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Jurisdictional Handbook

Bishop David Allen Hall, Sr. –Jurisdictional Prelate

Mother Geraldine E. Miller – Supervisor of Women

Episcopal Office – 672 South Lauderdale Street ♦ Memphis, Tennessee ♦ 38126

Stay With The Vision!
II Chronicles 20:20

Our Theme for 2018, “Stay With The Vision!” is the call to commitment and continuation. In
2017, Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction experienced the greatest Leadership
Conference, Workers Meeting, Women’s Convention and Jurisdictional Convocation in our 100
year history. The pastors, elders, missionaries, auxiliary workers, and the saints in general
celebrated a year distinguished with a visit from our Presiding Bishop Charles E. Blake, Sr. The
largest attendance in recent history and great financial support that was unparalleled made the
season excellent!

At each event, nightly worship services were glorious with anointed praise, deliverance and
people accepting Christ as their Savior. An array of elected public officials and religious leaders
from the area celebrated our longevity during the Jurisdictional Convocation.

We start 2018 with a purpose to serve God and spread the gospel. We envision a season of
outreach and unparalleled growth. The world needs what we have, and the saints of
Headquarters are ready and willing to offer the good news. Our connection to the streets and
neighborhoods of this community provides us with the opportunity to touch lives and convict
hearts and minds. No congregation is exempt from growth if they see the vision. In 2017, I
urged each of you to “Make the Connection! ... You Can Count On Me!”

As prelate of the jurisdiction, I know that staying with the vision should help every local church
grow and provide ministry as never before. We must reach out and connect to the countless
individuals in our communities that are totally in need of Jesus. I believe the prayer that Bishop
C.H. Mason uttered, “God in Jesus Christ, Rebuke the day of evil and cast the devil out of the
mind of all!” This prayer was our founder’s timeless utterance and declaration. I feel this
generation should keep his vision and do likewise. Together we can make 2018 our greatest year
of soul winning and outreach.

Bishop David Allen Hall

Prelate, Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Leadership Installation

Making the Covenant

Having prayerfully determined to join the leadership ranks of the Tennessee

Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, I covenant and agree with God and my fellow
brothers and sisters as follows:

I commit myself to Jesus Christ as Lord of my life. In all that I say and do, I will seek to
emulate the Lord Jesus Christ, in whom I will rely to keep the covenant that I am

I commit myself to attendance at Jurisdictional worship services. I will take time to be

in meetings as I am able, in order to worship God.

I commit myself to Bible study, prayer, and other Christian disciplines. I will seek to be
a part of studies where I may better learn to follow Christ.

I commit myself to the work of the Great Commission. I will tell others about the Lord
Jesus Christ and the difference He has made in my life, and I will invite them to come
and be a part of the Church Of God In Christ.

I commit myself to participation in the vision of the Bishop. I will actively discover and
use my Spiritual gifts to serve others as part of the Jurisdiction. I will respect the
feelings and opinions of my fellow members in Tennessee Headquarters Jurisdiction.

I commit myself to caring relationships. I will show unconditional love toward my

fellow members. I will maintain moral purity toward members and demonstrate a life
of faith, hope, and love toward others.

I commit myself to giving to the work of Christ. I will share the material wealth God
has given me in the service of the Kingdom.

I commit myself to Holy and Confidential communication. I will not share the business
of the Jurisdiction or my fellow members’ information in a public forum that will cause
shame to the church or my fellow members.

I commit myself to leading in the work of Christ. Through prayer, planning, and
example I will exemplify the necessary leadership characteristics that will inspire,
motivate, and assist in the building of the Jurisdiction’s vision for the cause of Christ.
The Bishop:

In as much as Holy Scripture enjoins that no man or woman be placed hastily in

supervision of the affairs of the church, and in order that others may know your mind
and purpose concerning these sacred positions: Will you, in the fear of God, answer the
questions I ask you in the name of Christ and His Church?

Answer: “I will.”

The Bishop:

Will you endeavor to live soberly, righteously, and Godly as an official of the
Jurisdiction so that you may be an example to all others in Christian Living?

Answer: “I will by the help of God.”

The Bishop:

Will you instruct those who come under your charge, in the Word of God to the
edification of the whole Church?

Answer: “I will do so, the Lord being my helper.”

The Bishop:

Will you give diligence to faithfully perform all the duties assigned to you as an officer
of the Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction, according to the order and
directions of the Bishop?

Answer: “I will with the help of God.”

