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1. Semua soal harus di kerjakan pada lembar jawaban yang di sediakan !

2. Tulislah Nama dan Nomor Tes Anda pada kolom lembar jawaban yang disediakan !
3. Pilihlah jawaban yang tepat dengan membubuhkan tanda bulatan (•) pada huruf jawaban
yang sesuai dengan pilihan Anda ! A
4. Contoh =




5. Telitilah kembali pekerjaan Anda sebelum di serahkan kepada pengawas ruangan !

In this section of the test you will have the chance to show well you understand
spoken English. There are four parts section with special direction for each part .
In this part of the test , you will hear have some dialogues and question spoken in
English. The question and the dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your
test book, so you must listen carefully to undertand what the speakers saying .
After you listen to the dialogue and the question it, read the five possible answer, and
decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard. Now , listen to
sample question .
You will hear :
Man : “Do you go to the library very often ?”
Woman : “ Yes, I do Ilove reading very mush “
Man : “What do you like to read ?”
Woman: “Novel”
What is the topic of the convertion?
A. How to borrow books in the library
B. Going to the library
C. Borrowing books
D. Novel
E. Reading
Thes best answer to this question is reading hobby. Therefore, you should choose answer (E)
1. A. The computer 2. A. In the restaurant
B. The air-conditioner B. in an automobile
C. The telephone C. in a hotel
D. The fax machine D. in a train car
E. The machine. E. in a car


In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English.
The dialogues or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your
test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying.
After you listen to dialogue or monologue, look at the five picture provided in your
test book. And dacide which one would be the most suitable wiyh the dialogue or
monologue you have heard .

Question 3 to 7














In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken
in English, followed by five response will be spoken twice. They will not
be printed in your test book, you must listen carefully to understand what
the speakers are saying. You have to chooe the best response to each
Now, listen to a sample question.
Man : “where are we going to stay?
Woman: “At the sun hotel, near the beach”
Man :”Why there?”
What will the woman most likely reply?
A. Stay there
B. It provides excellent service
C. There’s a hotel there
D. It’s on the beach
8 MarkE. It’s
yournear here on your answer sheet.
9 Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
10 Mark your answer on your answer sheet.
questions 11 to 15
In this part of the test you will hear a question or statement spoken in English ,
followed by five responses ,also spoken in English. The question and the responses
will by spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen
carefully to understand what the speakers are saying . you have to choose the best
C. No, there were quite a few
response to each question or statement

11. A. I don’t know them well enough

B. They’re already married.
D. Its quite small for me.
C. My patner is out of town.
D. They’ II travel by ship. E. I don’t have the bigger one.
E. The from is on my desk. 14. A. Much better, I’m told.
12. A. He’II stay overnight B. We’ve been so busy.
B. He’s coming for a whole C. He’s been doing the payroll.
week. D. She is watering the plants.
C. We’re expecting her any E. He’s so busy today.
15. A. Unfortunately, it wasn’t.
D. He isn’t coming back.
E. My client will not come back B. We chose not to atted.
anymore. C. He won the vote.
13. A. We only have medium and large D. Let me give you a reward.
sizes. E. We don’t want to choose him.
B. Yes, here are some coins.
Text for questions 16 to 20

Twister tells the story of tomado Chasers trying to test new equipment That wiil help
save lives. The story ofTwister is about jo Harding (played by Helen hunt) and her
soon-to-ex-husband bill (played by bill Paxton) who gces hunting tornadoes in a race
against other twister chasers.Bill has invited a machine that might help predict tornadoes
but he needs to test it. Along the way there is drama between jo, Bill and Bill’s new
girlfriend and some humorous moments involving the twister chasing team.I found the
special effect used in the movie to be excellent and the story easy to follow.this is a
movie suitable for the whole family and sure to blow them away.
This film is really worth watching.

