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1. Please elaborate on Ease of use as far as users are concerned?

How exactly is Easy DMS

different from SAP DMS?

Free product. A user interface which works like explorer, you can create folders and put your
documents in it which creates in background a bill of document ( like BOM) which is not truely
possible in ERp(possible but will be insane using it in SAP GUI).

2. Challenges involved in implementation of Easy DMS

Windows Vista and Windows / supprted. Not tested the other operating systems but it won't work
for all operation systems and some basic bugs but setting up is very easy, download and just
install it than enter the imformations like your router, İp etc which you were already entering for

3. Content Server would be provided by SAP right?

Yes it is also free together with MaxDB.

** Indexing features Supported?(File indexing/Meta data based)

You need another server called Trex 7.1 whic is also free ..

**Stage Recycle Bin

When you delete a document you just put a deletion flag in Document information record, you
are not really deleting the original from server. You need archiving for that with SARA and run
Delete all files after arcihing means that not that easy to delete.

Permission configuration at folder level
Permission configuration at file level
There is no real permission configuration for folders. It uses the same authorsation with SAP ,
document type based, statuı based etc.. But there is ALC authorisation if you use Easy DMS
which uses Microsoft authorisation for windows but you do it for user saying the "the user" can
enter "the" document.

**Rights Permission for View, Edit, Add, Print, Download, Copy etc

Do not hing the original and the data linked to original together. You should aware of that SAP
can not manages the original itself. It can only manage the document information record which is
the data like the document number and definition but not the original. SO the copy of document
always possible although you give the display authorisation for the document. because it have to
be checked out localy to your own computer to be displayed and this automatically causes the
document to be copied if the user wants unless you are using another tool ECL viewer(SAP's
another free tool to work on CAD files like DWG,DXF and alos supprts PDF etc, it has its own

And the story goes on...

From my side DMS has only one real advantage if you are already using SAP which is "object
linking". You have to make development thing for the share point to link your originals to SAP
object like material, equipment, notification etc. But in SAP it is very easy, usefull , and very easy
to manage for both departments at the same time... And also classification and charcteristic
support also very usefull which directly creates tabs in reporting too.. The last case yo use DMS
is if you are using ECM(Engineering change management than it makes reasonable to use DMS
which has direct integration..
1. Can we apply user wise authorization like ---

a. One set of users can only upload doc..

b. Another set of user can only view doc...

c. Few users will not be able to view doc...

d. Few users can't change doc

so on...

and this authorization will also need to be doc type wise..

Yes it’s possible

2. Can this system give me report - who has access which doc when, how many times, how
many times doc is changed so on...

No System cannot provide these reports at user level.

3. Can we have rules like restrict size of doc, type of doc so on...

Yes we can put a limit on document size.

4. Can this system search doc by it's name,

No, Conventional DMS cannot but there is a functionality of TREX through which it can be done ( A
separate server for the same needs to installed)
5. Can this system search in doc content...

No System cannot search the document content.

6. Does there is any licensing impact to implement this system...

No extra license required for DMS.

Please revert on this... so than I can plan for next step...

1. General Explanations

The Document Management Process will be initiated as and when a document is

required to be attached with a sap object.

This functionality will be used for attaching, storing and retrieval of documents in DMS

2. SAP Document Management System:

Conventional DMS

2.1 Definitions

Various documents received or generated in the organization which needs to be

managed by using the SAP Document Management System utility, should be broadly
categorized as document types for easy identification, control and retrieval of documents

When documents are required to be uploaded in SAP, one Document Info Record (DIR)
will be created. This DIR contains all the Meta data (Attributes) about the uploaded

The details of Document info record (DIR) are explained below:

2.2 Document Info Record

Document info record refers to the master record in the SAP System which stores all the
business information of a document. While the document info record contains the
metadata for a document (such as the storage location), the original file (for example, the
design drawing) contains the actual information in the document.

A document info record is uniquely identified by the combination of the following document

 Document number

 Document type

 Document part

 Document version

I. Document type:

The document type is the primary control object for the DMS solution. Each category of
documents can have its own document type e.g.

 Human Resource Documents

 Finance Documents
 Sales & Distribution Documents

 Materials Management Documents.

Document Type is an important parameter, because all attributes, as well as authorizations,

will be controlled via the document type.

The following lists the functionalities controlled by document types:

 Type of number assignment and number range

 Version increment
 Field selection
 Additional fields

 Status management

II. Document Parts:

Document parts subdivide a document into several documents.

Document parts can be used for following functions:

• One can enter individual sheets of a complex design drawing as document parts for a
document number.

• It can manage documents in different languages. Using separate document part, SAP
system can store a document in English as well as in Hindi (even if they have the same
document number).

• A document may comprise of several chapters, each chapter can be entered as separate
part with same document number and document type.

The Document part is an alphanumeric field in which user can enter up to three characters.
Following overview shows some examples for document parts of a document :

Document No. Document Document Version

Type Part
DOC-01-AA DRW 000 01
DOC-01-AA DRW 001 01
DOC-01-AA DRW 002 01

3. SAP Document System: Archive Linking

3.1 Definitions

Archive Link is the SAP service that links documents stored outside of SAP to SAP
transactions, while still providing all common document service functions. Archive Link
works through the standard GOS interface and allows the content to be stored externally
outside the relational database.

In the SAP User Interface for a business transaction there will be a drop-down tab which
offers the user use of “Generic Object Service” will call that view which will be required to
attach, or delete documents specific to the transaction item.

SAP Archive Link requires all user interaction with content to be conducted in a transaction
SAPGUI screen. This means that all relevant business data and transaction information is
contained, viewed and accessed within the SAP transaction screens themselves.

3.2 Document type:

The document type is the primary control object for the Archive DMS solution. Each
category of documents will have its own document type e.g.

 Human Resource Documents

 Finance Documents

 Sales & Distribution Documents

 Materials Management Documents.

Document Type is an important parameter, because all attributes, as well as

authorizations, will be controlled via the document type .Each document type will be
aligned with each transaction/event. E.g. Vendor Invoice Document, Sales Order
Document. Etc.

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