The Bishop:

Will you seek, in true humility, to deal justly and kindly with your brethren in the
ministry and with all others over which you shall be placed as a Church Officer?

Answer: “I will do so by the help and grace of God, the Holy Spirit being my strength.”
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction

Organization Chart
Headquarters Jurisdiction Departments, Auxiliaries, and Ministries
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Position Descriptions

1. Executive Administrator – Reports and provides operational support, directly

to the Jurisdictional Bishop. The Executive Administrator serves as the Chairman
of financial operations for the Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction.
He has charge over the jurisdictional finance committee with the responsibility to
develop and maintain a finance team that will manage all received offerings
during programs, conventions, and State functions. The Executive Administrator
is responsible for monitoring all jurisdictional accounts and suggesting policies
and regulations that will assure financial stability. He is responsible for
generating and maintaining financial records and reports. He also shall be
involved in the procurement of property, real estate purchases, or bank
transactions of the Jurisdiction. The Executive Administrator will chair the
Second Saturday Executive Session in the absence of the Jurisdictional Bishop.
The Executive Administrator shall have under his direction the Program Manager
and Editorial Director.

2. Administrative Assistant – Reports and provides operational support, directly

to the Jurisdictional Bishop. He has oversight of the planning and
implementation of activities and events in the Jurisdiction upon the request of
the Bishop. These activities and events shall include but not be limited to the
Leadership Conference, Workers Meeting, Holy Convocation, and Bishop’s
Breakfast. The Administrative Assistant is responsible for assembling and
assuming chairmanship of executive committees necessary to the function of
assigned activities and events. He is also responsible for working with the
Director of Education and Ministry and Educational Coordinator to sustain the
success and promote the growth of the Second Saturday Empowerment Classes.

3. Jurisdictional Secretary - Reports and provides operational support, directly

to the Jurisdictional Bishop. The Jurisdictional Secretary is responsible for
developing and maintaining data pertaining to the Tennessee Headquarters
Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction of the Church Of God In Christ. He is responsible for
certifying delegates to the General Assembly, publishing official Jurisdictional
documents and certificates according to COGIC polity. The Secretary maintains
the official records of Jurisdictional Assembly proceedings and distributes
pertinent information to local churches. In addition, he collects and reports
church statistics and maintains an accurate database of credential holders,
officers, and churches. The Jurisdictional Secretary keeps an archive of historical
documents and records as directed by the Jurisdictional Bishop. He is the
Jurisdiction’s chief scribe, registered agent, and signatory on contracts and
official Jurisdictional documents. At the direction of the Bishop, the Secretary is
an integral part of all Jurisdictional legal proceedings, procurement of property,
real estate purchases, bank transactions, ceremonial activities, meetings,
inaugurals, celebrations, and ecumenical services.

4. Jurisdictional Registrar - The Jurisdictional Registrar reports and provides

operational support, directly to the Jurisdictional Bishop. He is responsible for the
registration component of Jurisdictional events as directed by the Bishop. These
events will include but not be limited to the Leadership Conference and Holy
Convocation. The Registrar is also responsible for assembling and supervising
staff and/or committees that will manage registrations that occur during
Jurisdictional events. He is responsible for developing and maintaining methods
of operation that insure targeted success and expansion of Jurisdictional events.

5. Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women- Reports, and provides operational

support directly to the Jurisdictional Bishop. The Jurisdictional Supervisor of
Women is responsible for working under the direction of and in agreement with
the Jurisdictional Bishop to organize the Department of Women in the Tennessee
Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. She is responsible for appointing official
staff and personnel to assist her in carrying out the program for women’s
ministry in the Jurisdiction. The Jurisdictional Supervisor of Women is responsible
for the examining and appointing of all women eligible for credentials and the
issuing of licenses and certificates to women who have met all qualifications
required on the district, jurisdictional, and national levels. She is responsible for
submitting full financial accounting of all income and expenditures to the
Jurisdictional Bishop.

