Complex Gangliosides As Autoantibody Targets at The Neuromuscular Junction in Miller Fisher Syndrome: A Current Perspective

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Neurochemical Research, Vol. 27, Nos. 7/8, August 2002 (© 2002), pp.


Complex Gangliosides as Autoantibody Targets at the

Neuromuscular Junction in Miller Fisher Syndrome:
A Current Perspective*

Graham M. O’Hanlon,1 Roland W. M. Bullens,2,3 Jaap J. Plomp,2,3 and Hugh J. Willison1,4

(Accepted March 21, 2002)

Glycosphingolipid biology has increasingly interfaced with the field of human autoimmune
neuropathy over the last two decades. There are currently over 20 distinct glycolipids that have
been identified as autoantibody targets in a wide range of clinical neuropathy syndromes. This
review sets out the clinical and experimental background to one interesting example of anti-
glycolipid antibody-associated neuropathy termed Miller Fisher syndrome. This syndrome, com-
prising the triad of ataxia, areflexia, and ophthalmoplegia, correlates highly with the presence of
serum anti-GQ1b antibodies, arising through molecular mimicry with microbial oligosaccha-
rides. Anti-GQ1b antibodies mediate neural injury through binding to GQ1b-enriched sites in the
peripheral nervous system, including extraocular nerves. Animal experimental evidence, along
with a hypothetical background, indicates the motor nerve terminal may be a key site for anti-
GQ1b antibody binding with consequent defects in synaptic transmission, as occurs in botulism
and other toxinopathies. Our work in recent years on this hypothesis is summarized.

KEY WORDS: Gangliosides; GQ1b; autoantibodies; Miller Fisher syndrome; Guillain Barré syndrome;
peripheral neuropathy; motor nerve terminal; neuromuscular junction; synaptic transmission.

INTRODUCTION neuropathies with distinct clinical phenotypes (1–3).

In this review we will specifically focus on one highly
Over the last two decades, ganglioside and gly- interesting area we have extensively researched in re-
colipid biochemistry has increasingly overlapped cent years, namely the emerging relationship between
with the field of human autoimmune neuropathy. It is motor nerve terminal injury, complex gangliosides,
now evident that over 20 different glycolipids act as anti-GQ1b antibodies, and the Miller Fisher syndrome
autoantibody targets in a highly diverse group of (MFS) (4).
Much progress has been made over the last decade
* Special issue dedicated to Dr. Guido Tettamanti.
in our understanding of the pathogenesis of MFS, a
University Department of Neurology, Institute of Neurological
Sciences, Southern General Hospital, Glasgow, Scotland. syndrome that comprises the clinical triad of ataxia,
Department of Neurology, Leiden University Medical Centre, areflexia and ophthalmoplegia (5). Although MFS has
Leiden, The Netherlands. long attracted attention as an infrequent clinical cu-
Department of Physiology, Leiden University Medical Centre, riosity, the renaissance of interest in MFS began in
Leiden, The Netherlands.
1992 when Chiba and colleagues (6) reported the pres-
Address reprint requests to: Hugh J. Willison, University Department
of Neurology, Institute of Neurological Sciences, Southern General ence of anti-GQ1b antibodies in the acute phase serum
Hospital, Glasgow G51 4TF, Scotland, United Kingdom. Tel: 44 141 of MFS cases, a finding that has been substantiated
201 2464; Fax: 44 141 201 2993; E-mail: and extended in many subsequent studies (see below).
0364-3190/02/0800 –0697/0 © 2002 Plenum Publishing Corporation
698 O’Hanlon, Bullens, Plomp, and Willison

