Third PT in English 6 IZS

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Schools Division of Laguna
District of Nagcarlan-Rizal


School Year 2017-2018
Name:____________________________________________ Date:_________________________
Grade/ Section:_____________________________________ Teacher: ______________________

I. Read each sentence. Circle the –ly word. Decide whether it is an adverb or an adjective.
Write the appropriate term on the line following the sentence.

1. They happily joined the game when they finished working. __________________
2. They sadly bowed their heads after they lost the game. __________________
3. Ana smiled happily at the students in her new class. __________________
4. We were upset when our friends looked at us strangely. __________________
5. My baby sister held her cuddly stuffed toy while she slept. __________________

II. In each sentence below, an adjective is underlined. Circle the noun that is
described by the adjective.

6. The big black car went down the street.

7. I painted a small picture for my mother.
8. She wore a long yellow dress.
9. The brown horse ran fast.
10. He drank from a little cup.

III. Read each sentence or phrase below. Write S beside it if it is a sentence.

Write F if it is a fragment.
____11. Toni and Beth went hiking in the woods yesterday.
____12. Lost their way.
____13. Forgot fl ashlights and water.
____14. Why did their parents allow them to go?
____15. Luckily for the girls.

IV. Put the correct punctuation mark at the end of each sentence.
16. Name several safety tips for hiking and climbing
17. Wearing proper clothing and footwear is a basic tip
18. Why is it important to carry water
19. Penny wants to know more about camping
20. Why must climbers sign up before beginning their climb

V. Read each sentence. Write whether it is declarative, interrogative,

imperative, or exclamatory.
____________21. What a wonderful camping trip that was!
____________22. Think about what Peter said about staying safe on a hike.
____________23. How many times have you climbed in the Shawangunk Mountains?
____________24. Don’t delay getting down the mountain before sunset.
____________25. Richard couldn’t decide whether or not to go.
VI. Put an X in front of each sentence that is a compound sentence. Circle the coordinating
conjunction used to combine the two independent clauses.
____26. Crayons were invented in 1903 by Edwin Binney and Harold Smith,
and they were an instant success.
____27. Crossword puzzles can be diamond-shaped, or they can be square.
____28. The fi rst ferriswheel began operating on June 21, 1893 at the
Chicago World’s Fair.
____29. It had 36 wooden cars that could each seat 40 people, but most
modern ferriswheels are much smaller.
____30. A kaleidoscope is a tube one can look into that makes beautiful,
colorful patterns using mirrors.

VII. Read the sentences. Write an S if it has a compound subject and P if it

has a compoud predicate.
____31. My older sister, Selina, is studying hard and hopes to be an inventor one
____32. Calculus, physics, and chemistry are her favorite subjects.
____33. My preferred subject has always been English literature.
____34. Selina rises early and arrives home late.
____35. Selina’s teachers and classmates believe she is marked for fame and

VIII. Underline the correct verb in the parentheses that agrees with the subject.
36. Jose (want, wants) to learn about growing roses.
37. You (shop, shops) for new rose bushes each year in May.
38. Jose (know, knows) that taking care of roses is a lot of work.
39. His grandparents (tell, tells) Jose all about different kinds of roses.
40. I (give, gives) Jose a beautiful pink rose.
41. Jose (offer, offers) his grandfather a hand.
42. Jose (ask, asks) his grandfather a question.
43. Jose (buy, buys) his grandmother some roses.
44. The fl owers (make, makes) the neighbor sneeze.
45. Jose’s grandfather (plant, plants) rose bushes every year.

IX. Write the pronoun in the parentheses that agrees with its
underlined antecedent on the line provided.
46. Erik knew that (he, she) wanted to live a full life.
47. Erik’s friends asked if (she, they) could attend his marriage on a
48. Climbers need ice axes, and I have seen one of (he, them).
49. When Peter talked to us about climbing, (he, she) was serious.
50. Peter tried to repair the radio, but (they, it) still would not work.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Schools Division of Laguna
District of Nagcarlan-Rizal
School Year 2017-2018
Name:____________________________________________ Date:_________________________
Grade/ Section:_____________________________________ Teacher: ______________________

I. Directions: In a box is a prescription for adults who are suffering from colds. Read it and
answer the questions that follow. Write the letter of the correct answer.


1. In what form is the medicine being prescribed?

A. capsule B. syrup C. tablet
2. How are you going to administer the medicine as prescribed?
A. swallow it B. inject it on the muscle C. rub it on the skin
3. What does the word tab. mean ?
A. table B. tablet C. teaspoon
4. How often are you going to take the medicine?
A. once a day B. twice a day C. thrice a day
5. If colds persist, what will you do?
A. double the dose B. take the medicine as usual C. consult a physician

