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How To: Flow In The Gifts Of The Holy Spirit

I believe that one of the biggest reasons that the body of Christ hasn’t made a
greater impact on our generation today is because of our failure to operate in
the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Without a doubt, Jesus and the first apostles used
the gifts like a bell, calling men to their message and confirming that God was
truly the One speaking through them.
Hebrews 2:3-4 says, “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation;
which at first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by
them that heard him; God also bearing them witness, both with signs and
wonders, and with divers miracles, and gifts of the Holy Ghost, according to
his own will?” The Lord bore witness to the accuracy of their message through
miracles and gifts of the Holy Spirit.

In Mark 16:17-18, Jesus said all true believers would flow in the miraculous:
“And these signs will follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out
devils; they shall speak with new tongues; They shall take up serpents; and if
they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the
sick, and they shall recover.” If a Christian’s life isn’t supernatural, it’s

Mark goes on to say that messages based in God’s Word would be confirmed
by signs following: “So then after the Lord had spoken unto them, he was
received up into heaven, and sat on the right hand of God. And they went
forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming
the word with signs following. Amen.”

Jesus even said, “If I do not the works of my Father, believe me not” (John
10:37). That’s a strong statement. If we were to apply that standard to
ministers today, most wouldn’t be believed.

The vast majority of preaching done in the name of the Lord today is without
the power of the Holy Spirit manifest through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. This is
not the way the Lord intended it to be.

The “main line” denominations have developed doctrines to cope with this
obvious discrepancy. However, regardless of the rationale, it’s absurd to think
that we can be effective without the power of the Holy Spirit confirming the
preaching of God’s Word. If Jesus and the early apostles needed their
preaching validated, how can we do any less?
Even the non-denominational churches have fallen away from ministering in
the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The gifts that operate in most “Spirit-filled” churches
are simply words of exhortation or prophecy. There is much more.

The Lord has used the gifts of the Holy Spirit mightily in my life and ministry to
confirm His Word. There are countless times when people were still skeptical
after hearing me teach, but the demonstration of God’s power through the
gifts turned them into believers. It’s like the teaching fills their mouths with
God’s Word, then the gifts of the Holy Spirit slap them on the back and make
them swallow it. Hallelujah!

One of the most important steps to flowing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit is to
earnestly desire them. Paul said in 1 Corinthians 12:31, “But covet earnestly
the best gifts.” He repeated that thought in 1 Corinthians 14:1 when he said,
“Desire spiritual gifts.” Another way of saying this is, as long as you can live
without flowing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit, you will. You have to seek these
gifts with all your heart (Jer. 29:13).

It’s also very important to understand that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are
always flowing. God doesn’t turn them “on” and “off.” We are the ones who
are “on” or “off.” That’s a startling statement to many people and one that
verges on blasphemy to some, but it’s true. The Lord is always ready to flow
through us in the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

It’s just like praying in tongues. We don’t have to wait for the anointing of the
Holy Spirit to come on us to speak in tongues. We can pray in tongues at any
time. It’s not us turning on the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is always on and
giving us the ability to speak in tongues. Therefore, whenever we turn
ourselves on, the gift of tongues is there to allow us to communicate with our
heavenly Father. Praise the Lord! That’s the way it is with all the gifts.

I remember one time that I was teaching along these lines in our Charis Bible
College. One of the students said, “So, you are saying that you can flow in the
gifts of the Holy Spirit at any time?” I said, “That’s right and I’ll prove it to you.”
I then started down each row and just started “reading the students’ mail. I
was telling them things that had to be coming from the Holy Spirit. It was

No one has received everything that the Holy Spirit has for them. Therefore,
the Lord is always seeking to release more to us through His supernatural
gifts. Whenever we put ourselves in a mode to be His channel, His gifts will
flow. The old “Pentecostal” doctrine of the anointing coming and going is not a
New Testament truth. First John 2:27 says, “But the anointing which ye have
received of him abideth in you.”

Another great truth about flowing in the gifts of the Holy Spirit is what John
Osteen called “the divine flow.” This is based on, “God is love” (1 John 4:8).
Therefore, whenever we discern the love of God flowing through us toward
someone, God is reaching out to them through the gifts of the Holy Spirit. All
we have to do is follow that flow through faith.

