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Issue 2,
January 2011 BEELINE
National Energy Conservation
Award 2010 get record
Director General, BEE
participation Very warm greetings for 2011 along
In its 20th year, the National Energy Conservation Awards, now a
with this second issue of BEELINE.
hallmark of energy conservation, commitment and cooperation, We celebrated the National Energy
witnessed record participation from industry. These awards symbolise Conservation Day across the country on December 14, 2010. The
Indian industry's effort to achieve energy efficiency and recognise National Energy Conservation Awards and the awards for the National
innovation and achievements by various establishments in energy Children Painting Competition on Energy Conservation were given
away by the Union Power Minister Shri Shushilkumar Shinde. As a
conservation. The awards have been a source of motivation for the
special highlight, I feel proud to share that a record 15 lakh children
participating units to undertake serious efforts in energy conservation.
participated in the painting competition from all over the country in the
Gracing the Annual National Energy Conservation Day function in New year 2010.

Delhi on December 14, 2010, the Union Minister for Power, Hon'ble Shri Interestingly enough, we also saw a lot of activities as far as energy-
Sushilkumar Shinde, gave away the awards to the winners. This year the efficient buildings are concerned, and this issue of BEELINE captures
awardees were from 32 sectors from Industry; Hotels; Hospitals; Office quite a few of them, including the launch of the ECOnirman Tool and of
the star-rating programme for shopping malls. In addition, the PEDA
office building in Chandigarh was awarded five-star building rating, and
was soon after visited by Prince Charles, who specifically choose to visit
this building because of its energy-efficient design.

It is also a privilege to bring to you, an interview with Karan Grover, who is

one of the leading architects of energy-efficient buildings in the country.
His vision and his passion are both infectious. We hope that his insights
would further provide all of us with both vision as well as inspiration to

As this issue goes to Press, the Padma Awards for 2011 were
announced. It gives me great pleasure, on behalf of the entire energy
efficiency community, to congratulate Shri C.N. Raghavendran on being
conferred the Padma Shree. Shri Raghavendran, Partner, C.R.
Narayana Rao Architects and Engineers in Chennai has been in the
forefront of the movement for the design of energy efficient buildings,
Buildings; Shopping Malls; Zonal Railways; State Designated Agencies; and several Chennai buildings enjoy low energy bills because of his
Municipalities; Thermal Power Stations; and Manufacturers of Electrical design. Some of these include Tidal Park, Anna Centenary Library and
Appliances carrying star labels certified by the Bureau of Energy the Infosys Campus. I found it especially gratifying that Shri
Raghavendran's award was listed in the science and technology
Efficiency (BEE). The awards suggest the potential for large scale
category (because of his contributions to energy efficient building
replication and of concrete measures that can help address India's
technology) rather than in the (equally appropriate) architecture
energy security issues.
"Energy conservation across all sectors of the economy is essential for I am sure that the Padma Shree conferred on Shri Raghavendran is the
balancing growth in energy demand and economic growth, while first of many Padma Awards that, in future years, will be conferred upon
ensuring that India's access to energy is managed efficiently. The the leaders of change in the energy efficiency sector.
response from various stakeholders is a testament to increasing Dr. Ajay Mathur
commitment towards energy efficiency and conservation," said Shri

The Ministry of Power and BEE together have brought energy C O N T E N T S

conservation and management to the centre stage of India's power
sector with different schemes and programmes. Commenting on the Programmes & Schemes 2-3
awards, the former Minister of State for Power, Shri Bharatsinh Solanki
said "The tremendous potential that energy conservation has for saving Industry 4
power can bridge the gap between demand and supply. The need of the
hour is to have a more vigorous and focused national level participation From States 4
by all stakeholders to meet the desired objective of reducing the energy
intensity. These awards are a step in this direction." Guest Interview 5

continued on page 2 Events 6-8

P r o g r a m m e s & S c h e m e s

ECOnirman to aid architects, designers of EE buildings

The benefits of low energy buildings
are significant and will over the years
often out-weigh the extra costs
incurred during its construction. Lower
energy bills and other non-energy
benefits will - year after year - simply
ensure lower life-time costs.

