Department of Energy: 2012, July 21th Written Test of

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PIACENZA – 2012, July 21th

Campus Piacenza

2012, July 21th

Written test of

(NAME-SURNAME):______________________________PERSONAL CODE__|_|_|_|_|_|

EXERCISE 1 (8 points)

The picture shows the single phase equivalent circuit of three phase system consisting of a
transformer (T1), a feeder (F1) and a load (L1) represented by its impedance Zc. The values of
network elements are:

TRANSFORMER An [MVA] Vn [V] Io [A] Po [kW]

T1 5 20000/380 2.25 10

LOAD An [MVA] cosφ

L1 3 0.8

FEEDER r [Ω/km] x [Ω/km] L [km]

F1 0.193 0.357 20

Based on the information in the Table, the candidate should:

 calculate, using Boucherot’s theorem, the supply voltage VD that is necessary in order to
have a voltage VA equal to 380 V (that represents the nominal voltage).

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EXERCISE 2 (8 points)

GENERATOR G1 Sn = 70 MVA, VnomG1 = 20 kV

TRANSFORMER T1 Sn = 150 MVA, V1nomT1= 20 kV, V2nomT1= 380 kV, vcc = 12%
LINE L1 VL1 = 380 kV, LL1 = 70 km, XL1 = 0.35 Ω/km
LINE L2 VL2 = 380 kV, LL2 = 65 km, XL2 = 0.3 Ω/km
LINE L3 VL3 = 380 kV, LL3 = 45 km, XL3 = 0.1 Ω/km
LOAD C1 Sn = 30 MVA, cosφ = 0.9 lagging
LOAD C2 Sn = 50 MVA, cosφ = 0.8 lagging

Based on the information in the Table, the candidate should:

 calculate the per unit system for the network in the Figure;
 calculate the per unit bus admittance matrix Ybus for the same network;
 comment on whether or not it is possible to use simpler Ybus modeling for the network.

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QUESTION 1 OF 3 (5 points)
Selling of electrical energy of RES plants: the candidate should describe:
 the most important characteristics of dedicated withdrawals and on-the-spot trading;
 the characteristics of the RES plant that can apply to dedicated withdrawals and on-the-spot
 if a RES plant is eligible for both dedicated withdrawals and on-the-spot trading, the most
important variables that could influence the choice between the two mechanisms to sell RES
electrical energy.

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QUESTION 2 OF 3 (5 points)
Smart grid: the candidate should describe:
 the DG impact on transmission and distribution network related to IPR;
 the innovative functions (where it is possible with graphs or pictures) in order to solve the
above issues;
 the general system architecture of a MV smart grid application.

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QUESTION 3 OF 3 (5 points)
Hosting capacity approach: the candidate should describe:
 the general concept of Hosting Capacity (possibly by a graph or a picture);
 the three nodal constraints implemented in the HC studies;
 the reverse power flow situation, along with the main related issues;

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