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117. Ho Wai Pang vs People of the Philippines weighed and examined them, and found them
GR No. 176229 positive as shabu. Out of the 13 tourists, the
Del Castillo, J. NBI found evidence for violation of RA 6425
only against petitioner Pang and his 5 co-
October 19, 2011 accused.
 Six separate informations were filed. Petitioner
Doctrine: Rights of Suspects; Infraction of the rights of Pang filed a Motion for Reinvestigation, which
an accused during custodial investigation or the so- was granted by the trial court. The
called Miranda Rights render inadmissible only the reinvestigation gave way to a finding of
extrajudicial confession or admission made during such conspiracy among the accused and this
investigation."The admissibility of other evidence, resulted to the filing of a single Amended
provided they are relevant to the issue and is not Information. They plead guilty, and invoked
otherwise excluded by law or rules, is not affected even denial as their defense. They claimed to have
if obtained or taken in the course of custodial no knowledge about the transportation of
investigation." illegal substance taken from their traveling
bags which provided by the travel agency.
Facts:  RTC found them guilty. All the accused
 13 Hongkong nationals came to the Philippines appealed to the SC, but later on, all accused
via UAE Flight which arrived at NAIA. The group except for petitioner Pang withdrew their
leader, Sonny Wong, presented a Baggage appeal. SC granted the withdrawal. Petitioner
Declaration Form to Customs Examiner Cinco. Pang's appeal was referred to the CA for proper
In the first bag, she saw few personal disposition and determination.
belongings such as used clothing, shoes and  CA denied the appeal, and affirmed the RTC
chocolate boxes which she pressed. In the decision. While conceding that petitioner’s
second bag, Cinco noticed chocolate boxes constitutional right to counsel during the
which were almost of the same size as those in custodial investigation was indeed violated, it
the first bag. Becoming suspicious, she took nevertheless went on to hold that there were
out 4 of the chocolate boxes and opened one other evidence sufficient to warrant his
of them. She saw a white crystalline substance conviction. The CA also rebuked petitioner’s
inside contained in a white transparent plastic. claim that he was deprived of his constitutional
She called the attention of her immediate and statutory right to confront the witnesses
superiors Duty Collector Alalo and Customs against him. The CA gave credence to the
Appraiser Sancho, who advised her to call the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses and
Narcotics Command (NARCOM) and the police. quoted with favor the trial court’s ratiocination
She guided the tourists to the Intensive regarding the existence of conspiracy among
Counting Unit (ICU) while bringing with her the the accused.
4 boxes earlier discovered.
 At the ICU, Cinco checked Pang's bag and only Petitioner:
found personal effects, but recalled that 2 of  He was not assisted by a competent and
the chocolate boes discovered earlier at the independent lawyer during the custodial
express lane belonged to him. Cinco called the investigation. He was not duly informed of his
other tourists and examined their bags and rights to remain silent and to have competent
found a total of 18 chocolate boxes. counsel of his choice. CA should have excluded
 NARCOM Agent de Castro corroborated the the evidence taken during such investigation.
testimony of Cinco. He conducted a test on the  He was deprived of his right to know and
white crystalline substance using the understand what the witnesses testified to.
Mandelline Re-Agent Test. The substance was Only a full understanding of what the witnesses
found positive for methamphetamine would testify to would enable an accused to
hydrochloride (shabu). The chocolate boxes comprehend the evidence being offered
were bundled together with tape, placed inside against him and to refute it by cross-
a plastic bag and brought to the Inbond examination or by his own countervailing
Section. evidence
 The 13 tourists were brought to NBI for further
questioning. The confiscated substance were Respondent (OSG):
turned over to the Forensic Chemist who

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 Nothing mentioned in full text on contention evidence of his guilt. No statement was taken
regarding violation of rights during custodial from him during his detention and
investigation (part in outline) subsequently used in evidence against him.
 Petitioner was given the opportunity to The determination of his guilt was based on the
confront his accusers and/or witnesses of the testimonies of the prosecution witnesses and
prosecution when his counsel cross-examined on the existence of the confiscated shabu.
them. It is petitioner’s call to hire an  “Any allegation of violation of rights during
interpreter to understand the proceedings custodial investigation is relevant and material
before him and if he could not do so, he should only to cases in which an extrajudicial
have manifested it before the court. Petitioner admission or confession extracted from the
was nevertheless able to cross-examine the accused becomes the basis of their
prosecution witnesses and that such conviction.” - People vs. Buluran
examination suffices as compliance with  Petitioner's conviction was on the strength of
petitioner’s right to confront the witnesses his having been caught in flagrante delicto
against him. transporting shabu into the country and not on
the basis of any confession or admission.
Issue: Cinco's testimony was found to be direct,
Whether he was duly informed of his (constitutional) positive and credible by the trial court; it need
right to remain silent and to have competent counsel not be corroborated. She witnesses the entire
during custodial investigation, in accordance with incident and provided direct evidence as
Section 12, Article 3 of the Constitution eyewitness to the very act of the commission
of the crime.
Constitutional right was violated, but substance Other issue:
discovered during inspection at NAIA still admissible as Whether he was denied of his right to cross-examine
evidence.  SC agrees with OSG.
 Section 12, Article 3:  Petitioner did not register any objection to the
 Section 12. (1) Any person under investigation presentation of the prosecution's evidence,
for the commission of an offense shall have the particularly on the testimony of Cinco despite
right to be informed of his right to remain silent the absence of an interpreter. It has not been
and to have competent and independent shown that the lack of an interpreter greatly
counsel preferably of his own choice. If the prejudiced him. Petitioner, through counsel,
person cannot afford the services of counsel, was able to fully cross-examine Cinco and the
he must be provided with one. These rights other witnesses and test their credibility. The
cannot be waived except in writing and in the right to confrontation is essentially a guarantee
presence of counsel. that a defendant may cross-examine the
 Petitioner Pang was subjected to all the rituals witnesses of the prosecution. Petitioner's
of a custodial questioning by the custom constitutional right to confront witnesses
authorities and the NBI in violation of his against him was not impaired.
constitutional right. However, the Constitution Conspiracy among the accused was duly established
only prohibits as evidence confession and  Conspiracy is the common design to commit a
admissions of the accused as against himself. felony. It need not entail a close personal
 "Infractions of the so-called Miranda rights association or at least an acquaintance
render inadmissible ‘only the extrajudicial between or among the participants to a crime.
confession or admission made during custodial It need not be shown that the parties actually
investigation.’ The admissibility of other came together and agreed in express terms to
evidence, provided they are relevant to the enter into and pursue a common design. The
issue and are not otherwise excluded by law or assent of the minds may be and, from the
rules, are not affected even if obtained or secrecy of the crime, usually inferred from
taken in the course of custodial investigation.” proof of facts and circumstances which, taken
- Aquino vs Paiste together, indicate that they are parts of some
 Petitioner Pang did not make any confession or complete whole.
admission during his custodial investigation.  It can be deduced from petitioner and his co-
The prosecution did not present any accused's collective conduct, viewed in its
extrajudicial confession extracted from his as totality, that there was a common design,