BEE has developed the Energy

Conservation Building Code (ECBC) in
India to promote energy efficient
buildings. ECBC provides minimum
requirements for the energy-efficient
design and construction of buildings
having a connected load of 100kW or a
contract demand of 120kVA. It is
planned that the code shall be
mandatory (once enforced) for
commercial buildings or building
complexes. Dr. Ajay Mathur, DG - BEE at the launch

ECOnirman, developed by BEE, is a new web-based application which Apart from ECOnirman, the ECBC Standard Training Package for
has been developed to assist architects and engineers at design stage so
professionals has also been developed to strengthen and expedite BEE's
that they are able to assess the performance of their proposed buildings
objective of ECBC implementation. The plan is to spread the training
under the purview of ECBC and accordingly facilitate design
programme across three days with an objective to enhance ECBC
awareness, provide administrative and technical guidance towards Code
This application assesses the overall conformance of building as well as compliance, help understand the technical basis of ECBC requirements
its major building systems that include building envelope, HVAC, lighting, and introduce the participants to other useful resources and knowledge
service water heating and pumping and electrical power systems. The bank. This training will conclude with an ECBC Proficiency Test for
reason why ECOnirman has been developed as a web-based application professionals to gauge their understanding of the modules and the Code
is to ensure that it reaches a wide spectrum of users across the country. itself.

Star Rating for Buildings - Shopping Malls Category

In order to accelerate the energy efficiency activities in the commercial on-site renewable sources such as solar photovoltaic etc. and the built up
buildings, BEE has developed a Star Rating Programme for Buildings. area excludes parking and basement areas.
Under the programme, five categories of buildings - Shopping Malls,
Hotels, Hospitals, Office Building, and IT Parks in five climate zones in the BEE has recently developed bandwidths for star rating the Shopping
country have been identified. Energy Performance Index (EPI) in kWh / sq Malls. A standard template has been developed which seeks data about
m/ year is considered for rating the building and is calculated in terms of the building such as actual energy consumption, built up area, type of
purchased and generated electricity divided by built up area in sq.m. building, hours of operation, climatic zone and other related information.
However the total electricity does not include electricity generated from

continued from page 1

National Energy Conservation Award 2010 .....

The participating units of the 2010 Awards have collectively invested for First Prize, 30 units for Second Prize and 27 units for Certificate of
` 5457 crore in energy conservation measures and achieved a monetary Merit.
saving of ` 2138 crore every year. These efforts have resulted in an annual
Clearly, the awards have motivated the participating units to undertake
saving of 2422 million kWh of electrical energy, which is equivalent to the
serious efforts to save energy and safeguard the environment. Shri P Uma
energy generated from a 357 MW thermal power station at a plant load
Shankar, Secretary, Ministry of Power, said that with an increase in the
factor of 0.775.
number of participating units over the previous years-from 123 industrial
The response from the industrial and commercial units has been very and commercial units in 1999 to 592 in 2010, the awards have made
encouraging as is evident from the increasing participation level. This year significant progress in creating mass awareness on the use of energy,
the Award Committee has selected one unit for Top Rank Award, 32 units particularly in the domestic sector.

BEELINE Quarterly Newsletter - January 2011

P r o g r a m m e s & S c h e m e s

Standards & Labeling: Promoting Capacity Building for

Test Laboratories in India
The workshop took up for discussion the significance and role of the
testing laboratories as an integral part of the S&L programme, which
emphasized the key activities related to such laboratories. These included
support from test laboratories as an activity measuring the integrity,
identifying non compliance and convincing all involved parties that
compliance is a better option. The workshop also brought into focus the
need for putting in place adequate controls to minimise the level of
compliance, providing relevant information on market shifts and collecting
Shri Jiwesh Nandan, CEO, EESL, addressing the participants at the workshop
and sharing the data to measure the effectiveness of the program.
BEE, in association with CLASP/PwC, organized a workshop on capacity
building for test laboratories in India on November 15, 2010. The BEE's S&L programme for household electrical appliances aims at
workshop witnessed participation from BIS, NABL, Test Laboratories, providing information on energy performance of appliances based on the
Manufacturing Associations, etc. standards issued by BEE so that the consumers can make informed
decisions while purchasing appliances. Increasingly, consumers are
Inaugurating the conference, Dr. Ajay Mathur, DG - BEE, spoke about his
vision of the Standards & Labeling (S&L) programme and the enlarged making star rating an important criterion in the selection of a model as a
role of testing laboratories in the labeling scheme. Appreciating the efforts result of this programme, which is intended to reduce the energy
by CLASP and PwC in putting together this workshop, DG spoke consumption of appliance without diminishing the services it provides to
passionately about the importance of testing taboratories in conducting consumers.
Check Testing / Verification Testing and Compliance in any labeling
programme. Currently there are 12 products under the scheme which was launched in
May 2006. The four products that are under the mandatory labeling
Shri Jiwesh Nandan, CEO, Energy Efficiency Services Ltd. (EESL),
regime are frost free refrigerator, room air conditioner, TFL and distribution
explained the role of EESL as an implementing partner of BEE and the
practical challenges in finding accredited test laboratories that can deliver transformer. The other products under the programme are direct cool
results in a time-bound manner. He also mentioned about the change in refrigerator, induction motor, agriculture pump sets, ceiling fan, LPG
the phase of the S&L programme and how the present emerging phase stove, electric storage type geyser, colour television and washing
shall create huge demand for testing and verification. machine. With the success of mandatory labeling on four products and

Smt. Abha Shukla, Secretary, BEE, highlighted the role of S&L voluntary labeling on other products, India has saved more than 3000 MW
programme in the energy efficiency movement in India and contribution of of power as on March 31, 2010. The huge energy saving reflects the shift
testing laboratories in the success of this program. in market towards greener products.

