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We have mainly like these problems

January February March April May TOTAL
white filling 1895 125 0 60 0 2080
blow off
White filling 1605 100 630 420 615 3370
Product 1080 0 970 350 1330 3730
change over
RM PM 972 115 510 30 0 1627
Adjust 530 95 445 915 610 2595
White paste 525 0 485 370 648 2028
SKU change 480 420 40 120 510 1570
White filling 165 70 250 35 220 740

failures vs months white filling blow off time

2000 White filling time

1600 Product change over
value (minutes)

1000 RM PM delays
600 Adjust cartoon feeding timing
0 White paste weight
y ch ril ay
u u ar Ap m SKU change over
n br M
months White filling photocell
Mainly we have problem in these machines
They are
01. product change over time
02. white filling photocell electrical
03. white paste weight adjustment
04. adjust cartoon feeding timing


the total time for past 5 months (NM 700) is more then 3730 minutes
(62.2 hours). From the report in January its effect the product process
highly once if they use correct method to change the material or correct
fabricate method they can reduce the time for product change over time

in April they use less time to change over the machine parts. This is the
less time(350 minutes/ 5.8 hours) from the report. So 6 hours is much
enough to product change over . but they misuse the time to product change
over . by this we can say they don’t cooperate with plant operation .

In NM 700 machine they produce 160 , 120 , 70 (g s) signal packets .

(In bundle their have 48 signal packets)

For one hour they produce = 48 x80

= 3840 packets
For twenty four hours = 3840 x 55

(We reduce more then seven hours for cleaning)


ITEMS (signal in g) PRICES (RS)
120 78
70 54
40 32

Once if we produced signal regular 40g then our loss is
= 211200 x 32/=
= Rs 6758400
= 6.76 millions

So in past 5 months we were loosed more then 6.7 million production

cost . this is for less weight product. Once if we consider the high weight
we loosed much more then this.

If we consider for all three machine they are product toothpaste

(The wimco only produce 40 g only)
the average total loss for past 5 months is = 6.758400 x3/=
= 20.2752 millions
For 70 g packets = 211200 x 54/=
= Rs 11404800
= 11.4 millions

For all three machines = 11.4 x2 + 6.7584 millions

= 29.55 millions

For 120 g packets = 211200 x 78/=

= 16473600/=
= 16.5 millions

For all three machines = 16.5 x2 + 6.7584 millions

= 39.7584 millions

For this first they want to use the legal methods to change over. in this case
they never use the correct path or order to remove and change . by this
careless work we have to loose more time and product in future as like
past .

So to reduced this time?????????????

by the capacity of machine we have to make specialized fitter/fitters for
that machine only. they with full knowledge about that machine . They
must want enough skill to repair or change over or handle all problems with
less time
For this we have to make some special DROP
training to fitters occasionally. Who well DOWN
familiar with that particular machine and MACHINE
analysis what are the problems they have as a MAY BE
new and try to make solution to them. HARM
Teach them what are the correct methods or
orders we have to follow to change over.

Between this time we make cleaning process to reduce

the time use for clean. Because change over is take much
Other important problem is morel problem. it may be effect the product.
We had noticed that the people who work as a fitter not cooperate the
workers who cooperate to product the line product.

And also we have to make some supervisors with good knowledge. They
must have to manage the fitters without flexible.
Other think is the material removal technique is not good. If we use another
method that’s use by developed country. That is use the pig that’s use to
remove the exist material and its give the very small amount of material

New material PIGG Exist material

This method is used by developed country and this is more suitable for
paste or cream like this type product. It’s very easy and it’s give the less
wastage. But the method is very expensive. For this method we want the
high level sharp bends. These bands are link the machine and the tank
through the pipes.

This is the problem with weight adjustment unit. There have some component
that intermittently makes trouble with weight adjustment. Here we can see that
their have cam connection that’s use to make the movement for white filling
they are not such much efficient. They not give the correct filling weight.

Because the connections of the links are not tight as well as the shafts are not
alien such much we aspect.

And also these machines are work as a long time so they make trouble with
the machine parts because of the machine parts particles removal. For
example in cam the path may be differ by the long time use so we have to
check the parts often to make the machine higher performance.

