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Aptitude I

In Each of these questions, four pairs of words are given. The two words in one of
the pairs are related in some way which is different from the relationship between
the two words in each of the other three pairs. The pair with a different relationship
is your answer
1) a) Chair-Table
b) Dagger-Sword
c) Pistol-Gun
d) Window-House
a) Head-Body
b) Dog-Cat
c) Red-Blue
d) Tiger-wolf
a) Soldier-Army
b) Nurse-Doctor
c) Sailor-Navy
d) Editorial-Newspaper
a) Car-Scooter
b) Goat-Cow
c) Cap-Dress
d) Shirt-Coat
a) Gun-Weapon
b) Novel-Book
c) Girl-Female
d) Peon-Clerk
a) Wheat-Rice
b) Stool-Chair
c) Rose-Lotus
d) Sword-Weapon
a) Sun-Moon
b) Tree-Branch
c) Apple-Banana
d) Pen-Book

a) Floor-Door
b) Mango-Fruit
c) River-Boat
d) Pen-Pencil

a) Moon-Sun
b) Mango-Fruit
c) Aunt-Female
d) Wolf-Carnivorous

a) Chair-Furniture
b) Cat-Mammal
c) Street-House
d) Guava-Fruit

11) Kewal sells two tape recorders at the same price. On one he gains 10% and
on the other he loses 10%. The total gain or loss in the transaction is
a) 1% gain b) 1% loss c) No Loss No Gain d) 2% Loss

12) The price of a jewel. Passing through three hands, rises on the whole by 65%.
If the first and the second sellers earned 20% and 25% profit
respectively, then the profit earned by the third seller is
a)20% b) 15% c) 10% d) 5%

13) The cost price of 25 articles is equal

to the selling price of 20 articles. The gain
percent is

a) 20% b) 22% c) 24% d) 25%

14) In selling an article for Rs 76/-, there is profit of 52% . If it is sold for Rs
75/- the profit percent will be
a) 44 b) 46 c) 48 d) 50

15) In terms of profit which is the best transaction

Cost Price Profit
1) 36 17
2) 50 24
3) 40 19
4) 60 29
a) (1) b) (2) c) (3) d) (4)

16) Find the selling price of an article if a shopkeeper allows two successive
discounts of 5% each on the marked price of Rs 80.
a) Rs 70.20 b) Rs 70.10 c) Rs 72.00 d) Rs 72.20
17) Two numbers are respectively 12.5 % and 25 % more than a third
number. The first number as a percentage of second number is
a) 50 b) 60 c) 75 d) 90.
18) A man buys an article for Rs 80 and marks it as Rs 120. He than allows a
discount of 40%. What is the loss or gain percent
a) 12% gain b) 12% loss c) 10% gain d) 10% loss

19) If the average marks of three batches of 55, 60 and 45 students

respectively is 50, 55 and 60 , then the average marks of all the
students is
a) 54.66 b) 53.33 c) 55 d) none of these.

20) Of the three numbers, first is twice the second and the second is twice the
third. The average of the three numbers is 21.. The smallest of the
three numbers is
a) 9 b) 6 c) 12 d) 18.

21) In a particular way of coding, the word CENTRAL is coded as

same coding, how can we express the word LANTERN ?

22) Find the odd one out.

441, 484, 529, 566, 625
a) 484 b) 529 c) 566 d) 625

23) Find out the pair of numbers that does not belong to the group for lack
of common property
a) 34—43 b) 62—71 c) 55—62 d) 83-92

24) If ‘+’ stands for Multiplication, ‘x’ stands for Division , ‘-‘ stands for
Addition and ‘/’ stands for Substraction, than what would the
following equation stand for ?
20 – 8 x 4 / 3 + 2 =?
a) 41 b) 19 c) 16 d) 18

25) If A= 2, M= 26, Z = 52, then BET = ?

a) 44 b) 54 c) 64 d) 72

26) If 11 x 12 x 13 = 234,
24 x 23 x 35 = 658 then
31 x 43 x 54 = ?
a) 497 b) 974 c) 749 d) 479
27) Find the missing number 16 [210] 14, 14 [156] 12, 12 [ ? ] 10
a) 110 b) 100 c) 120 d) 90