Once when I was pastoring a little church in Pritchett, Colorado, my heart just
went out to a woman in the back of the room. I’d never seen her before, and
there was nothing natural that drew me to her. It was just the love of God
flowing through me to her. Because of that love alone, I told her that God had
a word for her. I didn’t have one single word to say to her, but I knew God’s
love was flowing; and therefore, God and His gifts were flowing to her. I just
started by saying, “God loves you.” God then flooded my mind with things to
minister to her.

It was a long word from the Lord, but I specifically told her about how she was
grieving over the loss of someone and was confused about why God allowed
it. I kept saying, “It wasn’t God that allowed it. It was the Destroyer.” I said that
a number of times. She broke down in tears and was really ministered to.

After the service, she told me that she had just lost her son to leukemia. They
believed that God allowed this disease. But just before her son died, he saw
this huge demon over their town, which the Lord told him was named the
Destroyer. They didn’t know how to interpret that until I spoke to them through
the gifts of the Holy Spirit and put it all in order. They were set free.

This was the word of knowledge and the word of wisdom in operation. God
gave the knowledge of what had happened and then gave words of wisdom to
instruct them on how to deal with it. This all came because I followed the love
that I felt in my heart.

This has happened to us all, but most of the time we don’t understand this is a
gift of the Holy Spirit, and we miss an opportunity. I’ve learned this the hard

There was a man who had been my youth director when I was just a young
boy. He left our Baptist church before I was a teenager, and I heard how he
had been baptized in the Holy Spirit and was seeing great miracles happen.
He had one room in his church that was filled with the wheelchairs, crutches,
and braces of people who were healed and didn’t need them anymore.
During a three- or four-month period of time, I thought about this man often. It
was usually while I was in prayer that he would just come to mind, and I would
feel the compassion of God toward him. I would just wonder what was
happening with him and then dismiss the thoughts. Later, I found that he had
died in a freak accident where a red ant bit him on the thumb.

As soon as I heard of his death, I knew that the reason I had been thinking of
him so often was because the Lord was trying to get me to intercede for him.
Over a decade later, I met this man’s son, and I confessed to him my failure to
pray for his dad. He told me that I was at least the twelfth person who had told
him a similar story. The Lord had impressed many of us to intercede for this
man, but none of us recognized it as the Lord.

It is imperative that we learn to recognize and flow in the gifts of the Holy
Spirit. It’s not only a blessing to us, but the lives of other people may depend
on it. You are carrying someone’s miracle. Don’t let it stay inside. You have to
learn how to release it.

There is much more that the Lord has shown me about flowing in the gifts of
the Holy Spirit. This article doesn’t come close to covering all the material I
have on my series entitled, How To: Flow in the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I really
encourage you to get this teaching and start moving supernaturally in a whole
new way.

My new three-part album is laced with personal examples of how the Lord has
used me in the gifts. I share how I learned to recognize and respond to God’s
gifts in such a practical way that I know it will help you to do the same. This is
very practical teaching about a very supernatural lifestyle. It’s awesome!
Seven Reasons Why Every Believer Should Speak in
By Kenneth E. Hagin

The Apostle Paul wrote and spoke much about the subject of
speaking in other tongues, and he apparently practiced what he
preached, for he said, “I thank my God, I speak with tongues more
than ye all” (1 Cor. 14:18).

The purpose of this particular article is to briefly set forth seven reasons why every Christian
should speak in tongues and to help believers see the blessings that can be theirs through daily
appropriating the power of the Holy Spirit in their lives.

Reason Number One

The Word of God teaches that when we are filled with the Holy Ghost, we speak with other
tongues as the Spirit of God gives utterance. Speaking in tongues is an initial evidence, or sign, of
the baptism of the Holy Spirit: “And they were all FILLED WITH THE HOLY GHOST, and began to
SPEAK WITH OTHER TONGUES, as the Spirit gave them utterance” (Acts 2:4).

Reason Number Two

Paul encouraged the Corinthian Christians to continue the practice of speaking with other tongues
in their worship of God. He also encouraged them to speak in tongues in their individual prayer
life as a means of spiritual edification, or building up. The Bible says, “He that speaketh in an
unknown tongue edifieth himself . . .” (1 Cor. 14:4).