Municipal Demand Side Management (MuDSM) Programme

Electricity consumption in municipal sector is increasing steadily over the In order to take this concept forward and to measure the actual savings in
last few years. Demand Side Management (DSM) can be an effective power consumption, it is necessary to first establish a base line of energy
mean to address growing gap between power supply and demand. consumption, which would act as a reference point. Thus, as a first step it
Municipal corporations must not only consider financial and resource would be necessary to undertake the energy audit of the ULBs. Based on
security benefit from DSM measures, but also need to recognize impact the energy audit, appropriate projects can be recommended that have
on environment created by burning of fossil fuels. potential for reduction in energy consumption. A cost benefit analysis
would enable the ULBs to decide whether or not to implement the
Municipal bodies often lack sufficient institutional capacity to develop
recommended energy efficiency solution.
practical approach for maximizing efficiency even after recognizing the
potential benefits. Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) have to develop proper Programme Approach and Methodology
approach & proper model to identify energy efficiency projects &
Prioritization of
Situational Preliminary and
implementation strategy for efficient energy management. The goal of States & ULBs
Investment Grade ESCO Phase
Survey Based on
energy management must be on provision of services like drinking water & Situational Survey Audit of ULBS

street lights with the least cost and least environmental effect.
Building Infrastructure and Energy Management Skill
The basic objective of the BEE's MuDSM programme is to improve the
• Designate the Energy Manager or Project In charge and build a Team
overall energy efficiency of the ULBs which could lead to substantial
savings in the electricity consumption, thereby resulting in cost • Set goals and develop strategies
reduction/savings for the ULBs. The total population of ULBs under
MuDSM is 1029.47 lakh which cover 12411.18 sq kms across 171 cities. • Educate and involve employees in efficiency efforts
Situational Analysis Survey of current ongoing initiatives on energy • Motivate people at all level & bring awareness about energy efficiency
efficiency covers 23 states/UTs. The findings across all the 171 cities
across 23 states suggest that only 9 cities have exclusive energy cell with • Generate a pool of technical know how to identify and implement
Pimpri Chindwad, Jaipur and Surat leading as far as focus and efforts are projects
concerned. It's high time for ULB of remaining cities to provide exclusive • Create a targeted budget for efficiency improvement
focus to energy efficiency initiative.

I n d u s t r y

Energy savings and avoided capacity data ratified by NPC

BEE has initiated a number of energy efficiency initiatives through a range BEE, in general, nearly 50 % of the electrical energy saved and over
of measures, including the ECBC for large, new commercial buildings; S&L 75 % of avoided generation are attributed to the S&L programme.
programme; the initiation of process for the development of energy Concerted effort made by BEE to raise awareness and popularize the S&L
consumption norms for industrial sub sectors, the Bachat Lamp Yojana programme has resulted in record energy savings in the last one year. In
(BLY) to replace incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps all, S&L program has resulted in electricity saving of 4350.92 million units,
(CFLs) and the institution of the National Energy Conservation Awards
equivalent to avoided generation capacity of 2179.31 MW.
among others.
Owing to the success of these programmes undertaken by BEE, India S. Name of the Product Annual Savings Savings
saved over 8720 MU of electricity and avoided generation of 2868 MW of No. Productions/ in MU in MW
electricity in the FY 2009-10. The year also witnessed fuel savings sales
equivalent of 3.969 million MTOE, both electrical and thermal. 1 Direct Cool Refrigerators 4812741 1737.78 317.51
These savings have been verified by the National Productivity Council 2 Frost Free Refrigerators 1594802 892.05 163.22
(NPC) under a third party verification of energy savings (related to the
activities of BEE) scheme for FY 2009-10, based on secondary data and 3 Room Air Conditioners 2232603 1090.18 1455.89
stakeholder interactions. 4 Color Television sets 1763849 147.38 26.96
Programme BEE NPC 5 Distribution Transformers 51612 45.77 6.69
Electricity Avoided Electricity Avoided 6 Ceiling Fans 253886 9.272 1.69
Saved Generation Saved Generation 7 Storage Water Heaters 199814 25.98 4.75
(MU) (MW) (MU) (MW)
8 Tubular Fluorescent Lamps 35728733 171.49 160.30
Standard & Labeling 4369 2468.9 4350.92 2179.31
(36 Watts)
Industry EC Awards 2450.6 358.6 2450.6 358.6
9 Agricultural Pump Sets 69254 230.99 42.25
Energy Savings - SDA 4588.25 855.662 1874.254 304.59
TOTAL 4350.92 2179.31
Buildings 144 27.5 21.06 3.082
Bachat Lamp Yojana 24 20 24 22.43 Going forward, with the new programs and initiatives launched by BEE,
TOTAL 11575.85 3730.662 8720.834 2868.012 significant energy savings and avoided capacity are likely to be achieved
which will contribute towards India's commitment to reduce carbon
Considering 2007-08 as base year, effective MU savings impact in 2009-10 emission intensity by 2030-50. This would be done through a series of
includes achievements of 2007-08 and 2008-09, since savings continue to measures which include bringing in better energy efficiency standards,
accrue for 2007-08, 2008-09 initiatives. What began at 3731.5 MU of among others. However, the effectiveness of these measures ultimately
cumulative verified savings for the year 2007-08, have since grown to depend on their adoption by all energy users and consequently on their
13991.15 MU in 2008-09 and to a whopping 32971.35 MU in 2009-10. awareness of the energy savings opportunities around them. BEE expects
While the cumulative growth in energy savings over the years, especially in to successfully implement these programs and initiatives and create
2009-10, is attributed to the different energy conservation programmes of benchmarks for energy efficiency and consumption in India.