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concerted action and concurrence of PO2 Emmanuel L. Alteza testified that he saw the
sentiments in bringing about the crime accused driving a motorcycle without a helmet
Guilt was proved beyond reasonable doubt and this prompted him to flag down the accused
 Cinco's first testimony declared that she did for violating a municipal ordinance which
not see any chocolate boxes in petitioner's bag. requires all motorcycle drivers to wear helmet
But she clarified in her succeeding testimony while driving said motor vehicle. He invited the
that she recalls taking 2 chocolate boxes from
his bag when they were still at the counter. This
accused to come inside their sub-station since
sufficiently explained why Cinco did not find the place where he flagged down the accused is
any chocolate boxes from petitioner’s bag almost in front of the sub-station to where he is
when they were at the ICU. This slight clash in assigned as a traffic enforcer. While he and SPO1
Cinco’s statements neither dilute her
credibility nor the veracity of her testimony.
Rayford Brillante were issuing a citation ticket for
 Jurisprudence teaches that in assessing the violation of municipal ordinance, he noticed that
credibility of a witness, his testimony must be the accused was uneasy and kept on getting
considered in its entirety instead of in something from his jacket. He was alerted and
truncated parts. The technique in deciphering
a testimony is not to consider only its isolated
so, he told the accused to take out the contents
parts and anchor a conclusion on the basis of of the pocket of his jacket as the latter may have
said parts. “In ascertaining the facts a weapon inside it. The accused obliged and
established by a witness, everything stated by slowly put out the contents of the pocket of his
him on direct, cross and redirect examinations
jacket which included two (2) plastic sachets of
must be calibrated and considered.”
 There is nothing in the records which would suspected shabu. The RTC convicted petitioner
show a motive or reason on the part of the of illegal possession of dangerous drugs. It found
witness to falsely implicate the accused. the prosecution evidence sufficient to show that
Petitioner presented no evidence or anything
he had been lawfully arrested for a traffic
to indicate that the principal witness for the
prosecution was moved by any improper violation and then subjected to a valid search,
motive. which led to the discovery on his person of two
 Verily, the evidence adduced against petitioner plastic sachets later found to contain shabu.
is so overwhelming that this Court is convinced
Upon review, the CA affirmed the RTCs Decision.
that his guilt has been established beyond
reasonable doubt. Nothing else can speak so
eloquently of his culpability than the
unassailable fact that he was caught red- ISSUE: Whether or not the search and seizure of
handed in the very act of transporting, along
with his co-accused, shabu into the country. In
the alleged subject shabu was incident to a
stark contrast, the evidence for the defense lawful arrest.
consists mainly of denials.

RODEL LUZ y ONG, Petitioner, v. PEOPLE OF THE HELD: Court of Appeals decision is reversed.
PHILIPPINES, Respondent.

CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: search and seizure

SERENO, J.: incident to a lawful arrest

FACTS: There was no valid arrest of petitioner. When he

was flagged down for committing a traffic
violation, he was not, ipso facto and solely for
this reason, arrested.

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complied with. At the time a person is arrested,

it shall be the duty of the arresting officer to
Arrest is the taking of a person into custody in
inform the latter of the reason for the arrest and
order that he or she may be bound to answer for
must show that person the warrant of arrest, if
the commission of an offense. It is effected by an
any. Persons shall be informed of their
actual restraint of the person to be arrested or
constitutional rights to remain silent and to
by that persons voluntary submission to the
counsel, and that any statement they might
custody of the one making the arrest. Neither
make could be used against them. It may also be
the application of actual force, manual touching
noted that in this case, these constitutional
of the body, or physical restraint, nor a formal
requirements were complied with by the police
declaration of arrest, is required. It is enough
officers only after petitioner had been arrested
that there be an intention on the part of one of
for illegal possession of dangerous drugs.
the parties to arrest the other, and that there be
an intent on the part of the other to submit,
under the belief and impression that submission
is necessary. Under R.A. 4136, or the Land
Transportation and Traffic Code, the general
procedure for dealing with a traffic violation is
not the arrest of the offender, but the PHILCOMSAT HOLDINGS CORPORATION,
confiscation of the drivers license of the latter. ENRIQUE L. LOCSIN AND MANUEL D. ANDAL,
At the time that he was waiting for PO3 Alteza to
write his citation ticket, petitioner could not be
said to have been under arrest. There was no
intention on the part of PO3 Alteza to arrest him,
deprive him of his liberty, or take him into
custody. Prior to the issuance of the ticket, the
period during which petitioner was at the police PERLAS-BERNABE, J.:
station may be characterized merely as waiting
time. In fact, as found by the trial court, PO3
Alteza himself testified that the only reason they FACTS:
went to the police sub-station was that
petitioner had been flagged down almost in
front of that place. Hence, it was only for the PHILCOMSAT is a wholly-owned subsidiary of the
sake of convenience that they were waiting Philippine Overseas Telecommunications
there. There was no intention to take petitioner Corporation (POTC), a government-sequestered
into custody. organization in which the Republic of the
Philippines holds a 35% interest in shares of
stocks. For the period from 1986 to 1996, the
Even if one were to work under the assumption government, through the Presidential
that petitioner was deemed arrested upon being Commission on Good Government (PCGG),
flagged down for a traffic violation and while regularly received cash dividends from POTC.
awaiting the issuance of his ticket, then the However, POTC suffered its first loss.
requirements for a valid arrest were not

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piece of legislation and having been hastily

approved by the respondent Senate?
In view of the losses that the government
continued to incur and in order to protect its
interests in POTC, PHILCOMSAT and PHC,
HELD: Committee Report No. 312 is sustained.
Senator Miriam Defensor Santiago, during the
Second Regular Session of the Thirteenth
Congress of the Philippines, introduced
Proposed Senate Resolution (PSR) No. 455 CONSTITUTIONAL LAW: senate's power of
directing the conduct of an inquiry, in aid of inquiry
legislation, on the anomalous losses incurred by
mismanagement committed by their respective The respondents Senate Committees' power of
board of directors. inquiry relative to PSR No. 455 has been passed
upon and upheld in the consolidated cases of In
the Matter of the Petition for Habeas Corpus of
Respondents Senate Committees submitted the Camilo L. Sabio, which cited Article VI, Section 21
assailed Committee Report No. 312, where it of the Constitution, as follows:
noted the need to examine the role of the PCGG
in the management of POTC, PHILCOMSAT and
PHC. After due proceedings, the respondents "The Senate or the House of Representatives or
Senate Committees found overwhelming any of its respective committees may conduct
mismanagement by the PCGG and its nominees inquiries in aid of legislation in accordance with
over POTC, PHILCOMSAT and PHC, and that its duly published rules of procedure. The rights
PCGG was negligent in performing its mandate of persons appearing in or affected by such
to preserve the government's interests in the inquiries shall be respected."
said corporations. In sum, Committee Report No.
312 recommended, inter alia, the privatization
and transfer of the jurisdiction over the shares of The Court explained that such conferral of the
the government in POTC and PHILCOMSAT to the legislative power of inquiry upon any committee
Privatization Management Office (PMO) under of Congress, in this case the respondents Senate
the Department of Finance (DOF) and the Committees, must carry with it all powers
replacement of government nominees as necessary and proper for its effective discharge.
directors of POTC and PHILCOMSAT.

On this score, the respondents Senate

Petitioners filed the instant petition before the Committees cannot be said to have acted with
Court, questioning, in particular, the haste with grave abuse of discretion amounting to lack or in
which the respondent Senate approved the excess of jurisdiction when it submitted
challenged Committee Report No. 312. Committee Resolution No. 312, given its
constitutional mandate to conduct legislative
inquiries. Nor can the respondent Senate be
ISSUE: Whether or not Committee Resolution faulted for doing so on the very same day that
No. 312 should be nullified, having proposed no the assailed resolution was submitted. The wide
latitude given to Congress with respect to these