18. what does the suggest to the

16.The purpose of the text is….. audience?
A. To entertain readers by telling a A. They should make another film.
strory B. They should neglect the film.
B. To describe how a film is made C. They should promote the film.
C. To describe a film D. They should watch the film
E. The film is forgettable.
D. To review a film for a public
19. the first paragaraph of the text
audience. functions as….
E. To infrom readers about good A. Evaluation
film. B. Orientation
17. after reading the review, how C. Explanation
would you judge this film? D. Interpretative summantion
20. “ … but he needs to test it”
A. Excellent
The bold typed word refers to……
B. Not bad A. The reviewer
C. Bad B. Jo
D. Fair C. Bill
E. mediocre D. Helen Hunt
E. Paxton
The Last Samurai

Set in 19th century japan, The Last Samurai focuses on an embittered U.S. Civil
War veteran, Nathar, Algren (Tom Cruise), who has dragged his world- weary,
alcoholic body across the pacific to help train the Japanese Army to overcome
rebellious samurai warriors , who are fighting against the introduction of western
ways that are sweeping aside Japanese tradition. Algren has no commitment to the
cause , he’s there purely for the money, and bcause he has nothing else to do other
than drink to obscure terrible flashbacks to wartime atrocities, memories of post-
Civil War battles against American Indians.

The Last Samurai is a war movie, no doubt about it. There are several large
battle cenes that are strirring and brutal. Yet the heart of the film is less about war
than it is about recovering from the damage of war, as Algren – without even
knowing he’s doing it – seeks redemption and a return to honour in his own
life. The film parallels the fate of the samurai to that of Amerian Indians, taking a
slightly subversive slap at American capitalist imperialism (wich remains that
ration’s primary motivation in dealing with the rest of the world).

Visually attractive, this film is a huge success because its midsection – set in
the samurai village – is intelligent, gentle and patiently treated. Algren cleans up
his act and lerns the way of the samurai gradually, there’s no magical
transformation here, so it’s utterly believable that a burnt-out American drunk
could be transformed into an honourable samurai warrior.
Great to look at and respectful of its subject matter, The last Samurai is an
epic with excitement, brains and heart.
21. what the genre of the movie ? D. The westernization of japan.
A. Drama E. The Algren transformation
B. comedy from an American drunker to
C. action an Honourable samurai warrior.
D. horror 23. what do you think of the movie?
E. animated science fiction A. xcellent
22.What does the movie tell about? B. not bad
A. The samurai war in japan. C. bad
B. The expansion of Amarica in D. fair
japan. E. mediocre
C. The kastumoto transformation
from samurai to wester way of

24. “ Algren cleans up his act and learns the way of the samurai gradually, there’s
no magical transformation here….” (paragraph 3) The bold typed word has
the similar meaning to…
A. Transferring
B. Changing
C. Becoming
D. Opening
E. Guiding

25.”… so it’s utterly believable that a D. Respectable

burnt-out American drunk could E. Respect
be transformen into an hono 26. where do you know the review
urable samurai warrior . “the bold above?
typed word has the similer A. In a newspaper
meaning to…. B. In a booklet
A. Respected C. In a Tv broadcast
B. Respecting D. In a newspaper
C. Respectful E. In internet

Text for question 27 to 29!

Movies are always fascinating , especially for people who love movies. Have
you ever wondered what makes movies so toucing and really impressive? Is it
the movie stars? The directors? The soundtrack ? the pictures? Or is it the story
that we can really relate to? There were several reasons why we like movies so

First, we can always see that movies are not so fictitious after all. Movies are
created because people experienced something that motivated them to express it
in the form of moving picuters . that’s what makes movies so real

Second,movies can always can always make us laugh or cry . hey….it’s like the
life we’re living! We experience the ups and downs, and simply going trough all
that enriching already. Whenever we’re confroted with extreme circumstances in
our life, good or bad , just keep in mind that it’s just a periode in life that we
have to go to through.

Therefore,it can be baclearly seen that movies are are touching and impressive
because we can observe the reflection of our lives from movies.

27.which statement is TRUE based on the text?

A. movies are so real because they are created based on people’s experience
B. movies are fascinating because people love movies
C. the movies stars make movies impressive
D. soundtrack makes movies so real
E. sad movies make us cry

28.What should we do when we faced extreme circumstances in our life?

A. We have to go through those circumstances.
B. We should be ready for that.
C. We should cry all the time.
D. We should keep in mind.
E. We can always laugh
29.”First, we can always see that movies are not so fictitious after all”.
(paragraph 2) the antonym of the bold typed word is…
A. Real
B. Not real
C. Imagined
D. Invented
E. True
Text for questions 30 to 32

A spider web looks delicate, but it is very strong. It can hold 4,000 times a
spidr’s weight. But how does it from?