F r o m S t a t e s
BEE 5 Star Rating to PEDA Office Building Chandigarh
BEE has awarded Performance Index (EPI) of 14 kWh /sqm /annum and hence has been
Punjab Energy awarded a 5 Star label by BEE. Shri. Viswajeet Khanna, IAS, Secretary,
Development Agency Govt. of Punjab, Department of Science, Technology, Environment and
(PEDA) Solar Passive NCES, said that the state govt. departments dealing with building
Complex, Chandigarh construction have been asked to adopt ECBC for upcoming new buildings
a 5 Star label under the both in the govt. and in the public sector. Shri. T.P.S. Sidhu, Chief
Day Use Office Building Executive, PEDA, informed that the conventional lighting load of the
category in the building has been reduced upto 90% with daylight integration resulting in
PEDA Solar Passive Complex, Chandigarh
composite climatic overall energy saving of upto 50%.
designed by: Prof. Arvind Krishan, SPA, New Delhi zone in October 2010.
The building is being visited
This building is energy
by national and international
efficient and environment friendly and is constituted on solar passive
experts, architects,
architectural design features. It is the Centre of Excellence of a solar
engineers and educational
building integrating natural light and air with built-in light vaults, solar
institutions as it a unique
photovoltaic power plant, water bodies and environment friendly
example of solar passive
architecture. His Royal
Shri. Sanjay Seth, Energy Economist, BEE, said that the Star Rating Highness Prince Charles
Programme for Buildings is based on actual performance of a building in also visited this building and
terms of specific energy usage. It rates buildings on a 1-5 Star scale, with 5 addressed a round table
Star being the most energy efficient. He said that the Solar Passive meeting with senior officers His Royal Highness Prince Charles visiting the
Complex, which has less than 50% conditioned space, has an Energy and renowned architects. Solar Passive Complex

Karnataka SDA organizes Essay Competition for school children

To create awareness among the youth about Renewable Energy and the state function in Bengaluru organized
Importance of Energy Conservation, Karnataka Renewable Energy jointly by KREDL and Central Power
Development Ltd (KREDL) - the state designated agency -- conducted an Research Institute (CPRI), where 13
essay competition for 6th 7th and 8th standard school children at the children were awarded for winning
school, district and state level in association with Karnataka State Public the competition. Shri Dinesh Kumar
Education Department in October 2010. D.K, Nodal Officer, KREDL, gave
The Students participating in the contest had to write on the role of away the prizes to the winners. Also
renewable energy and energy conservation in the present scenario and the attending the function were Shri N. Murugesh, Director-General, CPRI,
importance of energy conservation, both in English and Kannada. Shri D.S.Rajanna, Director (Primary & Secondary Education) Education
The prizes were distributed on Children's Day on November 14, 2010 at a Department, and Sri Pattanashetti, Nodal officer, CPRI.