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legislative inquiries has long been settled, Sumulong merely presumed that he was the one
otherwise, Article VI, Section 21 would be who shotBautista and who took the bag of
rendered pointless. money from him. The physical description of
Lara that Sumulong gave to the police was
different from the one he gave during the trial,
indicating that he did not have a fair glimpse of
the perpetrator.Moreover, this gives rise to the
possibility that it was his unidentified companion
accessory penalties prescribed by law. who shot Bautista and took possessionof the
money. Hence, it cannot be reasonably claimed
• that his conviction was attended with moral
Rejected Lara's defense of alibi as follows certainty.
because Enrique Sumulong positively identified •
accused Arturo Lara asthe person who carted
away the payroll money of San Sebastian Allied Fourth, the trial court erred in discounting the
Services, and the one who shot JoselitoBautista testimony of his witnesses. Without any showing
which caused his instantaneous death on the that they were impelledby improper motives in
same day. Also, it is not impossible for him to be testifying in his favor, their testimonies should
at the place have been given the credence they
deserve.While his two (2) witnesses were his
ARGUMENTS: sister and neighbor, this does not by itself
• suggest the existence of bias or impairtheir
On appeal, Lara pointed out several errors that
supposedly attended his conviction. First, that he CA:
was arrested without a warrant under AFFIRMED conviction.
circumstances that do not justify a warrantless
arrest rendered void all proceedings including •
those thatled to his conviction. AUTOMATIC APPEAL TO SC as the penalty
• imposed was reclusion perpetua

Second, he was not assisted by counsel when the ISSUES:

police placed him in a line-up to be identified by 1. Whether Lara's supposedly illegal arrest may
the witnesses for theprosecution in violation of be raised for the first time on appeal for the
Section 12, Article III of the Constitution. The purpose of nullifying hisconviction? (YES)2.
police line-up is part of custodial Whether the identification made by Sumulong,
investigationand his right to counsel had already Atie and Manacob in the police line-up is
attached. inadmissible because Lara stoodtherein without
• the assistance of counsel? (NO, identification not
custodial investigation)3. Whether there is
Third, the prosecution failed to prove his guilt sufficient evidence to convict Lara? (YES)4.
beyond reasonable doubt. Specifically, the Whether Lara's alibi can be given credence so as
prosecution failed to present a witness who to exonerate him from the crime charged? (NO)
actually saw him commit the alleged acts.

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HELD: including those leading to the conviction of the

appellants and his co-accused, nor canthe state
DENY appeal.1. YES. That Lara was supposedly
be deprived of its right to convict the guilty when
arrested without a warrant may not serve as a
all the facts on record point to their culpability.
ground to invalidate the proceedingsleading to
his conviction considering its belated invocation.
Any objections to the legality of the warrantless

arrest shouldhave been raised in a motion to
quash duly filed before the accused enters his As Section 9, Rule 117 of the Revised Rules of
plea; otherwise, it is deemed waived.Further, Criminal Procedure provides: Sec. 9. Failure to
that the accused was illegally arrested is not a move to quash or toallege any ground therefor.
ground to set aside conviction duly arrived at — The failure of the accused to assert any
and based on evidencethat sufficiently ground of a motion to quash before he pleads
establishes culpability: tothe complaint or information, either because
he did not file a motion to quash or failed to

allege the same in said motion,shall be deemed
Jurisdiction over the person of the accused may a waiver of any objections except those based on
be acquired through compulsory process such as the grounds provided for in paragraphs (a), (b),
a warrant of arrest orthrough his voluntary (g)and (i) of Section 3 of this Rule.2. NO. There
appearance, such as when he surrenders to the was no legal compulsion to afford him a counsel
police or to the court. during a police line-up since the latter is not part
of custodialinvestigation and this does not

constitute a violation of his right to counsel
Any objection to the arrest or acquisition of

jurisdiction over the person of the accused must
be made before he entershis plea, otherwise the That he stood at the police line-up without the
objection is deemed waived. An accused submits assistance of counsel did not render Sumulong's
to the jurisdiction of the trial court uponentering identification of Larainadmissible.
a plea and participating actively in the trial and
The right to counsel is deemed to have arisen at
this precludes him invoking any irregularities
the precise moment custodial
that may haveattended his arrest. In voluntarily
investigationbegins and being made to stand in a
submitting himself to the court by entering a
police line-up is not the starting point or a part
plea, instead of filing a motion to quashthe
of custodialinvestigation.
information for lack of jurisdiction over his
person, accused-appellant is deemed to have •
waived his right to assailthe legality of his arrest.

People v. Amestuzo: The guarantees of Sec. 12
Furthermore, the illegal arrest of an accused is (1), Art. III of the 1987 Constitution, or the so-
not a sufficient ground to reverse and set aside a called Miranda rights,may be invoked only by a
conviction that wasarrived upon a complaint person while he is under custodial investigation.
duly filed and a trial conducted without error. Custodial investigation starts when thepolice
The warrantless arrest, even if illegal, investigation is no longer a general inquiry into
cannotrender void all other proceedings an unsolved crime but has begun to focus on a

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particularsuspect taken into custody by the Assuming there was interrogation, any allegation
police who starts the interrogation and of violation of rights during custodial
propounds questions to the person to investigation is
elicitincriminating statements.
relevant andmaterial only to cases in which an
• extrajudicial admission or confession extracted
from the accusedbecomes the basis of their
Police line-up is not part of the custodial
investigation; hence, the right to counsel
guaranteed by theConstitution cannot yet be Here, appellant was convicted based on the
invoked at this stage. testimony of a prosecution witness and not on
his alleged uncounseled confession or
admission.3. YES. Contrary to appellant's
• assertion, prosecution witness Sumulong
actually saw him shoot Bautista, the victim. Also,
The right to be assisted by counsel attaches only itis apparent from the assailed decision of the CA
during custodial investigation and cannot be that the finding of guilt against Lara is
claimed by theaccused during identification in a
police line-up because it is not part of the based on circumstantial evidence.
custodial investigation process.

This isbecause during a police line-up, the

process has not yet shifted from the
investigatory to the accusatoryand it is usually Not only direct evidence but also circumstantial
the witness or the complainant who is evidence can overcome the presumption of
interrogated and who gives a statement in innocence. Directevidence of the commission of
thecourse of the line-up. the crime is not the only matrix wherefrom a trial
court may draw its conclusion andfinding of
guilt. Even in the absence of direct evidence,

conviction can be had if the established
An exception to this rule is when the accused had circumstancesconstitute an unbroken chain,
been the focus of police attention at the start of consistent with each other and to the hypothesis
theinvestigation. that the accused is guilty,to the exclusion of all
other hypothesis that he is not.
In the case at bench, appellant was identified in
a police line-up by prosecution witnesses from •
agroup of persons gathered for the purpose.
However, there was no proof that appellant was
Under Section 4, Rule 133 of the Revised Rules
interrogated at all orthat a statement or
on CriminalProcedure, circumstantial evidence
confession was extracted from him. During the
sufficed to convict upon the concurrence of the
police line-up, the accusatory process had notyet

: (a) there ismore than one circumstance; (b) the
facts from which the inferences are derived are

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proven; and (c) thecombination of all the The police officers recovered from the scene of
circumstances is such as to produce a conviction the crime six deformed empty shells.
beyond reasonable doubt.

Indeed, in cases of robbery with homicide, the
It is not only by direct evidence that an accused taking of personal property with intent to gain
may be convicted of the crime for which he is must itself beestablished beyond reasonable
charged. Resort tocircumstantial evidence is doubt. The mere presence of the accused at the
essential since to insist on direct testimony crime scene is not enough toimplicate him. It is
would, in many cases, result in setting felonsfree essential to prove the intent to rob and the use
and denying proper protection to the of violence was necessary to realize such intent.

In this case, Lara's intent to gain is proven by
Here, the following circumstantial evidence are Sumulong's positive narration that it was Lara
tellingly sufficient to prove the guilt of appellant: who pointedthe gun at him and demanded that
the bag containing the money be turned over to
him. That Lara resortedto violence in order to
While the vehicle was at the intersection of actualize his intent to gain is proven by
Mercedes and Market Avenues, Pasig City, Sumulong's testimony that he saw Lara firethe
appellant suddenly gun at the direction of Bautista, who was running
away from the pick-up in order to prevent Lara
fromtaking possession of the money.
emerged and pointed a gun at prosecution o
witness Sumulong, demanding from him to
produce the bagcontaining the money. Notably, the incident took place in broad
daylight and in the middle of a street.
Thus, whereconsiderations of visibility are
Prosecution witness Sumulong threw the bag to favorable and the witness does not appear to be
the victim who was then seated at the backseat biased against theaccused, his or her assertions
of thevehicle. as to the identity of the malefactor should be
o normally accepted.