The strength of this clinical-serological association is lated syndromes which have in common the presence
such that the measurement of anti-GQ1b antibodies in of ophthalmoplegia is well documented (6,13,15–18).
suspected cases of MFS is of diagnostic use to clini- In MFS, serum anti-ganglioside antibody titres are at
cians. Furthermore, extensive efforts have been made their peak at clinical presentation and decay rapidly in
to understand the pathophysiological basis of the paral- most cases concomitant with clinical recovery, being
ysis arising in this syndrome of which the motor undetectable as early as 1 month after onset (19,20).
manifestations are very specifically localised to the ex- Equally significant is the complete absence of anti-
traocular and lower cranial musculature. In this respect, GQ1b antibodies from normal and disease control
it shows a remarkable similarity to the sites clinically groups, indicating a high level of specificity for MFS
affected at the onset of human botulism, a known dis- and related diseases.
order of presynaptic transmitter release at the neuro- Anti-GQ1b antibodies almost invariably cross-
muscular junction (NMJ). react with the structurally similar ganglioside, GT1a,
The similarity with botulism led us to focus on the although occasional exceptions exist (21,22). Up to
presynaptic nerve terminal as a target site for anti- 50% of MFS sera also demonstrate reactivity with
GQ1b antibody mediated injury. Many bacterial tox- other gangliosides containing a disialosyl epitope,
ins, including botulinum, tetanus and cholera toxins such as GD3, GD1b, and, occasionally, GT1b (23).
bind to the ganglioside-enriched nerve terminal and Relevant ganglioside structures are shown in Figure 1.
are subsequently taken up into the NMJ (7–9). The A number of recent reports suggest that GQ1b mono-
NMJ may be particularly vulnerable to antibody- specific antibodies are more strongly associated with
mediated attack in MFS as it lies outside the blood-nerve opthalmoplegia, whereas GT1a monospecific antibod-
barrier. In support of this, the NMJ is also the pathogenic ies are associated with oropharyngeal palsy, although
site for other well-recognized antibody-mediated auto- these are most likely relative rather than absolute find-
immune diseases, including myasthenia gravis and ings (24–27).
myasthenic syndromes. There is also some clinical elec- The anti-GQ1b antibodies that occur in MFS are
tromyographic evidence to suggest that the nerve termi- polyclonal, and of IgM, IgA, and IgG classes, the latter
nal may be injured in some cases of MFS (10,11). being the most commonly encountered and measured in
clinical diagnostic practice (19). Unusual for carbohy-
drate antigens, the IgG response is typically restricted
The Clinical and Serological Features of Miller to the IgG1 and IgG3 subclasses suggesting T cell help
Fisher Syndrome has been recruited. This is important because human
IgG1 and IgG3 are usually of high affinity and are po-
MFS is a clinical variant of Guillain-Barré syn- tent activators of the complement system.
drome (GBS), the acute postinfectious paralytic illness Of interest is a chronic neuropathy in which serum
caused by inflammatory disruption of peripheral nerve IgM paraproteins react with NeuAc(a2-8)NeuAc(a2-3)
integrity and function (12,13). In contrast to the gener- Gal–configured disialosyl epitopes common to many
alised and often severe limb, respiratory and axial of the MFS-associated gangliosides including GD1b,
weakness and sensory loss that occurs in GBS, the GD3, GT1a, GT1b, and GQ1b (28). The clinical picture
manifestations of MFS are curiously restricted to limb is highly reminiscent of MFS, and comprises a chronic
ataxia, tendon reflex loss and extraocular muscle paraly- neuropathy with marked sensory ataxia and areflexia,
sis. Many cases also show paralysis of lower cranial
muscles subserving facial movement, speech and bulbar
function. MFS has this feature in common with botu-
lism, with which it may be clinically confused. Affected
cases usually make a good clinical recovery and MFS is
relatively rare, accounting for 5–10% of GBS cases, the
incidence of the latter syndrome being 1–2 per 100,000
(14). MFS has emerged as the archetypal anti-ganglio-
side antibody-mediated human neuropathy and is pro-
viding valuable insights into the pathogenesis of its
more serious counterpart, GBS (4).
The presence of anti-GQ1b ganglioside antibodies Fig. 1. Structures of gangliosides associated with autoantibodies in
in sera of patients with MFS and a cluster of closely re- Miller Fisher syndrome.
Motor Nerve Terminal Gangliosides and Miller Fisher Syndrome 699

relatively preserved motor function in the limbs and in gangliosides in neurons. Within phospholipid mem-
some cases weakness affecting oculomotor and bulbar branes, gangliosides are enriched in microdomains or
muscles as fixed or as relapsing-remitting features. We “lipid rafts,” into which proteins such as growth factor
have used serum and purified monoclonal antibodies receptors or ion channels are specifically included or
from these cases to investigate motor nerve terminal excluded (40) and it appears that gangliosides can be
dysfunction, as described below. intimately involved in the normal functioning of such
The temporal pattern of clinical onset, nadir, and proteins (41,42). Bivalent IgG and multivalent IgM
spontaneous recovery that occurs in MFS is highly sug- antibodies may be more readily able to bind with high
gestive of an acute phase primary immune response, avidity to clusters of gangliosides in rafts, than to gan-
peaking 10 –14 days after an infectious event, followed gliosides evenly distributed throughout membranes.
by gradual decay of the immune response (29). Indeed, Immunohistological analyses of the NMJ, includ-
MFS follows a wide variety of infections including ing the specialized en grappe end-plates of poly-
Campylobacter jejuni (C. jejuni) enteritis and viral and innervated muscle fibres found within the extraocular
bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract. It muscle, have demonstrated the binding of antibodies
is now evident that molecular mimicry (the sharing of reactive to polysialylated gangliosides (4,28,38,43). In
structurally homologous antigenic determinants) be- addition to motor involvement, the vast majority of
tween GQ1b/GT1a and C. jejuni lipopolysaccharide MFS cases also have sensory ataxia and reflex loss,
(LPS) is central to the induction of this response suggesting that GQ1b or GQ1b-like antigens may be
(1,30–34). C. jejuni isolates from MFS cases have been expressed in other neural sites, such as cerebellar neu-
studied by spectroscopic analysis and immunodetection rons, dorsal root ganglia and muscle spindles, as dis-
methods using human and murine antibodies and found cussed in detail elsewhere (4).
to contain GD3- and GT1a-like oligosaccharides in their As well as structural and anatomical factors, the
LPS core oligosaccharides (35–37). Furthermore, we accessibility of target gangliosides to circulating anti-
have shown that immunisation of the mouse with GT1a bodies may be important for the induction of paralysis.
containing LPS can produce a serum anti-GQ1b anti- The NMJ is particularly vulnerable to antibody-medi-
body response, and it has been possible to derive mono- ated attack in MFS and other nerve terminal disorders
clonal antibodies from these mice that react with GQ1b, as it lies outside the blood-nerve barrier. This does not
GT1a, GD3, and other disialylated gangliosides (38). preclude the likelihood that the node of Ranvier on
oculomotor nerves is another site of anti-GQ1b anti-
body mediated injury (21); however, the node of Ran-
Ganglioside Distribution and the Site Specificity of vier is protected by the blood nerve barrier in a way
Paralysis in MFS that may limit antibody access. Similarly, an explana-
tion for the rarity of CNS involvement in MFS is the
Restriction of the paralytic effects of MFS to a protection from autoimmune attack afforded by the
limited group of muscles may be due to the patterns of preserved blood-brain barrier, rather than the absence
ganglioside distribution within cranial and somatic of GQ1b in CNS neural membranes.
nerves. Chiba and colleagues first noted using im- Finally, the activity of inflammatory mechanisms
munohistology that the extraocular cranial nerves ex- that are triggered by antibody binding, such as com-
pressed high levels of GQ1b at nodes of Ranvier (21). plement activation and complement regulators needs
Furthermore, they showed biochemically that the nerve to be considered. Thus, some neuronal or glial mem-
trunks supplying the human extraocular muscles have a branes may be more susceptible to low grade comple-
relatively high content of GQ1b compared with other ment mediated attack than others, in part dependent
cranial or spinal nerves (39). However, in the same upon the distribution of complement regulatory pro-
study, GQ1b was also present in significant amounts at teins, such as decay accelerating factor and CD59 (44).
sites unaffected by MFS, and we have shown that MFS-
like anti-ganglioside antibodies bind to the nodes of
Ranvier in other nerves (28,38). Thus, although of Synaptic Transmission at the Neuromuscular
major importance, the absolute tissue distribution (i.e., Junction
presence or absence) of particular gangliosides is un-
likely to be the sole explanation for regional localisa- In our studies on the electrophysiological effects
tion of the clinical pathology. Another factor may be of MFS sera and anti-ganglioside mAbs, we have
related to the molecular arrangements and function of mainly used the mouse phrenic nerve hemidiaphragm
700 O’Hanlon, Bullens, Plomp, and Willison