BEELINE Quarterly Newsletter - January 2011

G u e st I n te r v i e w

Our traditions tell us to conserve and use energy efficiently

Green architect Karan Grover is width allows natural light to bounce off the entire length. It is easy to have
passionate about the need to root natural lighting of around 20 feet in a 40-foot long north-south passage for
development in native culture and heritage all daytime hours.
to make communities and growth
The important thing to note here is that energy efficiency was embedded in
planning, thinking, execution and everyday life!
Named 'social entrepreneur' by the
Energy efficiency is not just about how much electricity flows through the
prestigious Washington-based Ashoka
meter in a building, office or a house! The issue about efficiency is that it
Foundation, Permanent Honorary Fellow
comes about from a holistic approach. It is about the overall footprint of
of the National Academy of Environment,
construction and structures - the location, the orientation, materials
recipient of the US Green Building
sourced, how these materials are used.
Council's Platinum Award for the greenest building in the world, the Green
Globe Foundation's Green Globe Award for Architect, Infrastructure, and We need to set standards and targets for all buildings. The requirement for
the Aspen Institute Energy and Environment Award. water harvesting in all new structures is an excellent beginning as is the
Here, he speaks with BEELINE about his beliefs, his faith and passion for BEE standards for energy efficient buildings. Going forward, we could
sustainable development. stipulate mandatory requirements for energy efficiency in constructions.
Simple steps - such as the north-south alignment described above - can
BEELINE: How have you used traditional wisdom in your work,
reduce use of artificial light. Proper insulation, ensuring green cover for
notably in your award-winning architecture for the offices of the CII-
roofs and west or east facing walls can reduce energy use.
Sorabji Godrej Green Business Centre in Hyderabad, the Institute of
Plasma Research in Ahmedabad, and the Institute of Quality in These are all passive steps - the 'frugal' approach that is so embedded in
Bangalore? traditional Indian thinking. We are so careful not to waste, we always
recycle … that attitude informs our traditional structures as well.
Karan Grover: My inspiration comes from Champaner. I got involved with
this ancient 8th century settlement thirty years ago in my early 20s, when I BEELINE: Can this approach be adopted for today's population base -
was just starting out in my career. Thirty years later we succeeded in our For modern cities?
petition to UNESCO to declare it a World Heritage Site, drawing attention
Karan Grover: Yes, of course. It's the approach that is critical. The precise
to the glorious lessons of Champaner for town planning and architecture.
steps taken would vary with the specific situation.
The construction at Champaner works around the natural topography and
local weather conditions. It uses locally available resources and has some For example, green connectivity between locations would encourage
sophisticated water retention structures. people to walk, instead of using cars, taxis or autos. The greenery would
introduce many other benefits - in terms of temperature control, thereby
The designers of the bygone ages worked out how jalis (grills) could be
reducing air-conditioning usage.
fashioned to create wind channels to cool air, water bodies used to cool
walls and floors and how to align structures to capture the maximum light For example, also, new building laws could stipulate having lifts/elevators
and air … and thereby save enormous energy. - stop only on alternate floors. This would involve huge energy saving.
Introduce solar-powered street lighting. Bring in collective water
One of the most wonderful gifts of traditional architecture is the courtyard.
harvesting for better efficiency.
In vaastu shastra, the courtyard is held to be the navel, from where comes
life; nothing can be built in the courtyard, which is the soul of the house, Use land with respect. A new township in Dharampur, Gujarat, for
where the family gathers to talk, relax, clean the grain, make pickle, watch example, used 22 per cent of the land for construction, instead of the 40
the children play…. The courtyard aids in air circulation and ensures light per cent allowed and built an energy-efficient environment. A new
for every room; it gives life to the house. residential complex in Gurgaon, situated all construction around a huge
I have experimented with courtyards frequently. At the Plasma Institute, golf course, thereby also introducing the same benefits of a green belt.
we have 17 courtyards in the 500,000-square feet complex. Elsewhere we Waste collection, treatment and recycling are given requirements. And
have experimented with jails and wind catchers. At the Bangalore Institute metering use of resources - energy, water and so on is absolutely
of Quality, these experiments resulted in the ambient air temperature imperative. It would establish wasteful usage.
being reduced by 11 degrees. The Institute has no need for air-
conditioners. But encouraging low-rise high-density living would also introduce energy
efficiency. Town planning that allows living, work and recreational areas to
The other lesson of Champaner is the efficiency in using materials. The
be in close proximity also make such settlements energy-efficient and
structures are all modules of four. Given that all materials are in multiples
sustainable. Chandni Chowk is a prime example of this.
of four, this resulted in least or no waste. This is embodied energy-
efficiency. Give prominence to pedestrian walk-ways and good public transport and,
simultaneously, levy high taxes on private cars. Green connectivity within
BEELINE: How can you use these lessons for ordinary residences,
and between localities is an eminent way to reduce wasteful energy use.
beyond special institutional buildings and complexes?
Also levy slab charges for resources such as water and electricity so that,
Karan Grover: In modern times, these principles were used in residential
beyond a certain level of use, the rates are much higher. This would
colonies such as Old Delhi and Old Lahore … where north-south
encourage careful use of these resources and cut back squandering.
alignments cut allowed better access to natural light, narrow lanes acted
as air channels and land-use was more efficient with low-rise-high-density BEELINE But the foundation for all these examples is a certain
conjoined living-working-recreational spaces. All our traditional buildings approach - an approach that is sensitive to wasteful use of natural
were green. resources, including land and is committed to sustainability in deed
and not merely words.
If the width of buildings are restricted and these are open to the north and
south, with protection provided for walls facing east and west, access to That approach underlies all our traditional settlements. With that
both light and air can be improved. In several passages in the CII-Sorabji approach, architects, planners, scientists, administrators … anyone, can
Godrej Green Business Centre in Hyderabad, which is aligned north- think of dozens of ways to reduce waste. But taking that approach forward
south, no artificial lighting is required during the day as the alignment and requires will.

