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Pag 42

A-Look the pictures and complete sentences.

1. Before I go to Bed, I Always. Watch TV
2. Maria usually Takes a dog After school, but sometime
her father does too.
3-Every Thursday afternoon Sandra Rides a bike
4. In his spare time, Martin Plays a violin His brother hates it.
5. I always Go to teather Whit Mark on Saturdays
6.Jane has a new computer and she Plays After school.
7-Do you Take a fothographie For the school magazine.
B – Write
1-Three hobbies Looks the birds, collect coins, make a models of
airplane, chips etc.
2 Three jobs Professor, Lawyer, Dentist.
3-Three kind of music Salsa, Jazz, Chill outs.
4-Three musical instruments Guitar, Saxophone, Banjo
5-Three chores Wash the dishes, iron my clothes, cleaning my house
C - Look and write the time.
1- Eleven thirteen
2- One a half
3- Seven fourteen
4- Three ten.
D – Look At the table below. Write sentences about what Rogers does on the weekend.
Rogers always gets up late on the He usually washes the windows.
weekend. He often goes practice skate boarding.
He sometime reads comics.
He never doesn´t yoga.
Pag 43
E- Complete the text whit the preposition in the box
In, on, at, for, whit, to.
On the weekend I always have fun, I get up (1) at 9 o’clock (2) on Saturday mornings and take my
dog (3) to a walk. (4) In the afternoon, I go to movies. Sundays are good, too, I go (5) to the park and
I go rollerblading (6) Whit my friends. In the evening. I watch DVDs.
F – Put the words in order and make sentences.
1-go/usually/I /to bed/ at 11:00 1-I usually go to bed at 11:00 pm
2-weekdays /rollerblading/go/Stacy/on/doesn’t 2-Stacy on weekdays doesn’t rolling blender
3-never/James/on weekdays/sees / his friends 3-James on weekdays never see his friends.
4-at /bed/Thomas/to/10:00/goes 4-Thomas goes to bed at 10:OO o’clock
5-at 7 o’clock/Maria/ always/get up/ 5-Maria always get up at 7 o’clock
6-always/my father/is/tired/in the afternoon 6-My fathers is tired always in the afternoon.
G - Read and answer
1-What does peter usually do in the evening? He surf in the net and plays guitar whit her
2-What musical instrument does peter play? He plays the guitar.
3-What does peter read? He reads comics.
4-When does peter go out whit his friends? They goes rollerblading or go to the movies.
H – Complete the sentences whit the correct form of the verbs in parentheses
1-Maria loves go (go) to the park whit her friends.
2-Daniel and Natalie hate listening (listen) to guitar jazz music.
3-Jordan enjoys play (play) the guitar.
4- A: Do you like watch (watch) tv? / B: No I don’t but I really like reads (sin “s”) (read) comics
5-David and I enjoy play (play) pool
6-Anthony doesn’t like takes (take) the dog for a walk every day after school
I-Complete the dialogue whit the phrase in the box.
A Guess what? Its. Peter Birthday on Friday.
B – Really? And when´s the party?
A –Saturday afternoon. How often do you go to
the recreation center?
B-of course, oh no, wait a minute. What kind of
music does Peter like?
A – Hip hop.
B – Cool. I’m a big fan of hip hop
A - Is that ok whit you?
B – twice a week, I usually play pool. Do you
want to come whit me?
A-Not in a million years.
I hate playing pool. It’s boring
B-Come on! It’s fun.
Pag 44
A-Cross the odd word. Then, add more.
1-Rock-Jazz-Clasical-Violin-(Gospel, Salsa, Merengue)
2-Guitar-Drums-Campus-Saxophone-(Citar,Piano, Violin)
3-Lifeguard-reporte-life-dentist-(Doctor, Psycologist,Mechanic)

1 Go A The guitar
2 Surf B The dog for a walk
3 Download C Breakfast
4 Watch D Tv
5 Have E Songs
6 Ride F My homework
7 Take G A bike
8 Do H The net
9 Play I Rollerblanding
10 Stay J Up late

C-Complete whit the present simple of the verbs in parentheses
1-Ted usually hangs out whit friends on Sundays. (hang)
2-Susan goes to bed at 9:00 (go)
3-My best friend always has dinner whit her parents. (have)
4-in the afternoon I talk to my friends on the phone. (talk)
5-My father plays the piano (play)
6-Jack and Lucy listening to hip hop. (listen)
7-My parents go out on Saturday. (go)
D-Complete the sentences whit do, does, don’t or doesn’t
1-Does Danny ride his bike every.
2-Sophie and I doesn’t play musical instruments.
3-George does like pop music.
4-What do you usually do on Saturdays?
5-When does your sister go out whit her friends?
E-Circle the correct word.
1-James always/never watches Tv after school. He plays computers
2-Does Maria go/do rollerblading on the weekend?
3-Tony usually is/ is usually late for school.
4-Angela hates doing/do her homework.
5-I love/loving taking pictures in my spare time
6-Mary likes make/making collage on the weekend.
F-Look at the clocks and write what time is it?
1-It’s a quarter to twelve. 2-Two twenty.
3-Eleven a half. 4-Nine ten.

1 What time is it ? A It’s a quarter to seven
2 What time do you get up B At six thirty
3 Do you like climbing C Yes I do
4 What do you do in your spare time D I go climbing

H –Complete the dialogues whit the sentences a-d

1- 2-
A-What kind of music do you listen to? A –Do you often go to movies
B-POP. What about you? B – Yes I do usually watch action films
A-I like jazz. A – Really I think they’re boring.

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