preparation. This muscle is very suitable for in vitro from motor nerve terminals, resulting in the generation
electrophysiological measurements because it is thin of a miniature endplate potential (MEPP), a small post-
and flat and has a well-defined midline region within synaptic depolarization of about 0.5–1 mV. The fre-
which the NMJs are localized. Furthermore, it is easy quency and amplitude of such uniquantal events depend
to dissect, with the attached phrenic nerve being of on several factors and vary between species and muscle
sufficient length to be placed on a bipolar electrode for types, as well as with age. Individual MEPPs are nor-
stimulation. mally too small to trigger a muscle fiber action poten-
Prior to describing our findings, we will briefly tial and their possible physiological role is unclear.
review normal NMJ physiology and the electrophys- With in vitro electrophysiological techniques,
iological observations one can make in this model ACh release can be measured at NMJs in nerve/muscle
system. Neurotransmission at the mammalian NMJ preparations (Fig. 2). Upon impalement of a muscle
involves a cascade of events in which presynaptic fiber with the ultrafine tip of a glass microelectrode
neuro-exocytotic proteins and many types of pre- and connected to standard electrophysiological equipment,
postsynaptic ion channels come into play. The axon MEPPs and EPPs can be recorded (49). In order to
motor nerve impulse is conducted passively into the eliminate muscle action potentials, and thus contrac-
most terminal axonal branches. There, it induces the tions that hamper the microelectrode measurements,
brief opening of P-type voltage-gated Ca21 channels the pharmacological tool m-Conotoxin GIIIB can be
(45). These Ca21 channels are localized at active zones used, which specifically blocks muscle fiber Na1 chan-
and presumably form complexes with components of nels (50). As a result, the EPPs, normally masked by
the neuro-exocytotic machinery, such as SNAP-25, the muscle action potential they trigger, are revealed.
syntaxin, and synaptotagmin (46). For a review on From the amplitudes of EPP and MEPP at a NMJ, the
components and function of the neuro-exocytotic ma- quantal content can be calculated, i.e. the number of
chinery, see (47). The influx of Ca21 results in a large ACh quanta that was released and caused the EPP.
rise of cytosolic [Ca21] which stimulates pre-docked
synaptic vesicles to fuse with the presynaptic mem-
brane and liberate their content of about 10,000 mole-
cules of acetylcholine (ACh; the “quantum”) into the
synaptic cleft. Some of the released ACh is hydrolysed
by extra-cellular cholinesterase located within the cleft,
and the remainder binds to postsynaptic receptors
(AChRs). These are heteromultimeric ligand-gated ion
channels localized in extremely high density at the
tops of the postsynaptic junctional folds on the muscle
fibre membrane. AChR opening allows for simultane-
ous inflow of Na1 and outflow of K1 ions. The net
inward flow of electrical current results in a local de-
polarization of the muscle fibre membrane, the so- Fig. 2. Electrophysiological analysis of the neuromuscular junction in
called endplate potential (EPP), which is 15–40 mV in mouse diaphragm ex vivo. In a muscle fiber that is impaled by a
amplitude, depending on various factors such as mus- voltage-sensing microelectrode near the endplate, a resting membrane
potential of around 280 mV can be measured. Examples of the
cle type, species and age. The EPP triggers an action synaptic signals that can be recorded are shown. Miniature end-plate
potential that spreads out on the muscle fibre mem- potentials (MEPPs) are small depolarizations of about 1 mV that
brane and further into the T-tubular system where it occur spontaneously at a rate of about 0.5/s in diaphragm neuro-
muscular junction of young mice. The MEPP is the result of the
initiates a sequence of intracellular events that finally presynaptic release of a single ACh quantum, liberated from one
results in fibre contraction. synaptic vesicle by exocytosis. Electrical stimulation of the nerve
The NMJ is highly reliable in its task; under nor- trunk of the nerve-muscle preparation (at time point indicated with
black dot and visible as an artefact on the voltage trace) triggers an
mal conditions every motor nerve impulse results in action potential that invades the nerve terminal and stimulates the
muscle fibre contraction. In order to achieve such ro- simultaneous release of a number of ACh quanta. The postsynaptic
bustness, more ACh is released then strictly necessary effect is a large depolarization (15 – 40 mV), the endplate potential
(EPP), that normally will trigger an action potential in the muscle
to trigger a muscle action potential. An excellent re- fiber which subsequently triggers contraction. To be able to record the
view on this “safety factor” phenomenon has recently EPP without being hampered by the action potential it triggers,
been published (48). mConotoxin GIIIB is used. This toxin selectively blocks Na1 channels
of the muscle membrane. From the amplitudes of EPP and MEPP, the
Besides nerve action potential-evoked ACh re- quantal content, i.e., the number of ACh quanta that was released
lease, there is spontaneous release of single ACh quanta upon a nerve impulse, can be calculated.
Motor Nerve Terminal Gangliosides and Miller Fisher Syndrome 701

