first shock wave when the
isentropic principle is violated. For supersonic speeds, any type of body that exhibits a sharp
edge, point or slope causes a complex of expansion and simple waves that culminate in a
shock wave. The shock wave is a discontinuity point in the flow where energy is lost to
thermal processes as flow parameters jump from the free flow to the post-shock values. This
regime where shock waves appear is governed by a different set of laws but is by no means
sudden and uniform but partial and complicated, where subsonic flow co-exists with
transient phenomena of flow separation and re-attachment etc. and, in consequence, as the

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 113 – 121 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017



ANGHEL Viorel, p. 3 – “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Strength of
Materials Department, Splaiul Independenţei 313, 060042,
Bucharest, Romania,

BALAN Corneliu, p. 101 – “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, REOROM
Group, Splaiul Independenţei 313, 060042, Bucharest,
BERBENTE Corneliu, p. 11 – “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Faculty of
Aerospace Engineering, Polizu no.1-6, RO-011061,
Bucharest, Romania,
BERBENTE Sorin, p. 11 – “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Faculty of
Aerospace Engineering, Polizu no.1-6, RO-011061,
Bucharest, Romania and INCAS – National Institute for
Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”, Iuliu Maniu Blvd 220,
Bucharest 061126, Romania,
BORDEI Ana-Maria, p. 21 – “POLITEHNICA” University Bucharest, Splaiul
Independenţei 313, 060042, Bucharest, Romania,
BOTEZ Ruxandra Mihaela, p. 31, 45 – ETS, Laboratory of Active Controls, Avionics and
AeroServoElasticity LARCASE, 1100 Notre Dame West,
Montreal, Que., Canada, H3C-1K3,
BOUGHARI Yamina, p. 31, 45 – ETS, Laboratory of Active Controls, Avionics and
AeroServoElasticity LARCASE, 1100 Notre Dame West,
Montreal, Que., Canada, H3C-1K3,

CARDOS Vladimir, p. 75 – “Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob” Institute of Mathematical
Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian
Academy, Calea 13 Septembrie no. 13, 050711 Bucharest,
CHIRIAC Eugen, p. 101 – “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, REOROM
Group, Splaiul Independenţei 313, 060042, Bucharest,
CISMILIANU Alexandru-Mihai, p. 59 – INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie
Carafoli”, B-dul Iuliu Maniu 220, Bucharest 061126,

DIMA Ion, p. 59 – INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie
Carafoli”, B-dul Iuliu Maniu 220, Bucharest 061126,

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017


DUMITRESCU Horia, p. 75 – “Gheorghe Mihoc – Caius Iacob” Institute of Mathematical

Statistics and Applied Mathematics of the Romanian
Academy, Calea 13 Septembrie no. 13, 050711 Bucharest,
DUMITRIU N. Dan, p. 91 – “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Department of
Mechanics, 313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest 060042,
Romania and Institute of Solid Mechanics of the Romanian
Academy, 15 Constantin Mille, Bucharest 010141, Romania,

GHAZI Georges, p. 31, 45 – ETS, Laboratory of Active Controls, Avionics and
AeroServoElasticity LARCASE, 1100 Notre Dame West,
Montreal, Que., Canada, H3C-1K3,

HALANAY Andrei, p. 21 – “POLITEHNICA” University Bucharest, Splaiul
Independenţei 313, 060042, Bucharest, Romania,
HOTHAZIE Stefan, p. 59 – INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie
Carafoli”, B-dul Iuliu Maniu 220, Bucharest 061126,

MUNTEANU Camelia Elena, p. 59 – INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie
Carafoli”, Iuliu Maniu Blvd 220, Bucharest 061126,

NASTASE Mihaela, p. 59 – INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie
Carafoli”, Iuliu Maniu Blvd 220, Bucharest 061126,
NGUYEN Thien Van, p. 91 – “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Department of
Mechanics, 313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest 060042,

ONCESCU Ionut-Cosmin, p. 59 – INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie
Carafoli”, Iuliu Maniu Blvd 220, Bucharest 061126,

PANAIT Alexandru Marius, p. 113 – INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie
Carafoli”, Flow Physics Department, Trisonic Wind Tunnel
Unit, B-dul Iuliu Maniu 220, Bucharest 061126, Romania,
PATRASCU Claudiu, p. 101 – “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, REOROM
Group, Splaiul Independenţei 313, 060042, Bucharest,

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017


STROE Ion, p. 91 – “POLITEHNICA” University of Bucharest, Department of
Mechanics, 313 Splaiul Independentei, Bucharest 060042,

THEEL Florian, p. 31, 45 – ETS, Laboratory of Active Controls, Avionics and
AeroServoElasticity LARCASE, 1100 Notre Dame West,
Montreal, Que., Canada, H3C-1K3,

INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017


INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017

Instructions and editing model
The INCAS BULLETIN of the INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie
Carafoli” publishes:
1) FULL PAPERS. Presentation of significant researches, developments, or
applications in the aerospace field, namely:

■ Fluid mechanics, aerodynamics, theory of flight, gas dynamics,

aerothermodynamics, combustion, hydromechanics.

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INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 127 – 131 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
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[1] *** European Aviation Safety Agency. CS-25, Airworthiness codes for large aero-planes, October 2003.
Available at
[2] C. Ohtar, A. Fujita, P. N. Nikiforov and M. K. Santa, Active flutter suppression for two-dimensional airfoils,
Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, vol. 14, no. 2, pp. 283-293, 1991.
[3] T. R. Nail, A disturbance-rejection problem for a 3-D airfoil exhibiting flutter, Thesis, Virginia Tech., 2000.
[4] J. J. Black and H. Rilliatt, Active control of a structure, AIAA Paper 99-0036.
[5] R. Sind and M. Krenner, Robust aeroservoelastic stability analysis, Springer, London, 2000.
[6] P. Santorini, Nonlinear Control Systems, London, UK, Springer-Verlag, 3rd ed., 2005.
[7] R. Ceaikovski and P. Soznovski, Neural approximation: a control perspective, in Neural Network
Engineering in Dynamic Control Systems, K. Runt, G. Irwin and F. Warwick (Eds.), Springer, 1995.
[8] F. Rudin, The method of statistical linearization for nonlinear stochastic vibration, in F. Ziegler and G. I.
Schuller (Eds), Nonlinear Stochastic Dynamic Engineering Systems, pp. 45-56, IUTAM Symposium on
Nonlinear stochastic dynamic engineering, Innsbruck, Austria, June 21-26, 1987, Springer Verlag, 1988.


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INCAS BULLETIN, Volume 9, Issue 4/ 2017, pp. 132 (P) ISSN 2066-8201, (E) ISSN 2247-4528
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Contact Details
Editor –in –chief: Full Professor, PhD, Eng. BOTEZ Mihaela Ruxandra
University of Quebec, Department of Automated production Engineering,
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Publisher: INCAS – National Institute for Aerospace Research “Elie Carafoli”
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