E ve n t s

National Energy Conservation Award Winners - 2010

ALUMINIUM - 1st Prize: National Aluminium Company Limited, Smelter REFINERY - Certificate of Merit: 1. Indian Oil Corporation Limited,
Plant, Angul (Orissa), 2nd Prize: Hindalco Industries Limited, Renukoot (Assam Oil Division), Digboi Refinery, Distt. Tinsukia (Assam) 2. Indian Oil
Unit, Distt. Sonebhadra (Uttar Pradesh) Corporation Limited, Barauni Refinery, Distt. Begusarai (Bihar)
AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURING - 1st Prize: Tata Motors Limited, SUGAR - Certificate of Merit: Nava Bharat Ventures Limited, Sugar
CVBU - Lucknow (Uttar Pradesh), 2nd Prize: 1. Mahindra & Mahindra Division, Samalkot, Distt. East Godavari (Andhra Pradesh)
Limited, Zaheerabad, Distt. Medak (Andhra Pradesh), 2. Tata Motors TEXTILE - 1st Prize: Welspun India Limited, Vapi, Distt. Valsad (Gujarat),
Limited, Pant Nagar (Uttarakhand), Certificate of Merit: 1. General 2nd Prize: 1. Raymond Limited, Tal. Pardi, Distt. Valsad (Gujarat), 2.
Motors India Pvt. Limited, Tehsil - Maval, Pune (Maharashtra), 2. Honda Bombay Rayon Fashions Limited-Yarn Dyeing, Doddaballa Pura,
Siel Cars India Ltd., Khuskhera, Distt. Alwar (Rajasthan) Bangalore (Karnataka), Certificate of Merit: Raymond Limited, Jalgaon
CEMENT - 1st Prize: ACC Limited, Kymore Cement Works, P.O Kymore, (Maharashtra)
Distt. Katni (Madhya Pradesh), 2nd Prize: ACC Limited, Chaibasa TYRE - 1st Prize: MRF Limited, Kottayam (Kerala), 2nd Prize: Balkrishna
Cement Works, P.O Jhinkpani, Distt. Singhbhum (West) (Jharkhand), Industries Limited, Bhiwadi, Distt. Alwar (Rajasthan)
Certificate of Merit: 1. Shree Cement Limited, Unit-II, Beawar, Distt.
HOTELS - 1st Prize: Gem Holiday Resorts Limited, Holiday Inn Gem
Ajmer (Rajasthan), 2. Jaypee Rewa Plant, Distt. Rewa (Madhya Pradesh) Park, Ootacamund (Tamil Nadu), 2nd Prize: ITC Hotel The Windsor,
3. OCL India Limited, Kapilas Cement Works, Village Biswali, Distt. Bengaluru (Karnataka), Certificate of Merit: EIH LIMITED, Trident
Cuttack (Orissa) Nariman Point, Mumbai (Maharashtra)
CHEMICALS - 1st Prize: National Peroxide Limited, Kalyan HOSPITALS - 1st Prize: West Central Railway, Divisional Railway
(Maharashtra) Hospital, Kota (Rajasthan), 2nd Prize: 1. North Western Railway-Bikaner
CONSUMER GOODS MANUFACTURING - 1st Prize: LG Electronics Division, Divisional Railway Hospital, Bikaner (Rajasthan), 2. Kovai
India Pvt. Limited, Greater Noida (Uttar Pradesh), 2nd Prize: Godrej & Medical Center and Hospital, Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu)
Boyce Manufacturing Company Limited - Appliance Division, OFFICE BUILDINGS - 1st Prize: Bharat Sanchar Nigam Ltd., Telecom
Pirojshanagar, Mumbai (Maharashtra) Bhavan, Medical College,Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala), 2nd Prize: 1.
DAIRY - 1st Prize: Heritage Foods (India) Limited, Kasipentla, Distt. BSNL Haryana Telecom Circle, Arya Chowk Main Telephone Exchange
Chittoor (Andhra Pradesh), 2nd Prize: Shimoga Dairy, Shimoga Milk Building, Ambala City (Haryana) 2. BSNL Haryana Telecom circle, Main
Union Limited, Shimoga (Karnataka), Certificate of Merit: Raichur, Telephone Exchange,Yamuna Nagar (Haryana), Certificate of Merit:
Bellary & Koppal District Co-operative Milk Producers Societies Union BSNL Haryana Telecom Circle, Main Telephone Exchange Building,
Limited, Unit: Bellary Dairy, Bellary (Karnataka) Karnal (Haryana)
DRUGS & PHARMACEUTICALS - 1st Prize: IOL Chemicals and ZONAL RAILWAYS - 1st Prize: East Coast Railway, Bhubaneswar
Pharmaceuticals Limited (Drugs and Pharmaceuticals Division), Barnala (Orissa), 2nd Prize: Northeast Frontier Railway, Guwahati (Assam),
(Punjab), Certificate of Merit: 1. IPCA Laboratories Limited, Ratlam Certificate of Merit: 1. South Central Railway, Secunderabad (Andhra
(Madhya Pradesh), 2. Orchid Chemicals & Pharmaceuticals Limited, Pradesh), 2. West Central Railway, Jabalpur (Madhya Pradesh) 3.
Alathur, Distt. Kancheepuram (Tamil Nadu) Southern Railway, Chennai (Tamilnadu)
EDIBLE OIL / VANASPATI - 1st Prize: Ruchi Soya Industries Limited,