Electrophysiological Effects of MFS Sera and

Anti-GQ1b Monoclonal Antibodies

For the reasons outlined earlier, we decided to

study the effects of MFS sera and related monoclonal
anti-ganglioside antibodies (mAbs) on NMJ electro-
physiology. Whilst acknowledging the detailed work of
other groups on this topic (51,52), we will limit this
discussion to our own published findings and some
recent additional unpublished results. We tested the
effects of incubation of mouse hemi-diaphragm prepa-
rations with a series of nine anti-GQ1b-positive MFS
whole sera, diluted 1:2 in Ringer medium (43,53). The
sera induced a dramatic increase in the frequency (up
to 300-fold at some NMJs) of spontaneously released
ACh quanta, measured as MEPPs, without altering
their amplitudes (Fig. 3A). This was followed by block
of evoked ACh release resulting in paralysis of the
preparation. The effects were very similar to those of
the paralytic neurotoxin a-latrotoxin (aLTx). Incuba-
tion with MFS total IgG alone was without effect but
subsequent treatment with normal serum readily in-
duced them, suggesting the involvement of comple-
ment in the phenomenon, as discussed below. Further
subclass purification of IgG from two different MFS
patients showed that aLTx-like activity co-eluted with
anti-GQ1b activity in the same IgG subclass (IgG3 in
one serum studied and IgG1 in the other), suggesting
that these antibodies were the responsible factors. Fur-
ther support for this hypothesis came from the obser-
vation that a cloned human anti-GQ1b IgM, derived
from a patient with a chronic IgM paraproteinaemic
neuropathy resembling MFS, had similar aLTx-like ac-
tivity (28,43).
We observed that, upon incubation with MFS sera,
fibers of the diaphragm preparations started twitching Fig. 3. Electrophysiological effects of anti-GQ1b antibodies on the
spontaneously in an asynchronous way. Such a phe- mouse neuromuscular junction. (A) Spontaneous release, measured as
nomenon is also observed upon incubation with aLTx. the frequency of occurrence of miniature endplate potentials (MEPPs),
is about 0.5 ACh quanta per second in the diaphragm neuromuscular
The twitches ceased when d-tubocurarine, a blocker of junction (NMJ) of young mice at 20°C ex vivo (upper trace). When a
the postsynaptic AChR, was added, indicating that the nerve-muscle preparation has been exposed to anti-GQ1b antibodies
twitches were not caused by malfunction of a process (either mouse monoclonals or from Miller Fisher syndrome serum) and
human complement is added, the MEPP frequency rises dramatically,
in the synaptic transmission downstream of the sometimes up to values of several hundreds per second (lower trace).
AChRs, e.g. spontaneous opening of muscle fiber Na1 Such a high level is sustained for 20–30 mins. Thereafter, the MEPP
channels. Microelectrode measurements at the NMJs frequency rapidly decays and becomes zero. (B) Sometimes, the MEPP
frequency becomes so high during the anti-GQ1b antibody/
of twitching fibers always revealed high frequency complement treatment that MEPPs become superimposed, pass the
MEPPs (.100/s vs. ,0.5/s before the MFS serum). firing threshold, and trigger an action potential in the muscle fiber. This
Sometimes, the MEPPs became superimposed and ap- explains the occurrence of spontaneous asynchronous fiber twitches in
the preparation during the treatment. (C) At NMJs where the MEPP
parently passed the firing threshold since an action po- frequency becomes high, the ACh release evoked by a nerve action
tential was triggered which in turn caused the fiber potential becomes gradually blocked, which can be observed as a
contraction (Fig. 3B). We have made use of this phe- reduction to zero of the amplitude of the endplate potential (EPP). A
black dot indicates the moment of nerve stimulation which can be seen
nomenon in a recently developed bioassay designed to as an artefact on the voltage signal. Traces are the recordings made
screen large numbers of sera for their potency in in- every minute for a period of 6 min during the incubation period with
ducing the aLTx-like effects (54). In this assay, mouse human complement serum. The preparation had been pre-incubated
with a mouse monoclonal anti-GQ1b IgM antibody.
702 O’Hanlon, Bullens, Plomp, and Willison