Paul also stated in First Corinthians 14:14, “For if I pray in an unknown tongue, MY SPIRIT
PRAYETH, but my understanding is unfruitful.” Notice he said, “My spirit prays.”

The Amplified Bible reads, “My spirit [by the Holy Spirit within me] prays . . . .” God is a Spirit.
When you pray in tongues, your spirit is in direct contact with God, who is a Spirit. When you
speak in tongues, you are talking to Him by divine, supernatural means.

Reason Number Three

A third reason people should speak with other tongues is that speaking with tongues keeps us
continually aware of the Holy Spirit’s indwelling Presence. Not only is speaking with tongues the
initial sign or evidence of the Holy Spirit’s infilling, but continuing to pray and to worship God in
tongues helps us to be ever-conscious of His indwelling Presence. And if you are conscious of the
indwelling Presence of the Holy Ghost every day, that is bound to affect the way you think and

Reason Number Four

Speaking in tongues eliminates the possibility of selfishness entering our prayer life. For instance,
if I pray a prayer out of my own mind and out of my own thinking, it may be unscriptural. It may
be selfish.
Paul wrote to the Church at Rome, “We know not what we should pray for as we ought. . .” (Rom.
8:26). He didn’t say we didn’t know how to pray, because we are instructed to pray to the Father
in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (John 16:23–24).

But just because I know how to pray doesn’t mean that I know what to pray for as I ought. So Paul
said, “We know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself [Himself] maketh
intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered” (Rom. 8:26).

The Holy Ghost is not going to do our praying for us. He is sent to help us pray. Speaking with
other tongues is praying as the Spirit gives utterance. It is Spirit-directed praying. And it
eliminates the possibility of selfishness in our prayers.

Reason Number Five

A fifth reason believers should speak with tongues is that it helps them learn to trust God more
fully. It builds one’s faith to speak in tongues. The Bible says, “Building up yourselves on your
most holy faith, praying in the Holy Ghost” (Jude 20).

Speaking in tongues stimulates faith and helps us learn how to trust God more fully. For example,
faith must be exercised to speak with tongues because the Holy Spirit supernaturally directs the
words we speak. You see, we don’t know what the next word will be—we have to trust God for
that. And trusting God in one area helps us learn to trust Him in another area.

Reason Number Six

A sixth reason every believer should speak in tongues is that it provides a way for you to pray
about things that you wouldn’t think to pray about or aren’t even aware of. We already know that
the Holy Spirit helps us pray for particular situations when we don’t know how to pray about those
situations. In addition, the Holy Spirit, Who knows everything, can pray things through us for
things about which our natural mind knows nothing.

Reason Number Seven

A seventh reason why every believer should speak with tongues is found in James 3:8. “But the
tongue can no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison,” Yielding your tongue to the
Holy Spirit to speak with other tongues is a big step toward being able to fully yield all of your
members to God; for if you can yield your tongue, you can yield any member of your body to God.

Speaking in tongues is the initial evidence of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. God has given us this
wonderful spiritual gift to bless us, edify us, and refresh us throughout our lives on this earth.
Let’s receive what God has provided and enjoy the benefits of speaking in tongues!
5 Ways That Praying in Tongues Will Change Your
Life Forever
9:00AM EDT 3/23/2014 LARRY SPARKS

One of the most controversial and, sadly, most misunderstood gifts of the Holy Spirit is praying
in tongues. I am convinced that there is so much antagonism aimed at this gift because of the
incredible power it releases into our lives. In the same way that many reject the prophetic
ministry because of abuses, misuses and bad experiences, the same approach has been taken—
perhaps in greater extremes—toward praying in tongues.

Tongues Is a Controversial Subject That Requires Our Attention

At the end of the day, we need to be honest with ourselves and honest with the biblical text. This
unique gift of the Holy Spirit actually announced the birth of Christianity on the Day of
Pentecost. It was highly prized by the man who wrote the majority of the New Testament (Paul).
It equips believers to communicate with God on a unique level and empowers us to effectively
live the supernatural life. In short, it would make a lot of sense that the enemy would tirelessly
fight against something that has such strong potential to pillage his expansion of darkness in our
lives and on the earth.

