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Release Log -- Autohydro for Windows

5.1.0 Beta 12
December 11, 1998
1) Fixed the "v0006, overflow" problem encountered when the vessel had large heel or trim.
2) Fixed the program-crash problem encountered when stepping through a run file which
contained the word Macro in a Note command.

5.1.0 Beta 11
December 9, 1998
1) Fixed the shading problem encountered for a damage condition with a wave.

5.1.0 Beta 10
December 8, 1998
1) Fixed the problem of incorrect scale for the buoyancy curve in the longitudinal strength report.

5.1.0 Beta 9
December 7, 1998
1) Fixed the problem with RA graph scale caused when running Ra with angle list such as "-30,
-25, ..., 60".
2) Fixed the problem of Autohydro missing the last point in the report. For example: in Hull
/form /dr: 3, 3.05, ..., 5 the draft at 5 would be missed.
3) Fixed the problem with TS command when using the switch cm or in.
4) Fixed a problem with the Solve Axis command encountered when the heel is zero.

5.1.0 Beta 8
November 20, 1998
1) Fixed the problem of incorrect scale for the coefficient from Hull /Form results.
2) Fixed the problem of "Save As" option saving the file with the wrong extension.
3) Fixed the problem with Ra reporting wrong equilibrium angle in Notes column if the calculation
did not start from equilibrium angle.
4) Fixed the problem with Ra with switch DRT reporting wrong fldpt height if all related fldpts are
under water and there are no un-related fldpts.
5) Fixed a problem with Ra /limit having problems with undefined angles which are not in use.

5.1.0 Beta 7
Novemebr 11, 1998
1) Fixed the problem of shading for a tank at the bow or stern for a damage condition.

5.1.0 Beta 6
November 9, 1998
1) The default footer of the report now contains the program's name and current version number.
2) FSM value in Tank Capacities report now displays 2 decimal places.

5.1.0 Beta 5
November 2, 1998
1) Fixed the problem of the Longitudinal Strength report showing a buoyancy for portions of the
hull which are above the waterplane.
2) Fixed a problem where the RA command did not consider the floodpointsin effect when using a
limit involving a residual ratio.
3) Fixed the problem of duplicate macro name appearing under the Macro menu.
4) Fixed a problem with "Title" command.
5) Fixed the problem of Draft command reporting the deflection for the overall length rather than
the length specified by Lbp or Lwl.
6) Fixed the problem of an error message appearing if an Lwl larger than vessel's length was
7) Fixed a problem of incorrect reporting of Floodpoints and Critical points.
8) Fixed the problem of MaxVcg showing draft location only in imperial units.
9) Fixed the problem of Longitudinal Strength calculation weight and buoyancy curve having
same scale.
10) Report now uses Title as default header setting.
11) The Report Editor window now returns sized to the the previous size, rather than as the
default size.

5.1.0 Beta 4
October 5, 1998
1) Major revisions to IMO probabilistic routine.
2) Fix a problem with the Fit command.
3) Fix an Autoload problem of "Invalid file type (HE)" message (-for HED, and (RT) for RTF)
encountered when saving a report .
4) Fixed a problem with the Alert command.
5) Fixed the problem of RA /Limit ignoring the flood point for a related tank when run with switch
6) Fixed the problem of "Min/Max" of limit report not matching with "Margin +/- Actual" for
absolute ratio and residual ratio limits.

5.1.0 Beta 3
September 9, 1998
1) Fixed the problem of MaxVCG not showing correct draft in report when a displacement is
assigned with the switch "Trim".

5.1.0 Beta 2
September 4, 1998
1) Fixed the problem with wrong information of "Reference point Table" in TC command.
2) Fix the problem with wrong information in draft column of MaxVcg report.
3) MaxVcg routine improved for damage cases.
4) MaxVCG report now shows the location of the draft.

5.1.0 Beta 1
August 27, 1998
1) Fixed the problem with "Overflow error" in TS command with "/cm" switch.
2) Fixed the problem of the program hanging when the "Ra /Lim" command is run without any
limits defined.
3) Fixed the problem of Hull Data table not taking deductions into account.
4) MaxVCG routine changed to handle the error message "vcg lower than floor vcg" properly and
to show the current units rather than feet during run MaxVcg calculation.
5) Fixed an RA command problem where equilibrium was not found for damage with a heeling
6) Fixed a problem of Solve maxvcg reporting a "No solution" error message after getting the
maxvcg date.
7) Fixed a problem of MaxVCG with Trim switch not holding the trim constant during calculations.

5.0.2 Beta 6
August 21, 1998
1) Fixed the problem of edited Header and Footer not appearing if the Report Editor is in Print
Preview mode.
2) Fixed the problem of not being able to run both Autohydro and Modelmaker from a network
lock on the same computer.
3) Fixed the problem of missing graphs in HS report.