6. Chairman of the Board of Superintendents – The Chairman of the Board of

Superintendent is charged with the responsibility of working with the Board of
Superintendents to train and discipline members of the Jurisdictional Assembly.
He will function as the Chief Justice of the Jurisdictional Tribunal in legal matters
to ensure the constitutional rights of pastors and elders of the Tennessee
Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction and to minimize potential conflict within
the Jurisdiction. He will collaborate with the Chairman and Vice Chairman of the
Jurisdictional Assembly. The Chairman of the Board of Superintendents will be
responsible for the scheduling of required meetings of the Jurisdictional

7. Chairman of Auxiliaries In Ministry (AIM) – The Chairman of AIM will be

responsible for directing the Auxiliaries Department Heads in implementing goals
and strategies that will ensure and maintain growth and stability of the
Auxiliaries in Ministry and all aspects of that annual convention. The AIM
Chairman is responsible for submitting full financial accounting of all income and
expenditures to the Jurisdictional Bishop and the Executive Administrator. The
Chairman has executive status and supervision of all related AIM officials.
8. Budget Committee Chairman –The Budget Committee Chairman reports and
provides operational support directly to the Jurisdictional Bishop. The Chairman
is responsible for gathering and maintaining pertinent financial information to
prepare the Jurisdictional budgets for the fiscal year of April 1st – March 31st. The
Budget Committee Chairman is responsible for the submission of budget
proposals and financial reports from all departments, auxiliaries, and ministries.
The Chairman will also develop strategies and make suggestions to ensure the
fiscal responsibility and financial soundness of the Jurisdiction.

9. Chairman of the Board of Ordination – The Chairman of the Board of

Ordination serves at the discretion of the Jurisdictional Bishop and is responsible
for the selection and approval of qualified ministers who embrace the Doctrine of
the Church Of God In Christ to be ordained by the Jurisdictional Prelate. He,
along with the Board of Ordination are responsible for the application, training,
examination, and recommendation of qualified licensed ministers of the
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction seeking ordination.

10. Director of Public Relations – Director of Public Relations shall be responsible

for public relations, media relations, arranging press conferences, press releases,
and creating publicity opportunities and campaigns. The Administrator of Public
Relations is directly or indirectly responsible for the dissemination of all
information to the print and electronic media. The Administrator of Public
Relations receives, implements, and promotes all Jurisdictional mottos and
themes to increase awareness and positive effects. The Director of Public
Relations is supervised by the Bishop but reports directly to the Administrative

11. Director of Church Growth and Development – The Director of Church

Growth and Development reports and provides operational support directly to the
Jurisdictional Bishop. He is responsible for conducting needs assessments of local
churches. The Director is responsible for the development and implementation of
strategies, programs, and activities that will result in measurable growth and
development of local churches in Headquarters Jurisdiction. The Director will also
develop and maintain partnerships with agencies, companies, and organizations
that will provide resources and programs that address education, economic
development, crime, family, and financial literacy in communities served by
Jurisdictional churches.

12. Director of Education and Ministry - The Director of Education and Ministry
shall develop and direct Second Saturday Training Institute. All curriculum and
staff are under the Director’s supervision. The Director of Education and Ministry
is responsible for the planning and coordination of the Annual Bishop’s Breakfast.
She is also responsible for assembling the Jurisdiction’s Educational Scholarship
Committee. The Director is supervised by the Jurisdictional Bishop but reports to
the Administrative Assistant.

13. Director of Social Action Ministries – The Director of Social Action Ministries
is responsible for establishing and maintaining the 501(c)(3) status for the
Jurisdiction. He is responsible for developing and implementing Jurisdictional
initiatives consistent with the Church of God In Christ Urban Initiatives that will
result in measurable empowerment and growth of Jurisdictional churches. The
Director of Social Action Ministries is responsible for developing community
programs and strategies that will address social and economic issues in the
communities served by the Jurisdictional churches. He will also collaborate with
the Evangelism Committee to develop and schedule events as directed by the
Jurisdictional Bishop.

14. Editorial Director – The Editorial Director has editorial supervision and sign off
as directed by the Bishop of all printed programs and related Jurisdictional
materials. The Editorial Director will serve in areas as directed by the Bishop in
interdepartmental events.

15. Program Manager – The Program Manager works in tandem with the Editorial
Director for the development, publishing, and production of all Jurisdictional

16. Chief Adjutant – The Chief Adjutant reports and provides operational support
directly to the Jurisdictional Bishop. The Chief Adjutant will assist and advise the
Jurisdictional Bishop on liturgical, ceremonial, and protocol matters and
administratively organize and execute ceremonies, services, and directives as
assigned by the Bishop. He is responsible for the scheduling, assignments, and
operations of the Jurisdictional Adjutancy. The Chief Adjutant is responsible for
the establishment of standards, training, and training materials for the men and
women of willing hearts who realize the value of serving Jurisdiction leadership
through the Adjutancy. He will also work with Executive Hospitality to make the
necessary arrangements for travel and accommodations for specified guests as
directed by the Bishop.