The victim alighted from vehicle carrying the bag

o o

Appellant chased and fired several shots at the Lara did not allege, much less, convincingly
victim. demonstrate that Sumulong was impelled by
improper ormalicious motives to impute upon
o him, however perjurious, such a serious charge.
The victim sustained several gunshot wounds. Thus, his testimony, which the trial court found
to be forthright and credible, is worthy of full
o faith and credit and should not bedisturbed. If an
accused had nothing to do with the crime, it is

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against the natural order of events and ofhuman DISPOSITIVE:

nature and against the presumption of good
faith that a prosecution witness would falsely
testifyagainst the former.4. NO. In view of
Sumulong's positive identification of Lara, the CA
was correct in denying Lara's alibi outright. It is
well-settled People v. Ribadajo 142 SCRA 637 (1986)
that positive identification prevails over alibi,
which is inherently a weak defense. Such is the
rule, for as a defense, alibi is easy to concoct, and F: On Nov. 20, 1971, the appellants confessed
difficult to disapprove participation in the slaying of a fellow inmate,
Bernardo Catamora, at the New Bilibid Prison.
. On the basis of their confession, they were found
• guilty of murder. On appeal, they claimed that
their extrajudicial confessions had been
In order for the defense of alibi to prosper, it obtained by force.
must be demonstrated that:

HELD: The proscription against the admissibility
that he was present at another place at the time of confessions obtained from an accused during
of the perpetration of the crime the period of custodial investigation, in violation
of procedural safeguards, applies to confessions
obtained after the effectivity of the 1973 Const.
he was so far away that it was not possible for No law gives the accused the right to be so
him to have been physically present at the place informed before the enactment of the 1973
of the crimeor its immediate vicinity at the time Const., even of presented after Jan. 17, 1973.
of its commission. That Constitutional guaranty relative to
confessions obtained during custodial
investigation does not have any retroactive
effect. VV.
Physical impossibility "refers to the distance
between the place where the accused was when
thecrime transpired and the place where it was
committed, as well as the facility of access Filoteo Jr. v. Sandiganbayan
betweenthe two places. G.R. 79543

• Ponente: Panganiban, J.

Proximity of Lara's house at the scene of the Petition for certiorari or review on certiorari of
crime wholly negates his alibi. He himself Sandiganbayan decision
admitted that his house was just a stone's throw
(about three minutes away) from the crime
scene. Lara and his witnesses failed to prove that Facts:
itis well-nigh impossible for him to be at the
scene of the crime.

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• Petitioner Jose Filoteo Jr., a police • However, in his own defense, he stated
investigator of the Western Police District, was that he only knew Mateo (and not the others)
accused of being the mastermind of the armed because Mateo was an informer who was paid
hijacking of a postal delivery van. from time to time by the police intelligence. He
said he was in Lakan Beer House for a friend’s
o 3 May 1982 in Meycauayan, Bulacan, the
birthday on May 3, 1982 from 3:30-5 and then 6-
Postal Delivery Truck of the Bureau of Postal
8 (the friend and beer house owner also testified
(driven by Miranda, Bautista and Tagudar) was
seeing him there). He also said that the SOG
stopped, and the suspects (later identified as
refused to give any reason when they arrested
Frias, Liwanag, Mendoza and Saguindel) took
him on May 29, and that nobody apprised him of
with them the truck, SSS Medicare checks and
his constitutional rights. He claimed that he was
vouchers, SSS Pension checks and vouchers,
repeatedly coaxed to admit his participation in
treasury warrants, and several mail matters from
the hijacking and was made to sign the sworn
statement under duress (he was allegedly
o The van was recovered at La Loma, electrocuted and “water cured”).
Quezon City the following day, although some
• The Respondent Court found Filoteo
checks and warrants were missing.
guilty for brigandage (PD 532) and sentenced to
• The Special Operations Group (SOG) of twelve years and one day to thirteen years, one
the Philippine Constabulary received a tip from a month and eleven days of reclusion temporal. He
civilian that two persons were looking for buyers filed a motion for reconsideration but was
of stolen checks. The SOG, led by Capt. Ferrer denied. He made an instant alternative petition
and Lt. Pagdilao arranged a meeting with the for certiorari charging the Sandiganbayan with
persons and confronted them regarding the having abused its discretion amounting to lack or
investigation, assuring Frias that his penalty will excess of jurisdiction and with reversible error.
be mitigated if he cooperated. He then led Ferrer
to Perez and Mendoza, who also pointed to
Liwanag and Mateo. Liwanag, Mateo, Perez and Issues:
Mendoza all pointed to the petitioner as
• Whether the SC is appropriate for this
matter, which is technically over a QUESTION OF
• Filoteo admitted involvement in the FACT rather than a QUESTION OF LAW (since
crime and pointed to three other soldiers as what is being contested is Sandiganbayan’s
confederates (Saguindel, Relator and misapprehension of facts in arriving at its
Miravalles). The petitioner executed 2 decision).
documents on May 30, 1982, (1) that he was
• Whether the written statements,
apprised of his constitutional rights under
particularly the extrajudicial confession
Section 20, Article IV of the 1973 Constitution,
executed by the accused without the presence of
and his waiver of the provisions of Article 125 of
his lawyer, admissible in evidence against him
the Revised Penal Code (including his right to
because it was done without counsel.
counsel) and (2) that he voluntarily surrendered
the checks and vouchers to the SOG. In a sworn o The 1973 Constitution, Art. IV Section 20
statement in Tagalog (without any counsel), he allows for rights to be waived whereas the 1987
admitted to full knowledge and participation in Constitution, Art. III Section 12 does not allow
the crime.

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any right to be waived except in the presence of because Article III, Section 12 is not a penal
counsel statute.

• Whether the petitioner’s arrest was

Final Ruling of SC
• Whether Art III, Section 12 of the 1987
• Petitioner is found guilt beyond
Constitution can be applied retroactively.
reasonable doubt. However, he is found guilty
not of brigandage but of robbery (an isolated
case of theft rather than an organized banding
for “several indiscriminate thefts” along
• Yes. Although under Rule 45 in Rules of highways), reducing his punishment to four
Court, the SC will only review Sandiganbayan years and two months of of prison correccional
decisions that raise pure questions of law, under to ten years of prison mayor. (The other accused
exceptional circumstances the Court will also found guilty are still guilty of brigandage, as they
recognize questions of fact in order to resolve did not appeal the Sandiganbayan decision.)
legal issues if it seems like grave errors were
committed by the lower court. And in all criminal
cases, a person’s life and liberty are at stake

• Yes. It is admissible in evidence because Santos vs. Sandiganbayan – No digest

his sworn statement and waiver was made on
May 20, 1982 when the 1973 Constitution was
still in effect. Also, the petitioner’s claim of being People vs. Baloloy
tortured to sign the statement was invalid
because it was negated by the medical reports 381 SCRA 31
and that his consistency in handwriting showed
that his signatures were written voluntarily or
not under torture. His alibi (birthday in Lakan Facts:
Beer House) did not prove anything as Lakan At Barangay Inagasan, Aurora,
Beer House was a 30 minute drive to the scene Zamboanga del Sur, on the evening of August 3
of the crime and he could easily have moved 1996, the body of 11 years old Genelyn Camacho
from one place to the other. was found at the waterfalls at the said barangay.
• No. The claim was belatedly made. He Autopsy report found the Genelyn was raped
should have questioned the validity of his arrest before she was drowned. The one who caused its
before he entered his plea in the trial court, discovery was accused-appellant Juanito Baloloy
otherwise his objection is deemed waived. himself, Who claimed that he had caught sight of
it while he was catching frogs in the nearby
• No. Article 4 of the Civil Code (“laws shall creek. While in the wake of Genelyn, Juanito
have no retroactive effect unless the contrary is confessed to the barangay captain that he only
provided”) and Article 22 of the RPC (“penal laws wanted to frighten the girl but ended up raping
shall have a retroactive effect insofar as they and throwing her body in the ravine. While in the
favor the person guilty of a felony who is not a custody of authorities, he was asked
habitual criminal”) cannot be applied in this case incriminating questions by Judge Dicon who
justified his actions saying that Juanito was not