II. Directions: Sequence the events as they happened in the story. Write the number on the
blank provided with 1 as the first event.
Many years ago, Cow and Carabao looked different from the way they look today.
The Cow and Carabao worked together in the farm, so they became very good friends. The plowed
the rice fields and pulled carts with firewood and sacks of grains.
Their master was not a nice man. He would often hit them with a long stick. He did not allow Cow
and Carabao to take a bath or pay them for their work.
One day Cow and Carabao decided to run away from the farm. While their master took a nap, they
took turns quietly eating a hole through the bamboo fence that kept them imprisoned,
When they were free, they ran and ran as fast as they could. They did not stop running until early the
next morning.
Suddenly they saw a pond of clear water so they decided to take a bath. After a while, they heard
their master coming over the hill. “Come back here, you bad cattle!, he shouted angrily.
Cow and Carabao jumped out of the water and quickly put on their clothes. Cow ran to the other side
of the pond and Carabao ran to the opposite side of the hill.
When Carabao stopped running, he felt very hot. He felt that his clothes were very tight for him,
especially around the neck.
When Cow stopped running, he took a rest under a big tree. He felt the breeze touching his neck and
began to feel cold. His collar was very loose.
When he looked at his suit he noticed that it was brown all over. “This is Carabao’s suit, not mine”,
he said.
Unfortunately, the two friends never changed back into the right clothes because they never met
______ The Cow and Carabao ran away as fast as they could.
______ The Cow and Carabao took a bath in a pond of clean water.
______ Cow and Carabao took turns quietly eating a hole through the bamboo fence that imprisoned
______ Cow and Carabao decided to run away from the farm while the master took a nap.
______ Cow and Carabao jumped out of the water and quickly put on their clothes.
______ The Carabao felt very hot for his clothes were very tight, especially around the neck.
______ Suddenly they heard their master coming over the hill.
______ The Cow and Carabao never changed back into the right clothes because they never met
______ The Cow felt a breeze touching his neck and began to feel cold.

III. Directions: Complete the sentence below by giving possible cause. Choose the appropriate
answer from the phrases at the right column.
______15. Filipino families during the Spanish time a. because she was intelligent
became poor
______16. Many people were shocked b. because she is very responsible
______17. Aurora stopped studying c. that made her popular as a student
______18. She had many activities d. because the war broke out
______19. She was a wide reader e. because she and her daughter was
ambushed and killed
______20. She was called the Mother of the People f. because the Spaniard took their land
and property.
______21. She did a lot of good things g. because of her noble intention to the
______22. She was well h. so she was still remembered
i. because she helped many charitable
______23. Everybody seeks for her advise on decision making. j. so she learned a lot
______24. She was lookup to as a leader k. that’s why we left

IV. Directions: Infer the mood of the following sentences by writing your answer on the space
before the number. Choose the correct answer from the list words inside the box.
angry excitement happy
worried contentment frightened
panic dismay hopeful
arrogant lonely sad

__________ 25. Oh! No, what did you do to my cream? Do you know how much you wasted?
__________ 26. Those boys are nothing compared to me. They are not rich as I am.
__________ 27. Enchanted kingdom? Wow! Tell me about it.
__________ 28. Really Mama! Oh! Thank you very much for your gift.
__________ 29. I am happy for what God has given me. After all He provided all my needs.
__________ 30. I am sorry to hear that news. I hope you can recover soon.
__________ 31. My daughter is graduating from a nursing course next year. I hope she can find a job as soon
as possible.
__________ 32. I’d been waiting here since this morning. I thought he’ll come but he didn’t.
__________ 33. Blood! Why? What happened?
__________ 34. Papa, where’s Mama she has not come yet from her work. Do you think she’s all right.
V. Directions: Read the following situations then try to infer how the situations would turn out if some
episode were changed. Circle the letter of your answer.
35. Big Hawk and Rooster used to be good friends. They trusted each other and even shared secrets. One day Rooster
borrowed Big Hawk’s ring and showed it to his wife Hen. Hen wanted to try iton her toe. If Rooster had not shown the ring
to Hen, Hen might_______________________.
A. not have put on the ring on her toe B. not gave Big Hawk her chicks
36. Rooster agreed to give the ring to Pretty Hen. He doesn’t want to disappoint her. Hen tried it on her toe and was very
happy to have it on. If Rooster did not agree to give her the ring, Hen might_______.
A. be sad and lonely B. not scratch for the chicks
37. He wanted very much to show off the ring to her friends. Pretty Hen went to see her friends with Hawk’s ring on her
toe. Unfortunately, the ring got lost. If Hen did not go to show the ring off to her friends, the ring might
A. be on Hawk’s too yet B. not have gotten lost
38. Big Hawk learned that his ring got lost. He was very furious so he reprimanded both of them to find it or if not he will
be eating their chicks. If the Hawk hadn’t learned that the ring was lost, he might _____________________
A. have gotten furious B. not help Rooster
39. We still see Rooster, Hen and the chicks scratching on the ground continuously. When Hen notices the Hawk around.
She always protects her chicks under her wings. If Rooster and Hen had found the ring, the Hawk might _____________
A. be their servant by now
B. be their friend once again
40. Amahl a lame boy, left his bed one night and watched the starry night. He was so fascinated to see the big star as big
as a window. But mother angrily snapped at him and reprimanded him to return to bed. If Amahl had not left his bed to
watch the stars. Mother might_________.
A. not have gotten angry B. not sleep well
VI. Oral Reading

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