Frist the spider spins a thread of silk. The thread gets blown over to a
branch by the wind.then she makes another two threads and makes a y
shape. Next she makes more threads and they look like spokes of a wheel.
Back in, sits in the middle and waits for food.

This is how a web is formen.

30.The purpous of the text is… A. The spiders spins a thread of

A. To give resport how spider web silk.
is formend. B. She makes another two threads.
B. To inform how to make spider C. She makes more threads, they
web. look like spokes of wheel.
C. To describe a kind of spiders. D. The spider goes in a spiral, out
D. To explain how to make spider back in.
web. E. The spider spins a rope of
E. To describe what spider’s web wool.
32.these are the steps a spider does to
make a web, except…
Text for questions 33 to 36

Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) are produced any time an electric current runs
through an electric current runs through a wire or an appliance. Wherever you find
electricity, you will find EMFs. In today’s electrical environment, EMFs are
everywhere. Atlantic Gas & Electric has detected them near power generators,
around radio and transmission stations, under power lines, and near electrical outlets,
lights, office equipment and computer terminals.

The idea that electromagnetic fields could be dangerous to your health is not
entirely new. Soviet scientists began reporting on them as early as 1972 when they
noticed that swiichyard workers who were regularly exposed to high levels of
electromagnetic fields near the omsk power station experienced strange health
effects. There were increased levels of heart disease, nervo US disorders , and blood
pressure changes ,as well as recurring headaches,fatigue,stress and chronic depression

Today ,power companies cannot avoid the EMF issue. Medical evidence has
brought it to the fore. Concerned citizens have to attract the attention of the media,
their public officials and,in one instance,themanagement of the Oakville power
Authority. Their goal is to identify the EMF problem clearly ,target their objectives
carefully, then make their demands known to the public Utilities Commission .if
enough reports reach the commission , it wiil become clear that these are not isolated
instances. Citizens must demand that utility companies prove there is a strong need
put up more power lines in residential neighborhoods.
33. why is there concern over EMFs? C. Have their blood pressure
A. They intereupt radiao checked.
transmissions D. Turn off any computer
B. They discrupt computer equipment in the area.
operations. E. Turn on any computer in the
C. They negatively affect one’s area.
healt . 35. to who should concerned citizens
D. They damage power lines. report their findings?
E. They protect power lines. A. Atlantic gas & electric
34. how should a person handle an B. The public utilities commission
EMF problem? C. The omsk power station
A. Determine exactly what is D. The Oakville power authority
occurring. E. The power authority
B. Infrom nearby power stations.
36. How should citizen deal with the erection of new lines?
A. Have the lines put up in isolated areas.
B. Have the company shows that they are needed
C. Have the media focus its attention on the power company.
D. Have health surveys done of nearby residents.
E. Have environment surveys of nearby residents.
Text for questions 37 & 38
Jenny lane
65 pipeline highway
Anchorage, Alaska 95561
May 17, 2000
Dear George,
I would like to pass on to you the results of the research I have done in
determining a location for another outlet for our men’s clothing store.
I am considering an enclosed mall as opposed to a downtown single
address location, an outdoor strip mall, or a hotel complex. I have found that the
foot traffic at the enclosed mall is 55% more than the downtown location 35%
more than the strip mall, and 75% more than the hotel.
Additionally, the rent at the enclosed mall is only 30% higher than that of
the strip mall and the downtown location, and it is the same as the hotel rent. The
lease at both malls is five years, whereas the downtown location is four and the
hotel three.
All things considered, I think we’re better off with the enclosed mall.
Please drop me a line or an e-mail and let me know your thoughts on the matter.
Jenny lane
37. which location gets the B. 35%
most foot traffic? C. 55%
A. The hotel complex D. 75%
B. The downtown E. 85%
location 39.Why does Jenny recommend
C. The strip mall the enclosed mall?
D. The enclosed mall A. It has better parking
E. The clothing store B. The strip mall is too
38. what additional percentage long.
of foot traffic did the C. The rent is less.
enclosed mall have over D. The store should get
the strip mall? more customers.
A. 5% E. The parking is bad.
Text for questions 40 to 43

International test (TOEFL,GMAT or GRE) registration is now

available at EAS.You don’t have to worry for your test
registration.Change of Hours of Operation at EAS : In order to
provide more service to students please note that our hours of
operation will change as follows beginning april 1, 2014.