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yet in custodial investigation. Based on his place under custody for investigation in
alleged extrajudicial confession, coupled with connection with the commission of the offense.
circumstantial evidence, the trail court violated Moreover, Juanito did not offer any evidence of
Section 12 (1) of Article III of the barangay improper or ulterior motive on the party of
captain Ceniza and Judge Dicon. According to Ceniza, which could have compelled her testify
him, the two failed to inform him of his falsely against him.
Constitutional rights before they took it upon
themselves to elicit from him the incriminatory
information. It is of no moment that Ceniza and
Dicon are not police investigators, for as public
officials it was incumbent upon them to observe Jesalva vs People – No digest
the express mandate of the Constitution. While
these rights may be waiver executed in the
presence of counsel. He concludes that his People vs Tin Lan Uy – No digest
extrajudicial confession is inadmissible in
Astudillo vs People – No Digest

Dela Torre vs CA – No digest
Whether or not Juanitos extrajudicial
confession before the barangay captain was


G.R. NO. 129970 (2000)
Yes, as to his confession with the
barangay captain Ceniza, it has been held that
the constitutional provision on custodial Facts: A, without the assistance of counsel, was
investigation does not apply to a spontaneous identified by the complainant in a police-line up
statement, not elicited through questioning by as one of the kidnappers. He was subsequently
the authorities but given in an ordinary manner found guilty with kidnapping for ransom.
whereby the suspect orally admits having
committed the crime. Neither can it apply to
admissions or confessions made by a suspect in Issue: Whether the identification made by the
the commission of a crime before he is placed complainant in the police line-up is inadmissible
under investigation. What the Constitution bars because A stood up at the line-up without the
is the compulsory disclosure of incriminating assistance of counsel.
facts or confessions. In the instant case, Juanito
voluntarily narrated to Ceniza that he rapes
Genelyn and thereafter threw her body into the Held: No. The Constitution prohibits custodial
ravine. This narration was spontaneous answer, investigation conducted without the assistance
freely and voluntarily given in an ordinaty of counsel. Any evidence obtained in violation of
manner. It was given before he was arrested or the constitutional mandate is inadmissible in

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evidence. The prohibition however, does not Jr. admitted to have forgotten the affixing of
extend to a person in a police line-up because their initials upon receipt of the marijuana,
that stage of an investigation is not yet a part of thereby deviating from narcotics field test
custodial investigation. Custodial investigation standard operating procedure. PO2 Supa
commences when a person is taken into custody testified that he no longer gave the marked
and is singled out as a suspect in the commission money to accused-appellant because he placed
of the crime under investigation and the police the latter under arrest. He recited to him his
officers begin to ask questions on the suspect’s rights but failed to include a crucial part of the
participation therein and which tend to elicit an Miranda Rights, if accused-appellant could not
admission. The stage of the investigation afford counsel, one would be assigned to him.
wherein a person is asked to stand in a police The officers also admitted to have made the
line-up is outside the mantle of protection of the accused affix his signature on the receipt of
right to counsel because it involves a general property seized without the assistance of a
inquiry into an unsolved crime and is purely counsel, as well as whether or not he was
investigatory in nature. waiving his rights to remain silent at all.

People V. Casimiro Legal Research Issue

G.R. No. 146277, June 20, 2002 2011

Is deviation from standard operating procedures

a violation of the constitutional rights of the

The accused-appellant appeals from the decision

of the RTC, Branch 5, Baguio City, guilty of
violating Republic Act No. 6425 otherwise known
as the Dangerous Drugs Act.
First. With respect to the receipt of property
seized from accused-appellant, the fact that
there was a receipt of property seized issued by
The accused-appellant, did willfully, unlawfully
the police which was signed by the accused does
and feloniously sell and/or deliver to posing
not affect the liability of the accused.
buyer, SPO2 DOROTHEO SUPA of the 14th
Regional Field Office, Narcotics Unit, about nine
hundred fifty (950) grams of marijuana dried
Second. Nor is there other credible evidence
leaves in brick form, and knowing fully well that
against accused-appellant. As he points out, he
the article is a prohibited drug, in violation of the
could not have been so careless as to call the
aforecited provision of law.
telephone number of the 14th Regional
Narcotics Office and offer marijuana to the
policemen there. Neither would he blatantly sell
However, the witnesses testified for the
illegal drugs to known police officers nor would
prosecution: PO2 Dorotheo Supa, Alma
he transact these illegal sales over the
Margarita D. Villasenor, and PO2 Juan Piggangay,

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telephone, because these acts are usually done Rule 130 Rules of Admissibility | C. Testimonial
face to face. Evidence | 3. Admissions and Confessions

* Admissibility of Extrajudicial Confession of the

Third. The prosecution failed to establish the
identity of the prohibited drug which constitutes
the corpus delicti of the offense, an essential
requirement in a drug-related case. In this case,
the prosecution failed to prove the crucial first PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES vs. BENJAMIN
link in the chain of custody, they did not write SAYABOC y SEGUBA, PATRICIO ESCORPISO y
their initials on the brick of marijuana VALDEZ, MARLON BUENVIAJE y PINEDA, and
immediately after allegedly seizing it. MIGUEL BUENVIAJE y FLORES
According to PO3 Piggangay, the bag that he saw G.R. No. 147201 (419 SCRA 659); January 15,
was colored gray or blue, the same color as that 2004
of the bag sent to the PNP Crime Laboratory
Service for laboratory examination. Whereas
PO2 Supa stated, however, that the bag of
marijuana which he saw was colored brown. The
discrepancy in the testimony of these two police
officers casts additional doubt on the identity of FACTS
the prohibited drug which constitutes the corpus
delicti. In its decision, the trial court found Benjamin
Sayaboc guilty of the crime of murder, with
Indeed, there is failure in this case to observe treachery as the qualifying circumstance and
standard operating procedure for a buy-bust craft and price or reward as aggravating
operation. It is precisely when the government’s circumstances. It then sentenced him to the
purposes are beneficent that we should be most maximum penalty of death. As for the other
on our guard to protect these rights. Our desire accused, the court held that the treachery
to stamp out criminality cannot be achieved at employed by Sayaboc could not be taken against
the expense of constitutional rights. For these them and, therefore, declared them guilty of the
reasons, we cannot uphold the conviction of crime of homicide only, with the first as principal
accused-appellant. and the two others as accomplices. From this
WHEREFORE, the decision of the Regional Trial decision, accused appealed.
Court, Branch 6, Baguio City is REVERSED and
accused-appellant Albert Casimiro is ACQUITTED
on the ground of reasonable doubt. Anent the third assignment of error, appellants
Consequently, he is ordered forthwith released contend that the extrajudicial confession of
from custody, unless he is being lawfully held for Sayaboc may not be admitted in evidence
another crime. against him because Atty. Cornejo, the PAO
lawyer who was his counsel during the custodial
investigation, was not a competent,
CASE NO. 41 independent, vigilant, and effective counsel. He
was ineffective because he remained silent
during the entire proceedings. He was not

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independent, as he was formerly a judge in the consequences of any waiver he might make of
National Police Commission, which was holding these rights. More so when the suspect is one
court inside the PNP Command of Bayombong, like Sayaboc, who has an educational attainment
Nueva Vizcaya. of Grade IV, was a stranger in Nueva Vizcaya, and
had already been under the control of the police
officers for two days previous to the
ISSUE: Whether the extrajudicial confession of investigation, albeit for another offense.
Sayaboc is not admissible in evidence.