In past by the white filling weight we were loss 2028 minutes (33.8 hours)
By this problem we loose this much of money

The product for one hour = 48 x 80

= 3840
Total product for whole time = 3840 x 33.8
= 129792 packets
If we consider the 40 g packets the restricted money is
= 129792 x 32
= Rs 4153344

It’s only for one machine that approximately 4.2 millions .

if we consider all three machine = 4.2 x 3

= 12.6 millions
We make all the calculations only for small packets signal but if we consider
the other packets its make more wastage then this or more time then these

The time for this calculation is 33.8 hours in this time periods they have
chance to make the big signal packets .


For 120 g signal packets

= 129792 x 78
= Rs 10123776
= 10.12 millions

For all three machines = 10.123 x 2+ 4.2

= 24.446 millions

For 70 g packets = 129792 x 54

= 7008768 /=
= 7.01 millions

For all three machines = 7.008768 x 2+4.2

= 18.22 millions

So the money wastage is more then 13 millions by this problem simply

considering for 40 g packets

01. Make the machine parts alien by using the right methods and take some
individual practices to repair the machine as soon as possible (to reduce
the time taken).

02. The fitters use some unauthorized methods to fit the machine parts or the
links, to make their work weight less. So to reduce this, make the
supervisor to conform the fitting.

03. The machine parts that’s so approximate each other make some trouble
when the machine work, so make these type machine parts tight as well as
not in touch.

04. The particular machine operator is always with enough knowledge to

reduce some small problem and he must have to attend the machine when
he watch any trouble.

05.Simply change the arm that’s use to connect the weight

setting link and piston, when we notice that is make so many
problem. And the cost for this arm is more less then our
restricted product lost.

06. Intermittently check the parts that’s make trouble to us and we had loss so
much production cost.

The machine have photocell that’s use to rotate the tube correct angle for
quality product. This is one of the most important electrical devices to make
the product high quality. Here we have some arrangement to make the tube at
the correct angle, that’s with the connection of shaft.

And the shaft can rotate easily. The rotating angle is inform by the photocell
to motor that’s what angle must it rotate, here their have a mark that’s indicate
the photocell correct place.

In machine NM 700 we have problem; with the shaft (use to rotate the tube)
OR some time with photocell.

This problem is only can identify by the quality assurance ( QA) members.
Once if they say anything about the tube alignment then only they care about
the tube alignment and photocell.

This problem can occur by the careless of the operator as well as fitters.
First -
The white paste , red paste or other paste can stick with the photocell and it
may be make some trouble to make the correct rotation or make correct
indication of the mark.

Second -
The shaft or the knob (that can easily rotate) may not work correctly or the
shaft not align with tube correctly.

These problems can make Time waste and Money waste; because once the
filled tubes were not at correct position then the QA will reject the toothpaste
tubes. By these we have to loose so many time and money because the time
and money used to make this unsatisfied product is waste.

By these we can calculate the money wastage for this problem

The total time to this failure is more then 740 minutes (12.4 hours)
By using this we can calculate the wastage.

Simply once if we consider the 40 g signal packets

In one hours = 48x80

= 3840 packets
For total time = 3840 x 12.4
= 47616 packets
But 40 g packet is only 32/= so
The total money for this = RS .1523712
= 1.53 millions
Once if we consider the whole 3 machine then the
Total Wastage is = Rs .4571136
= 4.7 millions
if we use the 70g packets then
(1.53 mil is only for Wimco machine) = 47616 x 2 x54
= Rs 5142528 +1.53m
= Rs. 6666240
= 6.7 millions

For 120 g packets = 47616 x 2 x 78

= RS.7428096
= 7.43 + 1.53 ms
= Rs.8951808
= 8.95 millions

So in this calculation we can see their have more then 9 millions restricted
production cost.

They (fitters or labors ) mostly use some unrecognized methods to solve the

They use some cardboard to tight or adjust the spring adjustment or for small
But these methods are not for long period, after some short time again the
machine parts make trouble as same as earlier. The reason is the fitters try to
reduce the work force over their head.

For this problem make sure that we have all small machine parts
(That’s use to tight or fit ex: nut and bold, tighten equipment, rubber
band, screw, etc.) As extra, and make the fitters work with high
Make some training to operators about machine and how to make work easy.

