Analisis POT VDA 6.3 2010-1

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Potential Analysis

Potential analysis to VDA 6.3, issue level 2010 VDA-QMC

Organization (Supplier/ Tender):
Supl.-No: ###
(DUNS) Date:
Contract issued Contract
Location: by: number: n/a
Reason for

Pro. No Project, Product, Process Assessed Findings / requirements:

S550 Injection molding GREEN Injection Molding

A contract cannot be issued for the above Estimation of risk:

RED Barred supplier: project/product.
A contract can be issued conditionally for
YELLOW Controlled supplier: the above project/product.
A contract can be issued for the above
GREEN Fully approved supplier: project/product. Estimation of potential:
Controlled suppliers / tenders commit themselves, after been awarded, to coorperate with
an approved consulting company by accpeting the upgrade qualification agreement. Costs
will be carried by the supplier. Further procedure:

Audit history / Certificates

Audit base Date Conducted Result
ISOTS 16949
Potenzial VDA 6.3
VDA 6.3
VDA 6.3
Distribution: * Participant

1. Date improvement plan: 1/13/1900 Action see "improvement program"

Auditor Leader supplier assessment Signature supplier / tender

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis

Questionaire potenzial analysis (P1) Assessment Remarks: Entry box

Assessment question
Project management
2.1 1.1 Is the project organisation (project
management) establshed and are tasks and
authorities specified for the project
management and team

2.2 1.2 Are the necessary resources planned and

available for the development of the project
and are changes highlighted?

2.3 1.3 Is there a project plan and has this been

agreed with the customer?

2.4 1.4 Is change management within the project

ensured by the project manager?

2.5 1.5 Are the responsible people in the

organisation and in he customer's
organisation involved in the up-dating

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis

2.6 1.6 Is there a quality plan in the project?

Is this implemented and
regularly monitored for compliance?

2.7 1.7 Is an escalation process established and is

this controlled effectively?

Planning the product & process

3.1 2.1 Are the product-specific and process-
specific requirements set out?

3.2 2.2 Is manufacturing feasibility assessed on

the basis of the requirements established
for the product and process,
on a cross-functional level?

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis

Carrying out the product & process

4.1 3.1 Are the Design FMEA / Process FMEA
drawn up and up-dated in the course of the
project and are corrective actions

4.5 3.2 Are the necessary demonstrations of

suitability and releases available for the
relevant phases of the project, based on
the requirements?

4.9 3.3 Is the transfer of the project to full

production secure in terms of the product

Supplier management
5.1 4.1 Are only approved and quality-capable
suppliers appointed?

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis Are only approved and quality-capable
suppliers appointed?

5.2 4.2 Are the customer's requirements taken into

account in the supply chain?

5.4 4.3 Are the necessary approvals available for

out-sourced products and services?

5.5 4.4 Is the agreed quality of out-sourced

products and services guaranteed?

5.6 4.5 Are incoming goods stored in the

appropriate manner?

Process analysis / production

What goes into the process? Process input

6.1.1 5.1.1 Has the transfer of the project from

development to full production been

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis

6.1.3 5.1.2 Are upstream materials stored in the

appropriate manner and do the transport
methods / packing systems take account of
the special
characteristics of upstream materials?

Work content / process sequence (are all

production processes controlled?)

6.2.1 5.2.1 Based on the production control plan, are

all the relevant data fully listed in the
production and test/inspection

6.2.3 5.2.2 Can the customer's product-specific quality

requirements be achieved with the
production facilities?

6.2.4 5.2.3 Are significant characteristics controlled in


6.2.5 5.2.4 Are scrap, rework and setting parts, as well

as residual in-house quantities properly
separated and identified?

6.2.6 5.2.5 Is the flow of materials and components

secured against mix-ups / incorrect

Process support / personnel resources

6.3.2 5.3.1 Are the operators able to carry out their

allotted tasks and are their qualifications
kept up-to-date?

Material resources

6.4.1 5.4.1 Are the maintenance and overhaul of

machines / facilities controlled on a
preventive basis?

6.4.2 5.4.2 Can the quality requirements be monitored

effectively with the measurement, checking
and inspection equipment used?

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis

6.4.3 5.4.3 Are the work-areas and test / inspection

stations suitable for requirements?

6.4.4 5.4.4 Are tools, equipment and test / inspection

devices stored appropriately?

Process effectiveness level

6.5.1 5.5.1 Are targets set for product and process?

6.5.3 5.5.2 If deviations from product and process

requirements occur, are the causes
analysed and corrective actions checked
for effectiveness?

6.5.4 5.5.3 Are processes and products audited


What should the process produce? (output)

6.6.1 5.6.1 Are the customer's requirements satisfied

in terms of product and process?

Customer support / customer satisfaction /


7.1 6.1 Are the customer's requirements satisfied

in terms of QM system, product (on
delivery) and process?

7.3 6.2 Is the supply of components secure?

