Sex Trafficking Court Docs

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Case 1:17-cr-00196-TSE Document 2 Filed 08/14/17 Page 1 of 6 PageID# 2


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Alexandria Division


V. Case No.: I:I7-MJ


DENNIS RAY DAVIS, JR, aka "Dee"; and



I, Special Agent Alix Skelton of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, being duly sworn under oath, do
hereby depose and state:


1. I ama Special Agent (SA) withtheFederal Bureau ofInvestigation (FBI). I have beenso employed
since 2011 and am currently assigned to the Washington Field Office Child Exploitation and
Human Trafficking Task. While employed by the FBI, I have investigated federal criminal
violations relating to crimes against children, including sexual exploitation offenses, commercial
sex trafficking, and othercriminal investigations. I havegained experience through training by the
FBI and everyday work relating to conducting these types of investigations.

2. As a Federal Agent, I am authorized to investigate violations of United States laws and to execute
warrants issued under the authority of the United States.

3. I am submitting this affidavit in support of a criminal complaint and arrest warrant charging IVAN
CANTERBURY, aka "Katt," with violations ofTitle 18, United States Code, Sections 1591(a), (b),
(c) and 1594(c), Conspiracy To Engage In the Sex Trafficking of Children.

4. The statementscontained in this Affidavit are based on my experience and background as a criminal
investigator, and on information provided to me by other members of the Federal Bureau of
Investigationand other law enforcementofficers. I have personallyparticipatedin the investigation
of the offenses set forth below and, as a result of my participation and by review of evidence
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gathered in thecase, I am familiar withthe facts andcircumstances of thisinvestigation. Since this

Affidavit is being submittedfor the limitedpurpose of supporting a criminal complaint, I have not
includedevery fact resulting from the investigation. I have set forth only the facts that I believe are
necessary to establish probable cause to believe that IVAN DUANE WILLIAMS, DENNIS RAY
DAVIS, JR, and CHELSEA ANNE CANTERBURY violated Title 18, United States Code,
Sections 1591(a), (b), (c) and 1594(c) Conspiracy To Engage In the Sex Trafficking of Children,
as described herein.


5. On November 17, 2016, law enforcement officers involved in a prostitution operation in Fairfax
County, Virginia, responded, in an undercover capacity, to an advertisement for commercial sex
on, a website known for prostitution.Via text message,officers arrangeda half hour
"date" for an agreed upon $160 and were directed to a specific room in a hotel in Falls Church,
Virginia where the female engaged in prostitution was located. The officer was also instructed to
bring condoms.

6. Upon the officer's arrival at the specified room, JC, a sixteen year old female child, opened the
door and allowed the officer into the hotel room. At that time the officer identified himself to JC as
law enforcement and JC admitted that she was the person with whom the officer had been
communicating regarding sexual activity and that she was a missing juvenile out of Maryland, JC
advised that she had been working as a prostitute and had had sex with one adult male that evening
for which she had been paid $80. Officers located and seized three condoms in the trash can of the
hotel room.

7. JC further advised law enforcement that after she ran away from home she met REBECCA ANN
HAMILTON with whom she began prostituting in Maryland, Virginia, and Georgia. HAMILTON
would arrange and book hotel rooms for JC as JC was not old enough to rent a room herself
HAMILTON also taught JC how to post advertisements for sex on Backpage. Law enforcement
investigation revealed JC was a missing juvenile in Anne Arundel County, Maryland last seen on
September 14,2016.

8. When JC first began to prostitute, she gave all the money she earned to HAMILTON. HAMILTON
told JC that the money was going in to a savings account and that she would give JC money if she
asked for it. HAMILTON never gave JC any of the money out of the account. JC advised law
enforcement that there was approximately $5,000 of JC's money, earned by prostituting, in the
account currently,

9. HAMILTON also introduced JC to CHELSEA ANNE CANTERBURY, known to JC as "Katt,"

who also worked as a prostitute. CANTERBURY also assisted JC by renting hotel rooms out of
which JC could prostitute and traveled with HAMILTON and JC for the purpose of each
engaging in commercial sex. Additionally, JC advised law enforcement that she had advised
PIAMILTON and CANTERBURY repeatedly and consistently that she was sixteen years old.
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10. One day, while working in the Richmond, Virginia area, HAMILTON and CANTERBURY got
intoan argument and HAMILTON leftto return to Maryland. Afterthat time, JC began to workas
a prostitute with CANTERBURY.

11. At the time JC was encountered by law enft)rcement, she was working for CANTERBURY. JC
advised that CANTERBURY would leave JC at the hotel by herself, but would come every few
days to pick up the money that JC was making working as a prostitute.