17. Lead Adjutant Sister – The Lead Adjutant Sister will serve under the
immediate supervision of the Supervisor of Women and shall report to and assist
the Chief Adjutant. She shall have direct authority of liturgical, ceremonial, and
protocol matters for the Department of Women.

18. President of Men’s Department – The President of the Men’s Department is

responsible for developing and planning functions and activities that will aid in the
spiritual, social, physical, and economic development of the men of Tennessee
Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. Activities will include but are not be
limited to Annual Men’s Prayer Breakfast, Male Chorus, Men’s Conference,
Mentoring Programs, and other events promoting the health and well-being of the
men of the Jurisdiction.

19. Executive Hospitality – Executive Hospitality reports and provides operational

support directly to the Jurisdictional Bishop. She is directly responsible for the
travel and housing arrangements of guests of the Bishop and the Supervisor
whenever the need arises. The Executive Hospitality has the shared responsibility
along with the Chief Adjutant and the Bishop for the comfort and care of
designees during special events. The Executive Hospitality is responsible for
presentations during official programs, greetings, and other functions as assigned
by the Jurisdictional Bishop. She will work with the Jurisdictional Facilitator in the
planning and staging of the Annual Bishop’s Breakfast. The Executive Hospitality
has credit card privileges.

20. COGIC First Ladies Association – The COGIC First Ladies Association shall be
headed by the Jurisdictional First Lady and be made up of Jurisdictional Pastors’
and Executive appointees’ wives to establish a 501(c)(3) charitable arm of
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction. The Association is responsible
for raising funds for distribution to designated charities and working in support of
the Jurisdiction’s Scholarship Fund. The COGIC First Ladies Association is also
responsible for planning and conducting annual luncheons and holiday
distributions as instructed by the Jurisdictional Bishop.

21. Jurisdictional Facilitator – The Jurisdictional Facilitator works under the

direction of the Jurisdictional Bishop to facilitate events related to the
Jurisdiction’s Holy Convocation and Special Events as directed by the Bishop.

22. Educational Coordinator - The Educational Coordinator is responsible for

working in conjunction with the Director of Education and Ministry to facilitate
classes, workshops, seminars, and activities related to the Second Saturday
Training Institute.

23. Evangelism Outreach Board –The Evangelism Outreach Board shall consist of
four persons appointed by the Jurisdictional Bishop to assist the State Evangelism
President in carrying out State evangelistic outreach activities. These activities
shall include but are not be limited to:
1. Annual Picnic
2. Deliverance Convention (3-day event)
3. Develop, maintain, and distribute evangelism handouts for data gathering.
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Eternal Life District
Churches and Pastors
Christ Communion Supt. (Admin. Asst.) Freddie Thomas
1519 Lauderdale 579 W. Shelby Drive
Memphis, TN 38106 Memphis, TN 38109
901-744-8605 Office 901- 786-1131 Home

Mt. Calvary Pastor E. Michael Yarber

2072 S. Florida St. 85 Joseph Court
Memphis, TN 38109 Oakland, TN 38060
901-947-6404 Office 901-502-9561 Cell

True Victory Pastor Cedric Thomas

579 W. Shelby Dr. 2485 Kindlewood Dr.
Memphis, TN 38109 Southaven, MS 38671

Williams Temple Pastor R. L. Williams

508 Boston St. 1924 Barksdale
Memphis, TN 38111 Memphis, TN 38114
901-327-0245 Office 901-743-3815 Home
901-327-0584 Fax 901-239-6415 Cell

Calvary New Life Temple Pastor Calvin Saulsberry

2369 Airways Blvd. 854 Deep Wood Road
Memphis, TN 38114 Collierville, TN 38017
901-743-4166 901-854-6162

Grace Pastor Oliver T. Williams

1378 N. Hollywood 5145 Daysland Cove
Memphis, TN 38108 Memphis, TN 38125
901-323-3900 Office 901- 755-0359 Home
Dessie E. Lee – Secretary 901- 359-4066 Cell
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Good Shepherd District
Churches and Pastors
Homeland Supt. (Exec. Admin. Asst.) Kendall Anderson
3529 James Road 2995 Carnoustie
Memphis, TN 38128 Memphis, TN 38128
901- 384-3916 Office 901- 358-3147 Home
901-357-1612 Fax 901-647-1447 Cell
Joycelyn Smith - Secretary

New Mount Olive Pastor Robert Malone

3830 Tchulahoma 5186 Greylock Cv.
Memphis, TN 38118 Memphis, TN 38115
901-365-6336 Office 901- 794-5684 Home
Leslie Davis - Secretary 901- 496-8710 Cell

Tuckers Temple Pastor Jeffrey Williams

610 N. Seventh Street 1325 Timothy
Memphis, TN 38107 Memphis, TN
901-525-0530 Office 901-502-4206

Victory Temple Pastor Robert Bell

1080 W. Shelby Drive 1320 Partee Cove
Memphis, TN 38109 Memphis, TN 38111
901-789-5291 Office 901- 743-8666 Home

Holy Ghost Temple Pastor Larry Harris Sr.