diaphragm strips were incubated with GBS/MFS sera vations at CGM3/complement treated mouse NMJs
in small volume incubation wells, and the occurrence (see below).
of twitching was scored. It appeared that 81% (13/16) On motor nerve terminals, the primary target of
of the tested anti-GQ1b–positive MFS sera had the anti-GQ1b antibodies mediating the aLTx-like effect
aLTx-like effect. For the GBS sera this was 10% could be either GQ1b, a closely related ganglioside, or
(5/50), of which 80% (4/5) were anti-GQ1b positive. an unrelated (sialylated) antigen, for instance the aLTx
Taken together, these data again indicate that anti- receptor latrophilin (56). However, using mutant mice
GQ1b antibodies are the serum factor responsible for lacking complex gangliosides (including GQ1b) and a
inducing aLTx-like effects at mouse NMJs, although specific anti-GQ1b mAb, we have proven that GQ1b is
since one anti-GQ1b–negative GBS serum clearly in- indeed the primary antigenic target (Bullens et al., un-
duced aLTx-like effects, other antibodies with similar published data).
action may exist.
We confirmed the complement-dependent elec-
trophysiological effects of anti-GQ1b–positive MFS/ Deposition of Immune Mediators at the Nerve
GBS sera in experiments using anti-GQ1b IgM mAbs Terminal
that were derived from mice immunized with lipopoly-
saccharides containing GD3/GT1a-like structures and In conjunction with the electrophysiological ob-
which originated from MFS/GBS-associated C. jejuni servations described above, we have conducted paral-
strains (38). Besides indicating that molecular mim- lel studies on the immunohistological and pathological
icry is a likely mechanism in GBS/MFS, these studies sequelae of anti-GQ1b antibody exposure to the hemi-
provided us with potent anti-GQ1b mAbs (with cross- diaphragm preparation. Immunohistological analyses of
reactivity to GT1a and GD3) to further characterize hemidiaphragms exposed to purified IgG from MFS
the aLTx-like effects. sera and to the anti-GQ1b/GD3 mAb CGM3 have
In a further study we investigated whether the shown that antibody is extensively deposited over the
block of evoked ACh release, observed as block of NMJ (Fig. 4). This is consistent with our findings that
EPPs (Fig. 3C), occurred as a primary effect or whether anti-GQ1b antibodies bind strongly to the NMJ in top-
it appeared secondary to the complement-dependent ical immunostaining studies (28,38,43,55). However,
increase in spontaneous uniquantal ACh release (55). in the tissue from this ex vivo preparation, we found
To this end, we measured EPPs and MEPPs at NMJs no evidence of antibody penetration and binding to in-
before and after incubation with a MFS anti-GQ1b- tramuscular nerve-bundles, despite reactive antigens
positive IgG or the mouse anti-GQ1b/GD3 mAb CGM3 being present in our topical immunostaining studies of
and calculated the quantal content from their ampli- muscle and nerve sections (57). It is thus likely that
tudes. As a positive control we used vAgatoxin-IVA, antibody access to nerve fibers and nodes of Ranvier
which blocks P-type Ca21 channels and thus reduces outwith the NMJ is restricted by the blood-nerve bar-
the quantal content. Anti-GQ1b antibodies alone, i.e., rier in this acute ex vivo preparation, as we have pre-
without added complement, did not influence the quan- viously observed for isolated sheathed sciatic nerve
tal content, leading us to conclude that block of evoked preparations (58).
ACh release is not a primary effect of antibody bind- Using confocal microscopy, we can partially re-
ing per se, but that it either occurs as a complement- solve the presynaptic neuronal elements, the peri-
dependent primary effect, in parallel to the induction synaptic Schwann cell (pSC) and the postsynaptic
of high frequency MEPPs, or secondary to the ex- structures that comprise the NMJ, and the localization
tremely high level of spontaneous ACh release in- of antibody deposits at the NMJ has been examined.
duced by complement activation. In the case of the As shown in Figure 4, extensive mAb deposits are
latter, spontaneous release might result in block of present on the pSC, as the labelling pattern extends
evoked release either by depleting the transmitter store around the nuclei of these cells and co-locates with the
or by causing presynaptic damage, e.g., due to the Schwann cell specific marker, S100 in double staining
large amount of membrane incorporation resulting studies (not shown). The juxtaposition of mAb de-
from massive exocytosis. Our observations do not sup- posits to the postsynaptic ACh receptors (as defined by
port the first possibility since high frequency MEPPs a-bungarotoxin staining) is suggestive of a presynap-
remain present for some time after the block of evoked tic rather than the postsynaptic localisation. We are
ACh release. Presynaptic destruction seems a more currently resolving this further by immunogold elec-
likely cause and is supported by ultrastructural obser- tron microscopy.
Fig. 4. Microscopic analysis of the aLTx-like lesion. (a) Following incubation of the hemidiaphragm preparation with anti-GQ1b mAbs and a
source of complement, the immunoglobulin (green) forms punctate deposits over the presynaptic apparatus. The postsynaptic acetylcholine
receptors are labelled using a-bungarotoxin (BTx, red). The unstained areas (*) within the presynaptic area probably represent the cytoplasmic
spaces of perisynaptic Schwann cells (pSC). (b and c) In similar tissue, deposits of complement activation product C3c (green) are localized over
the neuromuscular junction as delineated by BTx staining (red). Although staining co-localizes at the synaptic cleft, areas of stain extend away
from junctional areas, and again feature pSC cytoplasmic spaces (*). (d and e) In normal control junctions the neurofilament (NF) cytoskeleton
(green) extends processes over the junctional region (BTx; red). The transition between axon and junction is sometimes marked by a reduction
in axon caliber or a constriction (arrows). (f and g) In muscle preparations pre-incubated with anti-GQ1b antibodies and a source of complement
there is evidence of cytoskeletal change. At many endplates the NF of the preterminal axon and junction show marked swellings and constrictions
(f), whilst in others (g) the cytoskeleton is fragmented. (a–g) All scale bars 5 5 mm. (h) Electron micrograph of a normal mouse neuromuscular
junction. The synaptic cleft, running bottom left to top right, separates the presynaptic apparatus from the postsynaptic junctional folds ( jf).
Synaptic vesicles (sv) are densely packed close to the presynaptic membrane, beyond which lie mitochondria (m) and cytoskeletal bundles (cyt)
(bar 5 500 nm). (i) In tissue subjected to the aLTx-like lesion, the morphology in greatly disrupted. The terminal is almost completely depleted
of synaptic vesicles, and mitochondria are swollen and slumped against the presynaptic membrane (arrows). Processes from pSC are inserted
into the terminal, and have completely enclosed a portion of the terminal in a “full wrap” (FW). Cytoskeletal bundles are absent (bar 5 600 nm).
704 O’Hanlon, Bullens, Plomp, and Willison