28) A is the sister of B, B is the brother of C, C is the son of D. How is D related

to A ?
a) Mother b) Daughter c) Son d) Uncle
29) The diagonal of the floor of a rectangular closet is 5 meters. The
shorter side of the closet is 3 meters. What is the area of the closet in
square meters?
a) 15 b) 12.5 c) 12 d) 10

30) The length of each side of a square is 3x/4 +1 . What is the perimeter of
the square
a) x + 1 b) 3x + 1 c) 3x + 4 d) 9/16x² +3½+1

31) Some work is done by two people in 24 minutes. One of them can do
this work alone in 40 minutes. How much time does the second person
take to do the same work?

a) 48 Min b) 16 Min c) 72 Min d) 60 Min

32) A person was fined for exceeding the speed limit by 10 mph. Another
person was also fined for exceeding the same speed limit by twice the
same. If the second person was travelling at a speed of 35 mph, find
the speed limit.

a) 5 mph b) 10mph c) 15 mph d) 20 mph

33) A bus started from bus stand at 8.00am, and after staying for 30 minutes at a
destination, it returned back to the bus stand. The destination is 27
miles from the bus stand. The speed of the bus is 18mph. During the
return journey bus travels with 50% faster speed. At what time does
it return to the bus stand?

a) 10.30 AM b) 11.00 AM c) 11.30 AM d) 12.00 PM

34) A family I know has several children. Each boy in this

family has as many sisters as brothers but each girl has
twice as many brothers as sisters. How many brothers
and sisters are there?

35) No. of animals is 11 more than the no. of birds. If the

no. of birds were the no. of animals and no. of animals
were the no. of birds( ie., interchanging no.s of animals
and birds.), the total no. of legs get reduced by one fifth
. How many no. of birds and animals were there

36). In a soap company, a soap is manufactured with 11 parts.

For making one soap you will get 1 part as scrap. At the
end of the day you have 251 such scraps. From that how many
soaps can be manufactured
37) . 2** |
3** | No. 7 does not occur in this
-------------- |
5** | multiplication
*6* |
**3 | Find the product.
----------- |
***** |
------------- |

38). There is a 5digit no. 3 pairs of sum is eleven each.

Last digit is 3 times the first one.
3 rd digit is 3 less than the second.
4 th digit is 4 more than the second one.
Find the digit.

39). Three are three boxes ,

In one box Two white balls
In second box 2 black balls
In third box 1 white &1 black
The labels on the boxes are not correct. Then you have to open
one box and to find the colour of the balls in all boxes

40) A beggar collects cigarette stubs and makes one full cigarette
with every 7 stubs. Once he gets 49 stubs. How many cigarettes
can he smoke totally ?

41). The seven digits in this subtraction problem are 0,1,2,3,4,5 and 6.
Each letter represents the same digit whenever it occurs.
What digit is represented by each letter ?

42) One monkey climbs a poll at the rate of 6mts/min

and fell down 3mts in the alternately. Length of the poll is 60 mts ,
how much time it will take to reach the top?
a. 31 b. 33 c.37 d.40

43) Two successive discounts of 20% and 15% is equal to a net

discount of ...

a 30 b 35 c 32 d 37

44) 5 * 4 = 12
and 8* 7 =42
then 9* 6 = ?

a 54 b 12 c 42 d 36

45) If GEN = 9 , ABOUT = 15 then GENERAL = ?

46) A contractor has to finish a road in 200 days. He employed 140

workers for 60 days and gets one-fourth of work done. Find the
additional number of worker to be employed to complete the work in
given time.

47) There are two pipes, one fills the tank in 12 hours and other fills in 32
hours .After how long the first pipe is to be closed so as to fill the
tank in 16 hours.

48) A train is to traverse between A &B. If it travels by 50Kmph it got

late by 15 min. If it travels by 36 Kmph it got late by 50 min.
Find out the speed of the train

49) What number must be added to 1/x to make it equal to x.

50) A thing was sold at loss, for Rs 60. If it had been sold at price of Rs 81, the
profit would be 20% of the loss. What's the original price of the object

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