1219 Mississippi Blvd. 8915 Carriage Creek Rd.
Memphis. TN 38126 Arlington, TN 38002
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Greater Faith District
Churches and Pastors
Rock of Ages Supt. Patrick M. Rodgers Sr.
2145 Perry Road 5089 Gull Rd.
Memphis, TN 38106 Memphis, TN 38109
901-744-9621 Office 901-379-8380 Home
901-830-1009 Cell

Temple Bishop David Allen Hall

672 S. Lauderdale St. 1972 Peabody Ave.
Memphis, TN 38126 Memphis, TN 38104
901- 775-1909 Office 901-278-3381 Home
901-351-0903 Cell

Greater True Holiness Cathedral Pastor Wesley A. Coleman, Sr.

885 Robin Hood Lane 7752 Wisbey Court
Memphis, TN 38111 Memphis, TN 38125
901-452-0050 Office 901-652-2498 Home

Lambert COGIC Pastor Charles Moore

1070 Keating St. 4174 Billion Road
Memphis, TN 38114 Memphis, TN 38127
901-324-7728 Office 901- 354-1810 Home
Deacon Jerome Jones (Admin. Asst.) 901-581-1516 Cell

New Philadelphia Pastor Tito T. Williams, Sr.

969 Seattle St. 9610 Grove Rd.
Memphis, TN 38114 Cordova, TN 38016
901-274-3129 Office 901- 283-8671 Cell

Robert's Temple Ministries Pastor Robert Milligan

1172 Grand Ave. 1202 Chickamauga
Memphis, TN. 38114 Memphis, TN. 38109
901-785-3712 Home

Faith Temple Pastor James E. Hollins

66 East Mallory Ave. 4563 Hancock Dr.
Memphis, TN 38109 Memphis, TN 38116
901-948-1122 Office 901- 270-4398 Cell
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Jerusalem District
Churches and Pastors
Abounding Grace Superintendent J. J. Buckley
2783 McMurry 1005 Winchester
Memphis, TN 38118 Memphis, TN 38116
901-368-0830 Office 901-346-1608 Home
901-338-1255 Cell

Holy Trinity Pastor L.T. Frye, Jr.

5115 Tulane 4577 Tammy Lane
Memphis, TN 38109 Memphis, TN 38116
901-789-4767 Office 901-691-7664 Home
901-786-0330 Fax 901-859-8776 Cell
Doris Singleton - Secretary 901-785-1021 Other

New Jerusalem Bishop David Allen Hall

2711 Ketchum
Memphis, TN 38114
901-378-2728 - T.L. Haley

Gospel Center Temple Bishop David Allen Hall

17055 Highway 57
Moscow, TN 38057

Victory Temple Pastor Morrell Pruitte

1010 Woodlawn Street 6749 Abingdon
Memphis, TN 38104 Memphis, TN 38119
901-726-1479 Home 901-737- 7382 Home
Mary Campbell – Secretary 901-650-2822 Cell

St. Stevens Pastor James Perkins

3511 Southland St. 3511 Southland St.
Memphis, TN 38109 Memphis, TN 38109
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Pentecostal District
Churches and Pastors
Superintendent L. Curtis Morris
3932 Bishops Bridge
Memphis, TN 38118

New Beginnings Community Pastor James K. Griffin, Sr.

4480 Kirby Parkway 6636 Heronswood Cove
Memphis, TN 38141 Memphis, TN 38119
901-547-0033 Church 901-755-5512 Home

Pentecostal Temple Bishop Charles H. Mason Patterson, Sr.