People vs Bagnate – No case digest


Jurisprudence provides that extrajudicial

People Vs. Galit
confessions are presumed to be voluntary. The
condition for this presumption, however, is that March 20, 1985
the prosecution is able to show that the
constitutional requirements safeguarding an
accused’s rights during custodial investigation FACTS:
have been strictly complied with, especially
when the extrajudicial confession has been The accused was arrested for
denounced. The rationale for this requirement is killing the victim oil the occasion of a robbery. He
to allay any fear that the person being had been detained and interrogated almost
investigated would succumb to coercion while in continuously for five days, to no avail. He
the unfamiliar or intimidating environment that consistently maintained his innocence. There
is inherent in custodial investigations. Therefore, was no evidence to link him to the crime.
even if the confession may appear to have been Obviously, something drastic had to be done. A
given voluntarily since the confessant did not file confession was absolutely necessary. So the
charges against his alleged intimidators for investigating officers began to maul him and to
maltreatment, the failure to properly inform a torture him physically. Still the prisoner insisted
suspect of his rights during a custodial on his innocence. His will have to be broken. A
investigation renders the confession valueless confession must be obtained. So they continued
and inadmissible. to maltreat and beat him. They covered his face
with a rag and pushed his face into toilet bowl
full of human waste. The prisoner could not take
it anymore. His body could no longer endure the
Apart from the absence of an express waiver of
pain inflicted on him and the indignities he had
his rights, the confession contains the passing of
to suffer. He admitted what the investigating
information of the kind held to be in violation of
officers wanted him to admit and he signed the
the right to be informed under Section 12, Article
confession they prepared. Later, against his will,
III of the Constitution. The right to be informed
he posed for pictures as directed by his
requires “the transmission of meaningful
investigators, purporting it to be a reenactment
information rather than just the ceremonial and
perfunctory recitation of an abstract
constitutional principle.”27 It should allow the
suspect to consider the effects and ISSUE:

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Whether or not the accused was for her final examinations on 21 February 1994.
informed of his constitutional rights to remain Marianne wore a striped blouse and faded
silent and to counsel, and that any statement he denim pants and brought with her two bags
might make could be used against him. containing her school uniforms, some personal
effects and more than P2,000.00 in cash.
Marianne was walking along the subdivision
HELD: when Pablito Andan y Hernandez invited her
inside his house. He used the pretext that the
The accused was acquitted. blood pressure of his wife's grandmother should
Such a long question followed by monosyllabic be taken. Marianne agreed to take her blood
answer does not satisfy the requirements of the pressure as the old woman was her distant
law that the accused be informed of his rights relative. She did not know that nobody was
under the Constitution and our laws. Instead inside the house. Andan then punched her in the
there should be several short and clear questions abdomen, brought her to the kitchen and raped
and every right in simple words, in a dialect or her. His lust sated, Andan dragged the
language known to the person under unconscious girl
investigation. The accused is from Samar and no
showing that he understands Tagalog. to an old toilet at the back of the house and left
Moreover, at the time of his arrest, accused was her there until dark. Night came and Andan
not permitted to communicate with his lawyers, pulled Marianne, who was still unconscious, to
a relative, or a friend. In fact, his sisters another their backyard. The yard had a pigpen bordered
relatives did not know that he been brought to on one side by a 6-foot high concrete fence. On
the NBI for the investigation and it was only two the other side was a vacant lot. Andan stood on
weeks after he had executed the statement that a bench beside the pigpen and then lifted and
his relatives were allowed to visit him. His draped the girl's body over the fence to transfer
statement does not even contain any waiver of it to the vacant lot. When the girl moved, he hit
right to counsel and yet during the investigation her head with a piece of concrete block. He
one did not assist him. At the supposed heard her moan and hit her again on the face.
reenactment, again counsel of his choice did not After silence reigned, he pulled her body to the
assist accused. These constitute gross violations other side of the fence, dragged it towards a
of his rights. shallow portion of the lot and abandoned it. At
11:00 a.m. of the following day, the body of
Marianne was discovered. She was naked from
the chest down with her brassiere and T-shirt
pulled toward her neck. Nearby was found a
panty with a sanitary napkin. Marianne's
People vs. Andan [GR 116437, 3 March 1997] En gruesome death drew public attention and
Banc, Per Curiam: 15 concur prompted Mayor Cornelio Trinidad of Baliuag to
form a crack team of police officers to look for
Facts: On 19 February 1994 at about 4:00 P.M., the criminal. Searching the place where
in Concepcion Subdivision, Baliuag, Bulacan, Marianne's body was found, the policemen
Marianne Guevarra, 20 years of age and a recovered a broken piece of concrete block
second-year student at the Fatima School of stained with what appeared to be blood. They
Nursing, left her home for her school dormitory also found a pair of denim pants and a pair of
in Valenzuela, Metro Manila. She was to prepare shoes which were identified as Marianne's.

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Andan's nearby house was also searched by the mayor led Andan to the office of the Chief of
police who found bloodstains on the wall of the Police and there, Andan broke down and said
pigpen in the backyard. They interviewed the "Mayor, patawarin mo ako! I will tell you the
occupants of the house and learned from truth. I am the one who killed Marianne." The
Romano Calma, the stepbrother of Andan's wife, mayor opened the door of the room to let the
that Andan also lived there but that he, his wife public and media representatives witness the
and son left without a word. Calma surrendered confession. The mayor first asked for a lawyer to
to the police several articles consisting of assist Andan but since no lawyer was available
pornographic pictures, a pair of wet short pants he ordered the proceedings photographed and
with some reddish brown stain, a towel also with videotaped. In the presence of the mayor, the
the stain, and a wet T-shirt. The clothes were police, representatives of the media and Andan's
found in the laundry hamper inside the house own wife and son, Andan confessed his guilt. He
and allegedly belonged to Andan. The police disclosed how he killed Marianne and
tried to locate Andan and learned that his volunteered to show them the place where he
parents live in Barangay Tangos, Baliuag, hid her bags. He asked for forgiveness from Larin
Bulacan. On February 24 at 11:00 P.M., a police and Dizon whom he falsely implicated saying he
team led by Mayor Trinidad traced Andan in his did it because of ill-feelings against them. He also
parents' house. They took him aboard the patrol said that the devil entered his mind because of
jeep and brought him to the police headquarters the pornographic magazines and tabloid he read
where he was interrogated. Initially, Andan almost everyday. After his confession, Andan
denied any knowledge of Marianne's death. hugged his wife and son and asked the mayor to
However, when the police confronted him with help him. His confession was captured on
the concrete block, the victim's clothes and the videotape and covered by the media nationwide.
bloodstains found in the pigpen, Andan relented Andan was detained at the police headquarters.
and said that his neighbors, Gilbert Larin and The next two days, February 26 and 27, more
Reynaldo Dizon, killed Marianne and that he was newspaper, radio and television reporters came.
merely a lookout. He also said that he knew Andan was again interviewed and he affirmed his
where Larin and Dizon hid the two bags of confession to the mayor and reenacted the
Marianne. Immediately, the police took Andan crime. Pablito Andan y Hernandez alias "Bobby"
to his house. Larin and Dizon, who were rounded was charged with rape with homicide. On
up earlier, were likewise brought there by the arraignment, however, Andan entered a plea of
police. Andan went to an old toilet at the back of "not guilty." In a decision dated 4 August 1994,
the house, leaned over a flower pot and the trial court convicted Andan and sentenced
retrieved from a canal under the pot, two bags him to death pursuant to Republic Act 7659. The
which were later identified as belonging to trial court also ordered Andan to pay the victim's
Marianne. Thereafter, photographs were taken heirs P50,000.00 as death indemnity, P71,000.00
of Andan and the two other suspects holding the as actual burial expenses and P100,000.00 as
bags. By this time, people and media moral damages. Hence, the automatic review.
representatives were already gathered at the
Issue: Whether Andan’s confession to the police,
police headquarters awaiting the results of the
the mayor, and the newsmen may be admitted
investigation. Mayor Trinidad arrived and
as evidence against Andan.
proceeded to the investigation room. Upon
seeing the mayor, Andan approached him and Held: Any person under investigation for the
whispered a request that they talk privately. The commission of an offense shall have the right (1)

