Trabajo de Englesh

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Nombre: Angélica María Guzmán Pimentel

Matricula: 14-2876
Facilitador: Ramón Reynoso

In introducing the following work l hope to

give the best of me and fulfilled all the
requirements of this work. Where you
descriviendo my house.
My name is angelica. l´live in Santiago and
l´m going to describe my house.

My house is color orange with white, the

patio is very large, lt has trees and lots of

We have a chicken and a gog. The house got

trees bedrooms’, a bedrooms, a bathroom, a
front gallery, and a marquee. There´s a
terrace between the first bedroom and the
second one.

We have a TV, a fan, and one air conditioner

on my room. There´s only one bed and one
In the kitchen there´s a fridge, a stuve a
microwave. We have two washing machines,
in the gallery ther´estwo rocking chairs.

The part that l like about my cass is the patio

as l can enjoy the outdoors and when l study
l like to sit under a tree so l can work well as
it is quite quiet.

Me a hundred very well to have fulfilled this

work as it is a responsibility of everything
and can help us learn much more tobe able
to have the capacidad of teach others.


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