Art Of: It's Year 2500 - Minor Project Submission

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Hand In

Minor Project
11th January 2018
Its the
By Rebecca Ryan Year 2500
Contents Contents
Pipeline ———————————————————— 3 Project Overview ————————————————— 37
Describe your home - What does it look like? ———————— 7 Planning the Look ————————————————— 39
How are you cooking your dinner? ——————————— 9 ehind the Textures ———————————————— 40
How are you watching television? ———————————— 11 Orthographs and drawings —————————————— 41
What is your mode of transport and where do you keep it? ——— 13 Mockumentary Ideas ———————————————— 49
What are you / your children playing with? ———————— 15 Texture Tests —————————————————— 51
Describe your garden / outdoor space —————————— 17 Starting the Models
What is the year 2500 like to live in? —————————— 19 Nanny - Pod —— home —————————————— 55
What can you see from your window? —————————— 21 Beth - Cup —— cooking —————————————— 57
Layla’s World —————————————————— 23 Josh - TV ——television —————————————— 59
Chosen Drawings ————————————————— 25 Both - Horse —— transport ————————————— 61
Maya Models And Texture Tests ————————————— 29 Dad - Car —— transport —————————————— 63
Voice Overs —————————————————— 31 Mum - Jetpack Man —— transport ——————————— 65
Minor Project - Goals ——————————————— 32 Dad - Holo / A.r Dome —— children —————————— 67
Minor Project - Submission List ———————————— 33 beth - Forest Dome —— garden ——————————— 69
Major Project - Where to Next ———————————— 34 Josh - CityScape —— 2500 ————————————— 71
Moving on from the Interim Crit ———————————— 35 Nanny - Pods —— window ————————————— 73
Amended Submission List ——————————————— 36 Voice Over Script ————————————————— 75

1 2
Premise Brief The Rules The Questions & Outcome
An animated short I’ve asked a Each person was given an A3 1. Describe your home – what
Art Style
The Outcome will
featuring a select select group of piece of paper, A3 tracing paper does it look like? The influences
be varied due to
group of people’s people to draw and a black felt tip. The 2. How are you cooking your and art style is
each person's
responses to a responses to a instructions were as follows: dinner? unique. The piece
drawing skills. The
set of questions list of questions. 3. How are you watching was created by a
final animated
about what they The responses • Please ONLY use the paper, television? collection of
pieces will reflect
think the year 2500 given will be tracing paper and pen 4. What is your mode of transport ‘artists’ that
the original articles
will look like. made into an provided. and where do you keep it? created the
as much as
animated short in a • Please draw a response to 5. What are you/your children original drawings.
3D faux documentary each question and if possible playing with? Every aspect will
Modelling style piece. Each write a short explanation 6. Describe your garden/outdoor reflect their work.
drawing will be The final piece will
& alongside it. space. From mimicking
be a “mockumentary”
Animation animated in a • Sign your work! 7. What is the year 2500 like to or using their
showcasing the
& loop and feature live in? handwriting within
a Voice over. best responses.
Voice Having no set way to format the 8. What can you see from your the piece to the
Over work allowed for creativity in all window? crooked lines of a
the responses. building.

3 Pipeline Pipeline 4
Digital Pipeline Technical Questions Challenges
From Drawing to Model to textured

1. How to correctly light a Maya 1. Making sure that the models

scene with Arnold Renderer. reflect each persons’ drawing
2. How to add a floating outline and sympathises with the way
onto a rotating model. they have been drawn.
3. How to add an offset outline 2. How to model in 3D but keep
onto a model. the initial ‘scratchiness’ of the
4. How to create a looped drawings.
animation. 3. Creating a variety of textures that
5. How to layer up paper are very similar but different to
textures without the final define each model
piece looking flat.

5 Pipeline Pipeline 6
Describe your
home - What
does it look

7 Home Home 8
How are you
cooking your

9 Dinner Dinner 10
How are you

11 Television Television 12
What is your
mode of
transport and
where do you
keep it?
13 Transport Transport 14
What are
you / your
children playing
15 Children Children 16
Describe your
garden /
outdoor space

17 Garden Garden 18
What is the
year 2500 like
to live in?

19 the year 2500 the year 2500 20

What can you
see from your

21 Window Window 22
Layla’s World
• Portals with parking spaces (you park your spaceship on the roof)
• Another portal that leads anywhere but its favourite is the beach.
Portals all lead to different places
• House floating - can land on platform
• Robot pet shop. Sells all pets as robots and some are radioactive and
glow in the dark.
• Disco trampoline changes lights with each bounce.
• Light up pool (mood lighting) Comes with a calm pool for if you've had
an angry swim.
Her responses to the questions are as follows:
Home - intergalactic!
Dinner - Ultra violet combined with gamma rays
Transport - Levitating
Children - Robots and bouncy slide
Garden - Blue grass that glows in the dark with light up flowers
By Layla (aged 7) Window - spaceships