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to remain silent; (2) to have competent and Andan's confessions to the media were properly
independent counsel preferably of his own admitted. The confessions were made in
choice; and (3) to be informed of such rights. response to questions by news reporters, not by
These rights cannot be waived except in writing the police or any other investigating officer.
and in the presence of counsel. Any confession Statements spontaneously made by a suspect to
or admission obtained in violation of this news reporters on a televised interview are
provision is inadmissible in evidence against him. deemed voluntary and are admissible in
The exclusionary rule is premised on the evidence. The records show that Alex Marcelino,
presumption that the defendant is thrust into an a television reporter for "Eye to Eye" on Channel
unfamiliar atmosphere and runs through 7, interviewed Andan on 27 February 1994. The
menacing police interrogation procedures where interview was recorded on video and showed
the potentiality for compulsion, physical and that Andan made his confession willingly, openly
psychological, is forcefully apparent. The and publicly in the presence of his wife, child and
incommunicado character of custodial other relatives. Orlan Mauricio, a reporter for
interrogation or investigation also obscures a "Tell the People" on Channel 9 also interviewed
later judicial determination of what really appellant on 25 February 1994. Andan's
transpired. When the police arrested Andan, confessions to the news reporters were given
they were no longer engaged in a general inquiry free from any undue influence from the police
about the death of Marianne. Indeed, Andan was authorities. The news reporters acted as news
already a prime suspect even before the police reporters when they interviewed Andan. They
found him at his parents' house. Andan was were not acting under the direction and control
already under custodial investigation when he of the police. They were there to check Andan's
confessed to the police. It is admitted that the confession to the mayor. They did not force
police failed to inform appellant of his Andan to grant them an interview and reenact
constitutional rights when he was investigated the commission of the crime. In fact, they asked
and interrogated. His confession is therefore his permission before interviewing him. They
inadmissible in evidence. So too were the two interviewed him on separate days not once did
bags recovered from Andan's house. The victim's Andan protest his innocence. Instead, he
bags were the fruits of Andan's uncounselled repeatedly confessed his guilt to them. He even
confession to the police. They are tainted supplied all the details in the commission of the
evidence, hence also inadmissible. crime, and consented to its reenactment. All his
confessions to the news reporters were
On the other hand, however, Andan's confession
witnessed by his family and other relatives.
to the mayor was not made in response to any
There was no coercive atmosphere in the
interrogation by the latter. In fact, the mayor did
interview of Andan by the news reporters. Thus,
not question Andan at all. No police authority
Andan's verbal confessions to the newsmen are
ordered Andan to talk to the mayor. It was
not covered by Section 12 (1) and (3) of Article III
Andan himself who spontaneously, freely and
of the Constitution. The Bill of Rights does not
voluntarily sought the mayor for a private
concern itself with the relation between a
meeting. The mayor did not know that Andan
private individual and another individual. It
was going to confess his guilt to him. When
governs the relationship between the individual
Andan talked with the mayor as a confidant and
and the State. The prohibitions therein are
not as a law enforcement officer, his
primarily addressed to the State and its agents.
uncounselled confession to him did not violate
They confirm that certain rights of the individual
his constitutional rights.

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exist without need of any governmental grant, bringing with him a mail bag. Merete stayed
rights that may not be taken away by inside the jeep. Pasicolan then passed through
government, rights that government has the an alley between Esguerra and Montepino
duty to protect. Governmental power is not Buildings going towards Amorsolo St. Upon
unlimited and the Bill of Rights lays down these reaching Amorsolo St., Pasicolan gave the mail
limitations to protect the individual against bag to two persons, who were later identified as
aggression and unwarranted interference by any Ronnie Romero and Lito Marcelo. The latter
department of government and its agencies. transferred the contents of the mail bag (i.e.,
assorted mail matter) to a travelling bag. The
two then secured the bag to the back of their
Marcelo vs. Sandiganbayan (First Division) [GR motorcycle. Meanwhile, the NBI team led by
109242, 26 January 1999] Second Division, agent Vela, upon seeing Pasicolan going towards
Mendoza (J): 4 concur Amorsolo St., moved their car and started
towards Amorsolo St. They were just in time to
Facts: On 10 February 1989, Jacinto Merete, a see Pasicolan handing over the mail bag to
letter carrier in the Makati Central Post Office, Marcelo and Romero. At that point, Atty.
disclosed to his chief, Projecto Tumagan, the Sacaguing and Arles Vela arrested Marcelo and
existence of a group responsible for the pilferage Romero. Unaware of the arrest of Romero and
of mail matter in the post office. Among those Marcelo, Pasicolan went back to the postal
mentioned by Merete were Arnold Pasicolan, an delivery jeep and proceeded toward Pasay Road.
emergency laborer assigned as a bag opener in The NBI agents followed the postal delivery jeep,
the Printed Matters Section, and Redentor overtook it, and arrested Pasicolan. The NBI
Aguinaldo, a mail sorter of the Makati Post agents brought Pasicolan, Marcelo, and Romero
Office. Merete likewise described the modus to their headquarters. They also brought along
operandi of the group. For this reason, Tumagan with them the motorcycle of Romero and
sought the aid of the National Bureau of Marcelo and the bag of unsorted mail found in
Investigation (NBI) in apprehending the group their possession. On their way to the NBI
responsible for mail pilferage in the Makati Post headquarters, they passed by the Makati Central
Office. On 17 February 1989, NBI Director Post Office, intending to arrest another suspect,
Salvador Ranin dispatched NBI agents to Legaspi Redentor Aguinaldo. However, they were not
Village following a report that the group would able to find him there. The unsorted mail seized
stage a theft of mail matter on that day. from Marcelo
Tumagan accompanied a team of NBI agents
composed of Senior Agent Arles Vela and two and Romero consisted of 622 letters. The names
other agents in a private car. They arrived at of the addressees were listed. They were
Legaspi Village at about 1:00 p.m. They stayed at subsequently notified by the Bureau of Posts to
the corner of Adelantado and Gamboa Streets, claim their letters. Many of them, after proper
while two other teams of NBI agents waited at identification, were able to claim their letters.
Amorsolo Street, near the Esquerra Building. At Some letters contained money. Romero,
2:00 p.m., a postal delivery jeep, driven by one Marcelo, and Pasicolan were asked to affix their
Henry Orindai, was parked in front of the signatures on the envelopes of the letters. They
Esguerra Building on Adelantado Street. The did so in the presence of the members of the NBI
passengers of the postal delivery jeep were Administrative and Investigative Staff and the
Arnold Pasicolan, Jacinto Merete, and the driver, people transacting business with the NBI at that
Henry Orindai. Pasicolan alighted from the jeep time. According to Director Ranin, they required