For ex: the operators don’t know how to release all machine parts at once;
for this problem simply off the air valve.
But For this problem we have to Waite until the fitter arrived the machine.
Some time it’s take half an hour. So to reduce this problem we must want to
make some training to the workers.

We had loss more then 5 millions product cost by this problem

For this problem we can change the arrangement that’s with the photocell to
make the rotation it’s take less money then our restricted produce cost.

We can’t change these parts occasionally, so for this problem use the original
parts, long time if we get continues problem. And instruct the fitters how they
have to care the parts.
And the fitters are not work for their place and they make some moral
problem with the worker who work with the machines to make the product

Without nm 1002 (it’s newly installed machine. ) we have 3 carton

feeding machine they all are not same in mechanism. They have
various mechanisms but same operations.

Commonly we have problem with carton feeding timing but with

various internal mechanisms.

In NM 700 their have a rod that’s follow by the air puncher .

To this machine the air vessel is not tight and the pipe that’s use to
transfer the air to puncher is not with tight connection.
And also the pipe also have leakages.
And the machine parts are not tight that’s want to work machine with
high performance.
The part that use to hold and transfer the packet is not tight. Some time
it’s make trouble and we have to loss our time. The fitters don’t know
the important of the machine tighten thinks because they try to make
their work force less and also they don’t have enough knowledge about
the machine.

Other think is the machine chain and the teethes that’s use to
hold the packets are not tighten as well as the teethes not with
accurate gaps. And it’s make some small gap different, by these
the packet is not hold correctly.
The total time by this problem is 2595 minutes (43.25 hours).
For this if we consider the restricted money is
= 3840 pck/h X 43.3 hours

= 166272 packets
Once if we consider the small value packet = 166272 X 32 Rs

= 5320704 Rs
= 5.32 millions
by all three machines we have three time than this values so
the total wastage is = 5.32 X 3
= 15.96 millions

But The total wasted time is 73775 minutes by only NM 700(1230 hours) if
we consider the total wastage (for all 5 months).
= 1230 X 32 X 3840
= 151142400Rs
= 151.143 millions

This is only by the NM 700 machine if we consider the other machines then
we have three or four time higher then this amount.
Mainly we have these 3 problem in this machine ( universal 1) for all 5

problem January February March April May TOTAL

No 660 30 1260 2700 0 4650
Speed 164 116 202 206 0 688
Product 60 380 30 150 1845 2465

failure vs months

2000 No plane
values (minutes)

1500 Speed loss

1000 Product change over


h ril y
uary uary arc Ap ma
ebr m

The problem is they don’t have plane to do by using this particular machine,

Mainly they have no plane problem is only for this machine.

The problem is they don’t have enough data about what they have to product
after the ongoing process.
Because of the machine work with less workers as well as only use for small
amount of product.

planer have no idea about the machine. Because of the machine consideration.
They think its not effect the product process. But it’s waste the time more
then the other small failures of the machines.

For this problem we can make continuous process that’s give the high storage
for one particular product . We can use it (the excess product ) when we want,
that mean we can supply when we want.
Its not give the expire problem because we have the long period for expire (
more then 2 years), by these we can reduce the wastage time and we can save
the money wastage.

Simply we use the long time plane for universal machine that mean
continuous plane when the workers work with other machine as same for
universal machine. For this we have to analysis what are the most wanted
products that’s produce from the universal machine.

If the earlier one is hard then, if the following one is possible???????

Other machines work with one particular product speed, so INCREASE

THE MACHINE(OTHER MACINES) SPEED and spread the workers,
who they scheduled for universal machine, and make the product high or we
can make product process easy.
By this we have wastage time more than 4650 minutes (77.5 hours ) it’s high

Simply considering the prices for the product that’s produce by using
universal machine

Product prices (Rs)

Vim DW liquid 500ml 100

Vim MS floral 500ml 125
Clear ice cool 145
Clear Cs/Care 145
Clear hair fall defense 145

If we consider the product money wastage by this problem

Then the less price product from this universal machine is Vim MS floral
(Rs125) so the product loss is

The time for this wastage = 77. 5 hours

But they product in one hour =

So the product loss is as total =

Unit price for this less price product = 125 /=

So the total wastage of the money is =

The total wastage of the money is

Simply considering the small price product the product process wastage is
more than

This mean the speed of the machine is less then the required speed. Because
of the machine requirement.
This machine is work by the man force so the machine don’t have the
particular speed. By these the achievement is not reachable.