Activation of complement pathways leads to the verse correlation between the average size of C3c
generation of the lytic membrane attack complex C5b-9 complement deposits at the NMJ, and the correspon-
(MAC). Along with this pore-forming complex, other ding NF signal, thereby strongly supporting our view
biologically active products are generated, including that the NF-loss is dependent upon the degree of com-
the anaphylatoxins C3a, C4a, and C5a. In the hemi- plement activation (O’Hanlon, unpublished results).
diaphragm preparation exposed to the mAb CGM3, in Ultrastructural analysis of NMJ from hemidi-
the presence of a complement source provided by nor- aphragm tissue exposed to anti-GQ1b/GD3 antibod-
mal human serum, complement products are deposited ies and complement demonstrates severe destructive
at the NMJ in a very similar distribution to the mAb. changes that reinforce and extend our immunohisto-
Complement fragment C1q, C3c, C5, and MAC can all logical observation of NMJ cytoskeletal loss. In view
be detected (Halstead and O’Hanlon, unpublished re- of the variations in normal NMJ ultrastructural ap-
sults). In a series of experiments using complement pearance, we have quantified a range of morphologi-
deficient sera in the hemidiaphragm preparation, the cal parameters at the electron microscopic (EM) level
aLTx-like effects did not occur with C5 deficient that are significantly different from control tissue. In
serum, but continued to occur with C8 deficient serum, CGM3/complement treated tissues, the vast majority
suggesting that although it occurs, MAC formation of nerve terminals show widespread abnormalities,
may not be essential for the development of the aLTx- including displaced, swollen, and damaged mito-
like effect (43). An important intermediate comple- chondria and a reduced contact with the associated un-
ment component in the development of this lesion derlying muscle. Many nerve terminals had pSC
might therefore be the anaphylotoxin C5a. Receptors processes intruding into the synaptic cleft, and in some
for both C3a and C5a are found in the rodent nervous cases the nerve terminal appeared to be divided into
system on both neuronal and glial cells (O’Hanlon, un- smaller units by invading pSC processes, some of
published observations) (59–61), although their func- which form a “full wrap,” completely encasing and
tion remains unclear. In our experiments using C8 isolating a portion of the neuronal element of the nerve
deficient serum, it is possible that the presence of terminal (62).
small amounts of endogenous murine C8 within the
nerve-muscle preparation allowed low level MAC for-
mation to occur, thus confounding our interpretation Insights into the Mechanism of Nerve
of the role of MAC. Experiments combining hemi- Terminal Injury
diaphragm preparations dissected from C6 deficient
mice, subsequently exposed to C6 deficient sera as the Our working hypothesis for the mechanisms un-
complement source, will resolve this issue since in this derpinning the aLTx-like effects of anti-GQ1b/GD3
situation, progression of the complement cascade to antibodies and complement is summarised in Figure 5.
MAC formation is not at all possible. It is clear from our studies that the anti-GQ1b antibody
mediated lesion we have observed is dependent upon
complement activation at the NMJ. One likely effect
Morphological Changes Occurring at the of complement activation is increased intracellular
Nerve Terminal [Ca21] in the nerve terminal, either occurring directly
via Ca21 influx through MAC pores, or indirectly via
The axon structure is supported by a framework of a complement receptor mediated pathway that induces
neuron-specific cytoskeletal proteins, including neuro- influx of external Ca21 or release of Ca21 from inter-
filament (NF) and b-tubulin, which extend into the nal stores. The rise in cytosolic [Ca21] would then di-
presynaptic nerve terminal overlying the post-synaptic rectly induce quantal release, leading to increased
apparatus. Using a combination of quantitative im- MEPP frequency. Additionally, MAC pore formation
munohistological and image analysis techniques, we is likely to lead to an inability to maintain the nerve-
have shown that in tissue exposed to human or murine terminal resting membrane potential through unregu-
anti-GQ1b antibodies and a source of complement, the lated cation fluxes, resulting in the opening of voltage
signal for both the NF and b-tubulin proteins is se- gated Ca21 channels, as would normally occur in re-
verely depleted when compared to control tissue, and sponse to a nerve action potential. It is already recog-
have interpreted these findings as reflecting the de- nised that the pores formed by aLTx cause nerve
struction of the NMJ cytoskeleton (62). In further terminal depolarisation and result in the retrograde
quantitative studies, we have shown that there is an in- propagation of nerve action potentials (63).
Motor Nerve Terminal Gangliosides and Miller Fisher Syndrome 705