12. Law enforcement received information from the hotel front desk that the specific room in which
JC was located had been rented to Chelsea Canterbury of4309 Oglethorpe St, Hyattsville, MD. A
hotel employee was shown a Maryland Department of Motor Vehicle photograph of CHELSEA
ANNE CANTERBURY, and the employee indicated she recognizedthe female in the photograph.

13. JC provided law enforcement with a telephone number she believed to be associated with
CANTERBURY. A search of, locates that telephone number, 305-720-0989,
as being associated with a Facebook page for user "Bigg Lucci" who lists his location as Chillum
Heights, Maryland. Profile pictures on that account appear to depict IVAN DUANE WILLIAMS.
Additionally, a photo posted by that user on October 12, 2015 depicts HAMILTON with

14. Investigation revealed that HAMILTON had cell phone number 1-240-619-0109 and email

15. Records obtained from Backpage reveal JC being advertised for prostitution in Northern Virginia
through HAMILTON'S Backpage account. As part of the investigation, law enforcement sent a
subpoena to and obtained records of advertisements posted by the user account
associatedwith Included in those recordswas an advertisement created and
posted by that account dated September 30, 2016 and posted in the Northern Virginia Escorts
section of the website. The title of the advertisement read "Mixed, BigBooty Ready to Play,
GirlFriendExperiance & FETISHES''' and the content of the advertisement read "Hi there guys
My name is Sierra I'm here from out oftown, Lookingto showyou guys a good time ifyou make
me your pick.. I'm luscious with a big booty, No tattoos and slim belly I'm only accepting mature
working men NO AA Incalls And Outcalls Give me A Call 9163043813 I am the perfect girl, I
provide NonRushed sessions and mostfetishes." The advertisement included multiple pictures of
JC. The location on the advertisement was listed as "Incalls and outs (tysons corner/Vienna),
Northern Virginia"

16. The invoice for the advertisement referenced above indicates the user paid $5.00 to post the
advertisement. The invoice also included a verified contact phone number associated with the account as 1-240-619-0109.

17. After recovering JC, law enforcement recovered additional minor victims being trafficked by
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18. On November 21, 2016, law enforcement officers engaged in a prostitution operation in Henrico
County, Virginia. Law enforcement responded, in an undercover capacity, to an advertisement for
commercialsex on Via text messages, the officer arrangedto meet a female at a 7-
11 in Richmond, Virginia to purchase condoms before going to a hotel to engage in commercial
sex. The officer was advised that the cost was $200 for a half hour and $300 for an hour.

19. Upon arrival at the 7-11, the officer received a text message indicatingthe female was going to go
inside and purchase condoms. The officer observed a Ford Taurus, occupied by three females, enter
the parking lot. Two females, who appeared consistent with those depicted in the advertisement,
were observed exiting the vehicle and entering the 7-11 and purchasing condoms. The officer
receiveda text messageasking which vehicle he was in, and once the officer identified his vehicle,
he was advised that he should follow the Taurus across the street to the hotel. One of the females
in the Taurus motioned for him to follow. A traffic stop was conducted on the vehicle and the
occupants were identified as AL, a sixteen year old female child, JCM, a sixteen year old female
child, and HAMILTON. HAMILTON was arrested at that time. A search of the hotel room
occupiedby HAMILTON, AL and JCM also located a Maryland identification card for CHELSEA

20. AL advised law enforcement that she had run away from foster care in Maryland in March of 2016
when she was fifteen years old. At that time she was workingas a prostitute for a pimp in Florida,
Georgia, and North Carolina.

21. In approximately May of 2016,AL left that pimp and returned to Maryland at whichtime she was
contacted by the pimp's ex-girlfriend, CHELSEA ANNE CANTERBURY, whom AL knows as
"Katt." AL began working for CANTERBURY as a prostitute and giving her money to
CANTERBURY. AL did "incalls" at CANTERBURY'S residence in Maryland as well as outcalls.

22. AL also met CANTERBURY'S boyfiiend, IVAN DUANE WILLIAMS, known to AL as "Lucci."
WILLIAMS was prostituting other girls at the time. WILLIAMS was awarethat AL was underage,
so he had CANTERBURY deal directlywith AL. AL also introducedJCM to CANTERBURY and
JCM also worked for CANTERBURY as a prostitute.

23. In October, 2016, CANTERBURY also drove AL and JCM to Atlanta, Georgia where they met
with WILLL\MS, DENNIS RAY DAVIS, known to AL as "Dee," and JC. WILLIAMS and
DAVIS were pimping JC at that time. While in Atlanta, AL, JCM, JC, and CANTERBURY
engaged in commercial sex.

24. On more than one occasion, AL and JCM traveled to Richmond, VA with CANTERBURY and
WILLIAMS to engage in commercial sex. While in Richmond, CANTERBURY would drive AL
and JCM to dates and WILLIAMS and DAVIS would pimp out their girls, to include JC.