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the accused to do this in order to identify the taken into custody or otherwise deprived of his
letters as the very same letters confiscated from freedom of action in a significant way. Under the
them. Arnold Pasicolan y Mabazza, Ronnie Constitution, among the rights of a person under
Romero y Santos, and Lito Marcelo y Cruz were custodial investigation is the right to have
charged with infidelity in the custody of competent and independent counsel preferably
documents. The case was later withdrawn and of his own choice and if the person cannot afford
another information for qualified theft was filed the services of counsel, that he must be provided
before the Sandiganbayan. On 8 March 1993, the with one. However, the letters are themselves
Sandiganbayan found all the accused guilty not inadmissible in evidence. The letters were
beyond reasonable doubt as principals of the validly seized from Marcelo and Romero as an
crime of qualified theft. The Sandiganbayan incident of a valid arrest. A ruling that Marcelo's
sentenced Pasiclon the penalty ranging from 8 admission that the letters in question were those
years, 8 months, and 1 day of Prision mayor, as seized from him and his companion on 17
minimum, to 13 years, 1 month, and 11 days of February 1989 is inadmissible in evidence does
reclusion temporal, as maximum; Romero and not extend to the exclusion from evidence of the
Marcelo, the penalty ranging from 7 YEARS, 4 letters themselves. The letters can stand on their
months, and 1 day of prision mayor, as own, being the fruits of a crime validly seized
minimum, to 11 years, 6 months, and 21 days of during a lawful arrest. That these letters were
prision mayor, as maximum, each. Marcelo filed the ones found in the possession of Marcelo and
the petition for review on certiorari with the his companion and seized from them was shown
Supreme Court. by the testimonies of Vela and Tumagan. Indeed,
Marcelo and his co-accused were not convicted
Issue: Whether the exclusion of the admission,
solely on the basis of the signatures found on the
made through the signatures on the envelopes,
letters but on other evidence, notably the
extend to the exclusion from evidence of the
testimonies of NBI agents and other prosecution
letters themselves.
Held: The purpose for securing the signature of
Marcelo, et. al. on the envelopes was to
authenticate the envelopes as the ones seized People vs Janson
from him and Ronnie Romero. This purpose and
Ponente: Quisumbing
their signatures on the envelope, when coupled
with the testimony of prosecution witnesses that Topic: Uncounseled confession inadmissible

the envelopes seized from Marcelo were those
given to him and Romero, undoubtedly help Facts:
establish the guilt of Marcelo. Since these
signatures are actually evidence of admission
obtained from Marcelo and his co-accused under Respondent, Janson was convicted of the crime
circumstances contemplated in Art. III. §§12(1) rape. The prosecution presented witnesses for the
and 17 of the Constitution, they should be crime allegedly committed by the respondent
excluded. For indeed, Marcelo and his co- (Rape): Teresa Alcantara, Marites Alcantara,
accused signed following their arrest. Hence, Dante Alcantara, Cesario Alcantara, Dr.
Cesar Manuel, Atty. Jorge Zerrudo, and
they were at the time under custodial
police officers Pedro Idpan, Jr. and Ortello
investigation, defined as questioning initiated by
law enforcement officers after a person has been

Compiled by EJC

an uncle of Ricky Pinantao He admitted that they

lived near the house of Cesario Alcantara. He said
The mother of the accused, Teresa Alcantara,
that on March 24, 1986, Pinantao was in their
testified that on March 24, 1986 at about 10:00 in
house and that it was impossible for him to be
the evening, the accused with 6 other companions
elsewhere because earlier, in 1985, Pinantao was
asked for when but when she told them to come
hacked by one Bernardo Agio resulting in the
back the following day they threatened to strafe
amputation of Pinantao’s hand. He averred that
and burn the house if they are not let in. They
Pinantao could not go out of their house because
entered the house and asked for 1000.00 after at the time of the incident, the wound he sustained
such she went to her daughter’s room and saw her
was not yet completely healed.
totally naked.Her daughter told here that she was
rape. She gave an additional 1000.00 to the ATTY. FRANCIS PALMONES, JR., testified
accused together with 2 Seiko watches. that he notarized the sworn, statement of the
appellant Janson on April 3, 1987 and that Janson
affirmed and understood the contents of said
The victim, Martes Alcantara corroborated the affidavit because it was translated to him in the
testimony of her mother, Someone poked a gun at Visayan vernacular.
her. Then Ricky Pinantao, who had an amputated
right hand; Joel Janson, and Abdul Jona raped JOEL JANSON, for his own defense, declared
her. In open court she identified appellants that he was assisted by a lawyer when he was
Pinantao and Janson as two of her abusers, investigated and made to sign a sworn
claiming that they were previously known to statement before the police on June 26, 1986.
her. She claimed that she knew Ricky because But he denied the accusation against him and
he was their neighbor and that he often went claimed that he was not assisted by counsel
to their house to buy bananas, while she knew during the custodial investigation. He claimed
Joel because he often went to their barangay that he did not know how to read or write, and
to visit his relatives. The prosecution also that he was made to execute a sworn statement
presented DR. CESAR MANUEL. He testified before a certain policeman named Ulep. Only
that the physical examination he conducted on after the investigation did Atty. Zerrudo sign the
Marites Alcantara a day after the incident document. On cross-examination, he said that he
revealed that there were lacerations between the was put in jail for another crime, robbery.
labia majora, labia minora, and the prepuce
caused by a sharp instrument. There was also the Issue: W/N the uncounseled confession
presence of seminal fluid in the vagina of the inadmissible?
victim indicating that there was actual sexual
contact. Held: No, It is well- settled that the Constitution
abhors an uncounselled confession or admission
ATTY. JORGE ZERRUDO testified that he and whatever information is derived therefrom
only assisted appellant Janson in waiving his shall be regarded as inadmissible in evidence
right to counsel, and that the sworn statement against the confessant.—Clearly, the alleged
was already prepared when he signed it. extrajudicial confession of appellant Joel Janson
Nevertheless, he asked appellant Janson if the cannot be admitted in evidence. The manner by
contents of the statement were true, and which it was obtained violated constitutional
whether he wished to be assisted by counsel. right to counsel. It is well-settled that the
Constitution abhors an uncounselled confession
For the defense, they also presented witnesses. or admission and whatever information is derived
therefrom shall be regarded as inadmissible in
DATU AMADO PINANTAO testified that he is evidence against the confessant.

Compiled by EJC

Under the Constitution and existing law as well Constitution. As pointed out in People v.
as jurisprudence, a confession to be admissible Deniega, if the lawyer’s role is reduced to being
must satisfy the following requirements: (1) it that of a mere witness to the signing of a priory
must be voluntary; (2) it must be made with prepared document albeit indicating therein
the assistance of competent and independent compliance with the accused’s constitutional
counsel; (3) it must be express; and (4) it must rights, the constitutional standard is not met.

be in writing. The purpose of providing
counsel to a person under custodial
investigation is to curb the uncivilized practice
of extracting confession by coercion no matter
how slight, as would lead the accused to admit
something false. What is sought to be avoided is
the evil of extorting from the very mouth of the
person undergoing interrogation for the
commission of an offense, the very evidence with
which to prosecute and thereafter convict him.
These constitutional guarantees have been made
available to protect him from the inherently
coercive psychological, if not physical,
atmosphere of such investigation.

It is also important to mention that the

investigating officers already had a prepared
statement when they went to the lawyer who is
supposed to assist appellant Janson in waiving his
right to counsel. This is not what is contemplated
by law. In People v. Quidato, Jr., where the
police officers already prepared the affidavits of
the accused when they were brought to the CLAO
(now PAO) lawyer, and the latter explained the
contents of the affidavits in Visayan to the
accused who affirmed the

veracity and voluntary execution of the same, the

court held that the affidavits are inadmissible in
evidence even if they were voluntarily given. As
also ruled in People v. Compil the belated arrival
of the CLAO lawyer the following day, even if
prior to the actual signing of the uncounseled
confession, does not cure the defect of lack of
counsel for the investigators were already able to
extract incriminatory statements from the
accused therein. Thus, in People v. De Jesus, we
said that admissions obtained during custodial
interrogations without the benefit of counsel,
although later reduced to writing and signed in
the presence of counsel, are still flawed under the


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