As well as triggering exocytosis, an uncontrolled

rise in intraterminal [Ca21] would also trigger other
Ca21-dependent processes. It is likely that loss of cy-
toskeletal proteins is due to the action of Ca21-activated
neutral cysteine proteases termed calpains, that have
been implicated in many aspects of neural develop-
ment, neurodegenerative change, and apoptotic cell
death (66–68). There are two major calpain isoforms,
m (I) and m (II), named from the molarity of Ca21 (mM
and mM, respectively) required to activate them, and
both isotypes may be important in degenerative condi-
tions of the peripheral motor system (69–72). It has
been hypothesized that loss of the filamentous struc-
ture of NF only occurs when intra-axonal calcium
levels allow activation of m calpain. Below this level,
NF compaction occurs due to sidearm cleavage (73).
When analysing NF content by quantitative immuno-
histological analysis, one might therefore expect to
Fig. 5. Schematic representation of the aLTx-like effects of anti- find an intensification of the NF signal in a mild lesion
GQ1b/GD3 antibodies and complement on the mouse neuromuscular occurring at submillimolar elevations in [Ca21], and a
junction. (a) Anti-GQ1b/GD3 mAb deposits (Y) suggest the presence loss of NF signal at high [Ca21]. This prediction is sup-
of reactive epitopes on both nerve terminal and perisynaptic
Schwann cells (pSC). There is no evidence of post-synaptic binding ported by our finding of an increased NF signal in
in this model, thus for clarity the muscle side of the synapse is not preparations treated with human or mouse anti-GQ1b
shown here. Binding of anti-GQ1b antibody alone has little or antibodies in the absence of a heterologous complement
no effect, either electrophysiologically or morphologically. In the
additional presence of normal human serum as a complement source, source, in which we have shown a low level activation
the complement cascade is triggered. (b) Complement deposits of endogenous mouse complement occurs (O’Hanlon
co-locate with antibody deposits, and we have identified C1q, C3c, et al., unpublished results).
C5 and the pore forming membrane attack complex (MAC, C5b-9).
The deposits of the latter are likely to facilitate Ca21 ingress into Under physiological circumstances, Ca21 enters
both the nerve terminal and pSC. Additionally, receptors for the the nerve terminal through voltage gated Ca21 channels
complement anaphylotoxins, C3a and C5a, are present on both nerve upon the arrival of a nerve action potential and is
and pSC, although it is unclear what signalling events may be triggered
by receptor-ligand binding. (c) Calcium ingress into the nerve terminal quickly removed from the cytosol, either by sequestra-
causes a massive release of acetylcholine (ACh) and co-release of tion into internal storage vesicles or by removal from
ATP. Receptors for both adenosine (A) and ACh are present on the the cell by Ca21-ATPase and the Na1/Ca21 exchanger.
pSC, and are thought to be important components of the signalling
pathways that exist between these cells and the underlying nerve Additionally at high [Ca21], mitochondria are also able
terminal. Their role in mediating pathological changes is uncertain. to sequester cytosolic Ca21, although their ability to do
The nerve terminal becomes swollen, probably though a combination so is temperature dependent and may therefore be com-
of synaptic vesicle membrane addition, and the osmotic effects
brought about by MAC pore formation. The final physiological result promised in the hemidiaphragm preparation maintained
is that neuromuscular transmission becomes blocked due to failure of at room temperature (74). In both aLTx treated tissue
evoked ACh release, which leads to paralysis. (d) Activated calpain (75) and in our anti-GQ1b/complement model system,
destroys the cytoskeleton of the nerve terminal. Having been
triggered to adopt a phagocytic phenotype, pSC insert processes into the mitochondrial swelling we see may be a result of a
the synaptic cleft and through the nerve terminal, ultimately high intra-terminal [Ca21] and /or of the intense meta-
completely enfolding portions of the nerve terminal. bolic demands of an increased rate of exocytosis and
Ca21 homeostatic processes in response to Ca21 over-
load. In addition to swelling, the mitochondria tend to
At the mammalian NMJ, pSCs respond metabol- slump onto the presynaptic membrane which may be
ically to the release of ACh and co-released ATP due simply to the removal of intervening synaptic vesi-
through the activation of muscarinic and adenosine cles, or the loss of a cytoskeletal matrix, or a combina-
A1 receptors (64,65). The physiological consequences tion of both.
of anti-GQ1b antibody–induced, large scale, uncon- In view of the substantial antibody and comple-
trolled transmitter release on pSCs are not known, but ment deposits observed on pSCs, the possibility exists
this may contribute to the development of an acti- that the immune attack is focused primarily on the
vated, phagocytic pSC phenotype. pSC, and all other events, including neuronal exocyto-
706 O’Hanlon, Bullens, Plomp, and Willison