25. While in Richmond, AL observed CANTERBURY giving money that AL had made prostituting
to WILLIAMS. Shortly after, JCM was assaulted by WILLIAMS. At that time, AL and JCM left
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CANTERBURY and went to work as prostitutes for HAMILTON, whom they knew through

26. AL has utilizedHAMILTON'S cell phoneto accessBackpage so that HAMILTON couldpost and
payfor theadvertisements advertising ALforcommercial sex. HAMILTON hadgiven ALadvice
about how to work as a prostitute and to avoid police including asking for pictures of money on
Facetime and also to meet at the gas station first. AL advised law enforcementthat the money AL
made prostituting whilewithHAMILTON was givento HAMILTON to put intoa savings account.

27. JCM advised law enforcement that she ran away from home in Maryland in approximately
Septeniber of 2016. In approximately Octoberof 2016,JCM met up with AL, previouslyknown
to one another, and began prostituting with AL and HAMILTON. JCM also advised law
enforcementthat she had previously been "pimped the fuck out" by individuals known to her as
"Lucci" and "Katt" in Georgia, Virginia, and Maryland.

28. For the most recent trip to Richmond, JCM further advised that HAMILTONdrove JCM and AL
to Richmond to prostitute less than a week prior to encountering law enforcement. JCM estimated
she had made approximately $2,000 in exchange for sex in that time, all of which had been given
to HAMILTON to put in her (HAMILTON'S) savings account. JCM also advised law enforcement
she has done "dates" together with HAMILTON on at least two occasions in Maryland.

29. Both AL and JCM advised law enforcement that HAMILTON was aware that AL and JCM are
minors and that HAMILTON had told them she (HAMILTON) could get in trouble for working
with them. JCM offered to leave, but HAMILTON told her it was okay she could stay and they
"would figure something out."

30. On February 10, 2017, HAMILTON was arrested pursuant to a Federal arrest warrant authorized
by this Court charging her with violating 18 USC 1591, Sex Trafficking of Children. HAMILTON
was advised of her Miranda Rights and subsequently admitted to law that she had facilitated the
sex trafficking ofAL, JCM, and JC (by driving them to dates, collecting their money, and assisting
with posting advertisements) at various times during the fall of 2016 up to the time of her arrest
and incarceration in Henrico County as discussed above. HAMILTON fiirther advised that she was
aware that AL, JCM, and JC were underage during the time they worked with her.

31. HAMILTON had worked for DAVIS and WILLIAMS as a prostitute since she was fifteen years
old, and DAVIS had previously been convicted of sex trafficking her a^ a minor. While DAVIS
was incarcerated, HAMILTON was required to give her money to WILLIAMS. HAMILTON
advised when she, JC, JCM, and AL worked as prostitutes she (HAMILTON) was required to
collect money from the minors and give a portion of the money she and they made to DAVIS or

32. WILLIAMS and DAVIS were often physically violent towards HAMILTON when she did not
provide them enough money or they thought she was talking to other men without being paid.
WILLIAMS and DAVIS used the money to fund their music careers and buy drugs and alcohol.
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33. HAMILTON is also aware that CANTERBURY had previously dated and worked as a prostitute
for WILLIAMS but he had stopped working with her. In an effort to please WILLIAMS and win
him back, CANTERBURY recruited AL to work for her (CANTERBURY) as a prostitute so she
could give WILLIAMS more money.

34. JC was recruited at a mall and she began working as a prostitute with HAMILTON. At that time,
HAMILTON was working for DAVIS and CANTERBURY was working for WILLIAMS. JC
initially indicated she wanted to work for WILLIAMS, so she was going to stay with
CANTERBURY, but then decided to work for DAVIS, so stayed with HAMILTON.

35. After AL and JCM left CANTERBURY to work with HAMILTON, they returned from Virginia
to Maryland. The next day, DAVIS and WILLIAMS came to Maryland looking for the minors.
WILLIAMS threatened HAMILTON with a gun. While attempting to get the minor girls back,
DAVIS repeatedly stated "Give me my bitches back." DAVIS and WILLIAMS, in the presence of
CANTERBURY, also arranged for HAMILTON'S brother to be assaulted when she (HAMILTON)
reftised to deliver AL and JCM to them.

36. HAMILTON further advised that her email address is and her telephone
number is 240-619-0109.


37. Based on the foregoing, and on my training, experience and participation in this and other
investigations, I submit there is probable cause to believe that on or about September 1, 2016
through November 21, 2016, in the Eastern District of Virginia and elsewhere, IVAN DUANE
U.S.C. §1591(a), (b), (c) and 1594(c) conspiracy to engage in sex trafficking of children.

Alix' Skelton
Special Agent
Federal Bureau of Investigation

Sworn to before me this I I day

of August, 2017

julin F. Anderson

United States Magistrate Judge

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