Energy Department, Haryana & HAREDA (Chandigarh), 2nd Prize: 1.
Mangalore (Karnataka), 2nd Prize: 1. Ruchi Soya Industries Limited,
Energy Management Centre, Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala) 2. Punjab
Patalganga (Maharashtra), 2. Ruchi Soya Industries Limited, Kandla,
Energy Development Agency (Chandigarh), Certificate of Merit: Non-
Distt. Kutch (Gujarat)
Conventional Energy Development Corporation of AP Limited (NEDCAP),
FERTILIZERS - 1st Prize: Indian Farmers Fertiliser Cooperative Limited- Hyderabad (Andhra Pradesh)
Phulpur Unit-II, Distt. Allahabad (Uttar Pradesh), 2nd Prize: Rashtriya
THERMAL POWER STATIONS - 1st Prize: 1. Guru Hargobind Thermal
Chemicals and Fertilizers Ltd., Trombay Unit, Mumbai (Maharashtra),
Plant, Lehra Mohabbat, Distt. Bathinda (Punjab), 2. 220 MW Samalkot
Certificate of Merit: 1. Gujarat State Fertilizers & Chemicals Limited,
Combined Cycle Power Station, Reliance Infrastructure Limited,
Vadodara Unit, Distt. Vadodara (Gujarat), 2. Indian Farmers Fertiliser
Samalkot, Distt. East Godavari (Andhra Pradesh), 2nd Prize: 1. GMR
Cooperative Limited - Paradeep Unit, Distt. Jagatsinghpur (Orissa)
Vemagiri Power Generation Limited, Vemagiri Village, Distt. East
FOOD PROCESSING - 1st Prize: Glaxosmithkline Consumer Godavari (Andhra Pradesh) 2. Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukharjee Thermal
Healthcare Limited, Dowlaiswaram, Distt. East Godavari (Andhra Power Station CSPGCL, Korba East (Chhattisgarh), Certificate of Merit:
Pradesh) Ultratech Cements Limited, Unit: Birla White, 7.5 MW Thermal Power
Plant, Jodhpur (Rajasthan)
GENERAL CATEGORY - 1st Prize : JCB India Limited, Ballabgarh
(Haryana), 2nd Prize : Kone Elevator India Pvt. Limited, Chennai (Tamil MANUFACTURES OF BEE STAR LABELED APPLIANCES (Air
Nadu) Conditioner) - 1ST Prize: LG Electronics India Pvt. Limited, Greater
Noida (Uttar Pradesh), 2nd Prize: Carrier Airconditioning & Refrigeration
Limited, Gurgaon (Haryana), Certificate of Merit: Samsung India
Vadodara Municipal Corporation, Street Light Department, Vadodara
Electronics Pvt. Limited, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
(Gujarat), 2nd Prize: Eastman Cast & Forge Limited, Ludhiana (Punjab),
Certificate of Merit : GAIL (India) Limited, Division: HVJ Pipeline system, MANUFACTURES OF BEE STAR LABELED APPLIANCES
Vijaipur, Distt. Guna (Madhya Pradesh) (Refrigerator) - 1ST Prize: LG Electronics India Pvt. Limited, Greater
Noida, (Uttar Pradesh), 2nd Prize: Videocon Industries Limited, Gurgaon
GLASS - 1st Prize: OCV Reinforcements Manufacturing Ltd., (Haryana), Certificate of Merit: Godrej & Boyce Manufacturing Company
Thimmapur (Andhra Pradesh) Limited, Mumbai (Maharashtra)
Raigarh (Chhattisgarh), 2nd Prize: Tata Steel Limited, Jamshedpur Fluorescent Lamp) - 1st Prize: Crompton Greaves Limited, Lighting
(Jharkhand) Division, Vadodara (Gujarat), 2nd Prize: Surya Roshni Limited, New
MINING - 2nd Prize: Western Coalfields Limited, Nagpur (Maharashtra), Delhi
Certificate of Merit : MOIL Limited, Kandri Mine, Distt. Nagpur MANUFACTURES OF BEE STAR LABELED APPLIANCES (COLOUR
(Maharashtra) TELEVISION) - 1st Prize: LG Electronics India Pvt. Limited, Greater
PAPER & PULP - 1st Prize: Emami Paper Mills Limited - Balasore Unit, Noida (Uttar Pradesh)
Balasore (Orissa), Certificate of Merit: ITC Limited, PSPD - Kovai Unit, MANUFACTURES OF BEE STAR LABELED APPLIANCES
Coimbatore (Tamil Nadu) (AGRICULTURE PUMP SET) - 1st Prize: Crompton Greaves Limited,
PETROCHEMICALS - 1st Prize: Reliance Industries Limited - Dahej Pumps Division, Ahmednagar (Maharashtra)
Manufacturing Division, Bharuch (Gujarat), Certificate of Merit: MANUFACTURES OF BEE STAR LABELED APPLIANCES (CEILING
Continental Carbon India Limited, Ghaziabad (Uttar Pradesh) FAN) - 1st Prize: Havells India Limited, Haridwar (Uttarakhand)
PLASTICS - 1st Prize: Mindarika Pvt. Limited, Village Nawada Fatehpur, MANUFACTURES OF BEE STAR LABELED APPLIANCES
Distt. Gurgaon (Haryana), 2nd Prize: The Supreme Industries Limited, (STORAGE WATER HEATER) - 1st Prize: Racold Thermo Limited, Pune
Khuskhera, Distt. Alwar (Rajasthan) (Maharashtra)