The main problem is; the machine is not have the high level supervision, so
train the people and make an in charge (team leader) to supervise the workers
they work with the universal machine.

Or otherwise make the machine as automation, it’s may be take some money
but not like the wastage that was happened between earlier 5 months.
If we consider the wastage that may be smaller then the machine automation

This is not effect the machine such much we aspect

By these we have the time loss is 688 minutes (11.5 hours).

As a less price product we have per hours = 125/=

So the total time loss =

The total product loss =

Total money wastage =

So for less price product we have product loss more than………….


By considering the machine automation construction. We can make the

machine as automation and we can reduce the product process loss and we can
achieve our product plane.

The problem is the product is not quickly changed by workers. The

connections are not fixated. That mean the connections are not fixated by the
steel pipes so once if we use the steel connections we can reduce the time to
normal level.

Other think is the material removal technique is not good. If we use another
method that’s use by developed country. That is use the pugs that’s use to
remove the exist material and its give the small amount of material wastage.

New material PUG Exist material

This method is used by developed country and this is more suitable for paste
or cream like this type product. It’s very easy and it’s give the less wastage.
But the method is very expensive. For this method we want the high level
sharp bends. these bands are link the machine and the tank through the pipes.

By this methods we have loss more than 2465 minutes (41.08 hours) so by
this we have product loss is

The product per hours =

The total time wastage = 41.08 hours

So the total material loss =

The less price product is = 125/=

So the product loss is = 125/=

By universal we have the total restricted money from January to may is

The total time by 5 months = 39698 hours

Simply consider the small product = 10 boxes (hand wash packet)

Hand wash packets are the less price product, for that we consider this hand
wash packet.

So the total packets = 10 X


In this case we don’t have so many problem. Because this machine is 90%
with automation. By this arrangement we have less problem analysis.
Mainly we have problem with product change over, so we have to maintain
the change over process mainly. Here we have labor or fitters to change the
machine parts; but they don’t have much enough knowledge about the order
or the process method. As same as toothpaste line we have fitters with poor
change over knowledge.

In this machine we have so much problem with the nozzle that’s use to fill the
bottle for this filling we use one nozzle or two nozzles, the nozzle
arrangement is not easy to remove and joint because of the nozzles and the
holding plates are so near.

And also the machine have 8 filling nozzles so this may be take some more
time then one nozzle, but we can’t change the nozzles by time considering
because the machine with the constant nozzles when the machine made.

For this machine we have to make some other methods to reduce the problems
In Auto pack machine mainly/commonly (between 5 months) we have only
one problem.

problem January February March April may TOTAL

nozzle 440 170 245 65 135 1055







problem January February March April may
In this problem we have totally more then 1055 minutes (17.6 hours).
By using this machine we produce this type of products

Products prices (Rs)

Sunsilk 100ml 195
Sunsilk 200ml 80
Lb herbal 90 ml 80
Lb health 90 ml 80
LB A/D 90 ml 95
PB cr herbal 50 ml 45
PB cr 100ml 90
PB cr 200ml 135

By one hour product (with less speed) =

So for total 17.6 hours =

By considering small product (PB 50ml) = 45 /=

So the total restricted money =

The total money wastage is


For this machine we have to analysis the problem about the nozzle bending
In this machine we have 8 filling stations , each stations have 2 nozzles. The
machine have some aligning parts, but some time its may be make some
troubles (a small steel rod) , without this rod it’s difficult to aligning the

Once if we get any misalignment with the steel rod it’s hard to align again. by
this problem the fitters not take such interests to fit the steel rod.

So in each product change over or after repairing make sure that

the steel rod is fitted with the machine.

The nozzles are not aligned when the fitters try to fit with the
machine. Because the operators or the fitters nock the nozzle to
align by hammer or some other unauthorized thinks.

In SH Hassia machine we have very small problems only. Because

this machine is mostly with automations that mean.

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