Monday – Friday : 8:00 – 16:30

Saturday : 9:30 – 13:00

Pre-admission orientation (PAO) : Every Thursday from 1:00 p.m. –

3:00 p.m.

this program highlights information on the edu

This program highlights information the education sytem in the USA,
Selecting the appropriate institution, general requirements for applying to
a collage and among other topics. Intitutionsal TOEFL test.
The test will be held in each of our for centers. Medan, Jakarta ,
Surabaya, and malang. This test is for individual who inted to familiarize
themselves with the TOEFL test formal. It is also good indicator of how
an individual will score on the internasional (CBT) test.
Seats are limited and filed on a first-come-first-serve basis . the test will
be held every Tuesday with the minimum10 participants.
Please contac 34525674 for details.
40. the purpose of the text is to…
abaout sevices EAS. A. Apply for the a job
A. Criticize B. Select a university
B. Describe C. Get a TOEFL score
C. Entertain D. Be familiar with a test
D. Persuade E. Change of hours of operation
E. Announce 43. “internation test (TOEFL,GMAT
41. the text is about… conducted by or GRE) registration is now
EAS. avaible at EAS” (paragraph 1)
A. Tests The word “available” means….
B. Services A. Suitable
C. Products B. Agreeable
D. School exams C. Profitable
E. Employee’s activities D. Accessible
42. to… one should atted pre- E. Dependable
Admission orientation.
Text for questions 44 to 47

The purpose of dieting is to lose weight, so that you will become more
attractive. You meight overeat because the food is everywhere around you. A
good way to reduce your calorie consumption is to go to places where there is
no food, in the train, for example.
There are more different diets nowadays diets nowadays. There are the F-
Plan, C-Plan, etc. The most effective diet is the X-Plan diet. One useful tip is to
keep a list of everything you eat. This is really good for big eaters because
compiling the list can cut down the time you spend eating. Finally when you’ve
finished the list, eat it. That’s your meal for the day. Crash diets are where you
can loose a stone in a week.
This is what we know as amputation.
For the really serious you can have you jaws wired together, which means
you have to exist on energy drinks.
You’ll eat least if you learn to chew slowly and savor your food. You will
cut down your food intake drastically if you chew mouthful 380 times. Avoid
using this technique during important business lunches.
44. A lot of people want to diet A. Getting more serious problem
because they want…. in cutting down the meal you
A. To reduce the calorie eat.
consumption B. Having a list of everything you
B. To cut down the food intake eat everywhere
C. To consume less calorie C. Cutting down the time you
D. To be attractive spend eating.
E. To lose weight D. Compiling the list of the food
45. To chew slowly ejoy your food you eat.
you eat , enable you to …. Your food E. Crashing the diet you have ever
intake . had.
A. Think about 47. The pupose of the text is to…
B. Cut down A. To tell past event about how to
C. Increase diet
D. Choose B. To give the explanation to
E. Add readers.
46. The advantage of keeping a list of C. To give report of how to diet
everything you eat is… D. To describe the way of diet
E. To entertain readers.
Text for questions 48 to 50
Everyone has something to offer, that is one of the most valuable things a child
can learn. So, disabled children should not go to a special school but place them in
regular schools with special needs. This can be of benefit to them.
Arif Rachman, an education expert, said,” Disabled children’s psychological
development will be better it they are included in a formal environment because
they will feel no different from normal kids.”Furthermore, placing disable children
in normal schools is not only benefit to the disabled but also to normal children.
For instant, they have to learn to respect others. They also learn about the value of
being together.
Therefore, to address learning needs for all people with a specific focus the
government should build inclusive education.
B. Disabled children has to respect
48. The text talks about disabled others.
children who…. C. Normal children can learn
A. have to respect others valuable thing.
B. should go to special school D. Covernment should build
C. should be placed in regular inclusive education.
schools E. Disabled children’s
D. will fell no different to psychological development will
formal children be better.
E. will be better it they are sent
to regular schools 50. To meet the learning needs, the
writer suggests that ….
49. What the most valuable thing a A. Everyone has something to
child learns? offer.
A. Everyone has something to B. Normal children has to
offer. respect others.
C. To government should build
inclusive education.
D. Disabled children should not
go to special schools.
E. Regular schools can be of
benefit to disabled children.

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