Corey Russell, a senior leader at the International House of Prayer in Kansas City, wrote the
book and curriculum The Glory Within not simply as a teaching on the subject of tongues, but as
a summons to experience the power of a Person—the Holy Spirit. In the past, many books and
teachings have emphasized tongues in almost a robotic way. What was intended to be a source of
supernatural power and a catalyst for deep intimacy with God has been reduced to a mere
theological position in many charismatic churches.

Speaking in Tongues Is More Than a One-Time Experience

The Glory Within makes the powerful point that tongues is not some spiritual merit badge we
receive when we are baptized in the Holy Spirit, use it for a season, and then put it out to pasture.
Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke comments on the gifts of the Spirit, emphasizing that “they are not
badges of honor but tools for the job.” The gift of tongues is something that the apostle Paul
deeply cherished, and he provided nearly an entire chapter of instruction on it in 1 Corinthians
14. This is not a call to place an inappropriate emphasis on tongues, as many have done in the
past; it is, however, an invitation to re-evaluate where we stand on its purpose, relevance and
present-day power in our everyday Christian lives.

In fact, Corey took the additional bold step and developed a DVD-based Bible studyfocusing on
how a lifestyle of consistently praying in tongues significantly benefits your Christian life. It is
not spooky. It is not exclusive to the super-spiritual. It does not even signify elevated spiritual
maturity. Tongues is a gift. It is a tool. It is powerful, available and absolutely life-changing.
However, many receive this gift at one point in their lives and taste its power, but they never
actually make it a part of their normal Christian lives. This is why Corey invites all readers and
participants to “throw their badges in the trash.” Yesterday’s encounter with God cannot sustain
us for today. Yesterday’s touch is insufficient for today’s trials.

Do You Really Know Who Lives Inside of You?

In these powerful resources, Corey takes you on a journey, revisiting some of the most familiar
and yet misunderstood topics on the Holy Spirit: Do we really understand that God lives inside
of us? In the introductory sessions about the Person of Holy Spirit—who He is, what He does,
and His purpose in the life of the believer—you will be absolutely awestruck. I am convinced
that if we really get a clear revelation of the fact that the Genesis 1:1 God—the One who said
“light be” and light was—lives inside of us in the Person of Holy Spirit, it would become
impossible for us to change the subject. We would devote our lives to discovering how to see the
living God accurately represented in the earth through our lives. You will be inspired and
encouraged as you discover who it is that decided to take up residence in your spirit—and what
He wants to do through you!

5 Ways Praying in Tongues Will Change Your Life Forever

Based on The Glory Within, here are five ways that praying in tongues will change your life

1. Praying in Tongues Gives You Supernatural Understanding of God’s Mysteries

"For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him;
however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries" (1 Cor. 14:2, NKJV).

Corey describes the Holy Spirit as the Google, or “search engine of heaven.” God is mysterious,
yes, but the Spirit who knows everything about the mysterious, expansive, glorious God is the
same Spirit who lives inside of you! And furthermore, He wants to reveal mysteries to you about
God, His will, your life and the circumstances you are facing.

How do we access this revelation? Communion with the Holy Spirit on His level—in His
language. Remember, Paul defines Holy Spirit as the One who “searches out everything and
shows us God’s deep secrets” (1 Cor. 2:10, NLT). As you pray in the Spirit, you will discover
things that were previously mysterious and unknown will start coming into greater focus and

2. Praying in Tongues Grants You Access to Other Revelatory Gifts of the Holy Spirit

"For to one is given the word of wisdom through the Spirit, to another the word of knowledge
through the same Spirit ... to another prophecy, to another discerning of spirits, to another
different kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues" (1 Cor. 12: 8, 10, NKJV).

Praying in tongues actually unlocks other revelatory gifts of the Holy Spirit in your life, namely
the word of wisdom, word of knowledge, prophecy and discerning of spirits. Remember, you are
not praying on a natural dimension, but rather engaging on a purely spiritual one. Don’t be
surprised if, while praying in tongues, the Holy Spirit gives you supernatural insight about
something, leads you to pray for people and unlocks clarity over people, situations and even
regions, enabling you to effectively pray for and break off the spiritual strongholds that are
influencing them.

