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Recuperação Semestral

Curso: Série: Disciplina: Língua Inglesa Turma:

Nome: N.º
Data: Professor: Aguinaldo do Carmo

Read the text below: 2. Complete as sentenças usando o Past progressive

My name is Nicola. I’m 13 and I’m from a) When I phoned my friends,

Dundee, in Scotland. I live on a beautiful big farm, they ____________ monopoly. (play)
about eighty kilometers from Edinburgh. Dundee is a b) Yesterday at six
small town but I Love living here because there are I ___________________ dinner. (prepare)
always many interesting things to do. There is only one c) The kids ___________________ in the garden
when it suddenly began to rain. (run)
inconvenience! When I go out with my best friend
d) I _____________________ the guitar when
Mark, everybody knows it in the next day.
he came home. (practise)
I usually get up at seven o’clock in the morning.
e) We _______________________ all day. ( not
While my mother prepares breakfast, my dad feeds the - Cycle)
animals and I have a quick shower, but sometimes, f) While Aaron ________________ in his room,
when its freezing, I stay in the bathtub more than 30 his friends _________________ in the pool.
minutes. (work/swim)
I have classes in the morning from nine to g) I tried to tell them the truth but they
midday. After lunch I have to do my homework and ____________________. (not - listen)
study. When I finish, I play with my sister, Sarah, on the h) What ________ you ________ yesterday?
computer and I often help my parents: we feed the (do)
horses, cows, chickens and pigs, cut the grass, water the i) Most of the time we
plants… ________________________ in the park. (sit)
I always go to bed at half past nine very tired.
I have got lots of friends. In my free time I like 3. Reescreva as frases abaixo, substituindo as palavras
going to the cinema three times a month and watch em itálico por um phrasal verb do banco de palavras
football matches of Dundee United every weekend. abaixo:

1. Answer the following questions related to the text.

a) Where does Nicola live?- BLOW OUT – LOOK FOR – GO ON – BRING UP –
____________________________________________ SHOW UP – PUT OUT – LOOK AFTER – RUN
a) “Who is going to take care of our dogs while
we are away?”, Lucy asked her husband.
______________ b) “If you continue working like this, you’re
b) What does Nicola's father do in the morning? going to end up having a heart attack”, Jack
____________________________________________ told his friend Paul.
_______ c) “Tom was supposed to come to get me at 6:00
c) What tasks does he do after school? Cite 3 of them! p.m. I wonder why he hasn’t arrived yet!”,
____________________________________________ Kate told her friend Liz.
____________________________________________ d) The security guard went up to Bill and told
____________________________________________ him to extinguish his cigarette as that was a
______________ non-smoking area.
d) How is the boy at night?
( ) Happy ( ) Restful ( ) Quiet ( ) Tired e) “This story is very strange. I think Bob
is inventing it!”, Jake told his friends.
e) O que Nicola e sua Irmã Sarah fazemos depois do
4. Ligue as expressões coloquiais em português à
almoço? esquerda (1 - 10) com os phrasal verbs equivalentes, à
( ) Escrevem cartas ( ) Jogam dominó ( ) direita (a - j).
Cuidam das galinhas ( ) Jogam no computador
1. fazer as pazes a. butter up
2. dar de cara com alguém b. fall apart
3. pegar no pé c. take after
4. devorar d. break in
5. puxar a alguém e. pick on
6. bater na mesma tecla f. make up
7. malhar g. gobble down
8. cair aos pedaços h. bump into
9. bajular i. harp on
10. amaciar j. work out

5. Passe as frases abaixo para as formas interrogativa

e negativa do simple future:
a) “You will need love”
b) “ I will find out”

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