23 Layla’s World Layla’s World 24

Chosen designs
1 2 3 4

25 Chosen Designs Chosen Designs 26

Chosen designs
5 6 7 8

27 Chosen Designs Chosen Designs 28

Maya Models and Textures

The textures used from left to right are as follows:

• ‘Real world’ plastic
• UV Map
• White plain paper
• White cartridge paper
• Scrunched up white paper
• Scrunched up white paper with purple marks
To the right is ‘real world’ coloured glass

29 Models & Textures Models & Textures 30

Using Voice Overs Goals For Minor Project
My goal for this project is to push myself to create models and textures
The chosen responses to each question aren’t necessarily chosen
that reflect the participants to the best of my ability. Without their input, my
because of the drawing skills. Some have been chosen due to the
project would have nothing, and I want to honour their designs.
written response. The style of the piece is a ‘mockumentary’, and as each
one appears onscreen with a looped animated movement, a voice over will be
I also want to push myself to create a brand for my work and have a
heard reading the written response.
consistent theme throughout the Art of, animation and ultimately on my
blog too. I want to build an Art Of, to sum up, this project to the highest
The text will be appearing on screen, around / next to/alongside the
standards that I can achieve.
animated pieces in time to the voice over like some music videos feature.
I’m hoping to get some more results back before the January deadline.
Each voice over will be recorded by a professional and will be as close to
Initially, around 20 kits were sent out, but so far I have only received back
the accent, age range and gender of the original artist as possible. This
8. Ultimately this may change the final piece, but I think it would be
way no distracting background noises will be heard. It may be necessary
interesting to see more peoples responses. Already a theme of glass
to add a few extra words here and there to make it flow better, but it will
domes has started to appear across several peoples work, and I would
be as close to the original as possible.
be interested to see if this carried on or if any other common theme
popped up.

31 Voice Overs Goals 32

Submission List Major Project
• 10 voice overs obtained to coincide with the The major project will take the work of the minor
chosen designs project and see it through to completion of the
• 10 models made from the chosen designs. ‘mockumentary’
• 10 initial textures This will include:
• 5 text sync tests • Looped animations with textures
• A script including the main voice over • Fully synced voice overs and on screen text
• A ‘main voice over’ obtained • A final ‘mockumentary’ animation
• An up to date ‘Art Of’ • A completed ‘Art Of’
• Outlines of a brand / theme for the project • Completed / successful product branding

33 Submission List Major Project 34

Moving on Submission List
After the interim crit, it was clear
to see that the project was • 10 models made from the chosen
possible but that there was a designs.
profound confusion around my • texture tests

Moving on project and that I’d possibly taken
on too much for a valid
submission list. •
A script including the main voice
An up to date ‘Art Of’

from the Myself and Phil were both very

• Outlines of a brand / theme for
the project

Interim Crit passionate and aware of how the

project would work, but to any
‘outsiders’ it seemed confusing or
Voice overs have been moved to
become a part of the major
project submission. Due to this
that it was missing some there is no text sync tests either.
backbone or structure. This will The textures required have also
be adequately explained and in changed due to the methods of
detail over the next few pages creating a realistic tracing paper
texture and testing outlines.

35 Moving on Moving on 36
Project Overview then used to created small ‘looped animations’ based on the
piece itself. For example, the little jetpack man will bob up and
This project is based on a set of questions and a kit given to
down whereas the cups will rotate as if to show of its packaging
various participants of different ages, genders and backgrounds.
in an advert. The texture intended is tracing paper with a pen
It is almost like a public experiment to see what people think the
outline - just like the original people used as part of the kit.
Year 2500 might look like. The participants were asked to draw
visual responses to a list of questions which I have collated.
These short loops will then be used to make a ‘mockumentary’
about the Year 2500. Each piece will be narrated by someone
Some responses to answers began to show similarities which
who is the same age and gender as the original person and
were interesting, but ultimately the element that made them so
what the original person has written will be used as the voice
appealing was the pure nature of their responses and the thick
over. Their drawings would have been transformed into 3D
black pen that they all had to use.
Ultimately I aim to keep the style of my work as close to the
From the responses, I have chosen the best ideas and drawings
original responses as possible. I intend to keep it as rough and
to move forward with. The original drawings will be transformed
scratchy as they initially made it with all of the flaws. This project
into orthographs by myself which will be drawn in the same style.
started with paper and pen and it is designed to finish appearing
These orthographs will then be modelled in Autodesk Maya and
to have been made with paper and pen.

37 Project Overview Project Overview 38

Planning the Look Behind the Textures
When deciding on the way the project should look, it made
sense to show a strong constant link from start to finish.

The project started with kits made from pen, paper and tracing
paper. To continue this handmade looks through out, the texture
of the 3D models will have a tracing paper texture with a black
‘hand-drawn’ outline.