3. Praying in Tongues Opens Up the Bible in a New, Living Way as You Read It

"However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will
not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak" (John 16:13).

For some modern believers, reading the Bible can feel like a life-draining experience. It’s not
just history. It is not a mere record of facts. Scripture isn’t just stories. The same Holy Spirit who
inspired the writing and assembly of the Holy Scriptures lives inside of you. He wants to guide
you through the Bible, make the words jump off the page, give you understanding on confusing
matters, empower you to apply God’s Word to your everyday life, share prophetic promises with
you and help you discover your role in God’s unfolding story. Corey describes praying in
tongues as a way the Holy Spirit “shines a flashlight on Scripture.”

4. When Praying in Tongues, You Are Speaking Directly to God

"For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God" (1 Cor. 14:2).

As you pray in tongues, you have a direct line to the president of the universe. Sometimes while
praying in our native languages, we have the tendency to veer off and get distracted. We may
start complaining. We may start going through the routine laundry list of prayer requests—and
by the time we are finished reading them off to God, we feel more burdened than refreshed
(because we actively thought of every single one of those circumstances as we listed them off in
prayer). Tongues keeps us talking directly to God, praying in agreement with His perfect will
(Rom. 8:26-28).

5. Praying in Tongues Empowers You to Engage Spiritual Warfare From the Position of

"Praying always with all prayer and supplication in the Spirit" (Eph. 6:18).

Praying in tongues is not some magic formula that guarantees us some free and easy lifestyle of
health, wealth, prosperity and all of those fixings. Jesus assured us that in this life, we will
experience tribulation (John 16:33). In the same passage, the same Jesus declared that He has
overcome the world. Victory has already been secured at Calvary.

In times of trial and assault, it is easy for us to become weary in the place of prayer, often not
knowing what or how to pray. Praise God for the Holy Spirit! Paul reminds us "for we do not
know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us"
(Rom. 8:26). When in the heat of spiritual combat, it is easy to start praying prayers that agree
with the size of the attack, emphasizing the problem rather than focusing on the size of the
blood-bought victory that Jesus purchased at the cross. Praying in tongues empowers you to
agree with God’s victorious battle plan for your life and your circumstances, no matter what is
going on around you. It does not deny reality; it simply positions you to agree with the higher
truth of Scripture: Victory has been purchased, and it is yours through Jesus Christ.
Tongues Reveals the Wisdom of God

Again, praying in tongues does not make you a better Christian. It does not instantly elevate you
into spiritual superstardom. There are many believers who speak in tongues but live like the
devil. However, tongues is a relevant and available gift to believers today. Why tongues—
something that seems so foolish, uneducated and ungraspable to our natural human minds?

Keep in mind that you are dealing with the King of the universe who arrived on Planet Earth in a
manger surrounded by farm animals. He is the holy God who died the death of a criminal on a
Roman cross to make atonement for the sins of the world. Our God is the One who deals in
wisdom that is so infinitely superior to what our natural minds can comfortably wrap around that,
at first glance, such methods appear downright foolish. Birthing His church with wind, fire and
speaking in tongues would be another such demonstration of God’s otherworldly wisdom. But
consider the words of the apostle Paul"

"But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has
chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base
things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are
not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence" (1 Cor.

Just because our minds cannot understand the whys of God’s ways, that does not give us
permission to ignore them. Tongues is surely a mystery, but at the same time it is a powerful gift
that will not only enrich your personal prayer life but will bring you into deeper intimacy and
communion with the Holy Spirit.

If you are looking for a solid, biblical approach to the topic of praying in tongues, I encourage
you to look into Corey Russell’s The Glory Within curriculum. It is ideal for Bible studies, small
groups and church classes. Corey’s approach is fresh, nonthreatening and completely motivated
by love. Whether you are looking to go to the next level in developing a lifestyle of praying in
tongues or you would like to have more clarity about the topic, The Glory Within will be a
blessing to you.

You can visit Corey Russell's website at

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