5.0.2 Beta 5
July 20, 1998
1) Fixed the problem with display of point load weights in the Longitudinal Strenth report.
2) Fixed the problem of Get command being unable to get the correct variable value when run
from a run file.
3) Fixed the problem encountered when using minus value with parameter *+ and *- in the Add

5.0.2 Beta 4
July 8, 1998
1) Fixed a problem opening GFs which occurred when the Tank dialog was closed in a previous
2) Fixed a problem with LS /Max command which caused the graph to be drawn outside of the
graph area if the shear or bending limit was defined beyond the extents of the model.
3) Fixed a problem with "Clear" command where Clear with no parameters cleared report and
4) Fixed the problem where the first tab of the Tank dialog caused certain tanks to be omitted.
5) Fixed a problem in which caused an error when the Cross Curve command was given with only
one draft parameter.
6) Fixed a problem with the Parts command.
7) Fixed a problem with the Report Editor which caused the scroll bar to appear in the wrong
position after first opening the report.
8) Fixed a problem in which opening a new GF file erroneously cleared report, macros and user
9) Fixed a problem in which the Status Plane command displayed the wrong GM and GMt when
the hydrostatic window was set to show KMT.
10) Fixed a problem in which the Status Float command showed different GM values than the GHS
command when the model was trimmed or heeled.
11) Now a point load weight is shown as single entry in LS table and vertical line in LS curve.
12) Fixed a problem which caused the floodable length calculation to fail when the solve routine
could not find a solution.
13) Fixed the problem of Ra /lim calculating wrong roll angle when tank loads are in effect.

5.0.2 Beta 3
June 16, 1998
1) Fixed the problem of RA /lim calculation not using gust when calculating roll angle for Roll IMO.

5.0.2 Beta 2
June 12, 1998
1) Fixed a problem with Ra /lim calculation for Roll IMO.
2) Fixed the problem of MaxVCG calculation with Roll IMO limit.
3) Fixed problems with Downstrem and Upstrem Tank Connections report.
4) CC output now shows the Arm and Angle columns even if draft line is not defined.
5) Fixed a Righting Arm graph problem which was showing wrong scale - when the range of
angles covers 90 degrees (i.e. 0, 5,...,90) or (-30,-25,...,60).
6) Fixed the problem with the vertical graph scale. The scale now includes 2 or more labeled

5.0.2 Beta 1
June 5, 1998
1) Fixed a problem with the Floodable Length calculation.

5.0.1 Beta 3
June 1, 1998
1) Fixed a problem with the "Clear" command.
2) Fixed a problem which caused some commands to not be recognized after using the Solve

5.0.1 Beta 2
May 19, 1998
1) Volumes and areas are now displayed as m (ft) with superscript number.
2) Display Immersions now shown as TPC or TPI.
3) Display Trimming Moment now shown as MTcm or Mti.
4) Report Editor now applies the proper file extension during "Save" or "Save as" command.
5) All report headers contain units.
6) Date shown on report now displays full name of the month.

5.0.1 Beta 1
May 15, 1998
1) Fixed the problem which caused the Hydrostatic Display to show a different LCG than the
Status report.
2) Fixed a problem in which the Comments column in the tank dialog showed only the first 12
characters of the part description.
3) Added a new Autohydro command, Perm, which can be used to temporarily change the
permeability of a specified tank.
4) Added a new Autohydro command, Pfldpt, to define protected downflooding points.
5) Added a new Autohydro Limit keyword, Pfld, to allow assessment of Pfldpts.
6) Added a new Autohydro Status command parameter, Pfld, to display Pfldpts.
7) Added a new Autohydro command, Llimit, to set maximum limits for bending moment and
shear force, to be used for comparison in the Longitudinal Strength calculation.
8) Added a new LS command switch, Max:[port], which will assess Llimit values.

Release Log – ModelMaker for Windows

5.1.0 Beta 11
December 17, 1998
1) Fixed a problem with reading a GF which caused components with a duplicate name to
reference the wrong shape.

5.1.0 Beta 10
December 10, 1998
1) Fixed a problem which caused the fit routine to work improperly when fitting a port-side
sounding tube.

5.1.0 Beta 9
December 8, 1998
1) Fixed a problem which caused the wrong message to be issued when creating a sounding
tube without FIT.

5.1.0 Beta 8
December 5, 1998
1) Implemented new switch for the TUBE command (/FIT) which will trim the portion of the
Sounding Tube which is below the lower edge of the tank.
2) Fixed a problem which caused the bow profile to appear incorrectly after using the Shell
3) Fixed the problem which caused an "…overflow…" error when creating a sounding tube.
4) Fixed a problem in which the EXTENTS command did not work when given in a command
5) Fixed a problem which caused the EXTRUDE command to create the wrong sections.
6) Fixed a problem with the EDIT - JOIN menu option.

5.1.0 Beta 7
November 11, 1998

1) Fixed a problem which caused an error message when the user double clicked on the
empty screen before loading a geometry file.
2) Fixed the problem caused when clicking on Cancel in the File - New dialog.
3) Fixed a problem in the Locus dialog box which caused the program to hang when inserting
a point in a newly created section.

5.1.0 Beta 6
November 9, 1998
1) The Open - Save dialog box has been updated to the 32-bit version.

5.1.0 Beta 5
November 2, 1998
1) Fixed a problem which caused the Write command to be ignored when in Forefront mode in
the command editor.
2) Fixed a problem encountered when creating a cylinder when it is the first component of
the part.
3) Fixed a problem encountered when cutting more than half of a cylinder using BOTTOM
4) Improved CAMBER dialog. It now accepts different types of cambers such as CIRCULAR,

5.1.0 Beta 4
October 5, 1998
1) Fixed the problem with WRITE command generating "Subscript our of range" message.

5.1.0 Beta 3
September 9, 1998
No changes.

5.1.0 Beta 2
September 4, 1998
1) Fixed a problem which caused the component box to flicker when running under Japanese
or Chinese windows.
2) Fixed the problem with CAMBER command showing an incorrect value in the grid.

5.1.0 Beta 1
August 27, 1998
1) Fixed a problem in which caused the editor to save a file without a file extenstion.

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