BEELINE Quarterly Newsletter - January 2011

E ve n t s

Artistic Inspiration for Children

An unprecedented 15.63 lakh school children from 47,155 schools Union Power Secretary Shri P. Uma Shankar said, "It is especially
participated in a nationwide painting competition on energy conservation gratifying that energy conservation has caught the imagination of children,
undertaken by the Ministry of Power along with the BEE. those who will inherit the nation that we are building."
The Union Minister of Power, Shri Sushilkumar Shinde gave away prizes Participation in the School Level Painting Competition this year was about
to the 23 national winners of the Annual Energy Conservation Painting 71% higher than in the previous year.
Competition. The competition is held every year at the school, state and
national levels.

1st Prize

Adrija Acharya - Class VI, Tripura

2nd Prize

Harsh Vedani - Class VI, Gujarat Navyasree. B - Class V, Kerala Somoshree Mahapatra - Class VI Vaishnavi P Bhimani - Class V
Delhi Gujarat

E ve n t s

3rd Prize

Disha Roychowdhury - Class V, West Bengal Poorva Kachhawha - Class V, Rajasthan Prerna Kakkar - Class VI

Rajat Dey - Class IV, Tripura Shreyash Wadwalkar - Class IV Sohini Chakraborty - Class VI, West Bengal

Soumalya Dandapat - Class IV, West Bengal Yash Sarwaswa - Class VI, Bihar

Consolation Prizes awarded by the Ministry of Power & BEE

S.No. Name of the Winner Class State/UT S.No. Name of the Winner Class State/UT
1. Chirag Sharma VI Himachal Pradesh 11. Anupriya Sharma V Assam
2. Nazla Sayed.A.P V Lakshadweep 12. Shabnam VI Chandigarh
3. Riya Sarkar VI Tripura 13. Lancio Morges VI Goa
4. N. Hariharan VI Tamil Nadu 14. Kudrat Singh VI Haryana
5. Chhavi Sharma VI Himachal Pradesh 15. Deepika Sehrawat VI Jammu & Kashmir
6. L Venkateswara Reddy VI Andhra Pradesh 16. Samyukta Prabhu VI Karnataka
7. Devjit Choudhury V Jharkhand 17. Tashveen Kaur IV Madhya Pradesh
8. S.A. Latchiyaa Mathiazhagi IV Puducherry 18. Emtili Aier V Nagaland
9. Malika Sharma IV Uttarakhand 19. Harish Kumar Senapati VI Orissa
10. Aashmani Ghosh V Delhi 20. Kavya Aggarwal V Uttar Pradesh

Published by:

(Ministry of Power, Government of India)

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