0 0 0

Classification criterias

Fully approved supplier

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis

Conditionally approved
controlled by Organisation

Barred supplier
contract can not be issued

GREEN Assessments missing, to less crossess

[GREEN] requirement achieved

[YELLOW] requirement partly achieved

[RED] requirement not achieved

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis

Assessment overview potential analysis Contract: n/a Supplier/Tender: 0

P2 Project management
1.1 0 1.2 0 1.3 0 1.4 0 1.5 0 1.6 0 1.7 0
Project mgmt. 0 Project 0 Project plan 0 Change 0 Changes 0 QM-plan 0 Escalation 0
Project team 0 Resources 0 0 management 0 Cust. / Supplier 0 0 process 0

P3 Planning the product & process development P4 Carrying out the product & process development
2.1 0 2.2 0 3.1 0 3.2 0 3.3 0
Customer 0 Feasibilty 0 FMEA Product 0 Suitability 0 Project transfer 0
Requirements 0 review 0 FMEA Process 0 Approvals 0 Start of serial 0

P5 Supplier management
4.1 0 4.2 0 4.3 0 4.4 0 4.5 0
Approved 0 Cust. Requirement 0 Purchasing 0 Purchasing 0 Storaging 0
Suppliers 0 Supply chain 0 Approved product 0 Product quality 0 Incomming 0

P6 Process analysis / production

Process input Work content / process sequence
5.1.1 0 5.1.2 0 5.2.1 0 5.2.2 0 5.2.3 0 5.2.4 0 5.2.5 0
Project transfer Storaging 0 Control 0 Production 0 Significant 0 Labelling 0 Material 0
Developement/Serial 0 Basic material 0 plan 0 equipment 0 Characteristics 0 Parts; Scrab 0 Flow of material 0

Personnel resources Material resources

5.3.1 0 5.4.1 0 5.4.2 0 5.4.3 0 5.4.4 0
Employee 0 Maintenance 0 Measuring 0 Work place 0 Storaging 0
qualification 0 Maintenance 0 Testing 0 Inspection place 0 Tools/Mesurings 0

Process effectiveness level Process output

5.5.1 0 5.5.2 0 5.5.3 0 5.6.1 0
Objective product 0 Analysis;Root cause 0 Process/Product 0 Achievement Cust.- 0
Objective process 0 Effectiveness 0 Audits 0 requirements 0

P7 Customer support / customer satisfaction / service

6.1 0 6.2 0
QM-System 0 Parts 0
Dispatch 0 supply 0

Amount assessed RED 0 Barred supplier/tender: (1 X red or min. 15 X yellow)

Questions: YELLOW 0 Controlled supplier/tender: (max. 14 X yellow and no X red) Classification: GREEN
0 GREEN 0 Fully approved supplier/tender: (max 7 X yellow and no X red)

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis

Qualification timing plan VDA-QMC

0 Contract: n/a

Timing Supplier/Tender
Activities Timing
Improvement program received 12/30/1899
I. Concretion and timing of the improvement program (14 days ) 1/13/1900
II. Realization of improvement program ( 12 weeks after award ) offen
III. Selfassessment according to VDA 6.3 ( only by "GREEN" and "YELLOW" if award is made ) 12 CW before SOP

The activities must be realized immedeatelly. For large imprvement programs the realization can be subdivided in several
realization phases.

Selfassessment: to assess seriously the selfassessment, we ask for information about the audit timing (man days) and the
qualitfication of the auditors used. In our opinion the audit timing equates a timing of a certification audit. After receiving and
verifying the audit documents we will, if the result is classified as "A", agree our next audit timing. If trhe result is classified
as "B" we ask for realistic timing you will achieve an "A" classification. We expect then the ontime sending of the audit report
of the internals follow up audit, without any specific request from us.

Agreement of upgrade qualification:

Controlled suppliers / tenders commit themselves, after been awarded, to coorperate with an approved consulting company
by accpeting the upgrade qualification agreement. Costs will be carried by the supplier.

Auditor Auditor: Signature Supplier/ Tender

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Revision 01 C-SQM_012
Potential Analysis

Improvement program potential analysis VDA-QMC

Supplier: 0 Date: 12/30/1899

Contract No: n/a

To be completed by auditor To be completed by audited organization

Ques. Weaknesses / recommanded actions, Actions and root cause analysis Respon- Effective-

No. finding der Organisation sibility ness
Project management
1.1 0
1.2 0
1.3 0
1.4 0
1.5 0
1.6 0
1.7 0
Planning the product & process
2.1 0
2.2 0
Carrying out the product & process
3.1 0
3.2 0

3.3 0

Supplier management
4.1 0
4.2 0
4.3 0
4.4 0
4.5 0
Process analysis / production
5.1.1 0
5.1.2 0
5.2.1 0
5.2.2 0
5.2.3 0

5.2.4 0
5.2.5 0
5.3.1 0
5.4.1 0
5.4.2 0
5.4.3 0
5.4.4 0
5.5.1 0
5.5.2 0
5.5.3 0
5.6.1 0
Customer support / customer satisfaction /
6.1 0
6.2 0

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