The piece will revolve around a ‘tracing paper’ theme. Making a

semi-translucent texture with a thick black outline that reflects the
original drawings will be a key aspect of this project for which a lot
of research, design and tests will be needed.

39 Planning the look Behind the Textures 40

Orthographs and Drawings

Nanny-Pod Beth - Cups

41 Orthographs Orthographs 42
Orthographs and Drawings

Josh - TV Beth - Horse

43 Orthographs Orthographs 44
Orthographs and Drawings

Dad - Car Mum - Jetpack man

45 Orthographs Orthographs 46
Orthographs and Drawings

Dad - Holo Dome Beth - Forest Dome

47 Orthographs Orthographs 48
Orthographs and Drawings

josh - Cityscape Nanny - Pods

47 Orthographs Orthographs 48
Mockumentary Ideas
Each featured piece will showcase along with a voice over. To tie
it together further, words and movements will be shown on

49 Mockumentary Ideas Mockumentary Ideas 50

1 1

2 2

3 3
Test 1 - Weight 0-10 increases by 0.1 Test 1 - Coloured Glass
Test 2 - Diffuse Roughness 0-10 increases by 0.1 Test 2 - Anisotropy 0-10 increases by 0.1
Test 3 - Metalness 0-10 increases by 0.1 Test 3 - Anisotropy & Transmission weight 0-10 increases by 0.1
Left - Opacity x Each test is a repeat of the Left - Opacity x Each test is a repeat of the
Right - Opacity / previous with a new variable Right - Opacity / previous with a new variable

51 Texture Texture 52
Test 2 of making
glass glow
worked a lot
better. This time I
increased the
Now that glass
These were part of a test to see if I could internally can glow - will
light a cube with a fluorescing cube. The glow worked paper glow?
well when it was just the cube. When an outer body
was added the light didn’t show any signs of showing
through the textures - even glass.

53 Texture Texture 54
Starting the Modelling

This model was used for initial outline tests. The outline
seen is stretched and warped cylinders.

55 Models Models 56
The text the should go
on the outside of the
cups will be added later
on during texturing.

Beth - Cups
57 Models Models 58
Josh’s TV doubles
as a window. This
might be axed later
on as early tests
showed the plain
white texture
merging on screen.

Josh - TV
59 Models Models 60
The horse is currently missing its
saddle, eyes and mane. This will
be added later on.

The neck doesn’t line up with the

original drawing. I might revisit this
later on and see if I can get
closer to the original orthograph.
Beth - Horse
61 Models Models 62
The black is supposed to
be glass! Maya doesn’t
seem to always want to
render it…

Dad - Car
63 Models Models 64
A very funny little guy to
make. I’ve tried to reflect
the squashed aspect from
the original drawing and I
think it gives it a lot of
character and charm.

Mum - Jetpack man

65 Models Models 66
The orthographs will need to be revised as the angle of the bottom
doesn’t work well. Also this model looked better un-smoothed!

Dad - Holo Dome

67 Models Models 68
Once again Maya
didn’t seem happy
rendering glass but
even so, it seems
to be really effective
within this model!

Beth - Forest Dome

69 Models Models 70
The cityscape and TV were both originally drawn by josh so it
made sense to combine the two of his city versions together. The
TV one shows the original version and this is the updated version.

josh - Cityscape
71 Models Models 72
This model has been changed from the original drawings as I felt it
was odd to show one type of pods and then completely disregard
it for a Rubix cube looking model. Instead I have mimicked it using
the other pod model.
Nanny - Pods
73 Models Models 74
Voice Over Script What is your mode of transport and where do you keep it? Beth:
Go back to the old days with horses but ROBOTIC! They are so protective +
Narrator: In late September 2017, we decided to conduct a study. We asked have lasers for eyes - stored in a dome stable with lift - as they cant go up
a select group of people how they thought the year 2500 would look. It is escalators.
unfair to say that as a whole, this is how the general population think the future Dad: Privileged few own car order hailed as needed. Electric - hinge up door -
would be like but some could say that is a fair representation… What you are no manual control
about to see is how they responded… Mum: A jetpack which is kept locked up outside and solar powered public
Describe your home - what does it look like? Nanny: Pods all one What are you/your children playing with? Dad: 360 holo/AR dome.
size, expand up or to the side. Windows are solar panels for engird and Big door for bike or car. cooling air. Floor moves in all directions so you can
heating run, jump or cycle.
How are you cooking your dinner? Beth: We don’t need to eat, only Describe your garden/outdoor space Beth: Well as everyones living in
drink - so they made flavoured drinks for peoples fav foods. Eg Road, BBQ domes, there will be massive forests in domes as well. The air is poisonous so
and beans! tress will die or mutate if they touch outside
How are you watching television? Josh: The TV is built into the What is the year 2500 like to live in? Josh: The city would be tall skyline
windows so if you wanted to change your view you could. buildings
What can you see from your window? Nanny: Pods, pods and more

75 Script Script 76

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