229 S. Danny Thomas Blvd. 5446 Maple Ridge Rd.
Memphis, TN 38126 Memphis, TN 38134
901-527-9202 Office
901-527-1010 Fax

Pentecostal Praise Pastor David Brown

2922 E. Holmes Road 7654 Proud Land Cove
Memphis, TN 38118 Memphis, TN 38119
901-346-5558 901-236-7486 Home
Terrica Adams - Secretary 901-649-1513 Cell
901-230-6577 Other

Marvelous Light Pastor William E. Skinner

3572 Kirby Terrace 4529 Harvest Hill Road
Memphis, TN 38115 Memphis, TN 38141
901-795-0272 901-795-0272
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
The New Life Fellowship District
Churches and Pastors
Brooks Memorial Temple Supt. Eugene Anderson
P.O. Box 426 2025 Franklin Road
Oakland, TN 38060 Moscow, TN 38057
901-465-8064 901-877-3966 Home
901-877-1466 Fax 901-490-5156 Cell

New Chicago Pastor Carlos S. Rodgers

1137 Louisville Ave. P.O. Box 28072
Memphis, TN 38107 Memphis, TN 38168
901-523-1900 901-218-4757
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Tree of Life District
Churches and Pastors
Meek & Humble SS Superintendent Leroy Jones
1086 Chelsea Ave. 1198 Charter Oaks Dr.
Memphis, TN 38107 Memphis, TN 38117
901-526-8030 901-336-9868

Christ Temple Pastor Robert Young

2820 Woodlawn Terrace 1260 Snowden
Memphis, TN 38127 Memphis, TN 38107
901-357-8130 901-278-7526

Embrace the Truth Pastor Fred Coleman, III

5830 Mt. Moriah Suite #24 6349 Egerton Circle
Memphis, TN 38115 Memphis, TN 38119
901-505-8558 901-568-4584

Greater Deliverance Ministries Pastor A. W. Pope

2962 Oakville Dr. 10225 Woodland Hills Dr.
Memphis, TN 38118 Cordova, TN 38018
901-527-5418 901-365-3446

Life Pastor David Macklin

918 Seventh Street 4333 Ann Arbor
Memphis, TN 38107 Memphis, TN 38127
901-523-8130 901-373-4675

Life Ministries Pastor Myron Wilburn, Jr.

Knights Inn, Suite 112 559 Hemsley
2949 Airway Blvd. Memphis, TN 38109
Memphis, TN 38116 901-789-4342

Victory In Praise Pastor Dennis J. Phillips

5185 Clement Road 4673 Bell Forrest Cove
Memphis, TN 38109 -P.O. Box 16978 Memphis, TN 38161 Olive Branch, MS 38654
901-774-7739 662-608-6360
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
Glorious Gate District
Churches and Pastors
Golden Gate Cathedral Supt. Robert Hamilton, Sr.
315 Golden Gate Ave. 416 Locust Grove Dr.
New Albany, MS 38652 Cordova, TN 38018

Vineyard Outreach Ministries Pastor Tony D. Sanford

1635 Main St. 1192 Highway 30 E
Guntown, MS 38849 New Albany, MS 38652

Rose of Sharon Pastor Michael Pickens

2107 E. Alcy Rd. 1945 Jamie Dr.
Memphis, TN 38116 Memphis, TN 38116

Holy Trinity Pastor Richard L. Summers

360 Louise Rd. 360 Louise Rd
Byhalia, MS 38611 Byhalia, MS 38611

Greater Hope International Ministries Pastor Robert L. Hamilton, Jr.

9160 Highway Suite 149
Lakeland, TN 38002

Redeemed Fellowship Pastor Willie A. Merriweather

325 Highway 178
Holy Springs, MS 38635

Burning Bush Pastor Walter Osby

34 James Black Rd. 34 James Black Rd.
Olive Branch, MS 38654 Olive Branch, MS 38654
Tennessee Headquarters Ecclesiastical Jurisdiction
The C. H. Mason Memorial District
Churches, and Pastors

Evangel Church Supt. Michael C. Jones

785 Jackson Ave. 1181 Woodland Bluff Ln
Memphis, TN 38107 Cordova, TN 38018

House of Prayer Pastor Virdell Jackson

5926 Whisper Valley Drive 9562 Woodland Creek Ln
Memphis, TN 38141 Cordova, TN 38018

Brown Temple Pastor Roy Albert Brown

1176 N. Parkway 1176 N. Parkway
Memphis, TN 38105 Memphis, TN 38105

Cross Temple Holiness Pastor Neal J. Reeves

3983 Geraldus Rd. 3983 Geraldus Rd.
Memphis, TN 38111 Memphis, TN 38111
901-745-3700 901-396-9294

New Life Pastor Benny Epps

1241 S. Main St.
Memphis, TN, 38106

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