sis, occur as a consequence of pSC activation. It is ment environment for the aLTx-like effects to de-
likely that the pSC also undergoes a rise in intracellu- velop, and we thus supplement the preparation with
lar [Ca21]. Whether these changes in [Ca21] cause a normal human serum as a source of complement which
lethal pSC injury is unknown, but this seems unlikely is not only highly active, but also heterologous (i.e.,
since many pSCs subsequently take on a phagocytic non-mouse). This helps to circumvent the complement
role, engulfing the nerve terminal. With respect to regulatory mechanisms that would normally override
myelinating SCs, complement activation has been self-injury arising from tissue deposition of mouse
shown to cause demyelination without apparently af- complement. The mouse has a relatively inactive com-
fecting SC survival in vitro (76). Additionally, sub- plement system in comparison with species such as the
lytic complement activation in cultured SCs has been rabbit or rat and as such is not ideal for modelling
shown to trigger changes in gene expression, and stim- antibody-mediated autoimmune disease. However,
ulates mitogenesis and apoptotic rescue (77,78). The other factors, such as its small size and the ready avail-
pathophysiological relevance of these in vitro obser- ability of genetically modified animals make the mouse
vations remain unclear, but such signals may con- the most preferable species in which to model MFS.
tribute to the transformation of the pSC from a support
role for the underlying neuron, to a phagocytic pheno-

Despite considerable gaps in our knowledge,

Converting the ex Vivo Hemidiaphragm Miller Fisher syndrome remains the best understood of
Preparation into an In Vivo Model of MFS the acute inflammatory neuropathies in terms of the
overall pathogenic cycle. It is evident that complement
Mice passively immunized with mouse anti-GQ1b fixing IgG anti-GQ1b antibodies can arise through mo-
mAbs remain clinically normal and lack any obvious lecular mimicry with microbial oligosaccharides as
morphological or electrophysiological features of part of a primary immune response to the triggering in-
nerve terminal injury (38). Passively immunized mice fection. The anti-GQ1b antibodies then circulate into
do nevertheless have low level deposits of both im- the extracellular compartments where they have free
munoglobulin and complement products at the NMJ, access to bind selectively to GQ1b-enriched sites in the
indicating that anti-GQ1b antibodies can target this nervous system, particularly those that are not well pro-
site in vivo, and fix small amounts of complement. tected by the blood nerve barrier. These sites most
Furthermore, in ex vivo nerve-muscle tissues dissected likely include motor nerve terminals innervating extra-
from these passively immunized mice, heterologous ocular muscles, muscle spindles and structures in the
(human) complement readily produces the known dorsal root ganglia, and this accounts for the unique
aLTx-like effects at NMJs. There are several reasons clinical features seen in the syndrome. Once bound to
why the mouse may be relatively resistant to in vivo neural membranes, anti-GQ1b antibodies initiate a
effects, yet vulnerable to in vitro exposure to anti- complement dependent inflammatory injury. As the
GQ1b antibody and complement. Firstly, all passive primary immune response decays, the clinical deficit
immunization studies have so far been performed recovers spontaneously, provided irreversible neural
using IgM anti-GQ1b mAbs. In these animals, serial injury has not occurred. Although simplistic, this path-
analysis of mouse serum samples and NMJs for anti- way sets out a framework by which immunological and
GQ1b IgM activity and IgM deposits respectively have pathophysiological mechanisms can be explored and
shown that IgM mAb is rapidly cleared from the treatment options evaluated. What remains to be estab-
mouse circulation and only evident as IgM deposits at lished is the clinical relevance of nerve terminal injury,
nerve terminals in the first 24–48 hours following pas- as opposed to segmental demyelination of extraocular
sive immunization. Since IgG has a longer circulating nerves, and this requires further exploration through
half-life, we are currently developing passive immu- more detailed neurophysiological studies in man. Our
nization protocols using complement fixing IgG mAbs experimental observations laid out in this review
that should help to overcome this factor. strongly indicate that such studies are warranted.
A second issue concerns the activity of mouse Irrespective of the involvement of the nerve termi-
complement and complement regulatory proteins, as nal as a site for anti-GQ1b antibody–mediated injury, it
alluded to above. In the ex vivo preparation, mouse seems inconceivable that anti-GQ1b antibodies are not
complement is unable to provide the required comple- the primary causal agent in MFS, and as such the syn-
Motor Nerve Terminal Gangliosides and Miller Fisher Syndrome 707

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19. Willison, H. J. and Veitch, J. 1994. Immunoglobulin subclass
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